Este conteúdo utiliza a Licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Open Acces... more Este conteúdo utiliza a Licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Open Access. This content is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo Brazilian Journal of Rural Education
Este conteúdo utiliza a Licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Open Acces... more Este conteúdo utiliza a Licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Open Access. This content is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo Brazilian Journal of Rural Education
As relações entre vida e política constituem a paisagem que as idéias deste texto procuram explor... more As relações entre vida e política constituem a paisagem que as idéias deste texto procuram explorar. Foucault nos leva a pensar sobre como a biopolítica moderna abandona a separação que a Antigüidade mantinha entre zōé e bíos, fusionando a vida e transformando-a em seu objeto. Giorgio Agamben invoca uma figura do direito romano arcaico para contestar: a vida nua já habitava a polis antes da modernidade. O homo sacer exemplifica como, através de sua exclusão, a vida nua é incluída na política. Inclusão que a torna alvo tanto das democracias quanto dos governos totalitários, assim como o novo "sujeito soberano" em nome do qual são propaladas as demandas das lutas sociais. Por fim, as conexões que estabelece Deleuze entre "uma vida", imanência e devir-minoritário são exploradas, conduzindo-nos a breves comentários inconclusivos.
This paper finds its inspiration in the work of the seventeenth century philosopher Benedict de S... more This paper finds its inspiration in the work of the seventeenth century philosopher Benedict de Spinoza. My objective is to briefly examine three crucial aspects of Spinoza's philosophy which are not only extremely useful to our understanding of philosophy for children but also inspirational as they challenge some of our ingrained modes of thinking and create space for new relations with knowledge, others and the self. Firstly, Spinoza's relational ontology allows us to perceive ourselves as moments in a process of integration. In his philosophy, the understanding of connectedness is crucial to the expansion of our powers or activity. I thus suggest that the collective practice of philosophy can contribute to the enhancement of rational systems of sociability in which the understanding of connectedness is crucial. Secondly, reason and affectivity are not separate in Spinoza's philosophy. Our power to think and affect is directly associated with our power to be affected or our openness to others. These first two aspects are also directly associated with his ethical and political project. Since, for Spinoza, joy is the passage from a lesser to a greater power to act, and virtue is equated with activity, I argue that the collective practice of philosophy can be understood in this perspective as essentially joyful, in a political and ethical sense: it increases one's powers through the increase of power also experienced by others.
Interculturalidad y educación intercultural en México Un análisis de los discursos nacionales e i... more Interculturalidad y educación intercultural en México Un análisis de los discursos nacionales e internacionales en su impacto en los modelos educativos mexicanos
The general purpose of this article is to contribute to a broader comprehension of collective gra... more The general purpose of this article is to contribute to a broader comprehension of collective grassroots processes that generate effective social and environmental transformations in the practices of urban communities. We start with a brief analysis of the concept of 'ecological footprint', which has been widely used as a way of measuring sustainability. It will be shown, however, that there are limitations to the calculations of the ecological footprint, some of which are directly related to agroecological forms of production. Various environmental and social benefits of community agroecological production in the cities are then described and the importance of grassroots forms of organisation is reinforced. In the last sections we present the activities, results and challenges of an urban collective project developed in the city of Morelia, Mexico. The ways in which the Jícara Project changed community practices in reference to the production and use of resources, mental habits, communicative styles, and forms of collective organisation are discussed. In conclusion, we argue that the ecological, intellective and relational transformations promoted by the Jícara Project offer us a proof of what can be achieved through grassroots self-organised urban collectives.
A Transformative coeducational processes through multi-stakeholder collaboration require m... more A Transformative coeducational processes through multi-stakeholder collaboration require methods by means of which differences between participating actors can contribute to building common grounds. Transformative Learning Tours is a method that promotes movement in time and space, creating common grounds through the constant dialogue between collective reflection and practice, or praxis. is method of exchange of experiences is based on a peasant-to-peasant approach and the concept of movement as a means to strengthen human (and non-human) connections, by balancing the senses in the learning process. Inspired by the agroecological caravans in Brazil, the tours integrate art, music, and envisioning as important elements of action research. During this process, peasants and other community members become knowledge experts, opening spaces for more horizontal dialogues. Participants critically read the past and collectively dream about a future. is article describes the Transformative Learning Tours method and how it incorporates Freirean principles. We reflect upon the scope and limitations of this method in the specific context of the Forest Stewards Network in Xalapa, Mexico. We share the method's different stages, principles and conditions, as well as the type of facilitation and context that have enhanced this process, while positioning movement as an epistemic approach.
ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 2017
In a quest for more equitable and inclusive ways to create knowledge, this paper seeks to contrib... more In a quest for more equitable and inclusive ways to create knowledge, this paper seeks to contribute to the growing debate on decolonizing research through a theoretical dialogue with key Latin American thinkers, informed by two critically analyzed case studies, located in Veracruz, Mexico, a cultural and biologically diverse state. Furthermore, we recapitulate the most important aspects from experiences that we believe may be useful for implementing collaborative research in similar contexts. We conclude by highlighting four important challenges for the rising field of research decolonization towards more just and sustainable societies.
Intercultural transdisciplinary research reinforces sustainable social-ecological systems in Lati... more Intercultural transdisciplinary research reinforces sustainable social-ecological systems in Latin America. Social learning (SL) is a crucial process within this type of research as it fosters collaboration among diverse groups of people, communities of practice, and cultures. Buen vivir (‘well living’), of the popular movements in America, promotes collective responsibility and respect for life. Yeknemilis (‘a good life’) is a value framework of the Masewal people of the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico. Members of Tosepan, an organization of the Masewal and other indigenous peoples of this region, reflected on their cultural roots, ways of life, and relations with the territory to strengthen their alternative and self-determined lifeway. Involvement in participatory research within the transdisciplinary process allowed us to focus on the learnings and conditions that foster values and strategies for yeknemilis. Through participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and particip...
La actual crisis socioecológica planetaria y la creciente urbanización de la vida humana son fenó... more La actual crisis socioecológica planetaria y la creciente urbanización de la vida humana son fenómenos interdependientes que incitan a la educación a repensar sus objetivos y procesos. La noción de "sustentabilidad" provee un amplio marco en construcción para actividades docentes, de investigación y vinculación. Entre otras propuestas orientadas a promover la sustentabilidad, la agroecología se destaca como un conjunto de teorías y prácticas integradoras, capaz de transformar las relaciones productivas, sociopolíticas, económicas y culturales del sistema alimentario. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es presentar las contribuciones de la agroecología urbana y analizar su conexión con
Decades of research and policy interventions on biodiversity have insufficiently addressed the du... more Decades of research and policy interventions on biodiversity have insufficiently addressed the dual issues of biodiversity degradation and social justice. New approaches are therefore needed. We devised a research and action agenda that calls for a collective task of revisiting biodiversity toward the goal of sustaining diverse and just futures for life on Earth. Revisiting biodiversity involves critically reflecting on past and present research, policy, and practice concerning biodiversity to inspire creative thinking about the future. The agenda was
The interpretation of the individual as atomic or self-contained constitutes a dominant trend in ... more The interpretation of the individual as atomic or self-contained constitutes a dominant trend in Spinoza scholarship. One of the implications of that trend is the focus on reason as the primary expression of individual power and as the key to ethical progress. In this thesis I argue, against this reading, that Spinoza’s philosophy is illuminated by a perspective that focuses on relationality as the locus of individuation. Following that line of inquiry, I demonstrate how imaginary and rational transindividual systems of knowledge engender different forms of individuality and sociability, and how the transition from passion to action can be described as a process in which corporeal and intellectual interactions play a decisive role. With a special focus on desire as a relational process, I also argue that desire (and not reason) is at the heart of Spinoza’s ethics. The ethical experience is thus fulfilled when a virtuous circle is created between the understanding of desire, the desire to understand, and the desire to share our understanding with others. An exploration of the concept of ambition as a form of desire allows me to suggest different connections between individuality and collectivity. In an active sense, the ontological interdependence between self and others corresponds to the reciprocal relationship between ethics and politics. I argue that it is through that mutual connection between the exercise of virtue and the active generation of empowering political conditions that relationality reaches its liveliest expression. In conclusion, an examination of Spinoza’s concept of intellectual love of God or Nature leads me to suggest that the association between active self-love, love of others, and love of Nature corresponds to the necessary link between one’s ethical life and the desire to form an empowering community.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jul 9, 2022
The designations employed and the presentation of material on the maps used in the assessment do ... more The designations employed and the presentation of material on the maps used in the assessment do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. These maps have been prepared or used for the sole purpose of facilitating the assessment of the broad biogeographical areas represented therein. 1 Authors are listed with, in parentheses, their country or countries of citizenship, separated by a comma when they have more than one; and, following a slash, their country of affiliation, if different from that or those of their citizenship, or their organization if they belong to an international organization. The countries and organizations having nominated the experts are listed on the IPBES website (except for contributing authors who were not nominated).
