Papers by Luciano A Digiampietri
Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines, 2023
Despite their relatively similar national contexts, geographical proximity, and comparable histor... more Despite their relatively similar national contexts, geographical proximity, and comparable historical and cultural experiences, Brazil and Argentina show relevant differences in terms of R&D systems, research assessment procedures and the morphology of their academic elites. However, they share similar paths of integration to the international academic arena, along with the prevalence of nationally oriented groups under a primarily public funding system. Diverse combinations of intersectional inequalities can be found when analyzing two concrete populations of researchers from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) and the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), given that we are dealing with highly internationalized academic elites.
In this paper, we describe the two national fields and the target populations in terms of age, position, and institutional affiliation. Considering the different composition by sex of these two populations we observe meaningful analogies regarding publication and, especially, publication in English. Finally, we discuss author positions, showing how intersectional inequalities affect women, relating this general picture to citation impact in Google Scholar and describing how gender territories are built among the top cited researchers.
Ciência da Informação, Dec 31, 2021
Microorganisms, May 27, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Revista Hospitalidade, Jun 4, 2021
Estudos de hospitalidade: análise bibliométrica e de redes sociais do campo de turismo no Brasil,... more Estudos de hospitalidade: análise bibliométrica e de redes sociais do campo de turismo no Brasil, 1990-2018 Hospitality studies: bibliometric and social network analysis of Brazilian tourism field, 1990-2018 Estudios de hospitalidad: análisis bibliométrico y de redes sociales del campo del turismo en Brasil, 1990-2018
Neste trabalho, são analisados os artigos publicados em 14 periódicos brasileiros de turismo (de ... more Neste trabalho, são analisados os artigos publicados em 14 periódicos brasileiros de turismo (de 1990 a 2016). Os objetivos são identificar os padrões de coautoria e verificar a importância de atores para a rede. A metodologia consiste em análise bibliométrica e de redes sociais. As redes de autores e instituições são robustas, não dependendo de um ator central. O campo é marcado pela grande fragmentação, sem uma abordagem teórica unificada. As redes de autores e instituições são formadas por um grupo centralcom os nós mais importantes e produtivos-e uma "periferia", composta por pequenos grupos com baixa produção. Palavras-chave: Turismo. Periódicos científicos. Análise bibliométrica e de redes sociais. 1 Introdução Tribe (1997) aponta que há três dimensões do turismo. Primeiro, há o fenômeno do turismo ou mundo externo do turismo, que consiste na soma de fenômenos e relações derivadas da interação entre turistas, residentes locais, governos, ambientes e negócios turísticos. Segundo, há a educação e o treinamento em turismo, cujos elementos mais visíveis são os cursos técnicos e os cursos de bacharelado em turismo. Por fim, há a dimensão "estudo do turismo", representada por uma comunidade acadêmica voltada à pesquisa, que resulta em Padrão de colaboração e coautoria no campo de turismo: análises bibliométricas e de redes em 14 periódicos científicos brasileiros (1990-2016
Depression is a mental disorder that affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, with poten... more Depression is a mental disorder that affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, with potentially serious consequences if left without treatment. Despite that, many people still suffer from depression without a diagnosis. Recently, the amount of studies related to the automatic detection of depression has improved. The objective of this paper is to identify the methods and techniques used by studies about depression detection through text data, by conducting a systematic review.
Frontiers in Genetics, Aug 26, 2019
iSys, Oct 18, 2022
Currently, there are thousands of social bots acting on different online social networks. Identif... more Currently, there are thousands of social bots acting on different online social networks. Identifying them automatically is a computational challenge. This work uses different natural language processing methods to extract features from tweets collected during the 2018 Brazilian presidential election period in order to make the bot detection process more precise. The developed solution uses artificial intelligence techniques, combining feature selection and classification algorithms. The authors obtained the best results through a union of all the extracted features using the Random Forest classifier, achieving an precision of 0.86 for the bot class and AUC of 0.86.
Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, Apr 13, 2023
As the academic information on the internet became broadly available in the shape of academic soc... more As the academic information on the internet became broadly available in the shape of academic social networks and academic profiles, its usage to help to resolve tasks like the discovery of specialists in a given area, identification of potential scholarship holders, or suggestion of collaborators, for example, had a growth in importance and relevance. In the case of academic social networks, the Brazilian government created the Lattes Platform in order to manage academic data from Brazilian researchers as well as use it to help in the evaluation of researchers and groups of researchers. However, in order to use the Lattes Platform information to help in the aforementioned tasks, it is important to check the quality of the data, because most of it is declared by the users and does not have any verification of its veracity, especially regarding the declared main expertise area. Thus, this article explores the usage of machine learning techniques to recognize the main areas of expertise of researchers using several numerical representations to represent its scientific production titles as data source for the algorithms. We have been able to surpass the current state-of-art results to resolve this problem by using a TF-IDF character n-gram representation for the text in the titles, achieving an accuracy of 95.91%.
The management of an undergraduate course includes tasks such as updating the curriculum and prer... more The management of an undergraduate course includes tasks such as updating the curriculum and prerequisites, in order to provide a better professional background and to minimize the student dropout. This paper presents a strategy for quantitative analysis of association between disciplines, aiming to identify potential needs of new prerequisites in the course matrix. As the proposed approach is based exclusively on academic records, it is easily reproducible in any courses and universities, and has helped to modify some prerequisite in the Information Systems Undergraduate Course at USP. Resumo. Dentre as estratégias de gerenciamento de um curso superior de qualidade, a atualização da estrutura curricular e dos pré-requisitos entre disciplinas podem contribuir para o melhor preparo do aluno para os desafios da vida profissional, bem como diminuir as taxas de reprovação e evasão. Este artigo apresenta uma estratégia de análise quantitativa de associação entre disciplinas, visando a identificar potenciais necessidades de revisões nos pré-requisitos adotados no Projeto Pedagógico do Curso. Por ser baseada exclusivamente nos históricos acadêmicos dos estudantes, a estratégiaé facilmente replicável em quaisquer cursos e universidades, e tem auxiliado na alteração de alguns prérequisitos no curso de Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação da USP.
iSys, Jul 27, 2016
The management of an undergraduate course includes tasks such as updating the curriculum and prer... more The management of an undergraduate course includes tasks such as updating the curriculum and prerequisites, in order to provide a better professional background and to minimize the student dropout. This paper presents a strategy for quantitative analysis of association between disciplines, aiming to identify potential needs of new prerequisites in the course matrix. As the proposed approach is based exclusively on academic records, it is easily reproducible in any courses and universities, and has helped to modify some prerequisite in the Information Systems Undergraduate Course at USP. Resumo. Dentre as estratégias de gerenciamento de um curso superior de qualidade, a atualização da estrutura curricular e dos pré-requisitos entre disciplinas podem contribuir para o melhor preparo do aluno para os desafios da vida profissional, bem como diminuir as taxas de reprovação e evasão. Este artigo apresenta uma estratégia de análise quantitativa de associação entre disciplinas, visando a identificar potenciais necessidades de revisões nos pré-requisitos adotados no Projeto Pedagógico do Curso. Por ser baseada exclusivamente nos históricos acadêmicos dos estudantes, a estratégiaé facilmente replicável em quaisquer cursos e universidades, e tem auxiliado na alteração de alguns prérequisitos no curso de Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação da USP.
