Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (USIL)
The objective of this study was to compare the immune response of Holstein and Norwegian Red × Holstein calves on 13 commercial Canadian dairy farms. Data were collected on 135 calves, 68 Holstein and 67 Norwegian Red × Holstein calves... more
The objective of the study was to characterize body growth, testicular development, and puberty from 8 to 14 mo of age in bulls (n = 120) produced by mating sires from Hereford, Angus, Norwegian Red, Swedish Red and White, Friesian, and... more
The traditional distinction between active and passive euthanasia requires critical analysis. The conventional doctrine is that there is such an important moral difference between the two that, although the latter is sometimes... more
Con constancia y tenacidad se obtiene lo que se desea; la palabra imposible no tiene significado. NAPOLEÓN ¿Qué es la constancia?
1.-Supongamos que unas temperaturas excepcionalmente altas provocan un desplazamiento de la curva de demanda de helados hacia la derecha. ¿Porqué subirá el precio del helado a un nivel que vacié el mercado?