Showing posts with label crap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crap. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

whats crapper than crap ?

So I went to the doctor and I had a test that involved something akin to a small bottle brush being shoved up my nose.
Chances are I have whooping cough -the word looks like fun doesn't it? "whooping" yeah well its a big fat fail in the fun department. Its also a fail in the sleeping department and the eating department and the any chance of feeling less crap than crap department.
Breathing hurts.
I'll see you when things are less crap.

Friday, September 5, 2008

I am so a grown-up!

In an effort to be tidy
and to keep track of the mess
I have made another bucket
With a sweet girl in a dress .

I think it will be useful
and it does look kinda sweet
(Although I'd need another fifty
to really keep things neat)

So now upon the table,
where there is a tiny gap.
I keep my bucket handy
And I fill it full of

There will be some little potty-mouthed (or not) blank girl panels in my shop later today or tomorrow, so you can sew them nicely into whatever project you desire .....and you get to use your own naughty words too if you want.