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Questions tagged [custom-taxonomy]

Since WordPress 2.3, plugin and theme authors have had the ability to create custom taxonomies-- essentially specialized "categories"-- to help organize information.

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Make URL of a post pretty using JetEngine

I am currently using JetEngine and I have created a Custom Post Type named Creator. I also created a Taxonomy named Creator Categories. I have a Creator post named Beyond the Wall which I assigned a ...
Tsukimoto Mitsumasa's user avatar
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Allow HTML in custom taxonomy description, and show it on front end

Sorry I'm quite new at coding, and also working with WordPress and ACF, and I'm trying my best but I can't figure this out: I'm trying to load my taxonomy description in rich text. Currently I'm using ...
Casper Boon's user avatar
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Changing URL Parameters for Taxonomy in WordPress

I have two taxonomies: Genres and Occasions. I want to have my parameters "translated" and treated the same as my original parameters. Currently, it only responds the correct way to ...
vood's user avatar
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Show Hide Post Information based on term clicked by user

let me explain my requirements. I have WordPress website and I have created a custom post type reviews. Single post have acf fields which I want to show up depending upon the the term user clicks on ...
Amit Singh's user avatar
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wp_insert_term how to insert "<" or ">" in description

so i'm trying to insert an image to wp_insert_term() by $args = array ( 'description' => '<img src="src">'); wp_insert_term( 'sample', 'taxonomy', $args ) ; However it is being ...
Kenneth Gervacio's user avatar
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Only show taxonomy on top level posts

Is there a simple way of only showing a custom taxonomy on top level posts for a custom post type in admin interface? Example: I have a CPT, product, and a custom taxonomy called color. But I only ...
lepardman's user avatar
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has_term not returning anything

I have a queried list of calendar events that I am trying to check if they have custom taxonomy terms. Within the loop, I have a list of "if" statements for outputting terms from the ...
GrabBag-Charles's user avatar
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How to Dynamically Filter Custom Post Types by Taxonomy Based on URL in Elementor Pro and ACF?

I'm building a WordPress site using Elementor Pro and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). I have two custom post types: Countries (for country pages) and Sights (for different sights/landmarks in each ...
user10629239's user avatar
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How to correctly edit permalink structures for both default and custom posts/taxonomies?

I've renamed the default post type in my site 'Articles' using the following function: // Replace Posts Label with Articles in Admin Panel function change_post_menu_label() { global $menu; ...
mtm's user avatar
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How to Display News in a Timeline with Headline, Category, and Time?

I am working on a project where I need to display news articles in a timeline (Latest news). I want each news item to be structured as follows: • The title of the news article • Category (e.g., “...
code2goat's user avatar
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How to Bulk Update CPT Taxonomy Values Using CSV Lookup Table

I have a CPT named Places on a very large website with a few million posts. Each post has a value for the taxonomy States (e.g, FL). Normally I use WP All Import, but it's very slow. Processes about ...
J.R.'s user avatar
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Registering A Custom Post Type/Taxonomy from Plugin

I see similar questions, but I think I am just too inexperienced to understand the solutions. I am using the Agile Store Locator, which allows us to manage multiple locations. I want to somehow ...
Anya Curry's user avatar
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Is there a way to edit non-custom term attributes?

I have a custom post type (FAQs), taxonomy (FAQ Categories) and everytime I want to create one it appears all the same name, slug, parent, description fields. I was wondering... If there is a ...
neke90's user avatar
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Can't retrieve custom post type taxonomy term to custom post type editor

I have 2 main problems: I can't seem to add editor_name custom field to default/native WordPress list of request URL query parameters. This is the request WordPress is using: http://localhost/wp-...
neke90's user avatar
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Add body class to custom post type

I'd like to add a category class to body_class for custom post type to change body background color. I tried to rework the following code to work with custom post types, but no dice. It works with ...
Single_pete's user avatar
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Assign Default Taxonomy to Post When Created

I'd like to associate new posts created under a custom post type to automatically be given a custom taxonomy term. As a heads up here are the parameters Custom Post Type Name: business_ser_dir_ltg ...
Felicia Santos's user avatar
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How can I get the categories and subcategories separately?

