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In many industrial applications, a modification of the surface geometry can enhance the tribological behavior of contacts to a favorable condition. In this paper, the effect of surface texturing on the film thickness in parallel sliding... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMathematical ModellingContact MechanicsTribology
In many industrial applications, a modification of the surface geometry can enhance the tribological behaviour of lubricated sliding contacts. In this paper, the effect of surface texturing on the coefficient of friction in parallel... more
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      Surface EngineeringLubrication and Friction
Considering the influence of wall slip on fluid flow is important for many engineering topics involving liquid-solid interfacial phenomena, such as flow through porous media, liquid coatings and lubrication. Boundary slip can act as a... more
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      Surface EngineeringLubrication and FrictionSlip boundary conditions
In industrial applications, a starved lubrication condition may occur, leading to a reduction in film thickness; by modifying the surface geometry, the tribological performance of the contact is enhanced. In this paper, the influence of... more
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      Surface TexturingLubrication and Friction
Starvation occurs when the lubricated contact uses up the lubricant supply, and there is not enough lubricant in the contact to support the separation between solid surfaces. On the other hand, the use of textures on surfaces in... more
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      Surface EngineeringLubrication and Friction
Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden vermenigvuldigd, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteur. to Firouzeh and Mahmoud
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      Surface EngineeringComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationLubrication and FrictionSlip Boundary Condition
of contacts to a favourable condition. In this paper, the effect of surface texturing on the film thickness in parallel sliding surfaces is investigated. It is shown that surface texturing can improve film formation and, as a result, the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMathematical ModellingContact Mechanics
Food packaging plays an important role in attracting consumers' attention and generating expectations in the consumer that in turn affect their product perception and buying behaviour. In the present study, 'categorizing' and 'perceptual... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringFood Sciences
As an implicit subset of industrial design engineering, packaging development and management thereof has long been a changeling, because product and packaging development are usually regarded in a similar manner. At the same time, there... more
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In order to integrate sustainability in the development of content-packaging combinations, the consequences of decisions for the entire life cycle need to be analyzed in early stages of the development process. To adequately underpin... more
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An auspicious approach to increase sustainability of a product/packaging cycle is to investigate the dependencies between the different life cycle phases and corresponding actors. For any actor, the perspective on the global cycle... more
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Packaging designers often come up with splendid design proposals, without being aware of technical, marketing or economical restrictions. This leads to infeasible proposals, so many packaging design projects fail. To bridge the gap... more
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A life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool for determining impacts on the environment. LCA's cover the entire life cycle of an artefact, from raw materials to recycling or disposal. For assessments of packaging, the life cycles of both the... more
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    • Coma
The current Dutch recycling value chain for plastic packaging waste (PPW) has not reached its full circularity potential, as is apparent from two Circular Performance Indicators (CPIs): net packaging recycling rate and average polymer... more
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    • Sustainability
The response surface method (RMS) was used to optimize the color strength (K/S) of the wool fibers dyed with Isatis tinctoria. The eight independent variable terms, in which two of them are categorical and the other six numerical, were... more
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      Response Surface MethodologyLinear ModelNatural FibersFood Sciences
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Direct additive manufacturing (AM) of sensors has in recent years become possible, but still remains a largely unexplored area. This work proposes a novel resistive sensor design that utilizes the geometric freedom offered by AM,... more
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    • Applied Sciences