Papers by Eduardo Jaime Quel

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1980
We report results of a combined experimental and theoretical study of the effects of collisions w... more We report results of a combined experimental and theoretical study of the effects of collisions with an inert buffer gas, on the CO2 laser induced MPD of CF2CFCl to form CF2 and CFCl. Rates of formation of the primary product CF2 have been determined, in real time using the laser excited fluorescence technique, at four IR laser intensities (Imax = 35, 47, 73, 220 MW/cm2) and a range of argon buffer gas pressures (0⩽PAr⩽500 Torr). The experimental data clearly show the effects of collisional hole filling at low pressures and V–T collisional deactivation at higher (≳100 Torr) pressures. We present a generally applicable theoretical model for collisional effects in MPD, in which two parameters (1/τ, ΔE) specify the collisional deactivation, two parameters (s, <ω≳) specify the density of states of the absorber, two parameters (A∞,Eact) specify the microscopic reaction rates and one parameter (δ) specifies the radiative pumping rates. In applying this model to CF2CFCl five of these se...

ESASP, Dec 1, 2010
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de LONG-TERM MULTI-MISSION VALIDATION OF OZONE AND TEMPERATURE PROFILES BY THE VALIDATION WITH LIDAR (VALID) PROJECT J.A.E. van Gijsel (1) , D.P.J. Swart (1) , J-L. Baray (2) , H. Bencherif (2) , H. Claude (3) , T. Fehr (4) , J. Gumbel (5) , S. Godin-Beekmann (6) , G.H. Hansen (7) , P. Keckhut (8) , E.J. Kwiatkowska (9) , T. Leblanc (10) , I.S. McDermid (10) , H. Nakane (11) , E.J. Quel (12) , K. Stebel (7) , W. Steinbrecht (3) , K.B. Strawbridge (13) , B.I. Tatarov (14) and E.A. Wolfram (12) (1) National institute for public health and the environment (RIVM),

Japan Geoscience Union, 2018
SAVER-Net (South American Environmental Risk Management Network) is a trilateral international co... more SAVER-Net (South American Environmental Risk Management Network) is a trilateral international collaboration among Japan, Chile, and Argentina supported under the JST-JIICA SATREPS program. The major aim of the project is establishing observation network of UV/ozone and aerosols over Chile and Argentina where was a blank area of measurement stations on a global scale. The project was finished this year after 5 years of implementation. Thirty-six pre-existent and newly installed UV radiometers distributed over Chile and Argentina were connected on-line. All UV observational data were compiled into a common information platform called GeoUV and risk information/alert is released to the registered users. Ozone monitoring capability at the southern end of the South American continent, i.e. at Rio Gallegos in Argentina and Punta Arenas in Chile, was consolidated to make a comprehensive study of ozone hole. A Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL), a millimeter-wave spectrometer, Brewer spe...
Se han obtenido los tiempos de relajacion V-V y V-T del CDF3 y su dependencia del nivel de excita... more Se han obtenido los tiempos de relajacion V-V y V-T del CDF3 y su dependencia del nivel de excitacion vibracional mediante el estudio del comportamiento temporal de la senal de fluorescencia infrarroja emitida por el CDF3 vibracionalmente excitado con un laser de CO2 TEA.

