Papers by Stanislav Sabaliauskas
The Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented historical event that has affected all areas of life an... more The Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented historical event that has affected all areas of life and changing the lives of people around the world. Therefore, living in the conditions of the "new normality" (Lawrence, 2013) and the "social acceleration" (Rosa & Trejo-Mathys, 2013) encourages a rethinking of the human relations with the world, primarily focusing on the development of conscious and responsible behavior and self-regulation skills. This article focuses on the phenomena of movement and self-regulation for the well-being of society and the development of future thinking competencies. The aim of this work is to reveal the links between the phenomena of physical activity and selfregulation as a precondition for the development of future thinking competencies and sustainable development. Material and methods of research. The argumentative literature review is based on an interdisciplinary approach, the phenomena of physical activity and selfregulation are analysed from the perspectives of social, educational, cognitive sciences and neurosciences. The results of the review show that systematic and planned physical activity is not only a significant measure of a person's physical and mental health, but a sign of health and physical literacy competencies. Conclusions. Health and physical literacy competencies are closely linked to the development of selfregulatory capacity and are manifested in responsible, well-being and sustainable development-oriented behaviour. Conscious physical activity develops a person's ability to self-regulate and plan for their future and can therefore be a meaningful means of shaping future thinking skills.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the perceived competence and satisfaction of Young Athletes... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the perceived competence and satisfaction of Young Athletes at their training and determine the peculiarities of Self-regulated learning during Covid-19 conditions. In this research, we adopted three scales: Self-Regulated Learning Scale (SRL-SRS) (8 subscales with
The aim of the research was to evaluate the structural validity of the Lithuanian version of the ... more The aim of the research was to evaluate the structural validity of the Lithuanian version of the Sports Motivation Scale in the context of the disability sport. This study included 66 athletes with hearing and visual impairment (45 men and 21 women). The average age of the research participants was 26.5 ± 11.7 years, they used to participate in sport activity for 10.1 ± 7.6 years. Athletes who participated in the research were representatives of goalball, tennis, athletics, swimming, basketball and other sports. 39 athletes were prize winners in World and European championships. The participants of the research completed the questionnaire based on the Sports Motivation Scale (SMS) already adapted in Lithuania. Data were processed using Jamovi program. SMS psychometric parameters demonstrated good internal scale compatibility. In the confirmatory factor analysis, a 4-factor model suitable for data analysis (CFI – 0.881; TLI – 0.863; RMSEA – 0.0710; χ2 / df 1.439) was identified which comprised 20 SMS items. The structure of the model consisted of factors that characterize athletes’ intrinsic motivation – “to discover” (1), intrinsic motivation – “to feel self-improvement” (2), extrinsic motivation – “need for social dependency” (3) and “amotivation” (4).
Publication Preview Source Motivation of Lithuanian Army Soldiers Regarding Physical Training Exercise, 2020
Object of research was motivation of the Lithuanian army soldiers and the influence of physical t... more Object of research was motivation of the Lithuanian army soldiers and the influence of physical training instructors on the soldiers’ motivation. Aim of research is to reveal the motivation of the Lithuanian army soldiers regarding physical training exercise and the influence of physical training instructors on motivation. Methodology of research. 242 soldiers of Lithuanian Armed Forces were interviewed by questionnaires in total. 30% of which are compulsory primary military service soldiers. The age of the soldiers in the research ranges from 18 to 54 years and the length of service varies between 1 and 30 years. In order to achieve aim and goals of research 3 scales as anonymous questionnaires were used: Situational motivation scale; The Amotivation Inventory-Physical education scale and Interpersonal behaviour scale. The participants of the research had to evaluate every statement of scales using a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’. The analysis of research data has been carried out using SPSS 21.0. Reliability and inner coherence of the sub-scales have been found grounding on the following: Cronbach α coefficient; correlations of the statement with the subscale by the Item-total Correlation coefficient and Cronbach α c, efficient having eliminated the statement. Conclusions. Analysis of the causal relationships between the Situational Motivation Scale subscales and the Amotivation Inventory-Physical Education showed that soldiers are more likely to be motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. It has been revealed that soldiers are most involved in physical training with identified regulation of external motivation. The statements describing intrinsic motivation are also highly valued. The intrinsic motivation of the soldiers is characterized by self-confidence, physical training exercises are attractive to them, the soldiers value the exercise as a value, and believe in the benefits of their efforts. In physical training, physical education instructors are most successful in creating the conditions for soldiers to meet their need for excellence. Soldiers highly value the feeling of belonging to a collective. Physical training instructors have a moderate influence on soldiers’ sense of autonomy. Based on the results of the physical support training provided by physical education instructors, physical education instructors help soldiers to meet their basic psychological needs and create more intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for physical education. The level of a motivation of the soldiers in physical training exercises was found to be below average. There was no statistically significant relationship between the physical support instructors’ social support and the soldiers’ motivated behavioural physical exercise. There was a weak negative correlation between the soldiers’ lack of confidence in their efforts and the need to belong to a team. When soldiers meet the need for teamwork during physical training, they are more confident in their efforts. Soldiers’ amotivated behaviour during physical training exercises occurs when the exercise is tedious, monotonous, which causes a lack of energy and a reluctance to exert effort.
