Fantastic little needlecase filled with goodies - love the little scissors :-)
And this wonderful little miniature quilt.

I had seen these on Dawn's blog ( she made several ) and admired them. Now I have one - yeeha ! It is so well made and the machine quilting is brilliant. I don't know if you can see the border quilting but it is a beautiful design. One day I would love to be able to do this... There was also a bar of chocolate but I have hidden that from the kids - lol !!
So thanks Dawn ! Before I started a blog of my own I made a quilted cannister from Dawn's directions and emailed her a photo of it. I was so excited when she posted a picture of it on her blog. I mentioned to Dawn that I was thinking of starting my own blog and she told me to go for it and to let her know when I did. This I did and Dawn started visiting my blog and giving me loads of encouragement and lots of nice comments. She is a lovely lady and I am delighted to have this little quilt from her. I was feeling a bit out of sorts this week and this has really cheered me up. I love blogging !!