Papers by Ana Costa Rosado

Vaults and timbrel vaults are one of the most particular construction techniques used in traditio... more Vaults and timbrel vaults are one of the most particular construction techniques used in traditional Alentejo housing. To identify the vaulting solution types, this research deployed surveys of houses in four of
the region’s cities. The most frequent vault types are groin, trough, barrel and segmental, with lunette and sail found in smaller numbers. In the case of timbrel vaults, the most frequent shapes are trough and segmental. A correlation was found between the types of vaults and house divisions, their position inside the house and the geometry of rooms. The chronology of the spread of vaulting in the Alentejo’s housing is still imprecise but may coincide with the early Modern Age evolution of housing typologies. The incidence of vaults also coincided with late 16th/17th century (and onwards) expansion of cities. The increase in recourse to vaulting solutions may also have been influenced by late 17th century military constructions.

ITU J Faculty Arch., 2021
This article deals with permanence and change in the traditional architecture of southern Portuga... more This article deals with permanence and change in the traditional architecture of southern Portugal, adopting the town and landscape of Mértola as a case study. This research conveys how the relationship between the vernacular architecture, the territory and the site is not immune to the course of history, reflecting a pro- found change in the ways of living over time. In methodological terms, the re- search focuses on surveying and characterizing architectural diversity in both the rural context (with the definition of various landscape subunits) and the urban context (delimiting the various urban subunits). This concludes that the architec- tural specificity, in both contexts, is subordinate to the same processes of historical change which nevertheless acquire a circumstantial dimension. These processes include the readable influences of models and ways of living arriving from abroad and contemplate: the transition of the courtyard house from the Islamic medieval period to the compact house of the Christian medieval and modern periods; the consolidation, diversification and ennobling of different housing types during the Ancien Régime; and the profound transformations of domestic architecture following the advent of Liberalism.

Revista PH, 2021
La arquitectura doméstica refleja, mejor que ninguna otra, la cultura... more DOI:10.33349/2021.102.4734
La arquitectura doméstica refleja, mejor que ninguna otra, la cultura de un lugar, las costumbres, las vivencias de sus gentes. Se rige por las directrices de su territorio, los terrenos, los materiales, los condicionantes climáticos y, por eso, ni puede ser estudiada fuera de su contexto, ni el paisaje de un lugar se explica sin su arquitectura vernácula. Pero ¿y cuándo de un mismo territorio físico resultan modelos dispares? Este artículo revisa la casa tradicional del Alentejo portugués, concretamente, el margen izquierdo del Guadiana, a través de levantamientos in loco y el estudio de documentación de archivo. Se presenta como caso de estudio la ciudad de Moura, donde el análisis de 143 casos ha permitido establecer una línea de evolución de la vivienda y definir varias categorías de tipos de casa tradicional. Se presentan estos tipos, sus materialidades, las técnicas constructivas de la región y una similitud transfronteriza. Si por el mismo contexto histórico y territorial, las afinidades de ocupación territorial y urbana entre el Guadiana portugués y la Baja Extremadura/Sierra de Aracena resultan casi obvias, resultarán más sorprendentes las diferencias que experimentará la evolución de la vivienda entre los dos márgenes del Guadiana.

Antologia de Ensaios VI Laboratório Colaborativo, 2020
O presente artigo incide sobre as transformações da delimitação de propriedade, dentro de edifíci... more O presente artigo incide sobre as transformações da delimitação de propriedade, dentro de edifícios já consolidados, através do estudo de alguns casos no Alentejo. Em tecidos urbanos consolidados, como é o caso dos centros históricos da maioria das cidades portuguesas, os processos de divisão ou ampliação da propriedade estão constrangidos pela malha edificada densa, sem vazios para ocupar com nova construção, e pelo parcelário antigo, bem definido e consolidado. No entanto, estas limitações não constituíram impedimento para a divisão e ampliação de casas, ao longo dos séculos. As habitações em centros históricos foram, e são ainda, compartimentadas de modo a permitir o alojamento de novos núcleos familiares, sendo essas compartimentações frequentemente revertidas quando se procurava a expansão da área doméstica. Estes processos são muito fluidos, orgânicos e diretamente relacionados com o modelo familiar do Sul da península Ibérica, traduzindo a alteração sucessiva dos núcleos familiares. As marcas destas transformações no edificado são visíveis na maioria das casas dos centros históricos, através de vãos encerrados, paredes tabicadas e da ocupação de parte de parcelas vizinhas. Neste artigo, exemplificam-se algumas destas transformações, através do estudo de três conjuntos habitacionais das cidades de Estremoz, Borba e Mértola, no Alentejo Interior. A investigação foi realizada com base em levantamentos arquitetónicos e fotográficos exaustivos dos casos de estudo, acompanhados pelo registo das memórias dos ocupantes e/ou de outros habitantes e, sempre que possível, por informação dos imóveis obtida nos arquivos históricos. Deste modo, a abordagem privilegia a análise dos conjuntos edificados que chegaram aos dias de hoje, que adquire importância, não apenas para a interpretação da transformação histórico-cultural da arquitetura da habitação, mas também, enquanto contributo para a reconstituição regressiva dos modelos de organização da habitação e da estrutura predial mais elementares que estiveram na génese da estrutura urbana.

