Showing posts with label cows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cows. Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2020

A Moving Story

It was a cold, cold morning. Frost on the windshield.

The sun was just peeking over the ridge behind our neighbors' house.

It was time to move the cows from a pasture down the road back to our land. Three had gotten out the day before and headed for home.

Cold weather makes them antsy and ready to come back to where they know hay will be provided. John had a bucket of sweet feed and tolled them down the road to our pasture.

They were happy to comply.

Justin was behind them in the Kubota, to make sure none took a notion to do something crazy. And I was parked at our driveway, ready to wave a stick and turn back any who might head past the gate into their pasture.

There were three foolish calves who briefly had other ideas and had to be turned (me waving stick, Justin nipping quickly around them) but very soon, the herd was where they belonged and happily munching the still green grass.

There's a job done!


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Greener Pastures

The cows gathered around the hay ring are about to have a nice surprise. 

This one, on babysitting duty, wonders what's up.

John has used a bucket of sweet feed to toll the herd down to the little pasture by the hard road. Justin is behind them, ready to turn any who might want to go back to the hay ring.

As if! Most of these girls remember the nice green pastures across the road and are in favor of the move, especially since our pastures are cropped close now.

Two of our neighbors across the way who no longer keep cows have once again offered us the use of their pastures. It's mutually beneficial -- we don't have to buy hay and their pastures don't grow up and go back to woods. 

Even the grass just on the other side of the fence is a treat.

Everyone's got the idea now and they're eager for that greener grass.

It's all new to the calfies but they're happy to follow their mamas.

Through the gap they go!

And into the Promised Land!

There's even an idyllic little stream . . . and acres of fresh green grass. Cow Heaven!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Catching Up with the Cows

The cows are loving their new pasture!

The grass is high and they are enjoying eating their way across the slopes.

And when they're full, there's a lovely spot under the trees by the stream where they can chew their cuds in comfort.

Bovine bliss!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Moving Day

Saturday morning and the Jeep and I are blocking the road in preparation for running the herd (less the Jersey girls) across the road to what was Merle's farm.  Her son no longer keeps cows and offered us the use of the pasture. We are delighted -- dry weather has left our grazing short. 

Two of Justin's friends are blocking the other end of the corridor with John's truck.

John is in the Kubota with some buckets of sweet feed, trying to toll the suspicious bovines across the hard road. Cows are nothing if not conservative and they've never made this move before. Justin is behind them, encouraging them to keep moving. 

Bob and Willa (who would really like to help but would likely cause confusion) are firmly shut in the Jeep while I stand in the middle of the road, taking pictures and ready to wave a stick if the cows come my way.

Mostly out the gate and the eating is already better . . .

Now to convince them to keep moving across the scary pavement.

They're not sure . . .(they rarely are.) This is why it helps to have lots of people.

Indecision . . .

A few brave girls take the plunge!

Justin and Otis, Derek and Doug close in on the stragglers. And they're in! Knee-high grazing, a branch (creek) with pools of water in the shade -- the girls are in cow heaven!