Keywords: soldiers, situational motivation, autonomy, social support, amotivation.
The curriculum and its implementation are continuously at the centre of discussions of education ... more The curriculum and its implementation are continuously at the centre of discussions of education policymakers, society and scientists. It is obvious that it is a teacher, who implements curriculum and seeks to achieve the quality of its implementation while reacting to the context of his practice, makes decisions based on his convictions and attitudes, knowledge about the educational process. This article endeavours to reveal teachers’experiences in implementing curriculum of Lithuanian comprehensive schools. The research raises the following question: how do teachers understand and experience the implementation of curriculum?
The phenomenography method was chosen for the research and a focus group interview method was used for data collection. 86 teachers of various subjects and primary school teachers, who have the qualification category of a teacher-senior or a teacher-methodologist, participated in the study. The analysis of research results has shown that the implementation of curriculum is experienced by teachers through understanding of himself as a participant of educational policy, as a member of the school community, as a professional. These three categories, which were distinguished, comprise the space of the study results. Teacher’s empowerment and professional recognition are the leading elements of a successful implementation of curriculum. The research revealed that teachers understand the implementation of curriculum, which is delegated to them by education policymakers. Based on the fact, whether a task delegated to teachers is understood and provided with support, how they are trusted and allowed to participate in constructing and creating curriculum before and while implementing it. It depends on what position teachers will take for a great measure. If the idea of curriculum seems understandable and meaningful, whereas goals and expectations correspond to real educational possibilities, if the efforts of teachers are valued and encouraged, and relationships of the members of the school community are based on cooperation, it could be expected that the implemented curriculum will be successful. In such a case, teachers will feel trust and support, and that will increase professional motivation, desire to develop and will strengthen self-esteem.
Dalykinių kompetencijų tobulinimo poreikio ir turinio analizė., 2018
Projektas "Bendrojo ugdymo mokytojų bendrųjų ir dalykinių kompetencijų tobulinimas" (Nr. 09.4.2-E... more Projektas "Bendrojo ugdymo mokytojų bendrųjų ir dalykinių kompetencijų tobulinimas" (Nr. 09.4.2-ESFA-V-715-02-0001). Kokybinio tyrimo ataskaita.
This research was aimed at evaluating the psychometric properties of Lithuanian version of Leader... more This research was aimed at evaluating the psychometric properties of Lithuanian version of Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS). The work applied Leadership Scale for Sports (Chelladurai and Saleh, 1980), which comprises 40 items grouped in five subscales: ‘training and instruction’, ‘democratic behaviour’, ‘autocratic behaviour’, ‘social support’ and ‘positive feedback’. The adaptation of the scale was carried out it the following stages: forward translation (1), expert panel back translation (2), pre-testing and cognitive interview (3), preparation and application of the final version (4). The participants of the research included basketball players aged between 12 and 18 years old (boys, n = 227). Test-retest reliability with regard to repeated research was carried out 3 weeks subsequently after the primary research. The participants of the research had to evaluate every statement of Leadership Scale for Sports using a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’. In order to evaluate the internal consistency of LSS and its subscales, Cronbachs’s Alpha coefficient has been calculated, the scale stability in respect of repeated research has been measured using Spearman-Brown coefficient. The analysis of research data has been carried out using SPSS 21.0.
