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The Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale (MAAS) has been the most commonly used scale for measuring Mindfulness, and has been adapted for adolescent population in several countries. The scale has consistently shown a single... more
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Campo temático e) Estudiantes ante el currículo: intereses y formas de trabajo
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      Teacher EducationCurriculum DesignICT Educational designExperiential Learning (Active Learning)
Se analizan algunos retos en la formación del psicólogo educativo en el contexto de la realidad social y educativa en México. Como retos principales se identifican la superación del individualismo metodológico y del reduccionismo... more
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    • Teacher Education
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    • Teacher Education
Conferencia magistral presentada en el Tercer Congreso Internacional de Educación "Evolución, transformación y desarrollo de la educación en la sociedad del conocimiento" 1 Evento organizado por la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la... more
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    • Situated Cognition
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    • Psychology
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    • Teaching History
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    • ICT in Education
Fecha de publicación: julio 2010
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    • Reflective e-portfolio
Se parte de la redefinición del diseño tecnopedagógico donde se concretan los usos que finalmente profesores y alumnos hacen de las TIC y se hace o no realidad el potencial que encierran estas tecnologías para facilitar y promover el... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher Education
The document analyzes some challenges posed by the training of the educational psychologist in the context of the social and educational reality in Mexico. Methodological individualism and psychological reductionism are considered as the... more
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      Teacher EducationHigher EducationFace to FaceProfessional Practice
Se presenta un estudio cualitativo de casos con un grupo de adolescentes de secundaria en situación de vulnerabilidad académica y riesgo social, a quienes se les pidió desarrollar dos tareas con la finalidad de explorar su identidad de... more
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      Educación SecundariaSentido Del Aprendizajenarrativa autorreferencial
Frida Díaz Barriga Arceo y Gerardo Hernández Rojas. Estrategias docentes para un aprendizaje significativo. Una interpretación constructivista. México: Editorial McGraw-Hill/Interamericana. Tercera edición. 405 págs. isbn: 6071502934. El... more
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      SociologyPsychologyComputer SciencePhilosophy
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      EducationEducational Research
Personality disorders are common and ubiquitous in all medical settings, so every medical practitioner will encounter them frequently. People with personality disorder have problems in interpersonal relationships but often attribute them... more
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    • ICD-11
The World Health Organization is in the process of preparing the eleventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), scheduled for presentation to the World Health Assembly for approval in 2017. The International... more
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The World Health Organization (WHO)’s priorities for the development of the classification of mental and behavioural disorders in the ICD-11 include increasing its clinical utility in global mental health settings (1) and improving the... more
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Objective: To explore the rationales ofmental health professionals (mainly psychiatrists and psychologists) from 8 countries for removing specific diagnostic categories frommental disorders classification systems. Method: As part of a... more
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Considerable attention has been devoted in recent years
to the issue of whether there is a ‘‘spectrum’’ of
obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (OCRD.
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Introduction: This study aimed to explore the views and attitudes of Chinese psychiatrists on mental disorders classification, and to compare their similarities and differences with those of the international mental health professionals.... more
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