Papers by Vishakha Maskey
The main objective of the study is to determine which socio-economic factors affect levels of ind... more The main objective of the study is to determine which socio-economic factors affect levels of individual participation in the "Ludi-damgade" community forest. The empirical evidence for participation as a function of social status is obtained by using an ordered probit model. The model also estimates the marginal effects of socio-economic factors on different levels of participation suggesting how per unit
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ABSTRACTInvestigating effective teaching strategies and understanding student attributes that enh... more ABSTRACTInvestigating effective teaching strategies and understanding student attributes that enhance their performance are beneficial to student's academic achievement. In addition, relationship between grade achievement and student attributes, including grade expectation can provide information to reduce over confidence. Empirical results from a survey gathered from business courses at West Liberty University reveal significant correlation between student attributes, course structure, student's grade expectation, and grade achievement. Regression results found statistically significant relationship between grade achievement and grade expectations, residency on campus, gender, and project requirement for the course. Findings also suggest that a class project requirement had a negative relationship between grade optimism, male students are more likely to overestimate their final grade, and having strict attendance policy with incentive creates a larger gap in grade achieveme...
Studies show that students in general have higher expectations or optimism towards their final co... more Studies show that students in general have higher expectations or optimism towards their final course grade. This higher expectation leads to dissatisfaction and grade dispute. A survey of students from four business courses at a mid-sized public institution in Mid-Atlantic region is utilized to draw inferences between grade expectation and achievement. This research effort utilizes empirical probabilities of achieving a specific grade based on their grade expectation on the first day of class. The statistical difference in grade expectation and achievement between student’s gender, residency and sport involvement is also explored.
While historians believe that preserving a historic building in its original location is importan... more While historians believe that preserving a historic building in its original location is important to maintain its historic integrity, the general public’s opinion is unknown. Survey data were gathered from local residents regarding a proposed relocation of a historic mill in rural West Virginia. Only a minority of the sample population supported preserving the mill at its original location. Willingness to pay for preservation was estimated at $8.45 for a one-time donation for the sample and $2.29 after adjusting for non-respondents using characteristics of the local population.

Journal of Forest Economics, 2005
The main goal of the study is to determine which socioeconomic factors affect level of participat... more The main goal of the study is to determine which socioeconomic factors affect level of participation in the community forest management of ''Ludhi-Damgade'' of Gorkha district in Nepal. The empirical evidence for level of participation as a function of social status is obtained by using an ordered probit and two-stage least-squares model. The model also estimates the marginal effects of socioeconomic factors on different levels of participation suggesting how per unit change in such socioeconomic characters affects the level of participation. Empirical results from the model also verify that participation in forest management determines the quantity and type of benefits received from the community forest. The research findings of the study suggest that participation in community forest management is based on the socioeconomic profile of an individual and the level of participation is determined by the benefits obtained from the common forest resources. Lack of participation in community forest management excludes the disadvantaged groups from decision-making in product distribution. Consequently, the disadvantaged groups get less benefit from the community forest. The empirical results are expected to aid policy makers in empowering people of lower socioeconomic status to understand the importance of participation in

Journal of Management and Sustainability, Feb 26, 2013
Automated transportation is an innovative and sustainable concept that works emission-free with f... more Automated transportation is an innovative and sustainable concept that works emission-free with fully-automated and driverless vehicles on a network of specially-built, elevated guide ways. These systems are also called Automated People Mover (APM) or Public Rapid Transit (PRT) and are considered to be a solution to many global and environmental problems related to the use of the automobile. These transportation systems claim to be clean, affordable and safe technology, and a smart urban planning solution to move away from America's dependence on foreign oil, the faltering auto industry, and the misuse of urban landscapes. One of the first APM systems has been operating since the 1970's at West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia. In order to examine community's attitude, perception and individual characteristic that influence the use of the systems, a random intercept survey was conducted. Findings from correlation analysis and an ordered probit model suggest socio-demographic attributes associated with attitudes toward the system. The frequent users are characterized as having a higher level of educational attainment, and are primarily students. Findings explore underlying factors regarding commuting, crucial for transportation policies and practices for managing sustainable transportation systems in comparable urban settings.

