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Consultancy contract: technical assistance on cultural heritage for the elaboration of a management planning document

jeudi 3 mars 2016 à 9:30
access_time Lecture 0 min.
© Aneta Ribarska

Procurement notice: consultancy contract to provide technical assistance to Albanian authorities in the elaboration of a management plan or other documented management system to be part of the nomination file for the extension of the existing World Heritage property “Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid Region” in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

As a partner in the implementation of the project “Towards strengthened governance of the shared transboundary natural and cultural heritage of the Lake Ohrid region”, the IUCN Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) wishes to award a consultancy contract to a national expert on Cultural Heritage to assist the Albanian authorities in the preparation of a documented management system, as well as a nomination dossier for the extension of the existing World Heritage property “Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid Region.”

Terms of reference

Interested applicants are requested to submit their CV and technical proposal to [email protected]

Deadline extended: 8 April 2016, 17:00 CET.

 For more information please contact Oliver Avramoski, Project Officer, Protected Areas at IUCN’s Programme Office for South-Eastern Europe.