Research results confirmed the reliability of LSS in respect of repeated research (Spearman-Brown 0.816). The rates of internal consistency confirmed compatibility of questions according to the phenomenon being measured (Cronbach Alpha 0,911). The rates of internal consistency among LSS subscales ‘training and instruction’, ‘democratic behaviour’, ‘social support’ and ‘positive feedback’ ranged from 0,709 to 0,883, subscale ‘autocratic behaviour’ – 0,583. The analysis of LSS subscales demonstrated a strong correlation between ‘social support’ and ‘democratic behaviour’ (r = 0.700, p < 0.01). There was a moderate correlation between ‘training and instruction’ and ‘democratic behaviour’ (r = 0.585, p < 0.01), ‘training and instruction’ and ‘social support’ (r = 0.609, p < 0.01). ‘Positive feedback’ correlated with ‘social support’ (r = 0.484, p < 0.01) and coach’s ‘democratic behaviour’ (r = 0.506, p < 0.01). Research results showed that LSS is suitable for opinion evaluation of basketball players aged between 12 and 18 in respect to coach leadership, however, the evaluation of items in subscale ‘autocratic behaviour’ could be specified.
The article provides analysis on educational aspects which make influence on athletes’ motivation... more The article provides analysis on educational aspects which make influence on athletes’ motivation for elite sport mastership, together with the highlight on the role of a coach as on an educational factor. Impact of a coach’s managed educational environment on the athlete’s motivation at the stage of his elite sport mastership is also analyzed. Research instrument – haft structured interview. For analysis of the research data, method of grounded theory research was chosen. The research embraced 13 Lithuanian elite athletes – Lithuanian Olympic team members and candidates, as well as 9 coaches, training elite athletes – Lithuanian Olympic team members and reserve team. The research disclosed the interrelation context of Lithuanian elite athletes and their coaches with its characteristic features of particular factors under the influence of sociocultural context, which has both reinforcing and hardening influence on athletes’ motivation. The authors of this article aim to reveal sport’s role in disclosing person’s identity development, which is evidenced and being formed in certain social and educational environment.
Expert coach encourages a continuity of the educational process by developing athlete‘s psychomot... more Expert coach encourages a continuity of the educational process by developing athlete‘s psychomotor
development, during attainment of knowledge, techniques, the perfection of tactics; coach accumulates the
experience of competitive practice. In order to increase training efficiency, coaches must continually develop
existing competencies and acquire new ones. The aim of the study was to reveal the basic competencies of
coaching career preparing high performance athletes. Methods of the research: systematic review of documents
and scientific literature which regulate sports coaches’ activity in elite sport. According to both Lithuanian and
foreign scientists, the main competencies, which are crucial for successful sports pedagogues’ practice were
– personal competencies related to the development of qualities necessary for coach activity: to be responsible
for the world vision (perception of social norms) (1); communication and cooperation in various circumstances
of physical training (2); self-standing learning (3) information and management of changes (4);
– didactic competencies related to the educational environment development: perception of athletes’
individuality (1); understanding of athletes’ motivation (2); management of leadership style (3); support of
communication (4) and support of athlete (5); confidence of athletes’ competence (6); support of positive
feedback (7).
– subject-specific competencies related to the educational training process planning and organizing: raising
goals of physical education (1); annual and multi-annual planning of physical preparation (2); strategic
planning of physical preparation (2); preparation and organization of the training program (4); development
and implementation of competition strategy (5); employing educational technologies competences (6);
– competencies of investigating: investigative and analytical activity (1), reflection and of experience
summarizing (2), competence of proper experience spreading (3);
– competencies of mentoring: to guide the education of beginner coaches (1); to lead an organization, managing
the coaches and sport specialist’s activities (2).
Coach as the main creators of educational environment that, is why personal coaches’ rapports, mental
preparation are important while developing existing competencies.
