Papers by Marta Blasco Martín
Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina, 2024
La Sima de l'Aigua es una de las cavidades rituales ibéricas más relevantes del actual... more RESUMEN:
La Sima de l'Aigua es una de las cavidades rituales ibéricas más relevantes del actual País Valenciano, sin embargo, nunca había sido objeto de un estudio monográfico, más allá de las menciones en catálogos generales sobre cuevas-santuario. El estudio multidisciplinar detallado de los materiales recuperados en los años 70 (conservados en el Museu de Prehistòria de València), junto con los datos obtenidos de la prospección desarrollada en 2022, ha permitido plantear diversas hipótesis en relación al uso y depósito de ciertos objetos. El rito se materializaría a través de diversas ofrendas cíclicas y pautadas de cerámicas, principalmente caliciformes, así como adornos metálicos y, probablemente, restos de fauna. Algunas de estas cerámicas pudieron estar sumergidas en la conocida como Sala de los Gours, utilizadas previamente como recipientes de iluminación y/o como contenedores de ofrendas.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Cueva ritual, cultura ibérica, Edad del Hierro, ritualidad, ofrendas, agua.
Sima de l’Aigua is one of the most important ritual caves in the Valencia region. However, other than short mentions in general catalogs on cave-shrines it has never been studied. A detailed multidisciplinary approach based on the materials recovered in the 1970s (conserved in the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia), along with data obtained from the 2022 survey, has allowed to develop various hypotheses regarding the use and deposition of certain objects. The ritual would materialise through diverse cyclical and patterned offerings of ceramics, mainly calyx-form vessels, as well as metallic ornaments and, probably, faunal remains. Some of these ceramics might have been submerged in what is known as the Sala de los Gours (rimstone pools chamber), previously used as containers for lighting and/or as receptacles for offerings.
KEYWORDS: Ritual cave, Iberian Iron Age, rituality, offerings, water.
Trabajos de Prehistoria, 81 (1), 2024
Se presenta un conjunto de astrágalos recuperado en un depósito extramuros de La Bastida de les A... more Se presenta un conjunto de astrágalos recuperado en un depósito extramuros de La Bastida de les Alcusses (Moixent, València). Está integrado por 644 tabas de caprinos y suidos, 207 de ellas con modificaciones antrópicas y otras 5 realizadas en plomo. También se realiza una valoración de los astrágalos procedentes de otros espacios del asentamiento, tanto en hueso como en otros materiales y se reflexiona sobre su presencia en el mundo ibérico, en contextos de hábitat y funerarios, así como sobre los distintos valores y usos económicos, cotidianos y rituales de estos objetos.
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Recerques del Museu d'Alcoi, 2023
Se presentan las primeras evidencias de la red viaria de acceso a La Bastida de les Alcusses. Med... more Se presentan las primeras evidencias de la red viaria de acceso a La Bastida de les Alcusses. Mediante técnicas de teledetección, prospección superficial pedestre y limpiezas intensivas de la vegetación y excavación de sondeos se identifican 824 m de dos tramos de caminos en la ladera sur del asentamiento. El camino tiene una anchura mínima de 3,5 m y está construido con muros de contención y relleno de tierra. Se fecha por su asociación al asentamiento en el tránsito del siglo V al IV a.C.
The first evidence of a road network at La Bastida de les Alcusses is presented. Different geospatial techniques applied to archaeological research such as GIS, LiDAR and GPS, as well as surveys and excavations allowed the identification of 824 m of structure on the southern slope of the settlement. The road is at least 3.5 wide and the construction technique consists of a terraced wall. It can be dated to between the 5th and 4th century BC due to its association with the oppidum.
Zephyrus XC, 2022
A study is presented on the scapulae of bovids recovered in the urban excavations of the city of ... more A study is presented on the scapulae of bovids recovered in the urban excavations of the city of València, with chronologies ranging from the ninth century to the beginning of the thirteenth, all of them with Arabic alphabets incised or chiseled. For the first time they have been studied jointly and three new specimens are unveiled, two from Street Verge de la Misericòrdia, and one found in the recent excavations of the Islamic wall.
To undertake the functional analysis of these bones, it is first to address the examination of the Arabic alphabet and its social uses. From an archaeological and epigraphic point of view, the results are presented and the hypotheses that have been formulated and discussed about the fate of these objects are analyzed: one prophylactic and one educational. It is proposed to add the thesis, according to the characteristics of the Valencian material, of its artisanal character. After highlighting the importance of these pieces as examples of literacy on the part of
society and valuing the artisanal work carried out for their elaboration, it is proposed that they are objects used for didactic purposes to promote learning and that they would be used as a sample to copy the letters and practice artisan techniques.