La pertinencia de la educación y la investigación transdisciplinarias para afrontar los desafíos ... more La pertinencia de la educación y la investigación transdisciplinarias para afrontar los desafíos socioecológicos actuales ha recibido creciente reconocimiento. Este tipo de proceso ha sido definido como un enfoque metodológico, una herramienta heurística o un proceso colaborativo de cocreación de conocimientos entre actores de diferentes sectores sociales para lograr objetivos comunes. Este artículo aborda la educación-investigación transdisciplinaria como un proceso que depende del cultivo de una comunidad de aprendizaje en la que interactúan diferentes sensibilidades ético-afectivas, capacidades epistémicas y visiones políticas. Concebir la colaboración transdisciplinaria a partir de la noción de comunidad de aprendizaje nos permite enfatizar lo siguiente: 1) el aprendizaje mutuo, situado y significativo como componente necesario en la cocreación de conocimientos y prácticas; 2) el rol docente de facilitación del aprendizaje; y 3) una serie de cuidados ético-afectivos, epistémicos y políticos que promueven el cultivo de lo común como condición clave de la educación e investigación transdisciplinarias. Palabras clave: Transdisciplinariedad; educación; investigación; comunidades de aprendizaje.
Este conteúdo utiliza a Licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Open Acces... more Este conteúdo utiliza a Licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Open Access. This content is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo Brazilian Journal of Rural Education
Este conteúdo utiliza a Licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Open Acces... more Este conteúdo utiliza a Licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Open Access. This content is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo Brazilian Journal of Rural Education
As relações entre vida e política constituem a paisagem que as idéias deste texto procuram explor... more As relações entre vida e política constituem a paisagem que as idéias deste texto procuram explorar. Foucault nos leva a pensar sobre como a biopolítica moderna abandona a separação que a Antigüidade mantinha entre zōé e bíos, fusionando a vida e transformando-a em seu objeto. Giorgio Agamben invoca uma figura do direito romano arcaico para contestar: a vida nua já habitava a polis antes da modernidade. O homo sacer exemplifica como, através de sua exclusão, a vida nua é incluída na política. Inclusão que a torna alvo tanto das democracias quanto dos governos totalitários, assim como o novo "sujeito soberano" em nome do qual são propaladas as demandas das lutas sociais. Por fim, as conexões que estabelece Deleuze entre "uma vida", imanência e devir-minoritário são exploradas, conduzindo-nos a breves comentários inconclusivos.
This paper finds its inspiration in the work of the seventeenth century philosopher Benedict de S... more This paper finds its inspiration in the work of the seventeenth century philosopher Benedict de Spinoza. My objective is to briefly examine three crucial aspects of Spinoza's philosophy which are not only extremely useful to our understanding of philosophy for children but also inspirational as they challenge some of our ingrained modes of thinking and create space for new relations with knowledge, others and the self. Firstly, Spinoza's relational ontology allows us to perceive ourselves as moments in a process of integration. In his philosophy, the understanding of connectedness is crucial to the expansion of our powers or activity. I thus suggest that the collective practice of philosophy can contribute to the enhancement of rational systems of sociability in which the understanding of connectedness is crucial. Secondly, reason and affectivity are not separate in Spinoza's philosophy. Our power to think and affect is directly associated with our power to be affected or our openness to others. These first two aspects are also directly associated with his ethical and political project. Since, for Spinoza, joy is the passage from a lesser to a greater power to act, and virtue is equated with activity, I argue that the collective practice of philosophy can be understood in this perspective as essentially joyful, in a political and ethical sense: it increases one's powers through the increase of power also experienced by others.
