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I am trying to add form using ACF plugin and acf_form() function, but my user fields dont show up properly

I am new at wordpress, so i am very sorry if this is a stupid question, but anyway... I am trying to create form on frontend to add my custom post types with custom fields which i created using ACF ...
Tasha Yan's user avatar
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Issue using form in Google app in mobile

I have a contact form on my website, and I'm utilizing Contact Form 7 (CF7) plugin for it. However, when I fill out the form using the Google app on my mobile device, the page seems to reload somehow. ...
Baim Quraisy's user avatar
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Populate Elementor Form based on first selection

for better understanding, check this elementor tutorial starting with 10:10 min, is what I need. Instead of Options 1, 2, 3, etc, I have ...
Vali Dragomir's user avatar
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Need some suggestions with Relationship fields and CPT/ACF

I am tasked with creating a Student/Teacher Portal where among other things, I need a way to build a way for Admins to assign Teacher with Students based upon Subject and Age group (Age for students). ...
RitZz's user avatar
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No plugin populate user information in to form

I want to create my own form in order to get information on my site. For learning purposes, I do not want to use a plugin. So, please don't tell me to use one. I know they are easy to use, but I want ...
Mac's user avatar
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How to add fields in custom registration form, validate it and aave to db? [closed]

I use a WP theme with a custom registration form. I want to add two fields to it (for phone number and company name). What to add to the php file of the form and what to the function file of theme ...
Vladimir Dimitrow's user avatar
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Excluding Specific Fields from Profile Builder Registration Form

I understand that in order to add extra fields to the default WordPress user, one must use a plugin such as Profile Builder. Such plugins also provide short-codes for linking signup and login forms ...
The Feadow's user avatar
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Is it possible to update the total price on the checkout page in woocommerce from a custom field

I would like to know how I go about this. Let's say I have some items in my checkout page in woocommerce. I want to apply a gift card to the order, I can't use a gift card plugin because it is ...
Anders Kitson's user avatar
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Changing form action based on selected value

I am making a form using elementor pro. Is it possible to take an action following an user's choice? p.e. Question "Which Item do you prefer?" radiobutton1 - first item radiobutton2 - second ...
Reman's user avatar
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Wordpress posts with multiple fields

I am helping my kid create a website on Dinosaurs. I have a PHP hosting available so first though of creating a custom app. But since was primarily about displaying text with images I then went for ...
Dchucks's user avatar
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WordPress Settings API Repeatable fields

I'm trying to find a way to add repeatable fields inside a custom admin page that I've made. Code: /*WordPress Menus API.*/ function add_new_menu_items() { add_menu_page( ...
trunks's user avatar
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General Term for this form Field

I'm trying to find out what you call a Field where you can select like lets say What department do you want to contact? then its Departments: [Tech] [Sale's] ect I use Formidable ...
Azury's user avatar
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auto populate list of questions if user select a category xyz

I have a custom post type job with a category of different type. each type of job has it's own list of questions that I want user to answer. is there a plugin that i can use to achieve something like ...
Yama's user avatar
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Meta Key array building with multiple input values from fields

I'm trying to build a custom form using UserFrontend on wordpress and I need to copy an array from one of the known meta keys from WooCommerce. Only thing is I'm not sure how to approach this issue as ...
aangel10's user avatar
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How can I add a simple custom field to my plugin?

I have a custom plugin that I'm trying to edit. I didn't develop the plugin. I just need to add a textarea to it and save the contents. I have the field added, but I can't get it to save. This simply ...
Lz430's user avatar
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limit amount of photos uploaded per cpt post

On my site I have a front end form for users to create a post and upload images. It works fine however I cant seem to figure out how to limit the number of images per post. The image attachments get ...
730wavy's user avatar
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How to handle a custom form in wordpress to submit to another page?

I know in PHP I can just put action equal to random.php file and process the data there, but how in wordpress can I use already existing page with a custom template to submit a form to, so that after ...
Limpuls's user avatar
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Save attachment custom fields on front end

I have a front end post form that lets users upload multiple photos and on there I have 2 input fields to try and save custom meta data for each attachment - $vid_pix = get_post_meta($v_Id, 'vid_pix',...
730wavy's user avatar
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Advanced search form with multiple custom fields

I'm working in a site that allows to search for lawsuits about medical malpractice, the client wants to have a search form almost equal to the one in this site: All ...
jeruki's user avatar
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Removing custom meta data

I wrote some code to add some custom meta boxes to my theme admin panel, and it works like a charm. The problem is I can't figure out how to make it so I can remove some of the data too. Example: I ...
Morsus's user avatar
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ACF form edit front end post title does not change permalink

I have create edit ACF form in front end and i wrote that post title can be edit also by that form. but when I change post title field, my permalink does not change based on title. <?php ...
Diana Rider's user avatar
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Front end register with custom fields

Im currently working on a front end form using some code found here - orginal add_action('template_redirect', 'register_a_user'); function register_a_user(){ if(isset($_GET['do']) && $_GET['...
730wavy's user avatar
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How to fix a conflict cause by my theme with Woocommerce and/or Gravity Forms?