Biogerontology, Mar 18, 2020
Human HSP27 is a small heat shock protein that modulates the ability of cells to respond to heat ... more Human HSP27 is a small heat shock protein that modulates the ability of cells to respond to heat shock and oxidative stress, and also functions as a chaperone independent of ATP, participating in the proteasomal degradation of proteins. The expression of HSP27 is associated with survival in mammalian cells. In cancer cells, it confers resistance to chemotherapy; in neurons, HSP27 has a positive effect on neuronal viability in models of Alzheimer& s and Parkinson& s diseases. To better understand the mechanism by which HSP27 expression contributes to cell survival, we expressed human HSP27 in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae under control of different mutant TEF promoters, that conferred nine levels of graded basal expression, and showed that replicative lifespan and proteasomal activity increase as well as the resistance to oxidative and thermal stresses. The profile of these phenotypes display a dose-response effect characteristic of hormesis, an adaptive phenomenon that is observed when cells are exposed to increasing amounts of stress or toxic substances. The hormetic response correlates with changes in expression levels of HSP27 and also with its oligomeric states when correlated to survival Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (
As the online social networks become more and more part of people’s daily lives, analyzes of the ... more As the online social networks become more and more part of people’s daily lives, analyzes of the content posted in these media to avoid the circulation of fake news or doubtful authorship become necessary. This paper analyzes comments from a Reddit forum community in order to evaluate different representations of the text and using artificial intelligence classification techniques for the authorship attribution in the context of social networks in the forum style. The results showed that, for each scenario, a given combination of classifier and selected characteristics (different representations) is more recommended and presents good efficiency in the distinction among authors.
Revista Turismo em Análise, Feb 10, 2022
Revue d'histoire des sciences humaines
Despite their relatively similar national contexts, geographical proximity, and comparable histor... more Despite their relatively similar national contexts, geographical proximity, and comparable historical and cultural experiences, Brazil and Argentina show relevant differences in terms of R&D systems, research assessment procedures and the morphology of their academic elites. However, they share similar paths of integration to the international academic arena, along with the prevalence of nationally oriented groups under a primarily public funding system. Diverse combinations of intersectional inequalities can be found when analyzing two concrete populations of researchers from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) and the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), given that we are dealing with highly internationalized academic elites. In this paper, we describe the two national fields and the target populations in terms of age, position, and institutional affiliation. Considering the different composition by sex of these two populations we observe meaningful analogies regarding publication and, especially, publication in English. Finally, we discuss author positions, showing how intersectional inequalities affect women, relating this general picture to citation impact in Google Scholar and describing how gender territories are built among the top cited researchers.
Encontros Bibli, May 27, 2022
Papers by Luciano A Digiampietri
In this paper, we describe the two national fields and the target populations in terms of age, position, and institutional affiliation. Considering the different composition by sex of these two populations we observe meaningful analogies regarding publication and, especially, publication in English. Finally, we discuss author positions, showing how intersectional inequalities affect women, relating this general picture to citation impact in Google Scholar and describing how gender territories are built among the top cited researchers.
In this paper, we describe the two national fields and the target populations in terms of age, position, and institutional affiliation. Considering the different composition by sex of these two populations we observe meaningful analogies regarding publication and, especially, publication in English. Finally, we discuss author positions, showing how intersectional inequalities affect women, relating this general picture to citation impact in Google Scholar and describing how gender territories are built among the top cited researchers.
work presents different research initiatives carried out by the author in collaboration with advisees and co-workers for both the characterization of the Brazilian academic social network, and the use of academic information available for testing and validating new strategies to address specific aspects of the social network analysis such as link prediction and trend analysis.
No Brasil existe uma gama muito grande de informações disponíveis sobre a produção bibliográfica e outras atividades acadêmicas. Apesar deste grande conjunto de dados, existem diversos desafios relacionados à efetiva extração de conhecimento a partir dele de forma a possibilitar, por exemplo, a criação de políticas científicas nacionais eficientes e adequadas à diversidade brasileira. Este trabalho apresenta diferentes iniciativas de pesquisa realizadas pelo autor em colaboração com orientados e colegas de trabalho tanto para a caracterização de parte da rede social acadêmica brasileira, quanto do uso das informações acadêmicas disponíveis para o teste e a validação de novas estratégias para tratar aspectos específicos da análise de redes sociais, como predição de relacionamentos ou análise de tendências.