Papers by K Hamid Yeganeh

Social Issues
This study examines the congruence between Inglehart's modern cultural values and Sartre's existe... more This study examines the congruence between Inglehart's modern cultural values and Sartre's existentialist tenets. Despite their dissimilar origins and methodologies, significant alignment is found between Sartre's existentialist principles, socioeconomic progress and Inglehart's modern cultural values. The alignment between the two perspectives arises from their shared focus on ideas such as anti-essentialism, individualism, human rights, humanism, egalitarianism, gender equality, tolerance, secularity, instrumental rationality, autonomy and self-expression, which often emerge as outcomes of socioeconomic development. In societies where meeting basic needs and ensuring survival have priority, the pursuit of existentialist ideas such as authenticity and individualism may be overshadowed by socioeconomic deprivation. Given the substantial congruence between the two frameworks, it is proposed that the growing popularity of existentialism can be attributed to the socioeconomic progress in Western societies and the subsequent rise of modern cultural values during the twentieth century. The paper concludes by presenting the findings and discussing theoretical and practical implications.
Social Sciences, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 2023
This study aims at analyzing the effects of religion on national innovation. Using data from 77 c... more This study aims at analyzing the effects of religion on national innovation. Using data from 77 countries, we conduct a cross-national investigation into the effects of religiosity, religious affiliations, religious fractionalization (religious diversity), and communist heritage on the national innovation capability. The analyses show that religiosity has a significantly negative association with the national innovation capability even after controlling for the effects of socioeconomic development. Further analyses show that Protestant and Buddhist affiliations are positively while communist heritage is negatively associated with national innovation capability. The analyses do not show any significant relationships between religious fractionalization and national innovation capability. In the end, the findings are discussed, and avenues for future research are pointed out.
Journal of Developing Societies, 2023
This article relies on a leading line of anthropological research on the socio-cultural implicati... more This article relies on a leading line of anthropological research on the socio-cultural implications of orality in Iran. The analyses reveal that the prevalence of oral language in Iran is associated with a wide range of implications, such as redundancy, emotionality, ambiguity, high-context culture traits, the lack of critical thinking, the gap between speech and writing, the importance of poetry, restricted scientific and technical knowledge, religiosity, traditionalism, the centrality of negotiating, old-fashioned entrepreneurship, and authoritarian governance and leadership. The article examines the practical consequences of orality on Iranian culture, social relations, and politics.

Purpose-This article analyzes the relationships between different conceptions of time, socioecono... more Purpose-This article analyzes the relationships between different conceptions of time, socioeconomic development and cultural values. Design/methodology/approach-We focus on three major aspects of time, namely, 1) duration, 2) orientation and 3) tempo. Furthermore, we draw on modernization theory to distinguish between agrarian/ traditional and industrial/modern societies and their respective cultural values. Findings-Analyses indicate that agrarian/traditional societies with cultural values such as collectivism, survival, religiosity and hierarchical structures are marked by subjective/cyclical/inaccurate, past-oriented and slow-paced conceptions of time. In contrast, industrial/modern societies with cultural values such as individualism, self-expression, secularism and egalitarianism are marked by objective/linear/accurate, futureoriented and accelerated conceptions of time. Originality/value-This paper introduces an original conceptualization of the three dimensions of timeduration, orientation and tempopreviously overlooked in the literature. Additionally, it provides an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the relationships between time, culture and socioeconomic development.
This study aims at analyzing the effects of religion on national innovation. Using data from 77 c... more This study aims at analyzing the effects of religion on national innovation. Using data from 77 countries, we conduct a cross-national investigation into the effects of religiosity, religious affiliations, religious fractionalization (religious diversity), and communist heritage on the national innovation capability. The analyses show that religiosity has a significantly negative association with the national innovation capability even after controlling for the effects of socioeconomic development. Further analyses show that Protestant and Buddhist affiliations are positively while communist heritage is negatively associated with national innovation capability. The analyses do not show any significant relationships between religious fractionalization and national innovation capability. In the end, the findings are discussed, and avenues for future research are pointed out.
Journal of East-West Business, 2023
This study analyzes the effects of cultural, religious, and linguistic differences on bilateral t... more This study analyzes the effects of cultural, religious, and linguistic differences on bilateral trade. We conceptualize these differences as cultural distance, religious distance, religious denominations difference, language diversity, and linguistic distance. We collect trade data for more than 50 countries over ten consecutive years and build an augmented gravity model. The empirical analysis reveals that language diversity impedes trade, but variations in cultural distance and religiosity tend to facilitate bilateral trade. The findings suggest that cultural and religious dissimilarities between partners are not necessarily detrimental to international trade as some differences in culture and religiosity can promote international trade.

