National Autonomus University of Mexico
Estudios de Población CRIM-UNAM
This article discusses the theoretical and analytical intersectionality approach, focusing on its application to an analysis of empirical data obtained from qualitative research into domestic violence against Aboriginal women living in... more
Stratified reproduction and obStetric Violence in public SerViceS of reproductiVe HealtH. A qualitative investiga tion suggesting the social existence of coercive and tax practices-with different degrees of obstetric violence-as updating... more
Stratified reproduction and obStetric Violence in public SerViceS of reproductiVe HealtH. A qualitative investiga tion suggesting the social existence of coercive and tax practices-with different degrees of obstetric violence-as updating... more
Resumen: El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de explorar el rol de diferentes desigualdades sociales sobre las experiencias sexuales y los significados de la sexualidad en la población de estudio. A través de entrevistas individuales... more
RESUMEN El embarazo adolescente en México implica derechos sexuales, reproducti-vos y humanos. En el presente trabajo se documentan la prevalencia y fac-tores asociados al embarazo adolescente de las mujeres de 20 a 29 años sexualmente... more