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      Support Vector MachinesEnergy ConversionModulationHysteresis
Data transfer rate is the amount of data that can be transferred at a time. Network Control System (NCS) based communication system Industrial Ethernet (IE) is becoming very popular for automation system. The Fast Ethernet system with... more
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      Communication SystemLocal Area NetworksData transferProgrammable Logic Controller
the manual mode of operation, 3 switches which are SW2 with 20% duty cycle, SW3 with 40% duty cycle and SW3 with 80% duty cycle are developed. The result shows that the maximum brightness of LED is about 127.6 Lumen at 80% of duty cycle... more
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    • Renewable Energy
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Electricity is energy that very important in daily human life. Lack of electricity causes not only inconvenience to domestic consumers due to affect of electrical appliances operation, but also introduces economic losses for industrial... more
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      Renewable EnergyMicrocontrollersrenewable Energy sourcesSensors
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