Sporto mokslas / Sport Science, 2016
Disertacinis tyrimas grindžiamas trianguliacijos principu, derinant kiekybinių ir kokybinių empir... more Disertacinis tyrimas grindžiamas trianguliacijos principu, derinant kiekybinių ir kokybinių empirinio pažinimo metodus: skirtingo meistriškumo sportininkų motyvacijos sportuoti tyrimai, didelio meistriškumo sportininkų ir juos rengiančių trenerių interviu, grindžiamosios teorijos tyrimas. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad treneris yra svarbiausias veiksnys renkantis sportinę veiklą iš kitų papildomo ugdymo sričių. Skirtingo meistriškumo sportininkų vidinė motyvacija yra labiau išreikšta negu išorinė, tačiau augant sportininkų meistriškumui, dažniau ima reikštis amotyvacija siekti aukštų rezultatų. Sportininko motyvacijos siekti didelio meistriškumo vystimuisi didelės reikšmės turi sociokultūrinis kontekstas ir trenerio kuriama ugdymo/si aplinka, kurią lemia trenerio profesinis kryptingumas, kvalifikacija, kompetencija, saviugdos poreikis, bendravimo įgūdžiai, treniravimo filosofija, vadovavimo stilius. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad didėjant sportininko meistriškumui, trenerio vaidmuo, motyvuojant jį siekti aukštų sportinių rezultatų, nemažėja.
Books by Stanislav Sabaliauskas
Book on Qualitative Research Methodology in Social Sciences for researchers and students
Conference Presentations by Stanislav Sabaliauskas
Sportpsychologische Kompetenz und Verantwortung: 44. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp) vom 17.-19. Mai 2012 in Kiel/Oslo, 2012
Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Kontextfaktoren in der Interaktion zwischen Trainer und Sportler im H... more Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Kontextfaktoren in der Interaktion zwischen Trainer und Sportler im Hochleistungssport-Training aus der Sicht des Sportlers aufzudecken.
Für die Untersuchung wird die Methode der grounded theory verwendet. Zur Datenerhebung wird an Hand transkribierter Aufnahmen auf halb strukturierte Interviews zurückgegriffen. Es wurden typische für die Entwicklungsinteraktion zwischen Hochleistungssportlern und Trainern Faktoren, Voraussetzungen, Kontext, Strategien und Konsequenzen zugeordnet.
Athletes and coaches' educational interaction strategies in elite sport, 2013
The aim of the work – to disclose athletes and coaches’ educational interaction strategies in eli... more The aim of the work – to disclose athletes and coaches’ educational interaction strategies in elite sport. Grounding theory method was applied in the research, which allowed investigation of interactions and phenomena under specific educational environment conditions. Data was collected applying semi-structured interview. The research embraced purposeful group, compiled of 13 elite athletes and their 9 coaches. Analysis on strategies, used by educational interaction participants, highlighted the fact that both coaches and athletes rather widely apply various strategies, encouraging an athlete’s constant improvement in achieving high sport results. The results of this research showed that athletes in their strive for high sport results apply individual preparation strategies, targeted at their own personal features’ perfection and overcoming of stressful situations (1), sport and professional career planning (2), as well as at searching for effective coach-athlete cooperation style. Coaches apply strategies, aimed at sport preparation planning and organization (training process management strategies and various pedagogical impact means in motivating an athlete) (1); strategies, related to own competences development as a coach (2), as well as related to athlete’s personality understanding and athlete’s personal features development (3). Educational factors which have negative influence of athlete’s motivation for elite mastership achieving are the following: coach’s non-professional behavior and poor communication skills, inadequate strategies application after athlete’s failure in competitions, different athlete and coach’s expectations, instability of sport training strategy, as well as coach’s surrender to external factors.
Papers by Stanislav Sabaliauskas
Keywords: soldiers, situational motivation, autonomy, social support, amotivation.