International Journal of Development Issues, 2014
Purpose-This study aims at investigating the effects of cultural values on corruption by integrat... more Purpose-This study aims at investigating the effects of cultural values on corruption by integrating Hofstede's, Schwartz's, and Inglehart's frameworks. Design/methodology/approach-First, corruption is conceptualized and Schwartz's, Hofstede's and Inglehart's cultural dimensions are presented. In the second part, the relationships among concepts are discussed and the hypotheses, variables, and theoretical models are presented. Then, the empirical tests are conducted, the theoretical/managerial implications are discussed, and an integrative model is proposed. Findings-The empirical analysis confirms that after controlling for the effects of socioeconomic development, cultural values have considerable influence on the level of perceived corruption. More specifically, it is found that Hofstede's High Power Distance, High Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity and Collectivism, Schwartz's Conservatism and Harmony, and Inglehart's Survival and Traditional-religious dimensions are associated with the corrupt behavior. By contrast, the opposite values namely Hofstede's Low Power Distance, Low Uncertainty Avoidance, Femininity, and Individualism, Schwartz's Autonomy and Mastery, and Inglehart's Self-Expression and Rational-secular dimensions tend to impede corruption. Research limitations/implications-This study has a limited scope as it relies on narrow conceptualizations of culture and corruption. Furthermore, like many cross-cultural studies, the current analysis relies solely on the national-level data and overlooks the effects of intra-national variations. It is important to note that while culture has important implications for the corrupt behavior, its effects should not be considered as deterministic. Practical implications-By referring to the integrative model of this study, managers and scholars can conveniently describe a country's culture, understand the implications, and make sense of the level of associated corruption. Originality/value-This study contributes to the literature by integrating three widely employed cultural frameworks, by incorporating a large number of countries into the research design, by providing a profound understanding of the influence of culture on corruption, and particularly by offering a comprehensive model for scholars and practitioners.

International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 2020
Purpose-This paper aims at analyzing salient cultural transformations and their implications for ... more Purpose-This paper aims at analyzing salient cultural transformations and their implications for business and management. Design/methodology/approach-First, the interpretative approach is explained, and its adoption is justified. Then, seven major cultural transformations associated with globalization are identified and analyzed. Finally, business and management implications are discussed. Findings-The cultural trends/transformations caused by or associated with globalization include convergence, divergence, hybridization, the clash of cultures/civilizations, diversity, multiculturalism, time-space compression, temporal acceleration, short-termism, risk, insecurity and uncertainty. Research limitations/implications-This study, like any other interpretative study, is limited in its internal validity. Furthermore, some scholars may have different perspectives on cultural transformations, such as clash of cultures, diversity, multiculturalism and risk society. Originality/value-At the methodological level, this paper adopts an interpretative research design and takes into consideration historical, contextual and social components of culture. While the culture in management is often conceptualized as bipolar and mutually exclusive dimensions, this study offers a more versatile conceptualization of culture.

