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How to edit custom table data in frontend

I am trying to edit the data from the table in the frontend. when I click the edit the form doesn't anything it show only empty field Html Code <form action="" id="postjob" ...
Snow's user avatar
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2 answers

How to link Wordpress heartbeat to ajax form

I have a form that $_POSTs an input value, and user's ID that saves the data to the database: // frontend form <form id="form"> <input type="radio" name="location" id="name1" value="1"&...
markb's user avatar
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2 answers

Front end register with custom fields

Im currently working on a front end form using some code found here - orginal add_action('template_redirect', 'register_a_user'); function register_a_user(){ if(isset($_GET['do']) && $_GET['...
730wavy's user avatar
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Front End Registration Form Code - Password Field Not Saving

I have a front end registration form which almost works perfect except that the passwords are not being set correctly. In my functions.php I have - /** * Registration form * */ add_action('...
730wavy's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Front End Post Save Child terms

Im trying to update my front end post form which allows me to save my custom taxonomy parent term, but now I need to save the child term that's selected. NHB is for Neighborhood which are child terms ...
730wavy's user avatar
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How to edit custom user meta information front end

Im trying to allow users to update custom user_meta fields on the front end of the site. Its working fine on the back end however on a front end page when pressing update the page goes blank, however ...
rob12345's user avatar
2 votes
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Datepicker not supporting timepicker

The datepicker is working perfect but datetimepicker is not working at front side in wordpress-4.6.1. Edit I have got this in static html using bootstrap-datetimepicker.js but i don't want to use ...
Shailesh Chauhan's user avatar
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Getting Custom post category from Form

To start. I fairly new with php and finding my way around. I have created a form (to capture customer testimonials on the front end) and create a draft custom post type called "testimonials" It works ...
Mohamed Aljamil's user avatar
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wp_nonce for Front-End submission form not working

The nonce is not working. Even if I leave out the title field, it will still submit the post. Any ideas? I just want to verify each field and if it is empty, you will get a message ("Please fill...") ...
Alexander Georgiev's user avatar
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Why doesn't a form need an 'action' with a plugin that uses the post data?

So I'm still rather new to WordPress plugins. And there's one thing that I'm not sure of. I'm building a front-end form that allows users to post posts. In this guide down below there's a plugin made ...
mesqueeb's user avatar
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Post from front end form to post_meta

I want to save a value from the frontend of a post to the post_meta table. Sofar I have this, but it won't save...... I have read that I could use the update_post_meta even if the meta_key doesn't ...
Interactive's user avatar
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3 answers

WordPress AJAX File Upload - FrontEnd

So I have been reading through every WordPress front-end AJAX file upload tutorial I can fine. Nothing is working for me at the moment. The one that makes the most sense to me is this one: http://...
hootsmctoots84's user avatar
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How to set up an auto delete post?

I want to create a form in which when a front-end sets a date and on that date the post gets automatically deleted. Is it possible?
Megh Gandhi's user avatar
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Reason action hook won't work with update_post_meta from frontend form? Alternative?

The code below works when I am inserting a post/using add_post_meta when submitting a form. The page refresh is flawless (see How can I fix a slow redirect after form submit from frontend (no plugin)?)...
WorkingMan8798's user avatar
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Update a string from the front-end

I want to have a form with a submit button, that every time the user clicks on submit, it updates a string (named order_string) and sends it to the back-end form to process. This is a part of my code ...
inverted_index's user avatar
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How to make front end form only accept certain values

I have a front end form, I need that form to attach a taxonomy term to the post, however, I have offered users a dropdown of options, 'a dropdown of custom taxonomy terms.' To create this drop down i ...
NDog's user avatar
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Front end page submission form does not attach custom post type

This side of WordPress is completely new to me, but is also extremely important. I have created a form that allows me to upload a page, with all the parameters I need, however a custom taxonomy is not ...
NDog's user avatar
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2 answers

Let readers suggest edits from the frontend

I'd like to make my articles editable at the front-end for any reader who visits the site. (More like a wiki). I don't really want to trouble them through the registration process. I have no idea how ...
Ken's user avatar
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WordPress Frontend Post Form (Bootstrap Modal) Not Creating Post

I have a form in a separate PHP file in the theme directory and it's being included in the sidebar of the main page template. The form is inside a Boostrap modal. I've been trying to use this code to ...
A Kumar's user avatar
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Custom Taxonomy Not Saving in Front End Post

I am trying to create a front end posting form that will allow users to create a post when schools are closed. I have 4 custom taxonomies closed_schools, study_open, safe_arrival, hour_delay. each has ...
bilcker's user avatar
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Edit User Profile From Front End

