, which is technically quite good. The refrigerant also has low toxicity and low flammable. But, ... more , which is technically quite good. The refrigerant also has low toxicity and low flammable. But, in the mid 1970's known that chlorine has contained in the refrigerant were released into the environment could damage of ozone in the stratosphere and caused greenhouse effect. Because of that, it using has stopped. An alternative refrigerant is hydrocarbon refrigerant (HCR) and one of it is hydrocarbon-12 ). HCR-12 have several advantages, besides friendly environmental because have low global warming effect and low destruction of ozone, this type of refrigerator can be used as direct changer on the refrigerant machine so no needed compressor replacement and more efficient electric energy than R-12. In this research, did a study experimental to compared R-12 with HCR-12 with used vapor compression cooler machine. The result of measurement have been get performance of vapor compression cooler machine COP R (Coefficient of Performance Refrigeration) and COP HP (Coefficient of Performance Heat Pump) for R-12 and HCR-12 relatively are 2.4 -9.8 (COP R ) and 3.4 -10.8 (COP HP ) and 6.4 -14.1(COP R ) and 7.4 -15.1 (COP HP ). Performance of vapor compression cooler machine COP R and COP HP have tendency increase with increase rate of flow of refrigerant until 0.035 for R-12 and 0.014 for HCR-12. Performance vapor compression cooler machine of COP R increase if absorbed of heat (Q e ) by evaporator increase and COP HP increase if released of heat (Q k ) by condenser increase. According of the results concluded that performance of vapor compression cooler machine with hydrocarbon-12 (HCR-12) better than R-12.
Udara panas menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman untuk beraktifitas. Kondisi akan semakin parah apabila ... more Udara panas menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman untuk beraktifitas. Kondisi akan semakin parah apabila orang bekerja atau beraktifitas di dalam ruang yang tertutup dengan sirkulasi udara yang terbatas. Udara dengan kelembaban tinggi dapat menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman, hal ini karena pada kondisi tersebut orang menjadi mudah berkeringat. Untuk
, which is technically quite good. The refrigerant also has low toxicity and low flammable. But, ... more , which is technically quite good. The refrigerant also has low toxicity and low flammable. But, in the mid 1970's known that chlorine has contained in the refrigerant were released into the environment could damage of ozone in the stratosphere and caused greenhouse effect. Because of that, it using has stopped. An alternative refrigerant is hydrocarbon refrigerant (HCR) and one of it is hydrocarbon-12 ). HCR-12 have several advantages, besides friendly environmental because have low global warming effect and low destruction of ozone, this type of refrigerator can be used as direct changer on the refrigerant machine so no needed compressor replacement and more efficient electric energy than R-12. In this research, did a study experimental to compared R-12 with HCR-12 with used vapor compression cooler machine. The result of measurement have been get performance of vapor compression cooler machine COP R (Coefficient of Performance Refrigeration) and COP HP (Coefficient of Performance Heat Pump) for R-12 and HCR-12 relatively are 2.4 -9.8 (COP R ) and 3.4 -10.8 (COP HP ) and 6.4 -14.1(COP R ) and 7.4 -15.1 (COP HP ). Performance of vapor compression cooler machine COP R and COP HP have tendency increase with increase rate of flow of refrigerant until 0.035 for R-12 and 0.014 for HCR-12. Performance vapor compression cooler machine of COP R increase if absorbed of heat (Q e ) by evaporator increase and COP HP increase if released of heat (Q k ) by condenser increase. According of the results concluded that performance of vapor compression cooler machine with hydrocarbon-12 (HCR-12) better than R-12.
Udara panas menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman untuk beraktifitas. Kondisi akan semakin parah apabila ... more Udara panas menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman untuk beraktifitas. Kondisi akan semakin parah apabila orang bekerja atau beraktifitas di dalam ruang yang tertutup dengan sirkulasi udara yang terbatas. Udara dengan kelembaban tinggi dapat menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman, hal ini karena pada kondisi tersebut orang menjadi mudah berkeringat. Untuk
Papers by Hendrix Putra