International Journal of Development Issues, 2017
Purpose-The purpose of this study is to rely on the modernization theory to analyze and explain t... more Purpose-The purpose of this study is to rely on the modernization theory to analyze and explain the cross-national differences in work-related values and attitudes (WVA). Design/methodology/approach-First, the modernization theory and WVA are conceptualized, their relations are discussed and the hypotheses are formulated. Next, the data, measures, variables and empirical tests are presented. Finally, the theoretical and managerial implications are discussed, an integrative model is proposed and avenues for future research are suggested. Findings-The empirical results confirm the explanatory strength of the modernization theory and provide valuable insights into the patterns of WVA across the world. It is found that the countries involved in the first phase of human development emphasize work centrality, extrinsic aspects of a job and material rewards and are likely to show noticeable discrimination against women and foreign workers. In contrast, post-industrial societies that are involved in the second phase of human development prefer emancipative WVA, such as low work centrality, tolerance of foreign workers, gender equality and hedonism at the workplace. Research limitations/implications-Despite the remarkable acceptance of the modernization theory, some of Inglehart's propositions have been subject to criticism. Furthermore, human development, modernization and the subsequent cultural shifts are "path-dependent" as they are affected by the national, religious and civilization heritage of a country. Practical implications-The findings of this study can help international mangers adopt the appropriate strategies for a wide range of issues, such as staffing, planning, job description and compensation policies. Originality/value-The modernization theory is a suitable alternative to national cultural dimensions. This approach relies on the premise that socioeconomic development creates consistent patterns of values, beliefs and behaviors that ultimately shape WVA around the globe.

International Journal of Commerce and Management, 2011
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of culture on international trade... more Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of culture on international trade. Design/methodology/approach-A measure of the cultural distance is incorporated into the Gravity model to test the marginal effects of cultural variables on bilateral trade between Canada and 53 other countries. In addition to the cultural distance and economic factors, other control variables such as religion and language commonalities are included. Findings-After controlling for the size of GDP and linguistic commonality, the effects of culture on international trade are found to be insignificant. The empirical analysis shows that while the linguistic commonality has positive implications for international trade, the cultural distance and religion commonality do not seem important. Research limitations/implications-What is true for the Canadian international trade may not be true for other countries, especially for developing nations. Moreover, this study is limited to the Schwartz's cultural dimensions. Practical implications-Managers should not stay away from culturally dissimilar partners as long as trade is economically beneficial. Instead, they should pay attention to training bilingual agents and standardizing trade procedures in order to streamline the negative effects of linguistic dissimilarity. Originality/value-This study refutes the generally accepted idea that culture is subversive to any cross-border business activity.

International Journal of Health Governance, 2019
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to analyze the main global transformations of the healthcare... more Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to analyze the main global transformations of the healthcare sector and their underlying causes and effects. Design/methodology/approach-The study focuses on several important trends including the increasing life expectancy and aging, the rise of non-communicable diseases, the risks of pandemics, medication expenditure, the globalization of healthcare and technological innovations such as digitization, robotic and nanomedicine. Findings-The analysis indicates that the world populations will be much older in the near future and the healthcare sector will witness significant growth opportunities. The aging populations will put more pressure on healthcare systems and increase the incidence of non-communicable diseases. In a globalized world, the risks of global pandemics are expected to increase. The surge in the medication expenditure will put much pressure on healthcare systems, insurers, patients, employers and providers. The healthcare sector is characterized by its above-average growth in the USA and much of the developed world. Therefore, the share of healthcare in gross domestic product will continue to rise. The digitization and globalization of healthcare may involve major disruptions in the location and the type of care. New materials particularly nanoparticles will be used to enhance the precision, quality and efficacy of diagnostics, medications and treatments. Originality/value-The paper touches on several areas including demographic, clinical, financial, managerial and technological transformations and examines their implications for the healthcare sector.