I have taken reference from this link. I have used Plugin cimy user extra fields for extra users' field. I have taken few extra fields such as picture upload and file upload. Now I want to edit ...
Nikhil's user avatar
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3 answers

Validating custom fields before post save

After much unsuccessful searching, I'm hoping someone here can help me out. I am using Advanced Customs Fields (I assume most people are familiar) to create a post from the front end. I want to ...
Eckstein's user avatar
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How to insert multiple checkbox values into post as custom fields from frontend

I need to use a form in the front-end that allows people to post. I have tried to keep the minimum code in order to focus only on the issue (mentioned below) at hand. EXAMPLE FORM: <form ...
gurung's user avatar
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Front end update_post_meta Help

I followed the help provided in this question but cannot get the form save the data. I tried using 'save_post' action hook to try and save the post like we do for admin side. Any help would be highly ...
sri's user avatar
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Front-End Interfaces Without Shortcodes

So, I consider myself a "advanced novice" at WordPress development but I still do not have the concept of pages and templates fully understood. I'm having an issue with a feature I'm attempting to ...
clockwiseq's user avatar
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Using AJAX with Forms

I am attempting to validate and submit a form using AJAX in WordPress, however, the response that I am getting is 0. According to the codex, this would seem to indicate that admin-ajax is unable to ...
William's user avatar
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User driven content problems

I am trying to build a website that will allow users to post from the front end. I need to be able to have the user enter a title, a category, and tags. For the content of the post, I would ideally ...
Nick Passaro's user avatar
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Headers already sent on a frontend post form using wp_redirect before get_header

I've gone through the various issues with headers already sent, checking for white space and making sure that the get_header line appears after the wp_redirect but I'm stuck. The code is: <?php ...
annabwashere's user avatar
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Built-in data validation function for URLs

I have a front-end form where people can submit their website URL. I'm actually verifying URLs in Wordpress with a PHP function and I would like to know if there is a built-in function that allows me ...
Mooncake's user avatar
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Adding a new user from the front end

I have a front end form that creates a new post from users that are not required to login. However, I need to create a new user based on the information passed in the form. As it is right now I can ...
Carrie's user avatar
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Get user input from a form

I am trying to create a form that will allow users to update their information on the front end. I am just starting to learn PHP (I know C# very well). If I use this code to create a form on a ...
William's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

Set Featured Image Front Frontend Form

I have been struggling for days to figure this one out. I have successfully implemented a form to submit posts from the front end of my site. ButI can't figure out how to make the image uploads work. ...
Eckstein's user avatar
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Problem uploading different files as custom fields with front end post form

I have a front end post form that I'm having some problems getting the right path for the media to save as custom fields. The path to the file gets saved as
Pollux Khafra's user avatar
3 votes
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Saving two categories from two dropdowns in front end posting form

So, here's the deal: I have two category dropdowns, the first for the parent categories and the second for the child categories. They form a chain so that when you select the parent category the ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Saving frontend form data in wordpress

I have front-end user form like, Title Image Upload Drop Down Category Description Tag Now when a user fills the form and hits the publish button from the front-end..... at the back-end a post is ...
Solomon Henry's user avatar
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Uploading PDF files from the front-end

I am working on a Wordpress site that has a custom front-end form for submitting posts. I need to add a field in the form to allow users upload a single PDF file along with the post. How can I achieve ...
3ph's user avatar
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Autocomplete for taxonomy input boxes on a front end form

I have created a simple frontend form to allow users to submit posts - similar to the tutorial here - . I also have a couple of custom taxonomies which i have as text input ...
coolGeek's user avatar
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3 answers

Redirection not working in this front end post submission form?

I found this tutorial to create a front end post submission form: It doesn't matter what I type on wp_redirect( '' ); I don't get redirected to anywhere. Just the same page but ...
wyc's user avatar
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Custom form, shortcode, and submit handler

I have a frontend form with a bunch of input. My requirements force me to use a custom shortcode to create the form. I have already tested a page with that shortcode. Here's my : <form name="...
ariefbayu's user avatar
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6 answers

How to display user registration form on front-end of the website?

How to display the WordPress user registration form (the form that appears in "" page) in the front end of my blog? I have customised the registration form. But don't ...
user avatar
91 votes
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How to edit a user profile on the front end?

How can I edit a user profile in the front end with a form? first name, last name, username, email address and password
Carson's user avatar
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What is an easy way to display a front-end user registration form?

I'm looking for an easy way to place the user registration form on the front-end of a WordPress site. I've already used wp_login_form() to place the login form on the front end, but now I need to do ...
Pippin's user avatar
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