Papers by Melisa I N D R I A N A Putri
Jurnal Komunikasi dan Kajian Media, 2018
Indonesia re-entered the new round of intense and vibrant political atmosphere in 2018-2019. It a... more Indonesia re-entered the new round of intense and vibrant political atmosphere in 2018-2019. It also reachs the public spaces, both in mass media and in online media. Although they often encounter differences due to the different political choices they face, audiences who have face-to-face discussions have the opportunity to clarify different conversational biases. However, many are discussing in the digital space, where it has the potential to cause a lot of message biases. The problem is political flaming often accompanies opinion bias. This study aims to find the characteristics of political flaming against Cak Imin since he runs as Vice President Jokowi unilaterally. Another goal is to see the attributes of the platform used in political flaming through content analysis approach. The results of this study show that political flaming against Cak Imin has a subtle tendency and jokes. The use of cultural elements is not intended as an expression of intolerance.
Komunikasi dalam Media Digital, 2019
The habit of watching television has been going on for a long time. Technological developments al... more The habit of watching television has been going on for a long time. Technological developments allow viewers to access video channels from various platforms. Now, numerous platforms develop paid or free services, or both ways. Millennial audience (Generation Y) and post-millennial (Generation Z) are the biggest consumers of the service. This research focuses on analyzing how the pattern of consumption of video content through television and other platforms by the consumers who live in Jakarta. The results of this study indicate a trend of video consumption on conventional television and multiplatforms.
Diskursus Covid-19 dalam Perspektif Komunikasi, 2020
The pandemic has changed many aspects, including sports activities reduction. On the other hand, ... more The pandemic has changed many aspects, including sports activities reduction. On the other hand, the government urges people to maintain health by exercising. Thus, Jakarta citizens found problems to exercise, especially when the fitness centers are closed. Zumba Fitness has been a popular sports program for a long time. Nevertheless, the character of Zumba is group exercising. Hence it should be conducted in a virtual class. Furthermore, the weakness of the Zumba virtual class still is the barriers between the instructor and members, or among members themself. In the perspective of sports communication, it causes further boundaries that require instructors to implement strategies to manage their audience in virtual classes. This study aims to explain how they use digital media as a marketing tool for the Zumba virtual class.
Gagasan Komunikasi untuk Negeri, 2020
The research is part of a collaborative community service that intends to improve a waste managem... more The research is part of a collaborative community service that intends to improve a waste management system in Tenjo Village, Bogor Regency, Indonesia. The project involves several works, communication campaigns, and other creative strategies that contain waste management messages. The campaigns are designed on how visual perception and rhetoric operate in the human brain, especially for children in Tenjo village who participated in the environmental communication campaigns. The research examines how children interpret the campaign messages through in-depth interview. The results show how visual rhetoric characteristics and nature of the image aspect work on how children perceiving the proximity towards painted trash can. The function of the image aspect operates on how light colors are perceived as the dominant messages by children.
Jurnal INTEGRITAS, 2017
Perjuangan pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia telah menjadi perjalanan panjang yang hingga kini m... more Perjuangan pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia telah menjadi perjalanan panjang yang hingga kini masih menjadi perhatian banyak pihak. Media menjadi salah satu pihak yang memiliki kapasitas untuk mengawal aparat dalam menumpas tindakan tidak beretika tersebut. Korupsi kerap kali bersanding dengan sektor politik yang dapat ditunjukkan melalui tema-tema berita di beberapa media daring terpopuler seperti,,,, dan Selama setahun sebelum dihelatnya Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017, pemberitaan di berbagai kanal media dengan kompak menampilkan kasus korupsi yang melibatkan nama-nama seperti Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), Sylviana Murni, dan Anies Baswedan. Ketiga sosok tersebut sama-sama melaju ke Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017. Hasil analisis isi terhadap konten berita korupsi pada lima kanal berita daring tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Ahok menjadi sosok yang paling banyak disebut pada berita-berita kasus korupsi. Namun, hasil Pilkada putaran pertama berhasil dimenangkan oleh Ahok-Djarot. Efek media yang memiliki pengaruh kuat pada khalayak menjadi perlu dicermati kembali. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan faktor-faktor selain faktor media yang memiliki kaitan dengan partisipasi politik warga DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma positivis dengan pendekatan survei. Populasi penelitian mencakup semua masyarakat yang terdata pada Daftar Pemilih Tetap dalam Pilkada Jakarta 2017 yang sekaligus pernah mengonsumsi berita-berita tersebut. Penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik cluster random sampling dengan batas kelonggaran 10% sehingga diperoleh 100 orang responden. Variabel dan kategori diturunkan dari Teori Uses and Gratification yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Kendall’s Tau. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara intensitas diskusi berita korupsi paslon dengan partisipasi politik konstituen lebih kuat dari pada hubungan antara pola konsumsi berita korupsi paslon dengan partisipasi politik konstituen. Para konstituen cenderung lebih memercayai informasi yang bersumber dari orang-orang terdekat mereka. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan, media tidak cukup dalam memainkan peran sebagai agen antikorupsi, karena orang-orang terdekat konstituenlah yang memiliki kekuatan paling besar dalam memengaruhi pandangan khalayak mengenai korupsi secara umum maupun kasus korupsi yang dilekatkan oleh media terhadap para paslon.
