Books by Małgorzata Przanowska
WUW, 2019
phenomenon and experience of listening, philosophical hermeneutics, the hermeneutics of education... more phenomenon and experience of listening, philosophical hermeneutics, the hermeneutics of education/transformative relationships, philosophy-music-education, philosophy of music, the hermeneutics of philosophy, education as a form of listening-being, tact, taste, sound, the hermeneutics of question, hermeneutics of listening, the art of life, hermeneutic and antique dialectics, mousike, dance (movement), choreia, body, child,, wor(l)d...
The book is devoted to the analysis of the complex phenomenon of listening, with its own specific dynamics. Listening, understood as a way of being in the world, requires an acouological education, in which the logic of creative participation calls for a being with others that is responsible, inspiring, tasteful and that overcomes “reductionisms” in a translational way.
The publication is intended for those interested in the phenomenon of listening, the philosophy of education, contemporary pedagogy, philosophical hermeneutics, as well as the philosophy of music. It could become a source of inspiration for counselling, relations (also in the therapeutic dimension), and communication scholars and professionals.
Contents of:
Małgorzata Przanowska, Listening and Acouological Education, WUW, Warszawa 2019, pp... more Contents of:
Małgorzata Przanowska, Listening and Acouological Education, WUW, Warszawa 2019, pp. 306.
It can be found at many other websites and, for example, on Scopus. If someone prefers a printed copy, the best way to obtain it is by contacting the Publisher ( or directly the author: [email protected]
Papers by Małgorzata Przanowska
The Oxford Handbook of the Phenomenology of Music, 2023
The chapter aims to present a phenomenological description of music and education, their relation... more The chapter aims to present a phenomenological description of music and education, their relationship, and the unity that presents itself through an event of openness as improvisation. The phenomenological method is shown here as a transformatively performative and-in a waymusical experience. Education is, in turn, revealed through the description of musical experience, which is bonded with the openness called "silence" that transforms itself into sounds. Music education, thus, turns out to be more connected with the phenomenon of education in general than considered as a subdiscipline of merely vocational training. The chapter suggests that music education should be treated as the existentially primordial educational experience that touches and thus shapes its participants acouologically ("acouological" from Greek acouo and logos-as based on listening and hearing). Unlike a physical touch, the acouological one influences us in a non-material yet concrete way, setting us in such a motion that can become a fully transformative experience.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 2014
The article presents an analysis of Bogdan Nawroczynski’s publications printed in “The Pedagogica... more The article presents an analysis of Bogdan Nawroczynski’s publications printed in “The Pedagogical Quarterly”. In order to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the Faculty of Education at the University of Warsaw and to pay homage to Prof. Nawroczynski, many excerpts from his publications are quoted as well. In the first part of the article, Nawroczynski’s texts from the quarterly are grouped into three categories: articles, reviews and scientific press reviews and each of the groups is briefly discussed. The second part is devoted to more extensive quotations from Nawroczynski’s articles, in which he raises important issues concerning comparative education, the significance of cultural and aesthetic experience in education and the place and role of school in education. Moreover, in his texts one can easily find humanistic concern for a quest for a human being, for a person as a certain whole not divided into some fragments schematically perceived from the angle of natural or social sciences.