1) I've tested that it is the theme that is the culprit as I have tried with all other themes and woocommerce forms and gravity forms look perfect. 2) It happens in my child theme but also in my ...
Steve's user avatar
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Contact Form 7 List Building

i'm Graphic Designer and I was recently hired as a front-end at an agency. There I have a lot of demand for landing page with forms. I currently create forms with contact form 7 and the newsletter ...
Pedro Gelli's user avatar
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what would be a good example of a php dynamic code to display contents of textarea?

ok, guys this one is tricky at least for me. I have been given a template called page-warranty-registration.php and in this area towards the end: <option value="10">10</option>...
Daniel's user avatar
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Datepicker not supporting timepicker

The datepicker is working perfect but datetimepicker is not working at front side in wordpress-4.6.1. Edit I have got this in static html using bootstrap-datetimepicker.js but i don't want to use ...
Shailesh Chauhan's user avatar
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How to integrate a form (Ninja Form or Contact Form 7) with Custom Post Types?

I am creating a website where organizers can come and post their events. Data will be accepted via a form and when the user submits the form, the data must be utilized to create a custom post that ...
Ram Iyer's user avatar
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How to update user profile custom fields

I have created custom fields on my registration form, such as 'telephone', using Theme My Login. I have found a way to make them appear in the backend (on the User page) but I can't update those ...
userator's user avatar
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Login_form add to top of form rather then bottom

I have added a 3rd field on the login page, but it shows at the bottom(underneath password) while I would like it to show above Username. How can I manipulate the order of fields? This is the code I ...
Evergetic's user avatar
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How to add the post ID (or any other post data) to a Contact Form 7 mail?

I've downloaded Contact Form 7 to add contact forms adding a simple snippet after every post, and I've added it in functions.php like this : //if post type I add a form function is_post_type($type) ...
Alfro's user avatar
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Adding custom field in menu options [duplicate]

Please take a look at this image Is there's anyway I can add another field called "Font Awesome Icon" for the user to write the icon class and the output should be like this:
99teko's user avatar
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Forms with multiple element types using custom post types

I am building a forms component and am looking for the following functionality. Each form would have multiple questions and multiple question types ( like text boxes, radio buttons, selection drop ...
Teja-amil's user avatar
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Displaying database table in backend of wordpress

So basically I'm working on a job website for a client where they post jobs and users can apply for these jobs with a form that writes to the database with their inputed information.. I have set up a ...
Levi Cole's user avatar
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Meta Box Data added to header redirect

I got a lot of my code from this post: Create more Meta Boxes as needed What I need to happen is the user input a code and it redirects them to a specific url. I know I'm grabbing the data correctly ...
JeanLeSheep's user avatar
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How to insert multiple checkbox values into post as custom fields from frontend

I need to use a form in the front-end that allows people to post. I have tried to keep the minimum code in order to focus only on the issue (mentioned below) at hand. EXAMPLE FORM: <form ...
gurung's user avatar
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Custom profile field with birthday. Troubles with <select>

I made custom profile fields for birthday data. function my_user_field( $user ) { $birthday_day = esc_attr( get_the_author_meta( 'birthday_day', $user->ID ) ); $...
okonik's user avatar
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Form fields based on custom fields

I need to create a contest forms where the fields are based on values in several custom fields. The form layout is to be somewhat static, except from the contest questions (labels) and the type of ...
EyesX's user avatar
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Making a form for user to add new custom post with custom taxonomies and custom fields

I want to ask that is there a way display all my custom taxonomies in a drop down menu with checkboxes so when the user check any taxonomy it will be slected and when the user click the submit button ....
FAWAZ's user avatar
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Problem uploading different files as custom fields with front end post form

I have a front end post form that I'm having some problems getting the right path for the media to save as custom fields. The path to the file gets saved as
Pollux Khafra's user avatar
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How do I insert a custom field in a user submitted post?

Please help! I have a form for users to submit posts, and I want them to be able to choose photos already in the media gallery based on category selected. I want to include radio buttons to choose ...
webtesa's user avatar
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Bypassing a Form Options

here is the situation. I am using a plugin and although it is (half) works, I can't access the setting page. The plugin is to fetch thumbnail from Youtube and other video sites, but the problem is, I ...
Mario88's user avatar
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How can I make wp-pagenavi work on a custom query built upon a form submission? [closed]

I've also posted this on the wordpress support forums, for scribu's wp-pagenavi plugin: My situation: ...
rereradu's user avatar
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Char limit on custom blog-post form? [closed]

I want to setup a simple custom form for users to post, which will automatically: Subscribe user to updates (i.e. moderation approved, comment posted) Enable DISQUS xor IntenseDebate comments Publish ...
A T's user avatar
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I am trying to create a simple frontend form for posting

i am trying to learn and create some deeper things with Wordpress. My goal is to create a code/script/plugin that will allow me to post from the frontend. I have seen many plugins, like templatic ...
EnexoOnoma's user avatar