Quaderns de Prehistòria i Arqueologia de Castelló, 39, 2021
Presentamos el estudio taxonómico, tipológico, tecnológico y contextual de una cabeza femoral per... more Presentamos el estudio taxonómico, tipológico, tecnológico y contextual de una cabeza femoral perforada de Homo sapiens recuperada en los niveles de los siglos VII – VI a. C. del yacimiento ibérico de El Puig de la Nau (Benicarló, Castellón). A raíz de la singularidad de su materia prima y de acuerdo a la interpretación de la pieza como una posible fusayola realizamos una revisión de otros objetos manufacturados sobre huesos humanos de contextos prehistóricos y protohistóricos, así como sobre cabezas femorales perforadas de otros mamíferos como bóvidos identificadas como fusayolas
Quaderns de Prehistòria i Arqueologia de Castelló, 2021
Se presentan los resultados de los estudios realizados sobre una inhumación descubierta durante l... more Se presentan los resultados de los estudios realizados sobre una inhumación descubierta durante las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en 1992 en el yacimiento arqueológico del Hostalot (Vilanova d’Alcolea, Castelló), identificado como la mansio Ildum. Han consistido en un análisis paleoantropológico, su datación por radiocarbono, el estudio del ADN conservado y una revisión de las piezas del ajuar que acompañaban el esqueleto. Los resultados confirman que se trata
de los restos de una mujer de origen germánico perteneciente a una élite que debió morir en un viaje a través de la vía Augusta entre finales del siglo IV y la primera década del siglo V.
MUNIBE Antropologia-Arkeologia, 2021
The aim of this paper is to examine the craftwork on hard materials of animal origin from the Iro... more The aim of this paper is to examine the craftwork on hard materials of animal origin from the Iron Age of the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. We deal with the processes of craftsmanship, transmission of knowledge and the circulation of ivory combs and perforated bone plates. The Cultural Inheritance Theory offers a framework to help identify social dynamics in the craft productions and the transmission of the cultural knowledge between and among individuals (vertical, horizontal or oblique). Therefore, the consequences of these cultural transmission processes will be different for each artefact. This could be used to investigate relative levels of standardization within and between groups. For this we use various morphometric measurements related to the technological process of making combs and perforated plates. The results point to an oblique transmission with particularities linked to each object related to their formal and decorative characteristics and owing to their raw materials.
Zephyrus, 2020
This work focuses on ivory handles with similar morphotecnic characteristics recovered in both ha... more This work focuses on ivory handles with similar morphotecnic characteristics recovered in both habitat and funerary spaces, dated between the 4th and 2nd century bc. These are prestigious objects only accessible to the aristocratic elite, and have been manufactured with exotic materials (ivory) and unusual decorative techniques that show a specialization Trough Fourier transform near-infrared (ft-nir) and portable x-ray fluorescence (pxrf) analysis, it has been possible to document amber inlays adhered to the surface of the handles by using tin as a soft solder. Likewise, some of these objects are decorated with bronze overlays and, exceptionally in one of those, the handle is covered on its sides with a silver sheet. The origin and necessary craft technical knowledge to make these objects is discussed.
Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada, 29, 2019
We present a study of the bone industry from the archaeological site of La Montesita (Aguascalien... more We present a study of the bone industry from the archaeological site of La Montesita (Aguascalientes, Mexico). This settlement is being studied in the project led by Dr. Schulze and Dr. Pérez Roldán. La Montesita is located in the state of Aguascalientes, and it dates back approximately to the Epiclassic period, from 600-900 AD. The settlement has a semi-sparce distribution, where most of the housing units are located on the Montesita hill, hence the name. We analyzed a set of 24 objects made of bone. Within the set, the presence of awls stands out. Our analysis will focus on both its typological classification and a technological and functional analysis through the observation de visu of the pieces, a microscopic study and their comparison. Likewise, we emphasize the distribution of the bone tools in the different spatial contexts of the settlement. This allows us to obtain a global view of the recovered bone industry at the Montesita site, and thus reach a better understanding of the material culture in the North-Center of Mexico-a region of great archaeological value to which little attention has been paid by researchers.