phenomenon and experience of listening, philosophical hermeneutics, the hermeneutics of education... more phenomenon and experience of listening, philosophical hermeneutics, the hermeneutics of education/transformative relationships, philosophy-music-education, philosophy of music, the hermeneutics of philosophy, education as a form of listening-being, tact, taste, sound, the hermeneutics of question, hermeneutics of listening, the art of life, hermeneutic and antique dialectics, mousike, dance (movement), choreia, body, child,, wor(l)d... The book is devoted to the analysis of the complex phenomenon of listening, with its own specific dynamics. Listening, understood as a way of being in the world, requires an acouological education, in which the logic of creative participation calls for a being with others that is responsible, inspiring, tasteful and that overcomes “reductionisms” in a translational way. The publication is intended for those interested in the phenomenon of listening, the philosophy of education, contemporary pedagogy, philosophical hermeneutics, as well as the philosophy of music. It could become a source of inspiration for counselling, relations (also in the therapeutic dimension), and communication scholars and professionals.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, Jan 27, 2015
The text concerns the issue of translation in relation to education. It begins with a reference t... more The text concerns the issue of translation in relation to education. It begins with a reference to contemporary discussion on translation study. The reference is done in order to show a complexity of problems in the field and to introduce the hermeneutic perspective of translation, reading and education. The main conclusion is that education is a translation of experiences, different ways of understanding the world. The more the world changes and seems to be completely different and alien than the one we used to understand, the more it needs a hermeneutist, i.e. a translator and an interpreter with – at least in the Gadamerian context – a poetic ear. The hermeneutist of education has the very ‘ear’ that makes him/her feel that theory is practice and practice is theory
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, Apr 18, 2016
In a text written several years ago (2011/2012) and recently published in Hermeneutics-Ethics-Edu... more In a text written several years ago (2011/2012) and recently published in Hermeneutics-Ethics-Education (2015), the issue of the dialectics of listening in the context of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Jean-Luc Nancy's works has been elaborated. 2 One of the main theses of the text is that the question must rst of all be heard in the space of somebody's openness to the world they live in. e issue of the priority of the question in philosophical hermeneutics has been undertaken as well in the text written in Polish: Człowiek jako pytanie. O dialektycznym transcendowaniu w doświadczeniu kształtującego słuchania (2013) which can be translated as 2
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 2015
The article begins with a short presentation of an interesting semantics concerning the notion of... more The article begins with a short presentation of an interesting semantics concerning the notion of sense from Jean Grondin’s book Du sens de la vie. Essai philosophique. The author singles out four aspects of sense: directional, semantic (the issue of lingual meaning and values), sensous/ sensory (connected with taste, sensus communis) and reflective (connected with the wisdom to judge rightly). Grondin suggests considering the issue of the sense of life not as something added, imposed to life (the constructivist perspective) but rather as something to be discovered, or read from within our experience. In the context the most important question about the sense of education has been posed. The main conclusions of the text are as follows. Contemporary education seems to be reduced to different forms: techno-instrumental, moralizing or ideological, aesthetic “French-polished” and bureaucratically statistical. However, hermeneutics can still provide a crucial inspiration for modern education. The hermeneutic rehabilitation of taste in its sense of (re)cognition, savoring (relishing) and understanding of things needs to be (re)discovered within education. It seems that the modern tendency to reduce human reality and human experience to a narrow area of specialisation, might be overcome by a hermeneutic invitation to see things in a wider, non-generalised, horizon. Reducing the sense of education to one of the aspects mentioned by Grondin means to make education something perhaps useful, effective, attractive because of the ‘ends and means’ technology, but at the same time senseless and lacking life, spirit, inspiration and taste. The sense of education is to be uncovered/ discovered and not merely imposed and then assimilated. However, education needs – paradoxically – a kind of repetition and imitation comparable to the experience full of listening to the sounds and words in the process of uttering something. It is not the same as the reproduction or duplication of content. That is why in education the interpreter’s fine inner ear is needed. It is needed not in order to replace the content with something elusive, but rather to regain – thanks to this sensual elusiveness – a sense of the content and its voice. The importance of the voice is that in listening out for it an encounter with something different from our own particularity is possible.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 2013
Gadamer, Nancy, pytanie, słuchanie, transcendowanie, kształtowanie
The Oxford Handbook of the Phenomenology of Music
The chapter aims to present a phenomenological description of music and education, their relation... more The chapter aims to present a phenomenological description of music and education, their relationship, and the unity that presents itself through an event of openness as improvisation. The phenomenological method is shown here as a transformatively performative and—in a way—musical experience. Education is, in turn, revealed through the description of musical experience, which is bonded with the openness called “silence” that transforms itself into sounds. Music education, thus, turns out to be more connected with the phenomenon of education in general than considered as a subdiscipline of merely vocational training. The chapter suggests that music education should be treated as the existentially primordial educational experience that touches and thus shapes its participants acouologically (“acouological” from Greek acouo and logos—as based on listening and hearing). Unlike a physical touch, the acouological one influences us in a non-material yet concrete way, setting us in such a ...
Słownik wyrazów ratujących życie, 2023
Artykuł eseistyczny stanowiący studium fenomenologicznego patrzenia na sytuację dziecka w potrzeb... more Artykuł eseistyczny stanowiący studium fenomenologicznego patrzenia na sytuację dziecka w potrzebie. I o komunikacji płynącej z serca.