Antologia de ensaios - Laboratório Colaborativo: dinâmicas urbanas, património, artes, 2019
A vila de Borba, situada no Alentejo Central, na zona dos mármores, forma com o seu entorno um ca... more A vila de Borba, situada no Alentejo Central, na zona dos mármores, forma com o seu entorno um caso singular de paisagem cultural, num contexto que se distingue, a nível regional, pelo panorama industrial de exploração da pedra mármore e pela fertilidade dos solos agrícolas. No caso particular de Borba, a importância do cultivo da vinha e da produção de vinho está documentada a partir de finais do século XVII, quando as duas atividades marcavam a paisagem rural de forma indelével. A produção de vinho e a extração de mármore são, desde então, os principais recursos económicos da vila, e os seus ciclos de prosperidade e declínio influenciaram diretamente a paisagem urbana, desde a escala do urbanismo à da habitação corrente. Os períodos de maior prosperidade compreenderam o florescimento das elites locais, como ocorreu no século XVIII, quando Borba beneficiou de uma transformação do desenho da vila de expressão iluminista. A arquitetura da habitação e os modos de organizar e construir associados às economias agrícolas e extrativas contribuem para a especificidade da paisagem cultural da zona dos mármores, com relevância para o termo de Borba, onde se destaca a casa do vitivinicultor. Este é um tipo de casa urbana abastada, que pode incorporar detalhes estilísticos eruditos, em que o rés-do-chão era alocado para adega de produção de vinho e taberna de venda, e o primeiro andar albergava as áreas residenciais. Atualmente, Borba enfrenta, como todo o interior alentejano, uma situação de perda populacional. As especificidades agrícolas, industriais, urbanas e arquitetónicas formam um conjunto patrimonial de exceção que pode ser chave na inversão do declínio económico e demográfico a que hoje se assiste, constituindo um recurso para a reter e atrair residentes, fator mais importante para a afirmação de uma pequena cidade no interior do país.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The present paper studies 18th century military garrisons built in border villages of Portuguese ... more The present paper studies 18th century military garrisons built in border villages of Portuguese Alentejo during the instability period that began with the Restoration War (1640-1668) between Portugal and Spain. Besides presenting their constructive types and materiality, the research focus on the heritage value of these barracks, especially given their urban context inside small peripheral towns’ historical centres under threat of desertification. Three cases are compared in order to determine which contemporary use better favours heritage conservation of the barracks modular structures.