Recursos marins del passat. IV Jornades d'Arqueozoologia, 2019
Within the framework of execution of the investigation project "Wood, Bone, Ivory, Antler and She... more Within the framework of execution of the investigation project "Wood, Bone, Ivory, Antler and Shell. Marginal or marginalized crafts?" (HAR2013-45770-ACOMP/2015/256) we reviewed a small set of modified fish vertebrae from the Iberian period. The use of these objects was related as beads. They were always recognized as vertebrae of ichthyofauna remains, but in almost no case, the species to which they belonged had been identified, neither had they been treated jointly. Our purpose here is to identify the species and try to approach the explanation of their use and presence in Iberian settlements, necropolis and votive deposits. INTRODUCCIÓN En este estudio presentamos las vértebras de pescado recuperadas en con-textos ibéricos, que han sido modificadas perforando el canal medular y, por lo tanto, usadas como cuentas. Su documentación no es muy abun-dante, al tratarse de un tipo de abalorio poco generalizado, probablemente debido al uso de otros materiales más cotidianos y de más fácil acceso para la confección de elementos de adorno personal, accesorios o decoración. En el mundo ibérico, las cuentas más habituales son las realizadas sobre diáfisis de huesos largos de macromamíferos, de formas discoidales y perfo-radas en la parte central. Este tipo de artefactos están documentados, entre otros, en los oppida del Tossal de Sant Miquel (Llíria, València) (Bonet, Recursos marins en el passat. IV Jornades d'arqueozoologia. Museu de Prehistòria de València (2019): 221-237.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2019
In this work, five unique Iberian Iron Age handles have been studied. The use of portable X-ray f... more In this work, five unique Iberian Iron Age handles have been studied. The use of portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) and Fourier transform near–infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy no-destructive techniques has allowed us to identify two raw materials (amber and tin) used to decorate the ivory handles.Due to the finesse of their inlaid decoration and the value and exoticismof thematerial employed for their manufacture, these ivory objects are really exceptional Iberian archaeology findings. Interestingly, it has been
possible to determine that tin was used as an adherent material to fix the inlaid small pieces of amber in the handles. The obtained results allow the better understanding of the manufacturing processes, areas of production, and accessibility to exotic materials of
valuable objects during the Iberian period.
Quaternary International, 2018
This work seeks to give visibility to the industry of hard animal materials that is documented du... more This work seeks to give visibility to the industry of hard animal materials that is documented during the Iron Age in the Iberian peninsula. We focus on the analysis of three common artefacts within the bone and ivory industry in the Iberian culture (between the 6th to the 1st Century BC): pins, perforated plates and combs. We have studied these objects from a technological point of view, thanks to a series of experimental work carried out in order to meet different operational chains, necessary to manufacture each one of these items and tools that could be used for this purpose. So, we searched the archaeological tool models to work bone and ivory, and whenever it has been possible, we have reproduced them. We have paid special attention to the results that may be obtained with different tools, gestures made, different time and effort employed according to the raw material, the tool made and the importance of the "hands" that lie behind the products, thus considering the role of the craftsman who carried out each one of these works. The questions raised in this research are: Is the manufacture of this type of pieces a specialized work, or anyone with access to the right tools could do it? Did it all depend on the raw materials employed? Were there local workshops on equipment manufacture with bone and ivory?
This is a necessary study that focuses on analysis of pieces omitted by the archaeological research and, moreover, approaching its study not from a descriptive or typological point of view, but focusing on the manufacturing and operational chains processes, giving special importance to the role of the craftsmanship behind these objects. For all of this, experimentation has provided us with essential information that should be properly contrasted with the archaeological record.
Quaternary International, 2018
This paper presents the study of needles made of long human bones (Homo sapiens) from the region ... more This paper presents the study of needles made of long human bones (Homo sapiens) from the region of Xochimilco, now a quarter in Mexico City, which in pre-Hispanic times was one of the cities conquered by the Aztec empire. We shall discuss the development and use of these needles, as well as the identification of the raw material they are made of and a proposal about what people these bones were
obtained from: captives or craftsmen's relatives?
The archaeological household at San Pedro, in Xochimilco, presents in its early stages (12th century - 15th century) stone technology, and in its final stages (16th century, around the time of arrival of the Spanish conquerors) the possible use of metal. Therefore, it is important to study the technology produced by these different tools. In order to achieve this goal, we have used experimental archaeology with obsidian cutting tools and abrasives (igneous rocks) as well as metal tools and other abrasives (emery).
Thus, we have analyzed the use trace, the operational chain (chaîne opératoire) and the effort and time spent when applying each of these techniques.
En este trabajo presentamos el estudio de la industria sobre hueso y asta del yacimiento ibérico ... more En este trabajo presentamos el estudio de la industria sobre hueso y asta del yacimiento ibérico de El Palomar (Teruel), incidiendo en el análisis tipológico de las piezas. Se ha prestado especial atención a la necesidad de realizar estudios comparativos, que vayan más allá del análisis de los materiales fabricados sobre una única materia prima.