The phenomenography method was chosen for the research and a focus group interview method was used for data collection. 86 teachers of various subjects and primary school teachers, who have the qualification category of a teacher-senior or a teacher-methodologist, participated in the study. The analysis of research results has shown that the implementation of curriculum is experienced by teachers through understanding of himself as a participant of educational policy, as a member of the school community, as a professional. These three categories, which were distinguished, comprise the space of the study results. Teacher’s empowerment and professional recognition are the leading elements of a successful implementation of curriculum. The research revealed that teachers understand the implementation of curriculum, which is delegated to them by education policymakers. Based on the fact, whether a task delegated to teachers is understood and provided with support, how they are trusted and allowed to participate in constructing and creating curriculum before and while implementing it. It depends on what position teachers will take for a great measure. If the idea of curriculum seems understandable and meaningful, whereas goals and expectations correspond to real educational possibilities, if the efforts of teachers are valued and encouraged, and relationships of the members of the school community are based on cooperation, it could be expected that the implemented curriculum will be successful. In such a case, teachers will feel trust and support, and that will increase professional motivation, desire to develop and will strengthen self-esteem.
Research results confirmed the reliability of LSS in respect of repeated research (Spearman-Brown 0.816). The rates of internal consistency confirmed compatibility of questions according to the phenomenon being measured (Cronbach Alpha 0,911). The rates of internal consistency among LSS subscales ‘training and instruction’, ‘democratic behaviour’, ‘social support’ and ‘positive feedback’ ranged from 0,709 to 0,883, subscale ‘autocratic behaviour’ – 0,583. The analysis of LSS subscales demonstrated a strong correlation between ‘social support’ and ‘democratic behaviour’ (r = 0.700, p < 0.01). There was a moderate correlation between ‘training and instruction’ and ‘democratic behaviour’ (r = 0.585, p < 0.01), ‘training and instruction’ and ‘social support’ (r = 0.609, p < 0.01). ‘Positive feedback’ correlated with ‘social support’ (r = 0.484, p < 0.01) and coach’s ‘democratic behaviour’ (r = 0.506, p < 0.01). Research results showed that LSS is suitable for opinion evaluation of basketball players aged between 12 and 18 in respect to coach leadership, however, the evaluation of items in subscale ‘autocratic behaviour’ could be specified.
development, during attainment of knowledge, techniques, the perfection of tactics; coach accumulates the
experience of competitive practice. In order to increase training efficiency, coaches must continually develop
existing competencies and acquire new ones. The aim of the study was to reveal the basic competencies of
coaching career preparing high performance athletes. Methods of the research: systematic review of documents
and scientific literature which regulate sports coaches’ activity in elite sport. According to both Lithuanian and
foreign scientists, the main competencies, which are crucial for successful sports pedagogues’ practice were
– personal competencies related to the development of qualities necessary for coach activity: to be responsible
for the world vision (perception of social norms) (1); communication and cooperation in various circumstances
of physical training (2); self-standing learning (3) information and management of changes (4);
– didactic competencies related to the educational environment development: perception of athletes’
individuality (1); understanding of athletes’ motivation (2); management of leadership style (3); support of
communication (4) and support of athlete (5); confidence of athletes’ competence (6); support of positive
feedback (7).
– subject-specific competencies related to the educational training process planning and organizing: raising
goals of physical education (1); annual and multi-annual planning of physical preparation (2); strategic
planning of physical preparation (2); preparation and organization of the training program (4); development
and implementation of competition strategy (5); employing educational technologies competences (6);
– competencies of investigating: investigative and analytical activity (1), reflection and of experience
summarizing (2), competence of proper experience spreading (3);
– competencies of mentoring: to guide the education of beginner coaches (1); to lead an organization, managing
the coaches and sport specialist’s activities (2).
Coach as the main creators of educational environment that, is why personal coaches’ rapports, mental
preparation are important while developing existing competencies.
Books by Stanislav Sabaliauskas
Conference Presentations by Stanislav Sabaliauskas
Für die Untersuchung wird die Methode der grounded theory verwendet. Zur Datenerhebung wird an Hand transkribierter Aufnahmen auf halb strukturierte Interviews zurückgegriffen. Es wurden typische für die Entwicklungsinteraktion zwischen Hochleistungssportlern und Trainern Faktoren, Voraussetzungen, Kontext, Strategien und Konsequenzen zugeordnet.
Keywords: soldiers, situational motivation, autonomy, social support, amotivation.
