amenity = cloakroom |
Description |
A room for people to hang their cloaks or other outerwear when they enter a building |
Group: amenities |
Used on these elements |
Useful combination |
See also |
Status: in use |
Tools for this tag |
The location of a cloakroom. A cloakroom, or sometimes coatroom, is a room for people to hang their cloaks or other outerwear when they enter a building. Cloakrooms are typically found inside large buildings, such as gymnasiums, schools, churches, museums or meeting halls. It may also be possible to deposit valuables up to an amount for safekeeping, often seen on beaches. The usage of the cloakroom is sometimes mandatory for admittance to a facility, for example in art galleries, museums, libraries and certain shops.
Be advised that in the UK, a cloakroom may also have a different meaning that refers to a lavatory (amenity=toilets).
How to map
Place a node centrally at the entrance of the cloakroom or draw an area over the extents of the cloakroom and add amenity=cloakroom
Tags used in combination
- fee=*
- supervised=*
- opening_hours=*
- level=*
- operator=*
- contact:*=*
- cloakroom:use=optional/mandatory – we should somehow mark whether usage of the cloakroom is mandatory/compulsory for admission, other suggestions include access=designated or mandatory=*
Possible tagging mistakes
See also
- amenity=dressing_room — a place where people can change their clothes.