Kata Kunci: Berita Korupsi, Media Daring, Pilkada DKI Jakarta, Uses and Gratification.
The 4th Indonesia Media Research Awards & Summit (IMRAS) 2017, 2017
Indonesia lies at the meeting of three major tectonic plates of the world, the Eurasian Plate, In... more Indonesia lies at the meeting of three major tectonic plates of the world, the Eurasian Plate, Indo-Australian, and the Pacific so that Indonesia has a high potential for disaster. In fact, the United Nations also states that Indonesia is the world's most disaster-prone country. Indonesia has high potential to encounter natural disasters such as floods. It should involve the attention of the public and the government in taking care of the environment. Media has important duties to educate and socialize environmental issues to the public since they play the significant role in educating and supervising social conditions within the country. Media is easier to disseminate the message more widely to the public through online media in the digital era as it is today.
Meanwhile, people also could consume a wide selection of messages from various media channels. Ultimately, online media becomes an extension of mainstream media to reach more diverse audience. Besides, there is also citizen journalism as an alternative media that also struggles with environmental issues. This study tries to show how the characteristics of mainstream online media and citizen journalism as an alternative media in carrying out their functions with environmental news. Features of the news analyzed by looking at each framing.
The subject of this research is the news that exists in each mainstream online media and citizen journalism. They were analyzed using the Framing Approach, especially the Robert N. Entman Model. The results of this study indicate that news on mainstream online media tends to package environmental news to carry out surveillance function. Meanwhile, citizen journalism tends to lead transmission of the social heritage service by giving the educational content of environmental care to their audience.
Receiver, 2017
Kegemukan atau obesitas menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan yang menyita perhatian dunia. Indone... more Kegemukan atau obesitas menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan yang menyita perhatian dunia. Indonesia juga menjadi negara yang angka obesitasnya terus meningkat setiap tahun. Selain menjadi perhatian bagi dunia kesehatan, masalah kegemukan pun juga menarik perhatian dunia kecantikan. Gemuk, gendut, atau pun obesitas memiliki posisi inferior jika dibandingkan dengan ukuran tubuh lainnya. Hal tersebut yang kemudian menjadi titik tolak cara pandang media dalam menempatkan “tubuh gemuk.” Iklan, video klip, bahkan stand up comedy turut menjadi sarana bagi media untuk merepresentasikan bagaimana sudut pandang media terhadap kegemukan. Sebagai jenis program acara humor, stand up comedy seolah menjadi ajang pembenaran untuk berolok-olok dan menertawai orang lain, termasuk menertawai para pemilik tubuh.
Kata Kunci: Representasi, Minoritas, Stand Up Comedy.
Political marketing is considered as tool to introduce the party or political leaders effectively... more Political marketing is considered as tool to introduce the party or political leaders effectively to public. Ahead of the 2014 election, some text of certain candidates or political parties were present. Undesirable condition when texts were used as a hidden campaign tool in the gray area on media regulation, especially in television. This study describes how text of "Atap Rumah Bangsa" on TV One and ANTV in 2013 is being built. This study uses semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes and the results stated that text of "Atap Rumah Bangsa" through "Lomba Avatar ARB" constructs positive image of ARB and Golkar.
Papers by Melisa I N D R I A N A Putri
Kata Kunci: Berita Korupsi, Media Daring, Pilkada DKI Jakarta, Uses and Gratification.
Meanwhile, people also could consume a wide selection of messages from various media channels. Ultimately, online media becomes an extension of mainstream media to reach more diverse audience. Besides, there is also citizen journalism as an alternative media that also struggles with environmental issues. This study tries to show how the characteristics of mainstream online media and citizen journalism as an alternative media in carrying out their functions with environmental news. Features of the news analyzed by looking at each framing.
The subject of this research is the news that exists in each mainstream online media and citizen journalism. They were analyzed using the Framing Approach, especially the Robert N. Entman Model. The results of this study indicate that news on mainstream online media tends to package environmental news to carry out surveillance function. Meanwhile, citizen journalism tends to lead transmission of the social heritage service by giving the educational content of environmental care to their audience.
Kata Kunci: Representasi, Minoritas, Stand Up Comedy.
Kata Kunci: Berita Korupsi, Media Daring, Pilkada DKI Jakarta, Uses and Gratification.
Meanwhile, people also could consume a wide selection of messages from various media channels. Ultimately, online media becomes an extension of mainstream media to reach more diverse audience. Besides, there is also citizen journalism as an alternative media that also struggles with environmental issues. This study tries to show how the characteristics of mainstream online media and citizen journalism as an alternative media in carrying out their functions with environmental news. Features of the news analyzed by looking at each framing.
The subject of this research is the news that exists in each mainstream online media and citizen journalism. They were analyzed using the Framing Approach, especially the Robert N. Entman Model. The results of this study indicate that news on mainstream online media tends to package environmental news to carry out surveillance function. Meanwhile, citizen journalism tends to lead transmission of the social heritage service by giving the educational content of environmental care to their audience.
Kata Kunci: Representasi, Minoritas, Stand Up Comedy.