Consideramos que una visión global de útiles similares, ideados para realizar las mismas tareas, aunque hayan sido elaborados sobre materias primas distintas, enriquece su comprensión y la información que nos ofrecen de las sociedades que los idearon y fabricaron. Así, en este asentamiento se recuperó un fragmento de una pieza apuntada de madera que nos permite plantear la relación entre la ebanistería y el trabajo de las materias duras de origen animal.
Complutum, 2017
Since Prehistory, several objects have been made of hard materials of animal origin (bone, antler... more Since Prehistory, several objects have been made of hard materials of animal origin (bone, antler, ivory, horn, shell), highlighting ivory among them because it is an exotic material. In this work we analyse a set of combs of ivory and wood from settlements of the Second Iron Age in the Iberian Peninsula. Their study has offered a new vision about these objects, whose formal and ornamental patterns show its local manufacturing in a few places from where they would spread towards distant areas. Besides, the evidences about the context and the chronology show new reading codes to approach artisans and for the interpretation of users in gender key.
Los juegos de azar han acompañado a la humanidad desde épocas
muy tempranas, y los dados no han s... more Los juegos de azar han acompañado a la humanidad desde épocas
muy tempranas, y los dados no han sido la excepción. En este artículo
hablaremos del hallazgo hecho en una exploración arqueológica, de un
dado de hueso, ilegalmente cargado; y también revisaremos un poco de
historia sobre las prohibiciones de los juegos de azar. Posteriormente,
juntando experimentación y matemáticas, fabricaremos un nuevo dado
de hueso cargado, y mediante la probabilidad descubriremos qué sucede al usarlo.
RESUMEN: En este trabajo presentamos una compilación de los dados encontrados en el sur y este pe... more RESUMEN: En este trabajo presentamos una compilación de los dados encontrados en el sur y este peninsular entre los siglos VI-I a.C. Se ha incidido en los contextos, en las diversas materias primas en las que se han realizado, en sus características físicas y en las piezas asociadas a los mismos que pueden interpretarse como parte de juegos antiguos. Además, se analiza la orientación de las marcas en cada una de las caras de los dados y su numeración. Todo ello desde una visión comparativa con otras culturas mediterráneas de la Antigüedad. Asimismo, se recogen una serie de piezas cúbicas y paralelepipédicas similares a los dados, pero que por sus características físicas consideramos distintas a estos y se plantean sus posibles usos.
ABSTRACT: In this essay, we analyse a compilation of dice (VI-I B.C.) found in the south and south east of the Iberian Peninsula. We have paid special attention to the contexts, the different raw materials in which they have been made, their physical characteristics and the artifacts associated to such dice as they can be interpreted as part of ancient games. Furthermore, we have analysed the facing and positions of each numeration and face for every dice. All of this has been done from a comparative perspective with other antique Mediterranean cultures. Additionally, we collect a series of cubic and parallelepipedic pieces similar to the dices, but we consider them different due to their physical characteristics. We propose some uses for these objects too.
Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de tres materias duras de origen animal como son el hueso, e... more Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de tres materias duras de origen animal como son el hueso, el asta y el marfil en época ibérica 1 . ¿Por qué tratar esta temática? Porque consideramos que, por lo general, ha sido pasada por alto en la investigación peninsular; sobre todo en el caso de las piezas realizadas sobre hueso y sobre asta, ya que el marfil ha llamado más la atención de los/as investigadores/as por las implicaciones económicas y de prestigio social que conlleva su aparición en el registro material de cualquier sociedad o grupo humano.
Instrumentum 40, Dec 2014
Wooden objects and hard materials of animal origin constitute a material that tend to be buried i... more Wooden objects and hard materials of animal origin constitute a material that tend to be buried in
appendices of publications concerned with the Iron Age. However, there are numerous assemblages
that suggest that their presence was an important part of daily life and as well for the afterlife. More
such objects and better preserved ones tend to be found in cemeteries.
- The methodology proposed in this project includes: typological classification, functional classification,
taxonomic identification, context and, if possible, reconstruction of the “chaîne opératoire”. This data
set is tied to a standard record database to be published on-line in a similar way to previous projects
Isotopic analysis on ivory objects is also proposed to learn the origin of this raw material in this context
and improve understanding of recognized exchange networks in recent prehistory. 14C dating will also
be carried out in particular cases. Iconographic analysis will be used as a complementary source to
help us understand the symbolism of the pieces that bore certain images.
- The ultimate goal will be to study the role played by these various objects in daily life, learning about
the artisans who produced them in workshops by studying the details of the craft-working (the
technological aspects) as well as the people who used these objects and gave them value as
commodities by taking into account the contexts of discovery. In some cases, it is possible to isolate
individual objects that reveal aspects of functionality, symbolism information about resources in terms
of the taxonomic identification of the raw materials including raw materials such as ivory which came
from outside the immediate region and other raw materials used to manufacture tools which arrived in
the area from very far away and testify to the existence of long-distance trade relations.