Test przygotowany do "Słownika wyrazów ratujących życie", red. M. Paluch. Książka ta jest skierowana do osób w potrzebie w związku z wojną na Ukrainie: nauczycieli, rodziców, uczniów, dyrektorów szkół, pedagogów, psychologów... i wszystkich zainteresowanych.
UWAGA: pogrubienia wynikają z koncepcji "Słownika wyrazów ratujących życie" (dostępne online)
Słownik wyrazów ratujących życie, 2023
Tekst jest studium słuchania jako doświadczenia ratującego życie.
Artykuł został napisany do "Sł... more Tekst jest studium słuchania jako doświadczenia ratującego życie.
Artykuł został napisany do "Słownika wyrazów ratujących życie", red. M. Paluch, 2023 jako gest solidarności z ofiarami wojny na Ukrainie. Publikacja kierowana jest do nauczycieli, rodziców, młodzieży, dyrektorów szkół, pedagogów i psychologów zmagających się z traumą wojenną.
Słownik wyrazów ratujących życie, 2023
Tekst jest studium słuchania jako doświadczenia ratującego życie. Artykuł został napisany do "Sło... more Tekst jest studium słuchania jako doświadczenia ratującego życie. Artykuł został napisany do "Słownika wyrazów ratujących życie", red. M. Paluch, 2023 jako gest solidarności z ofiarami wojny na Ukrainie. Publikacja kierowana jest do nauczycieli, rodziców, młodzieży, dyrektorów szkół, pedagogów i psychologów zmagających się z traumą wojenną.
Słowniku wyrazów ratujących życie, 2023
Hasło tematyczne w "Słowniku wyrazów ratujących życie", red. M. Paluch, 2023 (open access)
Słownik wyrazów ratujących życie, 2023
hasło tematyczne w "Słowniku wyrazów ratujących zycie", red. M. Paluch, 2023
Poezja, filozofia, interpretacja, pedagogika... dziwno-twórcza mechanika :) "(...) Szuka... more Poezja, filozofia, interpretacja, pedagogika... dziwno-twórcza mechanika :) "(...) Szukając słów dla określenia poezji Mileny Zagórowicz najprościej stwierdzić, że jest to niełatwa poezja - jej trudność polega na migotaniu dwóch przeciwstawnych tendencji: z jednej strony, Zagórowicz w swoich wierszach zasłania przejrzystość znaczenia, wymowy, sensu; z drugiej zaś strony, słowa Poetki są sugestywne i ofiarujące rozmaite "rozjaśnienia". Te jaśniejące znaczenia nie tyle tłumaczą rzeczywistość, ile odzwierciedlają - są jak lustro, w którym 'coś' się widzi, a zarazem rozpoznaje jako to właśnie a nie coś innego. Więcej, są jak zaczarowane, magiczne lustro, które wpływa na wzrok patrzącego sprawiając, że dostrzega 'coś' konkretnego i szczególnego w oglądanym odbiciu, wymiatając z tego co postrzegane nieistotne w danej chwili elementy obrazu, jak na przykład w wierszu Miotła, który w moim odbiorze oddaje doświadczenie przenikliwości umysłu pod urokiem którego się pozostaje. (...)"
The text concerns the issue of translation in relation to education. It begins with a reference t... more The text concerns the issue of translation in relation to education. It begins with a reference to contemporary discussion on translation study. The reference is done in order to show a complexity of problems in the field and to introduce the hermeneutic perspective of translation, reading and education. The main conclusion is that education is a translation of experiences, different ways of understanding the world. The more the world changes and seems to be completely different and alien than the one we used to understand, the more it needs a hermeneutist, i.e. a translator and an interpreter with – at least in the Gadamerian context – a poetic ear. The hermeneutist of education has the very ‘ear’ that makes him/her feel that theory is practice and practice is theory
Dziedzictwo pedagogiczne dla przyszłości. Debata wokół "Oddechu mysli" Bogdana Nawroczyńskiego, 2021
Tekst ukazał się w książce pod tytułem: Dziedzictwo pedagogiczne dla przyszłości. Debata wokół "O... more Tekst ukazał się w książce pod tytułem: Dziedzictwo pedagogiczne dla przyszłości. Debata wokół "Oddechu myśli" Bogdana Nawroczyńskiego, pod redakcją A. Babickiej-Wirkus, M. Jaworskiej-Witkowskiej i D. Kubinowskiego, Oficyna Wydawnicza IMPULS, Kraków 2021, s. 105-118.