The purpose of this research was to examine and explore a campus community's attitudes, behaviors... more The purpose of this research was to examine and explore a campus community's attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions towards recycling in general, and initiation of a recycling program in particular. A mid-sized, public institution in the Mid-Atlantic Region, USA with no recycling program was selected. A web-based survey of faculty, staff, and students was used to gather data. Methods included the use of summary statistics, data exploration, plus correlation and regression analyses. Summary statistics revealed respondent support for recycling on campus and a belief that recycling is a social responsibility. A positive correlation between recycling behavior at home and attitude towards recycling on campus was found. Moreover, willingness to volunteer for recycling purposes was also correlated with recycling behavior and the belief that recycling is a social responsibility. Regression analysis showed statistically significant, positive relationships between willingness to support implementation of a campus recycling program and three factors: current knowledge of recycling efforts on campus, respondent belief that recycling is a social responsibility, and the willingness of a respondent to affiliate with an environmental club. Survey results provide empirical evidence that: (1) support exists within the campus community to implement a recycling program, and (2) individuals' belief that recycling is a social responsibility increases support for recycling.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any ... more All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the editor, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. Books are available through The Refractive Thinker ® Press at special discounts for bulk purchases for the purpose of sales promotion, seminar attendance, or educational purposes. Special volumes can be created for specific purposes and to organizational specifications. Please contact us for further details.
Abstract. A GIS-based decision support system was developed to aid in restoration planning by int... more Abstract. A GIS-based decision support system was developed to aid in restoration planning by integrating various chemical and ecological modeling components that the West Virginia Water Research Institute has developed over the past five years. Using the popular GIS ...

For-profit entities around the world have explored, evaluated, and implemented initiatives relati... more For-profit entities around the world have explored, evaluated, and implemented initiatives relative to social responsibility. These efforts, developed in academia and by various business industry practitioners, have become publicly salient following the 2008 financial crisis. The production of goods and services can generate earnings but also have indirect social impacts, whether it is through economic, legal, ethical, or environmental changes. Boli and Harsuiker (2001) suggested that 90% of Fortune 500 firms embraced Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an essential element within their organizational goals, and actively promote their CSR activities in annual reports. Business organizations that currently do not use social responsibility initiatives or perhaps, do not have an understanding of how social responsibility is beneficial to the company’s future prospect. However, this perspective is not common. According to Bowen (1953), CSR had begun as a field of study since Fortun...
Economic Development Quarterly, 2009
Abstract Previous research reveals various economic and social impacts in the community from list... more Abstract Previous research reveals various economic and social impacts in the community from listing historic resources in the National Register of Historic Places; however, information on underlying community factors that influence these listings has not been examined and ...

… Portsmounth, New Hampshire …, 2003
The main objective of the study is to determine which socio-economic factors affect levels of ind... more The main objective of the study is to determine which socio-economic factors affect levels of individual participation in the "Ludi-damgade" community forest. The empirical evidence for participation as a function of social status is obtained by using an ordered probit model. The model also estimates the marginal effects of socio-economic factors on different levels of participation suggesting how per unit change in such socioeconomic characters affects the level of participation. Results from the two-stage least squares model also verify that participation in forest management determines the level of benefits received from the community forest. The study suggests that participation in common property resource management is based on the socio-economic profile of an individual and the level of participation is determined by the benefits obtained from the forest. The empirical results are expected to aid policy makers in empowering people of lower socio-economic status to understand the importance of community forest management in order to have equal distribution of benefits accrued by community forest.

Journal of Forest Economics, 2006
The main goal of the study is to determine which socio-economic factors affect level of participa... more The main goal of the study is to determine which socio-economic factors affect level of participation in the community forest management of ''Ludhi-Damgade'' of Gorkha district in Nepal. The empirical evidence for level of participation as a function of social status is obtained by using an ordered probit and two-stage least-squares model. The model also estimates the marginal effects of socio-economic factors on different levels of participation suggesting how per unit change in such socio-economic characters affects the level of participation. Empirical results from the model also verify that participation in forest management determines the quantity and type of benefits received from the community forest. The research findings of the study suggest that participation in community forest management is based on the socio-economic profile of an individual and the level of participation is determined by the benefits obtained from the common forest resources. Lack of participation in community forest management excludes the disadvantaged groups from decision-making in product distribution. Consequently, the disadvantaged groups get less benefit from the community forest. The empirical results are expected to aid policy makers in empowering people of lower socio-economic status to understand the importance of participation in ARTICLE IN PRESS 1104-6899/$ -see front matter
Papers by Vishakha Maskey