Anales AFA, 2018
El 20 de abril de 2017 se instaló un nuevo fotómetro solar de la red AERONET-NASA en Pilar, provi... more El 20 de abril de 2017 se instaló un nuevo fotómetro solar de la red AERONET-NASA en Pilar, provincia de Córdoba, en dependencias del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, con el fin de medir la carga aerosólica de la región y sobre todo detectar los eventos de quema de biomasa que afectan el centro y norte del territorio, y que posteriormente-debido al transporte del viento-arriban a la provincia de Buenos Aires y La Pampa. Con la instalación de este nuevo instrumento, la red de fotómetros solares pasa a tener 7 equipos en el país, los cuales realizan sistemáticamente mediciones. Cabe destacar que el primer equipo se instaló en el CEILAP-UNIDEF (MINDEF-CONICET)-CITEDEF, el 17 de octubre de 1999 en Buenos Aires. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos de un análisis estadístico efectuado sobre las mediciones de las 7 estaciones activas: CEILAP-BA, CEILAP-RG, CEILAP-Comodoro, CEILAP-Bariloche, CEILAP-Neuquén, Trelewy Pilar-Córdoba, con el propósito de determinar valores medios mensuales, tendencias de espesores ópticos de aerosoles, coeficiente de Ångstrӧm y clasificación del tipo de aerosol típico en suspensión en cada estación.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2018
A tropospheric lidar system was installed in Punta Arenas, Chile (53.13°S, 70.88°W) in September ... more A tropospheric lidar system was installed in Punta Arenas, Chile (53.13°S, 70.88°W) in September 2016 under the collaboration project SAVERNET (Chile, Japan and Argentina) to monitor the atmosphere. Statistical analyses of the clouds and aerosols behavior and some cases of dust detected with lidar, at these high southern latitude and cold environment regions during three months (austral spring) are discussed using information from satellite, modelling and solar radiation ground measurements.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018

Anales AFA, 2010
The ozone layer is regarded as an invisible filter that protects all life from the dangerous over... more The ozone layer is regarded as an invisible filter that protects all life from the dangerous overexposure to ultraviolet rays. The thinning of the ozone layer over the South Pole stratosphere of our planet is a seasonal phenomenon that takes place every year during the spring since the 80s and is known as the “ozone hole”. It is developed on the Antarctic, reaching an area of 30 million square kilometers approximately. In the spring begins to deform reached lower latitudes, presenting specific cases of low total ozone column over Rio Gallegos (51 ° 36 'S, 69 º 19' W) due to the passage of the hole and its border over this city, which can derive in UV indices greater increasing the UV radiation impact on surface. This study evaluates the statistical dependence of the UV index with total ozone column and cloud optical thickness in the Patagonian city of Rio Gallegos for spring and summer. Another aim is to quantify the attenuation of UV radiation produced for the clouds to cas...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1989
A TEA CO, pulsed laser was used to study the infrared multiple-photon dissociation (IRMPD) of CDC... more A TEA CO, pulsed laser was used to study the infrared multiple-photon dissociation (IRMPD) of CDCl, in equimolar isotopic mixtures of CDC13/CHC13 and with the addition of Ar and Xe. The dependence of the reaction probability per pulse on CDC13 pressure in the gas mixture was studied for different laser fluences. Lower limit values of isotopic selectivity were determined. The experimental results were modeled by using an energy-grained master equation with explicit consideration of rotational and anharmonic bottlenecks. Model calculations predict that the average energy transferred in a deactivating collision, (AE),+ increases with increasing CDCI3 vibrational excitation.

Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring XV, 2016
Atmospheric monitoring stations are being developed in Argentina. The most important targets are ... more Atmospheric monitoring stations are being developed in Argentina. The most important targets are volcanic ashes, desert aerosols in particular Patagonian dust and biomass burning aerosols. Six stations deployed in the Patagonian Region and Buenos Aires have lidar systems, sun photometers integrated to the AERONET/NASA monitoring network, in situ optical particle analyzers, four solar radiation sensors (pyranometer, UVA, UVB and GUV), and meteorological equipment. The stations are in the main international airports of the Regions (San Carlos de Bariloche, Comodoro Rivadavia, Neuquén, Rio Gallegos) and in Buenos Aires (Aeroparque Jorge Newbery and at CEILAP/CITEDEF). CEILAP and the National Institute of Environmental Studies (NIES) at Tsukuba, Japan developed the first iodine cell-based high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL) in Argentina to add in the lidar network. We upgraded the standard CEILAP multi-wavelength Raman lidar adding the laser frequency tuning system and the 532 iodine-filtered channel at the reception to built the HSRL. HSRL will provide daytime and nighttime direct observation of the aerosol and cloud optical properties (backscatter and extinction) without the pre-assumption of the lidar ratio. This work shows the design and construction of the first Argentinean HSRL. We also show the first lidar observations done in the country with this kind of lidar.

