Two years ago today, Pope Benedict XVI passed away at 95. His final words, “Lord, I love you,” captured a life devoted to faith. Serving as Pope for 8 years before resigning in 2013, he spent his final days in prayer. Let us remember him and pray for his soul.
— EWTN Vatican (@EWTNVatican) December 31, 2024
Welcome registrants:
The Alderman
Here is a fascinating piece from the past provide by CERC. HERE This is from Fr. Rutler at the time of the death of SCOTUS Justice William Brennan and his scandalous funeral. It is an amazing read, both for Fr. Rutler’s style as well as what it says about us today, many years later. The first paragraph… it should hook you.
Richard Cardinal Cushing was relatively constrained back then, because liturgical depredations had not yet switched into high gear. It was not thus when President Clinton, who vetoed the ban on partial-birth abortions, was permitted to announce to all corners of the cathedral for consumption in all corners of the world: “Brennan’s America is America at its best.” That is, internecine America is at its best with 39 million fewer children than would have been born were it not for Brennan’s eisegesis of the Constitution. Attorney General Janet Reno later said in a speech to the American Bar Association that the honors paid to Brennan in St. Matthew’s Cathedral inspired her to go on.
It is an amazing read.
Here is something related to what Rutler wrote (which you should read first so that you know what I mean).
Rest in peace, #JimmyCarter. “I have fought the good fight; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith” (2 Tim 4:7)
— James Martin, SJ (@JamesMartinSJ) December 29, 2024
And then there’s this.
A former occultist: “Now this is how someone would sneak in occult symbolism.This thing is basically the precise layout for the invocation of the spirits corresponding to the classical elements as a prelude to witchcraft.”
— Beverly De Soto (@Editorregina) December 30, 2024
This interesting video came up in my feed when I was reviewing recaps of games from the FIDE Blitz Open in NYC.
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In chessy news… HERE
For your puzzle, white can mate in 2. Easy, right? BUT… name the pattern!
This is a heartbreaker, for sure. In NYC during the big Blitz open, Ukrainian veteran Vasyl Ivanchuck, affectionately known as Chucky, who in his day was a true beast, suffered a loss to a young and popular chess content creator Danial Naroditsky whose empathy at the board is manifest.
The haunting final moments of the Round 11 clash between Vassily Ivanchuk and Daniel Naroditsky in World Blitz 2024. Caïssa is a cruel goddess indeed…
— ChessBase India (@ChessbaseIndia) December 31, 2024
White can mate in 2. Easy, right? BUT… name the pattern!
[NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]
In NYC the world Blitz championship had its first day. Today it continues with the top 8 to clear the open stage. They include the reigning Blitz champ Magnus Carlsen, Ian Nepomniachtchi, Fabiano Caruana, my guy Wesley So (YAY!), Alireza “Puer” Firouzja, Hans Niemann, Jan-Krzysztof Duda, and the new Rapid champ Volodar Murzin (18 years old?). There was a strange moment or three. First, Magnus was late for a blitz game. He was wearing jeans! Daniel didn’t show for his game against Hans Niemann. Magnus had to play Neiman, and there was an awkward pre-game handshake, which is obligatory by FIDE rules. Today in Day 2 Magnus is pitted against the same Niemann. That should be a kick. More drama, tomorrow Wesley is paired with Puer, whose – IMO – unsportsmanlike but technically legal machinations last year knocked Wesley out of the Candidates.
Whole game HERE
More gay!! What a shocker!! Designed by a gay masseur but it’s not gay it’s synodal.
The spirit of our age seems to be Herodian. Anti human and anti child. Selfish and inward.
Countless bankrupt diocese and imploding populations. Did you know that China is expected to have its population decrease by 700 million people in the next 75 years??
You know what the Church needs? Not gay crosses but a return to its perennial teachings given to us from God.
The church in Scotland just accelerated its annihilation. It will disappear.
as to the Jubilee Cross,
Fr. Rutler is amazing. I have to read what he writes several times to digest every nuance. I love it.
For those faithful Catholics in Glasgow.
I notice that there is a conveniently located river nearby. River Cyde.
1. Qxh8+, Kxh8 2. Rxh7 # (the Arabian mate)
If 1…Kg6 2. Qxh7 #