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Code understanding

I found below code in a Plugin. const sent_urls = () => { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('action', 'start_parsing'); formData.append('...
Foysal's user avatar
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Bulk data save in custom table

I have a form in admin page that store data in custom table, with multiple checkboxs. On form submit I need to save the checked box id with the store id it's related in a key pair way (store_id => ...
Francis's user avatar
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1 answer

How to let a user create a post by submitting a POST form?

So i have the following simple POST form in my home page: <form action="/wp-content/plugins/myplugin/my_create_post.php" method="POST"> <label for="title_given"...
PantelD's user avatar
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How to create a custom post-new.php page for plugin , no wp menu

I am currently creating an administrator plugin to manage and edit a large amount of separate information about establishments. I recreated a page with the list of articles which is linked to a new ...
Rak Arthus's user avatar
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How can I add a custom caclulation form in post?

I want to create a dunamic form to make calculation for users. It looks like shopping card. I can develop this in a custom html,js and css. But can I do this in a wordpress post? Or can I import a ...
barteloma's user avatar
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How can I pass form entry to another form on a new page

I have a sign up form on my homepage and would like to capture the user's entries and have them populated into the customer registration form on a new page. Is there a way to do this in WordPress?
Urick Esau's user avatar
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Not adding a new post?

I am trying to add a new post via the front form. This is how it looks: I insert the form in the right place via get_template_part, here is the form itself: <form class="consult__form-q&...
dg g4re's user avatar
2 votes
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How to automate filing a form as a user

Sincere apologies if this has been asked and answered. I'm a software developer with almost 0% experience in web. I write C/C++ engineering applications. I want to automate filling in a form on a ...
Craig Stelter's user avatar
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Redirecting wordpress search query to archive page

My sincere apologies for asking this question as I am quite certain that this is a relatively easy topic, unfortunately my many hours of searching got me no satisfying results. I do not mind ...
Martijn's user avatar
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How to build a site with a map that shows where people offer and need help?

I'm trying to build a site where people can ask and offer help to each other. The idea is that people could publish "help needed" and "help offered" posts by filling in a simple form (with address ...
juhanamp's user avatar
-1 votes
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HOW TO Insert Existing PHP Code to WOrdPress

I have an existing functionality from our companies website that lets you enter your reference order number and it will provide you a list of all items status on that order(It actually uses SOAP that ...
Alexter Philip de Guzman's user avatar
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WordPress retrieving $post based on random key in $_POST

I have a WordPress page /floorplans/ that is submitting a form with the attributes method="post" and action="/contact/" to the '/contact/' page. Before I do anything else on the contact page, I am ...
tklodd's user avatar
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How can I create a Survey Form in Wordpress that users can fill in and then submit the entire survey contents as a post?

I've created a form using WPForms Lite that has a bunch of fields: Text fields, check boxes, radio buttons, more text fields etc.... I want to allow a website user (author) to complete the survey/...
David Wiebe's user avatar
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WP Ajax returning 0, can't find action

I've searched around a lot for an answer on this topic, and even though there's lots of questions surrounding this issue I'm yet to have found a solution that works for me. The problem I'm having is ...
TidyLuke's user avatar
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Ajax posts filter by date, comments, top views, top likes

I'm trying to create a simple Ajax posts filter, It's working with date and comment but not working with the top views or top likes. So, how can i make the isset( $_POST['top-views'] and isset( $...
Adham Mohamed's user avatar
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Contributive page where people logged in can write

I'd like to have a page on my wordpress site where people can add a content really simply. They would click on a link that open a popup where they can login, add a content, and that's it. It would be ...
Rudy Pignot-Malapert's user avatar
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Secretly passing post ID/title etc into a shortcode form automatically to link submission to post

A plugin shortcode displays a form underneath each post. Within the form thus displayed, there are numerous visible fields to be filled by users. There is also a hidden field to update a meta key ...
Ebe's user avatar
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CF7 upload file failing [closed]

So I've been trying to solve this for days now but just don't get it. I have a form on a Wordpress site (Contact form 7) where a user can fill in some data and submit it, this will then create a post ...
nyy's user avatar
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Get Video Attachment to post

There is a plugin that let’s me upload a title, description and image with a form. If you send it, it creates and automatic post with the title, description and the image. The code for showing the ...
Bas's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Handling error states with admin_post

I have a front-end form posting to admin_post. Here, I do some validation. If there are errors, I want to show an error message for the relevant fields. However, I don't know how to redirect back to ...
Kevin Robinson's user avatar
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2 answers

Post Form Results to Table in Same page

Is there a way to simply have a form in a page that the user can fill in and on submit continually populate a table directly underneath the the submit button. This information must also be saved/...
dealer58's user avatar
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HTML Form Submit to table in same page

I have the form and works fine. On submit I have no idea where the data is going. I want it to go into a table on the same page. What am I doing wrong? <form id="myForm" action="" method="post" ...
dealer58's user avatar
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Creating a frontend blog post form for logged in users only

I recently tried to make a form for users that are logged in to be able to add a post from the frontend to their profiles. The problems I have found are the following: ANYBODY can post from it, even ...
anielfeyt's user avatar
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Post + form + action + results on the same page

I'm trying to put on a post a custom form and, on the same page I'd like to visualize the results of an action on the form. But I'm missing the basics. Essentially I'd like to do something like this....
Mario Stefanutti's user avatar
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How to convert contact form 7 submission to post after submission? [closed]

I have developed Contact Form 7 and I want to create a post directly after the user submits the form in WordPress. I am not able to do that. Can anyone suggest any plugin or method?
Rahul Pamnani's user avatar
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Ajax the create and edit post form into lightbox and get results

So I have a Wordpress site I built that has custom post types and references to those post types inside others. Example: Custom Post Type 1 Custom Post Type 2 - References Type 1 on two fields Custom ...
Coyote6's user avatar
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How to get the form code from the edit page of a specific post?

