The World Heritage Committee,
- Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/10E,
- Recalling Decisions 41 COM 10A, 41 COM 11, 42 COM 10A, 43 COM 10A.1, 43 COM 10B, 43 COM 11A and 44 COM 10D adopted at its 41st (Krakow, 2017), 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/Online, 2021) sessions respectively, as well as the provisions of Paragraph 204 of the Operational Guidelines,
- Notes with appreciation the successful start of the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting in the Europe and North America region and commends the preparations undertaken by the Secretariat prior to the exercise;
- Noting that the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting is following a holistic and a State Party-driven approach, invites States Parties to financially support activities in the framework of the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting in the Europe and North America region;
- Thanks the Government of Sweden for the funds provided to ensure that the Secretariat is able to maintain a holistic approach throughout the Third Cycle, and calls upon States Parties to continue providing sustainable funding towards the global coordination of the Periodic Reporting exercise and its follow-up;
- Takes note of the outcomes of the MONDIACULT 2022 Declaration and the opportunity provided by the UNESCO Global Report on Cultural Policies to analyse the relevant input from States Parties to UNESCO’s cultural policy monitoring efforts, requests the Secretariat to use the Reflection Period to proceed with a feasibility study to consider the practical modalities of enhancing the Periodic Reporting of the Convention in this framework, including, inter alia, the possibility of moving from a regional approach to Periodic Reporting to a global approach, examining the implementation of the Convention at global level through a succinct analytical report prepared by the Secretariat, and reviewing the analytical framework for Periodic Reporting and its monitoring indicators;
- Calls upon States Parties to provide to the World Heritage Centre, through earmarked contributions to the World Heritage Fund, other voluntary contributions and/or seconded personnel, the necessary financial and human resources to proceed with the requested feasibility study;
- Requests the World Heritage Centre to submit a report on the overall implementation of the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting at its 46th session.