Short rotation forestry (SRF) provides an important supply of biomass for investors in this area.... more Short rotation forestry (SRF) provides an important supply of biomass for investors in this area. In the NE (North-East) part of Romania at the present time are installed over 800 Ha of this kind of crops. The SRF enjoys the support through environmental policies, in relation to climate change and the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. A precise estimate of biomass production is necessary for the sustainable planning of forest resources and for the exchange of energy in ecosystems. The use of the terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) in estimating the production of above ground wood biomass (AGWB) of short rotation forestry (SRF) brings an important technological leap among indirect (non-destructive) methods. TLS technology is justified when destructive methods become difficult to implement, and allometric equations do not provide accurate information. The main purpose of the research is to estimate the biomass productivity on tree parts...
In Romania, the productivity of the new clones of hybrid poplar has not been tested in recent yea... more In Romania, the productivity of the new clones of hybrid poplar has not been tested in recent years. This case study aims to fill a gap on the productivity map of the new poplar clones, estimating, by biomass measurements, the productivity of two clones (AF2 and AF8) with different planting densities (from 1333 trees·ha−1 to 2667 trees·ha−1). The short-rotation woody crops (SRWCs) were established in homogeneous conditions, in North-East (NE) Romania and the northern part of Suceava County. Using a specifically developed method, biomass production was estimated using destructive methods, with 190 poplar trees being harvested, measured, and weighed to compute the accumulated biomass for each growing season The biomass production of the crops with 1667 trees·ha−1 planting density highlighted significant differences in productivity in favour of the AF2 clone after five growing seasons. The crops shared similar annual growth patterns, and the stem biomass represents approximately 73–80%...
This paper describes a permanent research platform (PRP) designed and implemented in “Codrul secu... more This paper describes a permanent research platform (PRP) designed and implemented in “Codrul secular Slătioara” and its surroundings (2205.85 ha), having also the role of introductory paper for future research articles based on data collected from this platform. “Codrul secular Slătioara” is known as one of the largest temperate mountainous intact forests of Europe and, in 2017, it was included in UNESCO World Heritage List, as part of the “Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe”. Moreover, the PRP overlaps other three scientific reserves, the share of strictly protected forests exceeding 70%. This platform has a multiple role, being developed for research, conservation and educational activities. The PRP was designed for an ecological analysis of the intact forest ecosystems. It contains 193 circular sample plots, each of them of 500 m2, and it is structured on two levels. The first level contains 58 sample plots corresponding to a square ...
The study zone includes one of the largest montane old-growth forests in Europe (Slatioara UNESCO... more The study zone includes one of the largest montane old-growth forests in Europe (Slatioara UNESCO site), and understanding the structure and functioning of sill intact forests in Europe is essential for grounding management strategies for secondary forests. For this reason, we set out to analyze the dependencies between aboveground biomass (AgB), tree species and size diversity and terrain morphology, as well as the relationship between biomass and diversity, since neither of these issues have been sufficiently explored. We found that tree species diversity decreases with increased solar radiation and elevation. Tree size heterogeneity reaches its highest mean values at elevations between 1001 and 1100 m, on slopes between 50 and 60 degrees. AgB is differentiated with elevation; the highest mean AgB (293 tonnes per hectare) is recorded at elevations between 801 and 900 m, while it decreases to 79 tonnes per hectare at more than 1500 m a.s.l. It is also influenced by tree species div...
Timber production in short term production cycles using fast growing species is a solution to sat... more Timber production in short term production cycles using fast growing species is a solution to satisfy the growing need for biomass and represents a major interest in industry. In this context, the assessment of the wood biomass in multiclonal poplar cultures were represented by participating in the STROMA project, partially financed by EGGER Romania, Radauti Department. The aim of the research was to assess the biomass production, clone and provenience establishment and identifying by experiment in which case the productivity is maximum. The methodology was adapted to the biomass assessment protocol: - sap wood weighing, separately for trunk and branches; - wood humidity assessment by weighing sap and dry wood rondes, taken at the height of 2 m and a random sample; The experimental materials were obtained by selecting 360 trees, 180 for each experiment. The results show the superiority of the trees originating from long cuttings over those from short cuttings, regardless of the clon...
