V.103 The Bureau noted that the Centre received International Assistance requests amounting to less than US$20,000 each from both Zambia and Zimbabwe for the organization of national meetings leading to a bilateral meeting. The contracts for the organization of the meetings are under preparation and it is expected that the national meetings will take place during 2001.
V.104 The Delegate of Zimbabwe endorsed the reports presented and underscored the urgency of the organization of such a bilateral meeting. He noted that constructions are taking place within or in the proximity of the World Heritage area in addition to the hotel development that was reported earlier. Therefore, the meeting is crucial for the preservation and the future of this World Heritage site.
V.105 The Bureau requested the Centre and IUCN to continue their collaboration with the two States Parties to ensure the organization as soon as possible of both national and bilateral meetings to report to the twenty-sixth session of the Bureau in April 2002.