
From OpenStreetMap Wiki
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Alectrosaurus dinosaur.svg This user is one of the Lizard People.
Subversion Logo Firefishy commits code to OpenStreetMap SVN under the name gslater.

I support the license
upgrade to ODbL v 1.0


Baseball.svg This user joined in with
Big baseball project 2011!

 Firefishy (en)

I'm Grant Slater a South African currently living in Catford, London. Firefishy1 on Twitter

I'm a Site Reliability Engineer for OpenStreetMap. I am employed by the OSMF.

My Public Notes

None currently.

My Bookmarks


Rails etc Bookmarks

GPS Devices

  • Garmin GPSMAP 60CS
  • Garmin Legend HCX (on long-term-loan out)
  • iBlue 757 pro solar datalogger
  • iBlue 747 bluetooth 5HZ
  • NaviGPS BGT-11
  • Custom NMEA SirfIII datalogger
  • TomTom GO 910

Contact Details

openstreetmap AT firefishy DOT com

skype: Firefishy

google talk / jabber: g r a n t AT firefishy DOTT com

mobile: plus 44 {O}79O48 three 73 two 5


Squid Cache

squid (version 2.6)

http_port <Your external IP>:80 defaultsite=<Your DNS sitename> vhost
cache_peer <IP ADDRESS of REAL SERVER> parent 80 0 no-query round-robin login=PASS no-digest name=wikiaccel
acl mySites dstdomain <Your DNS sitename> <any other vhosts>
cache_peer_access wikiaccel allow mySites
cache_peer_access wikiaccel deny all
http_access allow mySites

Squid >=2.6 Notes Here (note login=PASS section)


LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-for}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" cached
  • ( is a proxy cache for
  • is a proxy cache for on Gorilla-server.svgidris.
Subversion Commit Graph - Nov 2007


Megastar.png Firefishy is awarded a MegaStar for uploading one million track points.