The first results are now available. The review of hard materials of animal origin from La Covalta
(Albaida, Valencia) conducted by Marta Blasco directly targeted 47 objects made from bone, antler and
ivory (pins, that is hair pins or acus crinalis and awls). There were some half-finished and remains of
manufacturing waste among these objects. They represent the first research on the worked bone
remains to be studied from a fourth century BC settlement on the Iberian Peninsula.
Posters by Marta Blasco Martín
Vº Congreso Internacional de Arqueología Experimental. Tarragona, 25-27 de Octubre de 2017
Presentamos el trabajo de arqueología experimental de una pieza elaborada sobre asta de ciervo de... more Presentamos el trabajo de arqueología experimental de una pieza elaborada sobre asta de ciervo del fortín ibérico del Puntal dels Llops (s. V – f. s. II a. C.). Se trata de un objeto singular tanto por su tipología (ha sido definido como un colgante o pectoral), como por tener grabada una inscripción en ibérico leída como NAUIBA e interpretada como un nombre propio o un cargo personal.
Su revisión nos ha hecho prestar especial atención a su manufactura desde el punto de vista tecnológico. Por ello hemos procedido a fabricar una réplica utilizando la misma materia prima y herramientas similares a las probablemente empleadas en época ibérica. Se ha seleccionado la parte central de un asta de Cervus elaphus de envergadura similar a la original y ha sido trabajada con sierras metálicas para los primeros pasos de la manufactura, punzones para el vaciado, la ejecución de las perforaciones y la realización de la inscripción y piedra de rodeno como material abrasivo. Se ha contabilizado el tiempo invertido en todo el proceso de trabajo, resultando especialmente largo y problemático el vaciado del asta. Hemos comprobado, asimismo, como el uso de agua reduce el tiempo en esta fase de la cadena operativa.
Papers by Marta Blasco Martín
La Sima de l'Aigua es una de las cavidades rituales ibéricas más relevantes del actual País Valenciano, sin embargo, nunca había sido objeto de un estudio monográfico, más allá de las menciones en catálogos generales sobre cuevas-santuario. El estudio multidisciplinar detallado de los materiales recuperados en los años 70 (conservados en el Museu de Prehistòria de València), junto con los datos obtenidos de la prospección desarrollada en 2022, ha permitido plantear diversas hipótesis en relación al uso y depósito de ciertos objetos. El rito se materializaría a través de diversas ofrendas cíclicas y pautadas de cerámicas, principalmente caliciformes, así como adornos metálicos y, probablemente, restos de fauna. Algunas de estas cerámicas pudieron estar sumergidas en la conocida como Sala de los Gours, utilizadas previamente como recipientes de iluminación y/o como contenedores de ofrendas.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Cueva ritual, cultura ibérica, Edad del Hierro, ritualidad, ofrendas, agua.
Sima de l’Aigua is one of the most important ritual caves in the Valencia region. However, other than short mentions in general catalogs on cave-shrines it has never been studied. A detailed multidisciplinary approach based on the materials recovered in the 1970s (conserved in the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia), along with data obtained from the 2022 survey, has allowed to develop various hypotheses regarding the use and deposition of certain objects. The ritual would materialise through diverse cyclical and patterned offerings of ceramics, mainly calyx-form vessels, as well as metallic ornaments and, probably, faunal remains. Some of these ceramics might have been submerged in what is known as the Sala de los Gours (rimstone pools chamber), previously used as containers for lighting and/or as receptacles for offerings.
KEYWORDS: Ritual cave, Iberian Iron Age, rituality, offerings, water.
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The first evidence of a road network at La Bastida de les Alcusses is presented. Different geospatial techniques applied to archaeological research such as GIS, LiDAR and GPS, as well as surveys and excavations allowed the identification of 824 m of structure on the southern slope of the settlement. The road is at least 3.5 wide and the construction technique consists of a terraced wall. It can be dated to between the 5th and 4th century BC due to its association with the oppidum.
To undertake the functional analysis of these bones, it is first to address the examination of the Arabic alphabet and its social uses. From an archaeological and epigraphic point of view, the results are presented and the hypotheses that have been formulated and discussed about the fate of these objects are analyzed: one prophylactic and one educational. It is proposed to add the thesis, according to the characteristics of the Valencian material, of its artisanal character. After highlighting the importance of these pieces as examples of literacy on the part of
society and valuing the artisanal work carried out for their elaboration, it is proposed that they are objects used for didactic purposes to promote learning and that they would be used as a sample to copy the letters and practice artisan techniques.
de los restos de una mujer de origen germánico perteneciente a una élite que debió morir en un viaje a través de la vía Augusta entre finales del siglo IV y la primera década del siglo V.
possible to determine that tin was used as an adherent material to fix the inlaid small pieces of amber in the handles. The obtained results allow the better understanding of the manufacturing processes, areas of production, and accessibility to exotic materials of
valuable objects during the Iberian period.