ForCrops - Evaluarea directa a productivității de biomasa din culturile forestiere cu ciclul scur... more ForCrops - Evaluarea directa a productivității de biomasa din culturile forestiere cu ciclul scurt de producţie (SRF) cu scanerul laser terestru (TLS), este un proiect finanțat de Unitatea Executiva pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării (UEFISCDI) prin programul 1 – Dezvoltarea sistemului național de cercetare-dezvoltare, subprogramul 1.1. – Resurse umane (Proiect de cercetare postdoctorală). Scopul principal al acestui proiect este de a estima biomasei lemnoase pe părți componente de arbore cu ajutorul tehnologiei TLS în vederea calibrării unor ecuații alometrice în condițiile colinare din NE României. Se urmărește în acest sens dezvoltarea unui protocol de scanare complet pentru aceste culturi, crescând precizia de estimare a biomasei, scăzând efortul și timpul de lucru în teren, cât și oferirea către industriei a unui instrument pragmatic.
The presentation it’s about FP7 FUNDIVEurope project - Functional significance of forest biodiver... more The presentation it’s about FP7 FUNDIVEurope project - Functional significance of forest biodiversity in Europe. The research platforms from FunDivEUROPE project framework has the aim, the covering a big range of ecological conditions, the analysis of forest and management type from Europe. The USV’s team helped at processing and sampling protocol of dendrochronological dates which will be used in quantification of stands productivity from sample plots established in all exploratory sites from Europe.
The variability of chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlF) parameters of forest tree species was invest... more The variability of chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlF) parameters of forest tree species was investigated in 209 stands belonging to six European forests, from Mediterranean to boreal regions. The modifying role of environmental factors, forest structure and tree diversity (species richness and composition) on ChlF signature was analysed. At the European level, conifers showed higher potential performance than broadleaf species. Forests in central Europe performed better than those in Mediterranean and boreal regions. At the site level, homogeneous clusters of tree species were identified by means of a principal component analysis (PCA) of ChlF parameters. The discrimination of the clusters of species was influenced by their taxonomic position and ecological characteristics. The species richness influenced the tree ChlF properties in different ways depending on tree species and site. Tree species and site also affected the relationships between ChlF parameters and other plant function...
Culturile intensive de plop hibrid pot aduce un aport major de biomasă în condițiile utilizării r... more Culturile intensive de plop hibrid pot aduce un aport major de biomasă în condițiile utilizării raționale a solului. Cealaltă față a monedei o reprezintă exportul de biomasă la final de ciclu de producție, materializat printr-un consum de elemente nutritive din sol și de posibile modificări ale caracteristicilor chimice ale solului. Studiul de față a analizat efectul consumului de nutrienți de către culturile de plop cu ciclu scurt de producție dar și a altor caracterisitici chimice ale solurilor cultivate. Metodologia de lucru a presupus recoltarea probelor de sol din fiecare zona din trei folosințe diferite. Obiectivul inițial a fost cel de recoltare a probelor de sol din: plantații de plopi hibrizi aflate la sfârșitul unui ciclu de producție de 5 ani (cu plopi hibrizi din clonele AF2 şi AF8, înființate în anul 2011 prin plantarea mecanizată a sadelor de 2 m, în schemă de 1,5 x 3 m); dintr-o cultură agricolă (cartof) și dintr-un teren nelucrat. Dat fiind faptul că pe raza de 3 km ...