The phenomenography method was chosen for the research and a focus group interview method was used for data collection. 86 teachers of various subjects and primary school teachers, who have the qualification category of a teacher-senior or a teacher-methodologist, participated in the study. The analysis of research results has shown that the implementation of curriculum is experienced by teachers through understanding of himself as a participant of educational policy, as a member of the school community, as a professional. These three categories, which were distinguished, comprise the space of the study results. Teacher’s empowerment and professional recognition are the leading elements of a successful implementation of curriculum. The research revealed that teachers understand the implementation of curriculum, which is delegated to them by education policymakers. Based on the fact, whether a task delegated to teachers is understood and provided with support, how they are trusted and allowed to participate in constructing and creating curriculum before and while implementing it. It depends on what position teachers will take for a great measure. If the idea of curriculum seems understandable and meaningful, whereas goals and expectations correspond to real educational possibilities, if the efforts of teachers are valued and encouraged, and relationships of the members of the school community are based on cooperation, it could be expected that the implemented curriculum will be successful. In such a case, teachers will feel trust and support, and that will increase professional motivation, desire to develop and will strengthen self-esteem.
Research results confirmed the reliability of LSS in respect of repeated research (Spearman-Brown 0.816). The rates of internal consistency confirmed compatibility of questions according to the phenomenon being measured (Cronbach Alpha 0,911). The rates of internal consistency among LSS subscales ‘training and instruction’, ‘democratic behaviour’, ‘social support’ and ‘positive feedback’ ranged from 0,709 to 0,883, subscale ‘autocratic behaviour’ – 0,583. The analysis of LSS subscales demonstrated a strong correlation between ‘social support’ and ‘democratic behaviour’ (r = 0.700, p < 0.01). There was a moderate correlation between ‘training and instruction’ and ‘democratic behaviour’ (r = 0.585, p < 0.01), ‘training and instruction’ and ‘social support’ (r = 0.609, p < 0.01). ‘Positive feedback’ correlated with ‘social support’ (r = 0.484, p < 0.01) and coach’s ‘democratic behaviour’ (r = 0.506, p < 0.01). Research results showed that LSS is suitable for opinion evaluation of basketball players aged between 12 and 18 in respect to coach leadership, however, the evaluation of items in subscale ‘autocratic behaviour’ could be specified.
development, during attainment of knowledge, techniques, the perfection of tactics; coach accumulates the
experience of competitive practice. In order to increase training efficiency, coaches must continually develop
existing competencies and acquire new ones. The aim of the study was to reveal the basic competencies of
coaching career preparing high performance athletes. Methods of the research: systematic review of documents
and scientific literature which regulate sports coaches’ activity in elite sport. According to both Lithuanian and
foreign scientists, the main competencies, which are crucial for successful sports pedagogues’ practice were
– personal competencies related to the development of qualities necessary for coach activity: to be responsible
for the world vision (perception of social norms) (1); communication and cooperation in various circumstances
of physical training (2); self-standing learning (3) information and management of changes (4);
– didactic competencies related to the educational environment development: perception of athletes’
individuality (1); understanding of athletes’ motivation (2); management of leadership style (3); support of
communication (4) and support of athlete (5); confidence of athletes’ competence (6); support of positive
feedback (7).
– subject-specific competencies related to the educational training process planning and organizing: raising
goals of physical education (1); annual and multi-annual planning of physical preparation (2); strategic
planning of physical preparation (2); preparation and organization of the training program (4); development
and implementation of competition strategy (5); employing educational technologies competences (6);
– competencies of investigating: investigative and analytical activity (1), reflection and of experience
summarizing (2), competence of proper experience spreading (3);
– competencies of mentoring: to guide the education of beginner coaches (1); to lead an organization, managing
the coaches and sport specialist’s activities (2).
Coach as the main creators of educational environment that, is why personal coaches’ rapports, mental
preparation are important while developing existing competencies.
Für die Untersuchung wird die Methode der grounded theory verwendet. Zur Datenerhebung wird an Hand transkribierter Aufnahmen auf halb strukturierte Interviews zurückgegriffen. Es wurden typische für die Entwicklungsinteraktion zwischen Hochleistungssportlern und Trainern Faktoren, Voraussetzungen, Kontext, Strategien und Konsequenzen zugeordnet.