This is a necessary study that focuses on analysis of pieces omitted by the archaeological research and, moreover, approaching its study not from a descriptive or typological point of view, but focusing on the manufacturing and operational chains processes, giving special importance to the role of the craftsmanship behind these objects. For all of this, experimentation has provided us with essential information that should be properly contrasted with the archaeological record.
obtained from: captives or craftsmen's relatives?
The archaeological household at San Pedro, in Xochimilco, presents in its early stages (12th century - 15th century) stone technology, and in its final stages (16th century, around the time of arrival of the Spanish conquerors) the possible use of metal. Therefore, it is important to study the technology produced by these different tools. In order to achieve this goal, we have used experimental archaeology with obsidian cutting tools and abrasives (igneous rocks) as well as metal tools and other abrasives (emery).
Thus, we have analyzed the use trace, the operational chain (chaîne opératoire) and the effort and time spent when applying each of these techniques.
Consideramos que una visión global de útiles similares, ideados para realizar las mismas tareas, aunque hayan sido elaborados sobre materias primas distintas, enriquece su comprensión y la información que nos ofrecen de las sociedades que los idearon y fabricaron. Así, en este asentamiento se recuperó un fragmento de una pieza apuntada de madera que nos permite plantear la relación entre la ebanistería y el trabajo de las materias duras de origen animal.
muy tempranas, y los dados no han sido la excepción. En este artículo
hablaremos del hallazgo hecho en una exploración arqueológica, de un
dado de hueso, ilegalmente cargado; y también revisaremos un poco de
historia sobre las prohibiciones de los juegos de azar. Posteriormente,
juntando experimentación y matemáticas, fabricaremos un nuevo dado
de hueso cargado, y mediante la probabilidad descubriremos qué sucede al usarlo.
ABSTRACT: In this essay, we analyse a compilation of dice (VI-I B.C.) found in the south and south east of the Iberian Peninsula. We have paid special attention to the contexts, the different raw materials in which they have been made, their physical characteristics and the artifacts associated to such dice as they can be interpreted as part of ancient games. Furthermore, we have analysed the facing and positions of each numeration and face for every dice. All of this has been done from a comparative perspective with other antique Mediterranean cultures. Additionally, we collect a series of cubic and parallelepipedic pieces similar to the dices, but we consider them different due to their physical characteristics. We propose some uses for these objects too.
appendices of publications concerned with the Iron Age. However, there are numerous assemblages
that suggest that their presence was an important part of daily life and as well for the afterlife. More
such objects and better preserved ones tend to be found in cemeteries.
- The methodology proposed in this project includes: typological classification, functional classification,
taxonomic identification, context and, if possible, reconstruction of the “chaîne opératoire”. This data
set is tied to a standard record database to be published on-line in a similar way to previous projects
Isotopic analysis on ivory objects is also proposed to learn the origin of this raw material in this context
and improve understanding of recognized exchange networks in recent prehistory. 14C dating will also
be carried out in particular cases. Iconographic analysis will be used as a complementary source to
help us understand the symbolism of the pieces that bore certain images.
- The ultimate goal will be to study the role played by these various objects in daily life, learning about
the artisans who produced them in workshops by studying the details of the craft-working (the
technological aspects) as well as the people who used these objects and gave them value as
commodities by taking into account the contexts of discovery. In some cases, it is possible to isolate
individual objects that reveal aspects of functionality, symbolism information about resources in terms
of the taxonomic identification of the raw materials including raw materials such as ivory which came
from outside the immediate region and other raw materials used to manufacture tools which arrived in
the area from very far away and testify to the existence of long-distance trade relations.
The first results are now available. The review of hard materials of animal origin from La Covalta
(Albaida, Valencia) conducted by Marta Blasco directly targeted 47 objects made from bone, antler and
ivory (pins, that is hair pins or acus crinalis and awls). There were some half-finished and remains of
manufacturing waste among these objects. They represent the first research on the worked bone
remains to be studied from a fourth century BC settlement on the Iberian Peninsula.