International Journal of Conflict Management, 2011
Purpose-This article aims to analyze the Iranian and American national cultures and to discuss th... more Purpose-This article aims to analyze the Iranian and American national cultures and to discuss the implications of cultural differences for communication/negotiation styles. Design/methodology/approach-First, the concept of culture is framed and an integrative model of cultural analysis is constructed. Then, building on the extant literature and secondary data, the various traits of American and Iranian national cultures are analyzed and the implications for communication/negotiation are discussed. Findings-It is found that Iran and America portray dissimilar and somewhat opposed cultural orientations that might create substantial obstacles to their bilateral communications/negotiations. Recommendations for more effective communications/negotiations are provided and avenues for future research are pointed out. Research limitations/implications-Both Iran and the USA are diverse societies and obviously cannot be considered as monolithic cultures. Moreover, any generalization about the national culture is inherently approximate and does not take into account the intra-country variations. Another major limitation of this study is that it considers culture as static and unchangeable, however, every culture is in constant transformation. Practical implications-By bringing insights into the American and Iranian cultures, this study provides a better understanding of cross cultural differences and thus it may lead to effective bilateral communications/negotiations. Originality/value-While this paper provides valuable insights into the Iranian-American communication patterns, its main originality resides in offering a cross cultural approach to understanding international affairs. Moreover, the results can be extrapolated to other similar situations when Eastern/Islamic and Western cultures are involved.
Int. J. Business and Emerging Markets, 2010
Globalisation of business offers a compelling reason for understanding the effects of culture on ... more Globalisation of business offers a compelling reason for understanding the effects of culture on consumer behaviour. This paper aims to provide a theory-driven conceptual framework by incorporating both 'culture' and 'consumer value'. First, the concepts of 'cultural value' and 'consumer value' are untangled and, then, by relying on a means-end perspective their possible relationships are theorised. At the end, the implications of culture for consumer values are discussed and a testable agenda for future empirical research is presented. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Yeganeh, H., Marcotte, P. and Bourdeau, L. (2010) 'Bridging culture and consumer value: towards an integrative framework', Int.

International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 2011
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to offer a compound index of cultural dimensions. Design/met... more Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to offer a compound index of cultural dimensions. Design/methodology/approach-First, the idea of the compound index is described. Then, by integrating Hofstede's and Inglehart's frameworks, the Compound Culture Index (CCI) is constructed, its scores for different countries are computed, and its robustness is validated. Finally, the theoretical implications and practical applications are discussed and some avenues for future research are pointed out. Findings-A Compound Culture Index (CCI) on the basis of Hofstede's and Inglehart's frameworks is conceptualized, computed, and validated. Research limitations/implications-Culture is a very complex concept and cannot be fully grasped by a few dimensions or a dichotomous index. Hofstede's and Inglehart's models have some theoretical/operational differences and correspond to dissimilar time frames that may make their integration imperfect. Due to lack of data, Hofstede's fifth dimension (Timer Orientation) was not included in the calculation of the CCI. Practical implications-The CCI bridges Hofstede's and Inglehart's cultural frameworks and offers an integrative measure of national culture. In addition, the CCI represents a robust measure that can be conveniently employed in empirical research. Originality/value-The CCI offers a methodologically novel, theoretically defensible, and operationally robust approach to measuring national cultures.
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2011
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 2006
This article is a reflection on conceptual foundations of cultural management research. By relyin... more This article is a reflection on conceptual foundations of cultural management research. By relying on extant literature, a few conceptual underpinnings are examined and criticized, and some suggestions for improvement are proposed. Discussing such issues can be useful not only for advancing future research but also for achieving a more profound understanding of previous studies and their limitations.

Gender in Management: An International Journal, 2011
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the effects of cultural values on... more Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the effects of cultural values on gender gap. Design/methodology/approach-First, by relying on the extant literature, the concepts of cultural values and gender gap are framed and variables are defined. Then, the relationships among variables are hypothesized and the theoretical model is constructed. Finally, empirical tests are conducted, the results are analyzed, and theoretical/practical implications are discussed. Findings-The results show that controlling for the effects of socioeconomic variables, culture still has important implications for gender gap. More specifically, it is found that conservatism value dimension is associated with higher levels of gender gap, but autonomy cultural dimension may lead to gender equality. Research limitations/implications-This study is limited to three pairs of cultural values as proposed by Schwartz. Another major limitation of this study resides in the theoretical model and linear data analysis techniques used to investigate the relationship between culture and gender gap. Practical implications-The findings of this study could have important practical implications in many areas of social sciences such as political science, management and organizational studies, education, international law, and human resource management. Social implications-By considering the implications of cultural values, policy makers and business leaders may adopt effective strategies to promote gender equalities at the societal and organizational levels. Originality/value-While many studies have focused on some narrow aspects such as gender-based differences in labour, employment, remuneration, political representation, education, and leadership, in this study, the authors relied on a comprehensive conceptualization of the gender gap. Considering the reliability of data and the variety of countries/cultures included, the results seem very significant.
Papers by K Hamid Yeganeh