revista PH, 2019
Unlike major cities and costal touristic destinations, where mass-tourism is a threat to social-s... more Unlike major cities and costal touristic destinations, where mass-tourism is a threat to social-structure cohesion, tourism can still be an asset to engage local development in small and medium sized interior cities. Adequate heritage valorisation policies and community engagement are needed to pursue local development successfully. Against desertification, heritage can become an economic growth provider, as well as a tool to increase communities’ cultural identity and self-esteem. But to achieve such goals, heritage valorisation must be done in collaboration with local communities and must generate cultural heritage related jobs.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
This paper focuses on the urban growth experienced in the third quarter of the 20th century due t... more This paper focuses on the urban growth experienced in the third quarter of the 20th century due to the generalized deficit of housing in Portugal —by the transfer of population from rural to urban areas— and which characterized European cities mainly during the last century. This period was marked by great growth of cities and, therefore, one of the most considerable architectural and urban production in recent urban history. Following modern city's precepts of the Charter of Athens (1933), Housing in Portugal shares many of the morphological and typological characteristics with the rest of Europe. However, housing policies developed in Portugal during the dictatorship of Salazar (1933-1968) and Caetano (1968-1974) —within a socio-political context marked by a strong control of the State— caused Portuguese cities to introduce certain peculiarities in their development. In this sense, the research has sought to address the general context —social, economic and political— that conditioned the construction of these urban complexes during the so-called Estado Novo (1933-1974) in Portugal. This contextualization framework on construction of social housing has been mainly built through an analysis of housing legislation approved in those years. The research has also required an important bibliography search for references to articulate the knowledge generated by other researchers. Likewise, statistical data of construction and housing elaborated by the National Institute of Statistics of Portugal have been consulted. Based on this information, the research has detected two political facts of clear influence in terms of social housing. On one hand, the end of the Second World War brought along industrial growth for some regions of the country, which became important centres of population attraction at the beginning of the 50s. The pace of industrialization accelerated in the big cities and with it the migratory dynamics from the countryside to the city. In this context, Estado Novo had to rethink the policy on housing, planning large-scale housing construction through development plans. On the other hand, Marcello Caetano's Government, who was appointed the new head of government in 1968, tried to solve the problems of overcrowding that resulted from previous housing policy. This translates into an attempt to institutionalize and rationalize housing policy through the creation, in 1969, of the Fundo de Fomento da Habitação. It was sought to centralize the different public initiatives related to housing in a unique structure. It can be said that this period corresponds, in the sphere of housing and urban planning, to a transition for the policies that would develop after the Carnation Revolution in 1974.

La casa: espacios domésticos, modos de habitar (Granada: Universidad de Granada - Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura), 2019
This article presents part of a research on traditional domestic architecture in Alentejo, Portug... more This article presents part of a research on traditional domestic architecture in Alentejo, Portugal, based on in loco surveys of houses in different cities. It compreends the origins and evolution of housing types in the area as well as it shows types’ differences and the influences in their evolution line. Since common housing is such a big part of historic urban tissues, the study on housing includes the urban evolution itself. The research combines architectural and photographic surveys of over 100 case studies with archive information and inhabitants’ testimonies. The Marble area has shaped specific housing types, due to the combination of urban features of its fortified towns, with particular construction materials as marble stone and clay. Understanding dwelling evolution is a key factor to apprehend history of common people, of their relations and of urban life.
Traditional Dwellings and Settlements - Working Paper Series, 2018
This article reflects on the importance of the built heritage in Portugal’s inland regions, consi... more This article reflects on the importance of the built heritage in Portugal’s inland regions, considering two particular case studies in the Alentejo region, Mértola, in the south, and Estremoz, to the north. It concludes that researching, valuing and rehabilitating the historical centres of territories falling within the Low Density category may play a fundamental role within the context of policies against decline and desertification. With this aim, it is fundamental to consider the processes of creation and transformation of these built ensembles inside public policies and to pursue alternative models of governance.

The main purpose of this paper is to characterize the importance of “natural place” and “cultural... more The main purpose of this paper is to characterize the importance of “natural place” and “cultural place” in Mértola’s built heritage, considering the different periods in history. In order to do that, we will try to interpret landscape, topography and morphology of the old village, from the territory to the architectural scale. Thus, we will address the place, the fortified structures and the urban transformation of the old village of Mértola since antiquity, including the analysis of the traditional typologies of housing from late medieval period onwards. We will reconstitute those diferent models of organization of domestic architecture in relation to the public space and the landscape, considering Mértola’s position in the Guadiana route of Mediterranean trade and the diferent cycles of exploitation of land resources (agricultural, riverside and mining).
Keywords: Natural place; Historical heritage; Defensive structure; Domestic architecture.

