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Training Course in the Management of Caribbean cultural resources in a natural environment: Sites of Memory and participation of local communities

11-15 March 2013
Barbados © UNESCO | Sachiko Haraguchi

Twenty experts from Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Curacao, Jamaica, Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines will attend the 5-day training session  “Management of Caribbean cultural resources in a natural environment: Sites of Memory and participation of local communities” in Bridgetown, Barbados from 11 to 15 March 2013.

It is organized by the UNESCO Offices in Havana and Kingston and UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre, in coordination with the Barbados National Commission for UNESCO and the University of the West Indies, within the framework of the Caribbean Capacity Building Programme (CCBP) for World Heritage, and financial support by the Netherlands Funds-in-Trust at the World Heritage Centre.

This training aims at strengthening capacities in the management of cultural resources in a natural environment. Particular attention will be given to the Caribbean Sites of Memory and the participation of the local communities paying special attention to nomination processes to the World Heritage List, by considering a number of case studies to increase the nexus among site managers and the local communities.

University professors and academicians from the University of the West Indies and from the University of the Netherlands Antilles will participate in the course to strengthen the Caribbean university network on training and research related to cultural and natural heritage.

Contact at UNESCO Havana: Victor Marin, CCBP coordinator,  [email protected]

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Latin America and the Caribbean

Monday, 11 March 2013
Friday, 15 March 2013

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Bridgetown, Barbados