Intensive hybrid poplar crops can produce an important biomass if adequate measures of management... more Intensive hybrid poplar crops can produce an important biomass if adequate measures of management are being used. During the last years, there is a constant involvement on refining poplar cultivation technology, regarding installation, maintenance and harvesting, in order to obtain superior production at lower costs. The present study has analysed the effect of an experimental maintaining treatment (TI) (harrowing and weed control) on poplar crops' biomass yields. The results were obtained after two vegetation seasons and compared with the results recorded in a control plot where no maintaining practices (TN) were used. The experimental crop was set up in the spring of 2013, in the vicinity of Dornești site (Suceava County). Three hybrid poplar clones were tested (AF2, AF8 and Pannonia) in each plot, and there were installed by long rods, using the 3.0 x 1.5 m spacing. The biomass was assessed for all the harvested individuals and every tree component using the gravimetric method. The experimental maintaining treatment (TI) led to important differences between the two plots. The total biomass in TI plot was nearly eight-times superior to the biomass obtained in the control plot. All the three clones reacted significantly to the experimental treatment TI, even though minor differences were observed between the clones' productivity. The effect of TI treatment was also substantial to the biomass' structure on tree components. It is considered that the massive biomass increase was encouraged by a consistent shift of biomass proportion in the favour of the crown proportion (branches biomass), rather than subterranean elements. Keywords poplar energy plantations, short rotation crops, biomass yield, effects of disc harrowing, weed control.
Poplar clones productivity managed for biomass production in NorthEastern Romania. Bucov. For. 16... more Poplar clones productivity managed for biomass production in NorthEastern Romania. Bucov. For. 16(1): 73-85.
The research aimed at comparative evaluation of biodiversity in four habitat types, whose degree ... more The research aimed at comparative evaluation of biodiversity in four habitat types, whose degree of human intervention is determined by how they are used: poplar intensive cultures with short productioncycle, wheat crops, pastures and floodplain forests. Thus, field observations concerning the spectrum and the abundance of vascular plants, the presence and abundance of ground beetle species and the presence of various species of reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals in the four habitat types were made. Field work focused on two areas with similar types of habitats (Satu Mare and Dorneşti - Suceava), in each area being all the four types of studied habitats. The field observations on vascular plants were made during the growing season in 2013 and consisted in conducting surveys to identify all cormophyte species with their abundance and dominance. For insect study, five Barber traps were installed at the end of April in each analyzed habitat and they were fortnightly inspected unti...
Short rotation forestry (SRF) provides an important supply of biomass for investors in this area.... more Short rotation forestry (SRF) provides an important supply of biomass for investors in this area. In the NE (North-East) part of Romania at the present time are installed over 800 Ha of this kind of crops. The SRF enjoys the support through environmental policies, in relation to climate change and the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. A precise estimate of biomass production is necessary for the sustainable planning of forest resources and for the exchange of energy in ecosystems. The use of the terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) in estimating the production of above ground wood biomass (AGWB) of short rotation forestry (SRF) brings an important technological leap among indirect (non-destructive) methods. TLS technology is justified when destructive methods become difficult to implement, and allometric equations do not provide accurate information. The main purpose of the research is to estimate the biomass productivity on tree parts...
In Romania, the productivity of the new clones of hybrid poplar has not been tested in recent yea... more In Romania, the productivity of the new clones of hybrid poplar has not been tested in recent years. This case study aims to fill a gap on the productivity map of the new poplar clones, estimating, by biomass measurements, the productivity of two clones (AF2 and AF8) with different planting densities (from 1333 trees·ha−1 to 2667 trees·ha−1). The short-rotation woody crops (SRWCs) were established in homogeneous conditions, in North-East (NE) Romania and the northern part of Suceava County. Using a specifically developed method, biomass production was estimated using destructive methods, with 190 poplar trees being harvested, measured, and weighed to compute the accumulated biomass for each growing season The biomass production of the crops with 1667 trees·ha−1 planting density highlighted significant differences in productivity in favour of the AF2 clone after five growing seasons. The crops shared similar annual growth patterns, and the stem biomass represents approximately 73–80%...
