The two cross-national indices with gender-differentiated data introduced by the UNDP in 1995, as well as several other such indices developed subsequently, are an important resource for researchers and policy makers interested in gender... more
The increasingly global scope of democratization has challenged comparativists to engage in crossregional research as part of a collective enterprise. The response to such a challenge, however, hinges upon their ability to both base their... more
Su libro más reciente es Measuring Democracy: A Bridge Between Scholarship and Politics (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009). Fue parte del equipo que redactó el informe del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), La... more
was also used quite widely. The same cannot be said about comparative politics. Indeed, RCT and, more specifically, game theory-a term I use to refer to the branch of RCT that studies interdependent decision making with a formal... more
Este trabajo considera el monitoreo de la democracia y aborda cuatro preguntas: ¿Por qué debe monitorearse la democracia? ¿Quiénes son los monitores? ¿Qué debe monitorearse? Y, ¿cómo debe llevarse a cabo el monitoreo? Primero articula el... more
573 revista de ciencia pOLítica / vOLumen 30 / nº 3 / 2010 / 573 -597 * agradezco a mariano Bertucci, sebastián mazzuca, richard snyder y dos revisores anónimos por sus muy útiles sugerencias. La traducción al castellano fue hecha por... more
AgendAs y estrAtegiAs de investigAción en el estudio de lA PolíticA lAtinoAmericAnA revistA de cienciA PolíticA / volumen 27 / nº 1 / 2007 / -21 Artículos CienCia PolítiCa AgendAs y estrAtegiAs de investigAción en el estudio de lA... more
This article contributes to ongoing debates about the direction of comparative politics through an analysis of new data on the scope, objectives, and methods of research in the field. The results of the analysis are as follows.... more
and thus were guilty of a "large-nation bias." 2 Second, they were anchored for the most part in the experience of countries from Western Europe that had democratized in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and because of... more