Arqueologia Urbana em Centros Históricos - IV FAUR, 2018
Historical evolution of housing and spatial organization on Estremoz hill: first results of a mul... more Historical evolution of housing and spatial organization on Estremoz hill: first results of a multidisciplinary analysis. This paper intends to characterize domestic architecture transformation, inside the medieval fortifications of Estremoz, from early Modern Age to contemporaneity. In methodological terms, it combines documental analysis of “Tombo dos Bens da Confraria de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires” (Inventory of assets of Nossa Senhora dos Mártires Sisterhod) of 1515 with description and interpretation of the existing housing, through the surveying and drawing of more than 60 study cases. Houses’ surveying allowed us to identify elements of different periods and constructive marks of distribution changes (enclosed arches, gateways through plot‑division walls, changes in stair access), and to record these signs of mutation in the layout and uses of house divisions through time. The study of “Tombo dos Bens da Confraria de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires”, combined with a significant number of 16th century “Manueline” portals, may indicate the continuity in time, from 16th century onwards, of housing structures, at least at ground floor level, in this historic walled village. The interpretation of traditional housing permitted us to identify some fundamental themes of architecture transformation. Through its formal characteristics, inner organization and constructive elements it is possible to understand its origins, evolution and relation with public space.
Conference Organisation by Ana Costa Rosado
CIATMO - Traditional Architecture in the Western Mediterranean. International Conference. Mértola... more CIATMO - Traditional Architecture in the Western Mediterranean. International Conference. Mértola 13th, 14th and 15th May 2015.
Books by Ana Costa Rosado
![Research paper thumbnail of Mértola. Arquitetura da vila e do termo / Architecture in the town and its territory [volume completo / complete file]](
Campo Arqueológico de Mértola, 2015
O propósito fundamental deste projeto é o de cartografar e interpretar o processo de transformaç... more O propósito fundamental deste projeto é o de cartografar e interpretar o processo de transformação da arquitetura doméstica e desenhar as diferentes relações espaciais a partir dos instrumentos da história e da construção. Mas é também o de experimentar, para além desta sintaxe, a aproximação a cada uma das casas, descobrir-lhes o nome, o tempo anterior de uma condição ou cultura do habitar que, se em muitas delas ainda permanece, noutras foi convertida à memória. Pretende-se, em síntese, acolher o modo como os habitantes se relacionam com as dimensões mais ou menos transitórias ou permanentes de uma cultura particular, através das casas, ou, dito de outra maneira, reconhecer a forma como as diferentes expressões da mudança se confrontam, muitas vezes, em diferentes tempos ou cadências. Mas este propósito de atribuir significado aos espaços representados nos desenhos evoca, necessariamente, outros instrumentos para o registo das suas múltiplas dimensões. O filme ou o documentário aparecem como resposta, integrando os temas da luz e da sombra, das texturas, do espaço, com o discurso e a hesitação, com o olhar e a memória, com o tempo.
The fundamental purpose of this project is to map and interpret the process of transformation of domestic architecture by studying the different spatial relationships using history and construction. It is also an experiential approximation, beyond discourse, to each of the houses, finding out their names, their past condition or culture of inhabiting, that if in many of them still remain the same, in others have been confined to memory. We aim, in short, to capture the way in which people express through their houses the more or less transient dimensions of a particular culture. In other words, we seek to recognize how different expressions of change may coexist in different times or follow different rhythms. With this purpose of assigning meaning to the spaces represented in the drawings, other tools needed to be used in order to capture their multiple dimensions. Resorting to film or documentary was the way chosen to include the themes of light and shadow, textures, space, speech and hesitation, outlook and memory over time.
Pequenas Cidades no Tempo. O ambiente e outros temas, 2021
Papers by Ana Costa Rosado
the region’s cities. The most frequent vault types are groin, trough, barrel and segmental, with lunette and sail found in smaller numbers. In the case of timbrel vaults, the most frequent shapes are trough and segmental. A correlation was found between the types of vaults and house divisions, their position inside the house and the geometry of rooms. The chronology of the spread of vaulting in the Alentejo’s housing is still imprecise but may coincide with the early Modern Age evolution of housing typologies. The incidence of vaults also coincided with late 16th/17th century (and onwards) expansion of cities. The increase in recourse to vaulting solutions may also have been influenced by late 17th century military constructions.