Interculturalidad y educación intercultural en México Un análisis de los discursos nacionales e i... more Interculturalidad y educación intercultural en México Un análisis de los discursos nacionales e internacionales en su impacto en los modelos educativos mexicanos
The general purpose of this article is to contribute to a broader comprehension of collective gra... more The general purpose of this article is to contribute to a broader comprehension of collective grassroots processes that generate effective social and environmental transformations in the practices of urban communities. We start with a brief analysis of the concept of 'ecological footprint', which has been widely used as a way of measuring sustainability. It will be shown, however, that there are limitations to the calculations of the ecological footprint, some of which are directly related to agroecological forms of production. Various environmental and social benefits of community agroecological production in the cities are then described and the importance of grassroots forms of organisation is reinforced. In the last sections we present the activities, results and challenges of an urban collective project developed in the city of Morelia, Mexico. The ways in which the Jícara Project changed community practices in reference to the production and use of resources, mental habits, communicative styles, and forms of collective organisation are discussed. In conclusion, we argue that the ecological, intellective and relational transformations promoted by the Jícara Project offer us a proof of what can be achieved through grassroots self-organised urban collectives.
A Transformative coeducational processes through multi-stakeholder collaboration require m... more A Transformative coeducational processes through multi-stakeholder collaboration require methods by means of which differences between participating actors can contribute to building common grounds. Transformative Learning Tours is a method that promotes movement in time and space, creating common grounds through the constant dialogue between collective reflection and practice, or praxis. is method of exchange of experiences is based on a peasant-to-peasant approach and the concept of movement as a means to strengthen human (and non-human) connections, by balancing the senses in the learning process. Inspired by the agroecological caravans in Brazil, the tours integrate art, music, and envisioning as important elements of action research. During this process, peasants and other community members become knowledge experts, opening spaces for more horizontal dialogues. Participants critically read the past and collectively dream about a future. is article describes the Transformative Learning Tours method and how it incorporates Freirean principles. We reflect upon the scope and limitations of this method in the specific context of the Forest Stewards Network in Xalapa, Mexico. We share the method's different stages, principles and conditions, as well as the type of facilitation and context that have enhanced this process, while positioning movement as an epistemic approach.
ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 2017
In a quest for more equitable and inclusive ways to create knowledge, this paper seeks to contrib... more In a quest for more equitable and inclusive ways to create knowledge, this paper seeks to contribute to the growing debate on decolonizing research through a theoretical dialogue with key Latin American thinkers, informed by two critically analyzed case studies, located in Veracruz, Mexico, a cultural and biologically diverse state. Furthermore, we recapitulate the most important aspects from experiences that we believe may be useful for implementing collaborative research in similar contexts. We conclude by highlighting four important challenges for the rising field of research decolonization towards more just and sustainable societies.
Intercultural transdisciplinary research reinforces sustainable social-ecological systems in Lati... more Intercultural transdisciplinary research reinforces sustainable social-ecological systems in Latin America. Social learning (SL) is a crucial process within this type of research as it fosters collaboration among diverse groups of people, communities of practice, and cultures. Buen vivir (‘well living’), of the popular movements in America, promotes collective responsibility and respect for life. Yeknemilis (‘a good life’) is a value framework of the Masewal people of the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico. Members of Tosepan, an organization of the Masewal and other indigenous peoples of this region, reflected on their cultural roots, ways of life, and relations with the territory to strengthen their alternative and self-determined lifeway. Involvement in participatory research within the transdisciplinary process allowed us to focus on the learnings and conditions that foster values and strategies for yeknemilis. Through participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and particip...