Posters by Marta Blasco Martín
Su revisión nos ha hecho prestar especial atención a su manufactura desde el punto de vista tecnológico. Por ello hemos procedido a fabricar una réplica utilizando la misma materia prima y herramientas similares a las probablemente empleadas en época ibérica. Se ha seleccionado la parte central de un asta de Cervus elaphus de envergadura similar a la original y ha sido trabajada con sierras metálicas para los primeros pasos de la manufactura, punzones para el vaciado, la ejecución de las perforaciones y la realización de la inscripción y piedra de rodeno como material abrasivo. Se ha contabilizado el tiempo invertido en todo el proceso de trabajo, resultando especialmente largo y problemático el vaciado del asta. Hemos comprobado, asimismo, como el uso de agua reduce el tiempo en esta fase de la cadena operativa.
La Sima de l'Aigua es una de las cavidades rituales ibéricas más relevantes del actual País Valenciano, sin embargo, nunca había sido objeto de un estudio monográfico, más allá de las menciones en catálogos generales sobre cuevas-santuario. El estudio multidisciplinar detallado de los materiales recuperados en los años 70 (conservados en el Museu de Prehistòria de València), junto con los datos obtenidos de la prospección desarrollada en 2022, ha permitido plantear diversas hipótesis en relación al uso y depósito de ciertos objetos. El rito se materializaría a través de diversas ofrendas cíclicas y pautadas de cerámicas, principalmente caliciformes, así como adornos metálicos y, probablemente, restos de fauna. Algunas de estas cerámicas pudieron estar sumergidas en la conocida como Sala de los Gours, utilizadas previamente como recipientes de iluminación y/o como contenedores de ofrendas.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Cueva ritual, cultura ibérica, Edad del Hierro, ritualidad, ofrendas, agua.
Sima de l’Aigua is one of the most important ritual caves in the Valencia region. However, other than short mentions in general catalogs on cave-shrines it has never been studied. A detailed multidisciplinary approach based on the materials recovered in the 1970s (conserved in the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia), along with data obtained from the 2022 survey, has allowed to develop various hypotheses regarding the use and deposition of certain objects. The ritual would materialise through diverse cyclical and patterned offerings of ceramics, mainly calyx-form vessels, as well as metallic ornaments and, probably, faunal remains. Some of these ceramics might have been submerged in what is known as the Sala de los Gours (rimstone pools chamber), previously used as containers for lighting and/or as receptacles for offerings.
KEYWORDS: Ritual cave, Iberian Iron Age, rituality, offerings, water.
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The first evidence of a road network at La Bastida de les Alcusses is presented. Different geospatial techniques applied to archaeological research such as GIS, LiDAR and GPS, as well as surveys and excavations allowed the identification of 824 m of structure on the southern slope of the settlement. The road is at least 3.5 wide and the construction technique consists of a terraced wall. It can be dated to between the 5th and 4th century BC due to its association with the oppidum.
To undertake the functional analysis of these bones, it is first to address the examination of the Arabic alphabet and its social uses. From an archaeological and epigraphic point of view, the results are presented and the hypotheses that have been formulated and discussed about the fate of these objects are analyzed: one prophylactic and one educational. It is proposed to add the thesis, according to the characteristics of the Valencian material, of its artisanal character. After highlighting the importance of these pieces as examples of literacy on the part of
society and valuing the artisanal work carried out for their elaboration, it is proposed that they are objects used for didactic purposes to promote learning and that they would be used as a sample to copy the letters and practice artisan techniques.
de los restos de una mujer de origen germánico perteneciente a una élite que debió morir en un viaje a través de la vía Augusta entre finales del siglo IV y la primera década del siglo V.
possible to determine that tin was used as an adherent material to fix the inlaid small pieces of amber in the handles. The obtained results allow the better understanding of the manufacturing processes, areas of production, and accessibility to exotic materials of
valuable objects during the Iberian period.
This is a necessary study that focuses on analysis of pieces omitted by the archaeological research and, moreover, approaching its study not from a descriptive or typological point of view, but focusing on the manufacturing and operational chains processes, giving special importance to the role of the craftsmanship behind these objects. For all of this, experimentation has provided us with essential information that should be properly contrasted with the archaeological record.
obtained from: captives or craftsmen's relatives?
The archaeological household at San Pedro, in Xochimilco, presents in its early stages (12th century - 15th century) stone technology, and in its final stages (16th century, around the time of arrival of the Spanish conquerors) the possible use of metal. Therefore, it is important to study the technology produced by these different tools. In order to achieve this goal, we have used experimental archaeology with obsidian cutting tools and abrasives (igneous rocks) as well as metal tools and other abrasives (emery).
Thus, we have analyzed the use trace, the operational chain (chaîne opératoire) and the effort and time spent when applying each of these techniques.