La arquitectura doméstica refleja, mejor que ninguna otra, la cultura de un lugar, las costumbres, las vivencias de sus gentes. Se rige por las directrices de su territorio, los terrenos, los materiales, los condicionantes climáticos y, por eso, ni puede ser estudiada fuera de su contexto, ni el paisaje de un lugar se explica sin su arquitectura vernácula. Pero ¿y cuándo de un mismo territorio físico resultan modelos dispares? Este artículo revisa la casa tradicional del Alentejo portugués, concretamente, el margen izquierdo del Guadiana, a través de levantamientos in loco y el estudio de documentación de archivo. Se presenta como caso de estudio la ciudad de Moura, donde el análisis de 143 casos ha permitido establecer una línea de evolución de la vivienda y definir varias categorías de tipos de casa tradicional. Se presentan estos tipos, sus materialidades, las técnicas constructivas de la región y una similitud transfronteriza. Si por el mismo contexto histórico y territorial, las afinidades de ocupación territorial y urbana entre el Guadiana portugués y la Baja Extremadura/Sierra de Aracena resultan casi obvias, resultarán más sorprendentes las diferencias que experimentará la evolución de la vivienda entre los dos márgenes del Guadiana.
Keywords: Natural place; Historical heritage; Defensive structure; Domestic architecture.
Conference Organisation by Ana Costa Rosado
Books by Ana Costa Rosado
The fundamental purpose of this project is to map and interpret the process of transformation of domestic architecture by studying the different spatial relationships using history and construction. It is also an experiential approximation, beyond discourse, to each of the houses, finding out their names, their past condition or culture of inhabiting, that if in many of them still remain the same, in others have been confined to memory. We aim, in short, to capture the way in which people express through their houses the more or less transient dimensions of a particular culture. In other words, we seek to recognize how different expressions of change may coexist in different times or follow different rhythms. With this purpose of assigning meaning to the spaces represented in the drawings, other tools needed to be used in order to capture their multiple dimensions. Resorting to film or documentary was the way chosen to include the themes of light and shadow, textures, space, speech and hesitation, outlook and memory over time.
the region’s cities. The most frequent vault types are groin, trough, barrel and segmental, with lunette and sail found in smaller numbers. In the case of timbrel vaults, the most frequent shapes are trough and segmental. A correlation was found between the types of vaults and house divisions, their position inside the house and the geometry of rooms. The chronology of the spread of vaulting in the Alentejo’s housing is still imprecise but may coincide with the early Modern Age evolution of housing typologies. The incidence of vaults also coincided with late 16th/17th century (and onwards) expansion of cities. The increase in recourse to vaulting solutions may also have been influenced by late 17th century military constructions.
La arquitectura doméstica refleja, mejor que ninguna otra, la cultura de un lugar, las costumbres, las vivencias de sus gentes. Se rige por las directrices de su territorio, los terrenos, los materiales, los condicionantes climáticos y, por eso, ni puede ser estudiada fuera de su contexto, ni el paisaje de un lugar se explica sin su arquitectura vernácula. Pero ¿y cuándo de un mismo territorio físico resultan modelos dispares? Este artículo revisa la casa tradicional del Alentejo portugués, concretamente, el margen izquierdo del Guadiana, a través de levantamientos in loco y el estudio de documentación de archivo. Se presenta como caso de estudio la ciudad de Moura, donde el análisis de 143 casos ha permitido establecer una línea de evolución de la vivienda y definir varias categorías de tipos de casa tradicional. Se presentan estos tipos, sus materialidades, las técnicas constructivas de la región y una similitud transfronteriza. Si por el mismo contexto histórico y territorial, las afinidades de ocupación territorial y urbana entre el Guadiana portugués y la Baja Extremadura/Sierra de Aracena resultan casi obvias, resultarán más sorprendentes las diferencias que experimentará la evolución de la vivienda entre los dos márgenes del Guadiana.
Keywords: Natural place; Historical heritage; Defensive structure; Domestic architecture.
The fundamental purpose of this project is to map and interpret the process of transformation of domestic architecture by studying the different spatial relationships using history and construction. It is also an experiential approximation, beyond discourse, to each of the houses, finding out their names, their past condition or culture of inhabiting, that if in many of them still remain the same, in others have been confined to memory. We aim, in short, to capture the way in which people express through their houses the more or less transient dimensions of a particular culture. In other words, we seek to recognize how different expressions of change may coexist in different times or follow different rhythms. With this purpose of assigning meaning to the spaces represented in the drawings, other tools needed to be used in order to capture their multiple dimensions. Resorting to film or documentary was the way chosen to include the themes of light and shadow, textures, space, speech and hesitation, outlook and memory over time.