La actual crisis socioecológica planetaria y la creciente urbanización de la vida humana son fenó... more La actual crisis socioecológica planetaria y la creciente urbanización de la vida humana son fenómenos interdependientes que incitan a la educación a repensar sus objetivos y procesos. La noción de "sustentabilidad" provee un amplio marco en construcción para actividades docentes, de investigación y vinculación. Entre otras propuestas orientadas a promover la sustentabilidad, la agroecología se destaca como un conjunto de teorías y prácticas integradoras, capaz de transformar las relaciones productivas, sociopolíticas, económicas y culturales del sistema alimentario. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es presentar las contribuciones de la agroecología urbana y analizar su conexión con
Decades of research and policy interventions on biodiversity have insufficiently addressed the du... more Decades of research and policy interventions on biodiversity have insufficiently addressed the dual issues of biodiversity degradation and social justice. New approaches are therefore needed. We devised a research and action agenda that calls for a collective task of revisiting biodiversity toward the goal of sustaining diverse and just futures for life on Earth. Revisiting biodiversity involves critically reflecting on past and present research, policy, and practice concerning biodiversity to inspire creative thinking about the future. The agenda was
The interpretation of the individual as atomic or self-contained constitutes a dominant trend in ... more The interpretation of the individual as atomic or self-contained constitutes a dominant trend in Spinoza scholarship. One of the implications of that trend is the focus on reason as the primary expression of individual power and as the key to ethical progress. In this thesis I argue, against this reading, that Spinoza’s philosophy is illuminated by a perspective that focuses on relationality as the locus of individuation. Following that line of inquiry, I demonstrate how imaginary and rational transindividual systems of knowledge engender different forms of individuality and sociability, and how the transition from passion to action can be described as a process in which corporeal and intellectual interactions play a decisive role. With a special focus on desire as a relational process, I also argue that desire (and not reason) is at the heart of Spinoza’s ethics. The ethical experience is thus fulfilled when a virtuous circle is created between the understanding of desire, the desire to understand, and the desire to share our understanding with others. An exploration of the concept of ambition as a form of desire allows me to suggest different connections between individuality and collectivity. In an active sense, the ontological interdependence between self and others corresponds to the reciprocal relationship between ethics and politics. I argue that it is through that mutual connection between the exercise of virtue and the active generation of empowering political conditions that relationality reaches its liveliest expression. In conclusion, an examination of Spinoza’s concept of intellectual love of God or Nature leads me to suggest that the association between active self-love, love of others, and love of Nature corresponds to the necessary link between one’s ethical life and the desire to form an empowering community.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jul 9, 2022
The designations employed and the presentation of material on the maps used in the assessment do ... more The designations employed and the presentation of material on the maps used in the assessment do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. These maps have been prepared or used for the sole purpose of facilitating the assessment of the broad biogeographical areas represented therein. 1 Authors are listed with, in parentheses, their country or countries of citizenship, separated by a comma when they have more than one; and, following a slash, their country of affiliation, if different from that or those of their citizenship, or their organization if they belong to an international organization. The countries and organizations having nominated the experts are listed on the IPBES website (except for contributing authors who were not nominated).
La pertinencia de la educación y la investigación transdisciplinarias para afrontar los desafíos ... more La pertinencia de la educación y la investigación transdisciplinarias para afrontar los desafíos socioecológicos actuales ha recibido creciente reconocimiento. Este tipo de proceso ha sido definido como un enfoque metodológico, una herramienta heurística o un proceso colaborativo de cocreación de conocimientos entre actores de diferentes sectores sociales para lograr objetivos comunes. Este artículo aborda la educación-investigación transdisciplinaria como un proceso que depende del cultivo de una comunidad de aprendizaje en la que interactúan diferentes sensibilidades ético-afectivas, capacidades epistémicas y visiones políticas. Concebir la colaboración transdisciplinaria a partir de la noción de comunidad de aprendizaje nos permite enfatizar lo siguiente: 1) el aprendizaje mutuo, situado y significativo como componente necesario en la cocreación de conocimientos y prácticas; 2) el rol docente de facilitación del aprendizaje; y 3) una serie de cuidados ético-afectivos, epistémicos y políticos que promueven el cultivo de lo común como condición clave de la educación e investigación transdisciplinarias. Palabras clave: Transdisciplinariedad; educación; investigación; comunidades de aprendizaje.
Papers by Juliana Merçon