This paper describes a permanent research platform (PRP) designed and implemented in “Codrul secu... more This paper describes a permanent research platform (PRP) designed and implemented in “Codrul secular Slătioara” and its surroundings (2205.85 ha), having also the role of introductory paper for future research articles based on data collected from this platform. “Codrul secular Slătioara” is known as one of the largest temperate mountainous intact forests of Europe and, in 2017, it was included in UNESCO World Heritage List, as part of the “Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe”. Moreover, the PRP overlaps other three scientific reserves, the share of strictly protected forests exceeding 70%. This platform has a multiple role, being developed for research, conservation and educational activities. The PRP was designed for an ecological analysis of the intact forest ecosystems. It contains 193 circular sample plots, each of them of 500 m2, and it is structured on two levels. The first level contains 58 sample plots corresponding to a square ...
The study zone includes one of the largest montane old-growth forests in Europe (Slatioara UNESCO... more The study zone includes one of the largest montane old-growth forests in Europe (Slatioara UNESCO site), and understanding the structure and functioning of sill intact forests in Europe is essential for grounding management strategies for secondary forests. For this reason, we set out to analyze the dependencies between aboveground biomass (AgB), tree species and size diversity and terrain morphology, as well as the relationship between biomass and diversity, since neither of these issues have been sufficiently explored. We found that tree species diversity decreases with increased solar radiation and elevation. Tree size heterogeneity reaches its highest mean values at elevations between 1001 and 1100 m, on slopes between 50 and 60 degrees. AgB is differentiated with elevation; the highest mean AgB (293 tonnes per hectare) is recorded at elevations between 801 and 900 m, while it decreases to 79 tonnes per hectare at more than 1500 m a.s.l. It is also influenced by tree species div...
Timber production in short term production cycles using fast growing species is a solution to sat... more Timber production in short term production cycles using fast growing species is a solution to satisfy the growing need for biomass and represents a major interest in industry. In this context, the assessment of the wood biomass in multiclonal poplar cultures were represented by participating in the STROMA project, partially financed by EGGER Romania, Radauti Department. The aim of the research was to assess the biomass production, clone and provenience establishment and identifying by experiment in which case the productivity is maximum. The methodology was adapted to the biomass assessment protocol: - sap wood weighing, separately for trunk and branches; - wood humidity assessment by weighing sap and dry wood rondes, taken at the height of 2 m and a random sample; The experimental materials were obtained by selecting 360 trees, 180 for each experiment. The results show the superiority of the trees originating from long cuttings over those from short cuttings, regardless of the clon...
ForCrops - Evaluarea directa a productivității de biomasa din culturile forestiere cu ciclul scur... more ForCrops - Evaluarea directa a productivității de biomasa din culturile forestiere cu ciclul scurt de producţie (SRF) cu scanerul laser terestru (TLS), este un proiect finanțat de Unitatea Executiva pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării (UEFISCDI) prin programul 1 – Dezvoltarea sistemului național de cercetare-dezvoltare, subprogramul 1.1. – Resurse umane (Proiect de cercetare postdoctorală). Scopul principal al acestui proiect este de a estima biomasei lemnoase pe părți componente de arbore cu ajutorul tehnologiei TLS în vederea calibrării unor ecuații alometrice în condițiile colinare din NE României. Se urmărește în acest sens dezvoltarea unui protocol de scanare complet pentru aceste culturi, crescând precizia de estimare a biomasei, scăzând efortul și timpul de lucru în teren, cât și oferirea către industriei a unui instrument pragmatic.
The presentation it’s about FP7 FUNDIVEurope project - Functional significance of forest biodiver... more The presentation it’s about FP7 FUNDIVEurope project - Functional significance of forest biodiversity in Europe. The research platforms from FunDivEUROPE project framework has the aim, the covering a big range of ecological conditions, the analysis of forest and management type from Europe. The USV’s team helped at processing and sampling protocol of dendrochronological dates which will be used in quantification of stands productivity from sample plots established in all exploratory sites from Europe.
The variability of chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlF) parameters of forest tree species was invest... more The variability of chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlF) parameters of forest tree species was investigated in 209 stands belonging to six European forests, from Mediterranean to boreal regions. The modifying role of environmental factors, forest structure and tree diversity (species richness and composition) on ChlF signature was analysed. At the European level, conifers showed higher potential performance than broadleaf species. Forests in central Europe performed better than those in Mediterranean and boreal regions. At the site level, homogeneous clusters of tree species were identified by means of a principal component analysis (PCA) of ChlF parameters. The discrimination of the clusters of species was influenced by their taxonomic position and ecological characteristics. The species richness influenced the tree ChlF properties in different ways depending on tree species and site. Tree species and site also affected the relationships between ChlF parameters and other plant function...