On a site I'm working on, in the profile page - for example - I have to display the content from a few custom posts (additional details, location details, billing). And instead of having the user ...
Alex Protopopescu's user avatar
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Trying to fix form resubmition with PRG (Getting error: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by)

I'm developing WordPress plugin which has POST form and I'm trying to fix the well-known bug - resubmission. I chose the method PRG (Post/Redirect/Get). I created separate file called process.php ...
Tomas's user avatar
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How to integrate a form (Ninja Form or Contact Form 7) with Custom Post Types?

I am creating a website where organizers can come and post their events. Data will be accepted via a form and when the user submits the form, the data must be utilized to create a custom post that ...
Ram Iyer's user avatar
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redirect to uploaded (wordpress) post after form submission from front-end

I'm using the following code to redirect the page, in order to prevent re-submission of the form. And it does fine job doing redirection to the homepage. And my website is based on the WordPress, ...
anandmongol's user avatar
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How to Submit Post Via cURL & PHP

Thanks for reading. I'm trying to submit a post via PHP. I'm filling in a large number of posts from a good amount of data I've scraped so I need this to be automated. I don't have the time (or ...
domdambrogia's user avatar
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Display result of custom form

The website I am working on can list restaurants and we can rate them. Currently, I'm developing a multi criteria search to find the good one. I created a custom HTML form with XYZ Html (plugin) and ...
Paul Negroni's user avatar
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Post from front end form to post_meta

I want to save a value from the frontend of a post to the post_meta table. Sofar I have this, but it won't save...... I have read that I could use the update_post_meta even if the meta_key doesn't ...
Interactive's user avatar
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form $_post action value gets truncated after it passes through two forms

There are three pages page1, page2 and page3. When I press submit on my first form on page 1 my group name field can be catched with $_POST['groupname'] in the destination page but in the page 2 I ...
Zeeshan's user avatar
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Passed variable gets undefined variable error on insert on next page

I am passing a variable with $_POST to another page and on the destination page I want to perform an insert operation and want to use that passed value . The variable "$mygroup" is coming from a forms ...
Zeeshan's user avatar
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Dynamic form variables for post meta

I am trying to create a dynamic form in the wordpress admin where I can add a line and still be able to process the variables into the database as post meta. I've done quite a bit of research and ...
RiotAct's user avatar
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How can I fix a slow redirect after form submit from frontend (no plugin)?

Below is the code I'm using for my short-coded form and to add the post. Here's a basic overview of the problem I'm trying to remedy: -This form is displayed on the page at /addmember/ -On this ...
WorkingMan8798's user avatar
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Changing a field value on submit using a PHP variable

Preface: Ok, I know people are going to tell me "use JavaScript" To you people I'll say "No! I don't want to!" but I have a valid reason: Problem overview: I have a plugin which ...
Robodashy's user avatar
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Let readers suggest edits from the frontend

I'd like to make my articles editable at the front-end for any reader who visits the site. (More like a wiki). I don't really want to trouble them through the registration process. I have no idea how ...
Ken's user avatar
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AJAX fileupload - TypeError: not a function ajaxSubmit()

I have a plugin that works as a standard POST but not as an AJAX POST request. I am getting a not a function error in Firebug with this function: TypeError: jQuery(...).ajaxSubmit is not a function ...
jharrell's user avatar
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Save/retrieve form data best practises for theme development

I'm building a theme and I have a custom page template with a <form> which is for the vistors to fill in and submit. I'm processing the data with help from hooks and this is all separated from ...
estrar's user avatar
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Front-end form submission not creating post

I'm trying to use a front end form to create a post. I've been trying for a while now but I the post is not created. I'm using the code below, i'm not sure if i've forgot something. <?php ...
Steven_Harris_'s user avatar
-1 votes
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form to post multiple inputs into post_content

I have a form, with multiple inputs that I am trying to get posted to the wordpress "post_content". I am able to get the title field and only one other field to post successfully, only when making a ...
KJThaDon's user avatar
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POST from jQuery to PHP

I have a form that passes field values to jQuery, which validates the fields and creates the variables being sent in data: {} in the snippet below. $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "<?php ...
Nick Passaro's user avatar
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User driven content problems

I am trying to build a website that will allow users to post from the front end. I need to be able to have the user enter a title, a category, and tags. For the content of the post, I would ideally ...
Nick Passaro's user avatar
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Capturing POST data

I am trying to modify the Member Status Plugin so that the status are based on the data saved on a custom database table. Basically I wanted to change the administration menu with a form that can ...
user1423172's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a form post wordpress custom navigation link?

I work with a church that has a donate button on their site. The button uses a form post to connect with their simple checkout item and they want a button on the navigation to link to the donation ...
Cecily's user avatar
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How to get an error message if a form is empty (plugin: Post for site) [closed]

I wonder if you intelligent friends can detect the problem in this code. I want the form to display an error message if it's empty. Now it just goes to my completed form page. <?php /* * * * ...
fortes's user avatar
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Filter/Sort Post Form On Taxonomy page

I am trying to create a form on the taxonomy template that will be able to filter the posts the current user is viewing. I want to use a few drop downs and submit button to do so. My code looks like ...
730wavy's user avatar
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Making a form for user to add new custom post with custom taxonomies and custom fields

I want to ask that is there a way display all my custom taxonomies in a drop down menu with checkboxes so when the user check any taxonomy it will be slected and when the user click the submit button ....
FAWAZ's user avatar
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