Consideramos que una visión global de útiles similares, ideados para realizar las mismas tareas, aunque hayan sido elaborados sobre materias primas distintas, enriquece su comprensión y la información que nos ofrecen de las sociedades que los idearon y fabricaron. Así, en este asentamiento se recuperó un fragmento de una pieza apuntada de madera que nos permite plantear la relación entre la ebanistería y el trabajo de las materias duras de origen animal.
muy tempranas, y los dados no han sido la excepción. En este artículo
hablaremos del hallazgo hecho en una exploración arqueológica, de un
dado de hueso, ilegalmente cargado; y también revisaremos un poco de
historia sobre las prohibiciones de los juegos de azar. Posteriormente,
juntando experimentación y matemáticas, fabricaremos un nuevo dado
de hueso cargado, y mediante la probabilidad descubriremos qué sucede al usarlo.
ABSTRACT: In this essay, we analyse a compilation of dice (VI-I B.C.) found in the south and south east of the Iberian Peninsula. We have paid special attention to the contexts, the different raw materials in which they have been made, their physical characteristics and the artifacts associated to such dice as they can be interpreted as part of ancient games. Furthermore, we have analysed the facing and positions of each numeration and face for every dice. All of this has been done from a comparative perspective with other antique Mediterranean cultures. Additionally, we collect a series of cubic and parallelepipedic pieces similar to the dices, but we consider them different due to their physical characteristics. We propose some uses for these objects too.
appendices of publications concerned with the Iron Age. However, there are numerous assemblages
that suggest that their presence was an important part of daily life and as well for the afterlife. More
such objects and better preserved ones tend to be found in cemeteries.
- The methodology proposed in this project includes: typological classification, functional classification,
taxonomic identification, context and, if possible, reconstruction of the “chaîne opératoire”. This data
set is tied to a standard record database to be published on-line in a similar way to previous projects
Isotopic analysis on ivory objects is also proposed to learn the origin of this raw material in this context
and improve understanding of recognized exchange networks in recent prehistory. 14C dating will also
be carried out in particular cases. Iconographic analysis will be used as a complementary source to
help us understand the symbolism of the pieces that bore certain images.
- The ultimate goal will be to study the role played by these various objects in daily life, learning about
the artisans who produced them in workshops by studying the details of the craft-working (the
technological aspects) as well as the people who used these objects and gave them value as
commodities by taking into account the contexts of discovery. In some cases, it is possible to isolate
individual objects that reveal aspects of functionality, symbolism information about resources in terms
of the taxonomic identification of the raw materials including raw materials such as ivory which came
from outside the immediate region and other raw materials used to manufacture tools which arrived in
the area from very far away and testify to the existence of long-distance trade relations.
The first results are now available. The review of hard materials of animal origin from La Covalta
(Albaida, Valencia) conducted by Marta Blasco directly targeted 47 objects made from bone, antler and
ivory (pins, that is hair pins or acus crinalis and awls). There were some half-finished and remains of
manufacturing waste among these objects. They represent the first research on the worked bone
remains to be studied from a fourth century BC settlement on the Iberian Peninsula.
Su revisión nos ha hecho prestar especial atención a su manufactura desde el punto de vista tecnológico. Por ello hemos procedido a fabricar una réplica utilizando la misma materia prima y herramientas similares a las probablemente empleadas en época ibérica. Se ha seleccionado la parte central de un asta de Cervus elaphus de envergadura similar a la original y ha sido trabajada con sierras metálicas para los primeros pasos de la manufactura, punzones para el vaciado, la ejecución de las perforaciones y la realización de la inscripción y piedra de rodeno como material abrasivo. Se ha contabilizado el tiempo invertido en todo el proceso de trabajo, resultando especialmente largo y problemático el vaciado del asta. Hemos comprobado, asimismo, como el uso de agua reduce el tiempo en esta fase de la cadena operativa.
El libro completo puede descargarse de forma gratuita en el siguiente enlace:
A complete cataloguing of the objects is available on:
EN LÍNIA! 11/05/2023. Accés en obert a les sessions a través de la plataforma TEAMS de l'ICAC. Enllaç a les sessions: Per a obtenir un certificat d'assistència adreçeu-vos amb antelació a [email protected]
Las actividades artesanales permiten definir universos culturales, gracias a ellas podemos saber qué objetos se utilizan, con qué herramientas, para cubrir qué necesidades, quién los realiza o quién los controla. A lo largo de este seminario nos centraremos en diferentes actividades artesanales y en sus metodologías de estudio para acercarnos a esas realidades plurales que nos permiten comprender mejor, a través de sus puntos en común y de sus particularidades, las actividades de producción ibérica, desde las más conocidas a las menos, y todos los aspectos sociales, económicos y culturales desarrollados en torno a estas.
EN LINEA! 11/05/2023. Acceso abierto: Para obtener un certificado de asistencia escribir con antelación a: [email protected]