Culturile intensive de plop hibrid pot aduce un aport major de biomasă în condițiile utilizării r... more Culturile intensive de plop hibrid pot aduce un aport major de biomasă în condițiile utilizării raționale a solului. Cealaltă față a monedei o reprezintă exportul de biomasă la final de ciclu de producție, materializat printr-un consum de elemente nutritive din sol și de posibile modificări ale caracteristicilor chimice ale solului. Studiul de față a analizat efectul consumului de nutrienți de către culturile de plop cu ciclu scurt de producție dar și a altor caracterisitici chimice ale solurilor cultivate. Metodologia de lucru a presupus recoltarea probelor de sol din fiecare zona din trei folosințe diferite. Obiectivul inițial a fost cel de recoltare a probelor de sol din: plantații de plopi hibrizi aflate la sfârșitul unui ciclu de producție de 5 ani (cu plopi hibrizi din clonele AF2 şi AF8, înființate în anul 2011 prin plantarea mecanizată a sadelor de 2 m, în schemă de 1,5 x 3 m); dintr-o cultură agricolă (cartof) și dintr-un teren nelucrat. Dat fiind faptul că pe raza de 3 km ...
Intensive hybrid poplar crops can produce an important biomass if adequate measures of management... more Intensive hybrid poplar crops can produce an important biomass if adequate measures of management are being used. During the last years, there is a constant involvement on refining poplar cultivation technology, regarding installation, maintenance and harvesting, in order to obtain superior production at lower costs. The present study has analysed the effect of an experimental maintaining treatment (TI) (harrowing and weed control) on poplar crops' biomass yields. The results were obtained after two vegetation seasons and compared with the results recorded in a control plot where no maintaining practices (TN) were used. The experimental crop was set up in the spring of 2013, in the vicinity of Dornești site (Suceava County). Three hybrid poplar clones were tested (AF2, AF8 and Pannonia) in each plot, and there were installed by long rods, using the 3.0 x 1.5 m spacing. The biomass was assessed for all the harvested individuals and every tree component using the gravimetric method. The experimental maintaining treatment (TI) led to important differences between the two plots. The total biomass in TI plot was nearly eight-times superior to the biomass obtained in the control plot. All the three clones reacted significantly to the experimental treatment TI, even though minor differences were observed between the clones' productivity. The effect of TI treatment was also substantial to the biomass' structure on tree components. It is considered that the massive biomass increase was encouraged by a consistent shift of biomass proportion in the favour of the crown proportion (branches biomass), rather than subterranean elements. Keywords poplar energy plantations, short rotation crops, biomass yield, effects of disc harrowing, weed control.
Poplar clones productivity managed for biomass production in NorthEastern Romania. Bucov. For. 16... more Poplar clones productivity managed for biomass production in NorthEastern Romania. Bucov. For. 16(1): 73-85.
The research aimed at comparative evaluation of biodiversity in four habitat types, whose degree ... more The research aimed at comparative evaluation of biodiversity in four habitat types, whose degree of human intervention is determined by how they are used: poplar intensive cultures with short productioncycle, wheat crops, pastures and floodplain forests. Thus, field observations concerning the spectrum and the abundance of vascular plants, the presence and abundance of ground beetle species and the presence of various species of reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals in the four habitat types were made. Field work focused on two areas with similar types of habitats (Satu Mare and Dorneşti - Suceava), in each area being all the four types of studied habitats. The field observations on vascular plants were made during the growing season in 2013 and consisted in conducting surveys to identify all cormophyte species with their abundance and dominance. For insect study, five Barber traps were installed at the end of April in each analyzed habitat and they were fortnightly inspected unti...
Papers by Iulian Danila