University of Texas at Tyler
This paper uses a very important measure-theoretic result, the Eadon-Nikodym theorem, to give a rigorous defi nition of conditional expectation a concept necessary in defining a sufficient statistic. The Radon-Nikodym theorem is used... more
A probability forecaster is asked to give a density p of a random variable w. In return he gets a reward (or score} depending on p and on a subsequently observed value of• w. A scoring rule is called proper if the expected score is... more
Part of this material is taken from two earlier reports. Chapters II and III are based in part on Technical Report No. 141, "Payoffs of probability forecasters and a theorem of McCarthy," by Arlo D. Hendrickson (1970); Chapter IV is based... more
A probability forecaster is asked to give a density p of a random variable w. In return he gets a reward (or score} depending on p and on a subsequently observed value of• w. A scoring rule is called proper if the expected score is... more
We study the generalized graph splines introduced by Gilbert, Tymoczko, and Viel and focus on an attribute known as the Universal Difference Property (UDP). We prove that paths, trees, and cycles satisfy UDP. We explore UDP on graphs... more