* Welcome to Vintagearkku (Vintage Chest)!
*Here you can find free vintage images gathered from around the web to suit the challenge themes of It's all about the vintage and beauty.
*Also the cards of the challenge participants without an own blog are published here.
*Here you can find free vintage images gathered from around the web to suit the challenge themes of It's all about the vintage and beauty.
*Also the cards of the challenge participants without an own blog are published here.
Kesäisiä vintagekuvia
Tässä kuvia, joita ehkä voisit käyttää haasteisiimme juhannuksesta aina heinäkuun loppuun asti. Klikkaa suuremmaksi ennen tallentamista!
These images might be useful in the challenges of June and July. Click to enlarge before saving!
These images might be useful in the challenges of June and July. Click to enlarge before saving!
Itämaisia vintagekuvia
Blogitekstit (Atom)