Books by Małgorzata Przanowska
The book is devoted to the analysis of the complex phenomenon of listening, with its own specific dynamics. Listening, understood as a way of being in the world, requires an acouological education, in which the logic of creative participation calls for a being with others that is responsible, inspiring, tasteful and that overcomes “reductionisms” in a translational way.
The publication is intended for those interested in the phenomenon of listening, the philosophy of education, contemporary pedagogy, philosophical hermeneutics, as well as the philosophy of music. It could become a source of inspiration for counselling, relations (also in the therapeutic dimension), and communication scholars and professionals.
Małgorzata Przanowska, Listening and Acouological Education, WUW, Warszawa 2019, pp. 306.
It can be found at many other websites and, for example, on Scopus. If someone prefers a printed copy, the best way to obtain it is by contacting the Publisher ( or directly the author: [email protected]
Papers by Małgorzata Przanowska
Test przygotowany do "Słownika wyrazów ratujących życie", red. M. Paluch. Książka ta jest skierowana do osób w potrzebie w związku z wojną na Ukrainie: nauczycieli, rodziców, uczniów, dyrektorów szkół, pedagogów, psychologów... i wszystkich zainteresowanych.
UWAGA: pogrubienia wynikają z koncepcji "Słownika wyrazów ratujących życie" (dostępne online)
Artykuł został napisany do "Słownika wyrazów ratujących życie", red. M. Paluch, 2023 jako gest solidarności z ofiarami wojny na Ukrainie. Publikacja kierowana jest do nauczycieli, rodziców, młodzieży, dyrektorów szkół, pedagogów i psychologów zmagających się z traumą wojenną.
The book is devoted to the analysis of the complex phenomenon of listening, with its own specific dynamics. Listening, understood as a way of being in the world, requires an acouological education, in which the logic of creative participation calls for a being with others that is responsible, inspiring, tasteful and that overcomes “reductionisms” in a translational way.
The publication is intended for those interested in the phenomenon of listening, the philosophy of education, contemporary pedagogy, philosophical hermeneutics, as well as the philosophy of music. It could become a source of inspiration for counselling, relations (also in the therapeutic dimension), and communication scholars and professionals.
Małgorzata Przanowska, Listening and Acouological Education, WUW, Warszawa 2019, pp. 306.
It can be found at many other websites and, for example, on Scopus. If someone prefers a printed copy, the best way to obtain it is by contacting the Publisher ( or directly the author: [email protected]
Test przygotowany do "Słownika wyrazów ratujących życie", red. M. Paluch. Książka ta jest skierowana do osób w potrzebie w związku z wojną na Ukrainie: nauczycieli, rodziców, uczniów, dyrektorów szkół, pedagogów, psychologów... i wszystkich zainteresowanych.
UWAGA: pogrubienia wynikają z koncepcji "Słownika wyrazów ratujących życie" (dostępne online)
Artykuł został napisany do "Słownika wyrazów ratujących życie", red. M. Paluch, 2023 jako gest solidarności z ofiarami wojny na Ukrainie. Publikacja kierowana jest do nauczycieli, rodziców, młodzieży, dyrektorów szkół, pedagogów i psychologów zmagających się z traumą wojenną.
-instrumentalny (narzędzie naprawy lub ulepszenia świata) sens edukacji. W rezultacie dochodzi do wniosku, że edukacja posiada możliwość i rzeczywistość bycia eudukacją, czyli udziałem w radości rozpoznawania i otwierania możliwości szczęśliwego życia.
Słowa kluczowe: pytanie, pytajność, otwartość, sens edukacji, eudukacja, wolność, twórczość, rozpoznanie, ruch istnienia, myślenie, doświadczenie, zmiana życia, kształtowanie, theoria
Dodatek metodologiczny w "Słowniku wyrazów ratujących życie", red. Michał Paluch, 2023