I am using this code to get the categories and subcategories from the reference page. It is quite good because it allows me to sort them hierarchically. But I would like to give them two different ...
Antonino Lattene's user avatar
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Right to Left WordPress (Farsi) Changing the Order of Taxonomy to Term in URL

Using WordPress Farsi(Right to Left), I am seeing an issue in my URL which is instead of rendering the URL as Domain/Taxonomy/Term/ format I am getting in reverse order as Domain/Term/Taxonomy/ ...
Behseini's user avatar
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Display prev / next posts links from the same category with thumbnails in Wordpress

I am no so good in PHP and I would like to ask someone for help: I want when I am in single post, to show something like related posts to this that I am in. But arrows links with thumbs to next and ...
Landisher's user avatar
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How to get custom taxonomy from Custom Post Type to display in Post Block in Unlimited Elements

I have a custom post type called merit_badge and a custom taxonomy called counselor. I am trying to get it into a Post Block on Unlimited Elements. This is what I have so far and I'm using CPT UI to ...
Bob Marley's user avatar
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Having trouble querying multiple custom taxonomies

Currently trying to find only posts that match multiple custom taxonomies however im getting zero posts every time i try. How can i filter these multiple taxonomies using the and relation if some ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Creating subpages for each custom post type

I have a custom post type (created with ACF), called shops. Each shop has data for example about working hours, which are separated in each custom field (Monday, Tuesday, wednesday etc.). I have all ...
pomaaa's user avatar
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Change filter id into slug

I have a link like this when filter products by taxonomy "brand" I'm trying to change the link to how can ...
Phuc Khung's user avatar
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Same Custom Post Type Slug and Custom Taxonomy Slug, with hierarchial unique permalink structure

I am new to wordpress custom post type and re-writing urls'. I have created a Custom Post Type with slug 'industry' further re-writen to 'industries' and Custom Taxonomy associated to it with same ...
divy3993's user avatar
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Adding a language rule and displaying posts with a custom taxonomy term on its archive page

The WordPress website I'm working on is available in two languages using Polylang, en-US and en-PH. I use CPT UI and have a custom taxonomy "subtopic" that is not multilingual. Under "...
Sum's user avatar
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WordPress CPT & Custom Taxonomy with the SAME Permalink Structure

I have a CPT: 'Guide' and Custom Taxonomy 'Guide Category'. What I want to achieve is: The CPT permalink structure is: So that the following should ...
Elgameel's user avatar
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Add Shortcode functionality to a function that queries custom post type / taxonomy

How to output a UL of items and URLS for custom taxonomy? The plugin 'CPT UI' (Custom Post Type UI) is very good at creating custom post types. I have created a post type called 'Towns' that has a ...
Adam Fletcher's user avatar
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Custom taxonomy still using query URL after fixing error

I made a mistake when creating a new custom taxonomy and custom post type. Here's the line in the custom taxonomy with the error... register_taxonomy('resource-category', ['qp_resource'], $args); The ...
juusui's user avatar
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WP_Query on custom taxonomy -> Location and Activity

A store location site displays stores based on region, town OR activity. I am using the WP Store Locator plugin and also using Divi Builder to create the pages. This is proving quite powerful and I ...
Adam Fletcher's user avatar
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Array terms, if term one, if term two, etc

I'm working on a function for bibliographic citations. To make it more dynamic the author of the book is a custom taxonomy (autoria). If the book only has one author, the citation begins with the last ...
Oox's user avatar
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How to enforce a requirement for custom taxonomy

I’d like to set a custom taxonomy as required, i.e. authors must select at least one term from the taxonomy in order to save or update a post of a specified set of custom post type. If they haven't ...
Chris_Heu's user avatar
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How do I know if an archive correspond to a custom post type taxonomy?