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017
Anthropogenic perturbation of the ozone layer has induced change in the amount of UV radiation th... more Anthropogenic perturbation of the ozone layer has induced change in the amount of UV radiation that reaches the Earth's surface, mainly through the Antarctic ozone hole, making the ozone and ultraviolet (UV) radiation two important issues in the study of Earth atmosphere in the scientific community. Also the clouds have been identified as the main modulator of UV amount in short time scales and produce the main source of uncertainty in the projection of surface UV level as consequence of projected ozone recovery. While clouds can decrease direct radiation, they can produce an increase in the diffuse component, and as consequence the surface UV radiation may be higher than an equivalent clear sky scenario for several minutes. In particular this situation can be important when low ozone column and partially cloud cover skies happen simultaneously. These situations happen frequently in southern Patagonia, where the CEILAP Lidar Division has established the Atmospheric Observatory of Southern Patagonia, an atmospheric remote sensing site near the city of Río Gallegos (51º55'S, 69º14'W). In this paper, the impact of clouds over the UV radiation is investigated by the use of ground based measurements from the passive remote sensing instruments operating at this site, mainly of broad and moderate narrow band filter radiometers. We analyzed the UV Index obtained from a multiband filter radiometer GUV-541 (UVI) [Biospherical Inc.] installed in the Observatorio Atmosférico de la Patagonia Austral, Río Gallegos, since 2005. Cloud modification factors (CMF, ratio between the measured UV radiation in a cloudy sky and the simulated radiation under cloud-free conditions) are evaluated for the study site. The database used in this work covers the period 2005-2012 for spring and summer seasons, when the ozone hole can affect these subpolar regions. CMF higher than 1 are found during spring and summer time, when lower total ozone columns, higher solar elevations and high cloud cover occur simultaneously, producing extreme erythemal irradiance at ground surface. Enhancements as high as 25% were registered. The maximum duration of the enhancement was around 30 minute. This produces dangerous sunbathing situations for the Río Gallegos citizen. .
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2016
The Latin American Lidar Network, ALINE a.k.a LALINET is a federation lidar network established i... more The Latin American Lidar Network, ALINE a.k.a LALINET is a federation lidar network established in 2008 which became a member of GALION/GAW program in 2013. Currently the network consists of 9 operational stations with the perspective of two more stations to be included. The network today covers more than 18 million Km 2 and spans in latitude from-52 o to 21 o and in longitude from-78 o to-47 o. It should cover a larger area in the future as planned with the inclusion of more active stations.
A significant fraction of the Argentinean population is seasonally exposed to elevated UV radiati... more A significant fraction of the Argentinean population is seasonally exposed to elevated UV radiation, particularly during severe stratospheric ozone destruction episodes in Antarctica. In order to provide early alert, global monitoring and to improve our understanding of these phenomena, various Argentinean and international organizations maintain stratospheric composition remote sensing sites from the southern tip of Argentina (Patagonia) to Antarctica. The

ABSTRACT A number of chemical species present in the stratosphere in very small concentrations (p... more ABSTRACT A number of chemical species present in the stratosphere in very small concentrations (parts per billion and even smaller) contribute significantly to its chemical balance. One of the main stratospheric trace gases is nitrogen dioxide (NO2). This species acts as a restrictive agent for stratospheric ozone destruction (due to the chlorine monoxide), hence the importance of its study. We present a preliminary analysis of passive remote sensing measurements carry out at the Marambio Argentinean Antarctic Base (64.233° S; 56.616° W; 197 m amsl) during the months of January—February of 2008. The spectroscopy system consists of an optical fiber (400 μm core diameter and 6 m of longitude) and a portable spectral analyzer (spectrometer HR4000, Ocean Optics). The device analyzes diffuse solar spectral irradiance in the UV-visible range (290–650 nm), collected and transferred by a zenith-pointing optical fiber. The NO2 vertical column density (VCD) is derived from the radiance spectra using the DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) technique. The system and technique allow for simultaneous measurements of different species of interest on a variety of meteorological conditions. The vertical columns obtained are compared with co-located measurements performed with EVA, a visible absorption spectrometer operated by the Instituto Nacional de Te´cnica Aeroespacial (INTA), Spain.
Papers by Eduardo Jaime Quel