I am new to php and Wordpress. I currently have custom type named "helppost" that should hold Help posts. It has three categories: 'Getting Started' with slug "getting-started" '...
Aimn's user avatar
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WP_Query not using relation key as expected and not producing any results

I have created a custom post type service-provider with custom taxonomies region and service-category - By itself, this search works as expected BUT I want to also search on an ACF field. I have an ...
php-b-grader's user avatar
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Issue with WordPress Automatically Assigning Terms to Multiple Posts

Hello WordPress community, I'm encountering an issue where WordPress is automatically assigning newly created terms to multiple posts in my installation. When I create a new term (custom taxonomy: ...
Danish Mohammed's user avatar
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Showing all posts of the current custom taxonomy on archive page

I have created a custom post (houses) and a custom taxonomy (houses_area). On each houses_area archive page, I want to see all the posts displayed by alphabetical order. I get stuck in calling the ...
Anna's user avatar
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Which filters control the Categories page (or a custom taxonomy page) in the Admin?

I have a custom taxonomy. When I go to the page in the admin where it can be managed - edit-tags.php?taxonomy=bundles&post_type=kea_activity I see a table with headings for Name, Description, Slug,...
Kropotkin's user avatar
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Using Custom Taxonomy in Default Post Slug

Hoping for some help... This relates to similar questions but with some variation where I haven't been able to get to a working solution. What I'm trying to do I want to use my created custom ...
Danny C's user avatar
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translating a custom taxonomy term in a shortcode

I tryed this code but the german version is not working (italian is ok) $lang = substr( get_locale(), 0, 2 ); global $post; if ('it' != $lang ) { $term_name = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), 'intro_'.$...
Andrea Sacconi's user avatar
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Remove slug and custom post type name from URL

I have a custom post type "treatment", under this CPT the taxonomy "treatment_category" which forntend slug is "category" right now the URL for category displaying as ...
user1419170's user avatar
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how can I get the selected term of a custom taxonomy

Taxonomy name is "intro". I'm inside a shortcode so I dont need to echo.I need a variable for the selected taxonomy term to put in the return. What I do has no effect $terms2 = ...
Andrea Sacconi's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a single rewrite rule to handle multiple variables depending on what is present?

I have the following rewrite rule to handle when all arguments are present: add_action('init', 'ebd_custom_rewrite_rules'); function ebd_custom_rewrite_rules() { add_rewrite_rule('^shop-region/(.*)...
Tommizzy's user avatar
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How to get the proper category in permalink with custom post type assigned to multiple categories

I was wondering if you could help me with the following issue. I have read a lot of cases, but couldn't trace anywhere good answer which explain, how this works. I created a custom post type: project ...
Brango's user avatar
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Filter on one post type with taxonimy and get other post type

I would like to fetch my posts of type 'news', 'videos', 'webinars', 'whitepapers', 'testimonials', and 'landing-pages' and apply a "filter" to only get the landing-pages type with the ...
WypSteur's user avatar
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ACF - Tags not showing up in Custom Post Types

I have a tags taxonomy and then I've added it to my CPT, however it does not give me the option to add tags to my CPT now. How do I get it to do that?
user3382763's user avatar
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Set Variant options/attributes values on WooCommerce

I can insert variant options/attributes with no default values(variant name) in order to display following Variant options area with selected attribute names(Renk,Beden) on the product, by using ...
blueway's user avatar
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Hide load more button if no more post in selected category

I have built a ajax post loading program in wordpress where i load post depending on category and current post type. ive got it all working except hiding the load more button if no more post. ive been ...
Beep's user avatar
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get total post in category via ajx

Aim The total to be equal to the amount of post within the selected category or sub category. What im getting I am getting 0 when trying to get the number of post available in a category. My aim is to ...
Beep's user avatar
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Hot to show custom post type taxonomies on archive page

I have a custom port type 'apartments' and each apartment has several parametres which I made into custom taxonomies, like 'number of rooms', 'area', 'region', 'status', etc. The task is to show all ...
Ava Northon's user avatar
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Taxonomy question how to add more data

Normally taxonomy has a name and a value in the template I'm using it has a name value and what they call category what I'm wondering is what function call in PHP do you use to set that category I ...
RichardS's user avatar
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How does WordPress manage to differentiate between post and page URLs without a distinct base, and how can I replicate this functionality?

I want clean URLs without a custom taxonomy name or custom post name. The project and its structure are somewhat complex. The customer wants certain strings from a third party plugin to be removed ...
Rick Pestel's user avatar

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