Videos by Virginia De Jorge Huertas
Un manifiesto arquitectónico y urbano ecofeminista
Un manifiesto arquitectónico y urbano ecofeminista
Dibujo, concepto y voz narrativa: Virginia De Jorge Huertas
Inclusión de voz y música: Rebeca De Jorge Huertas
Música: Cody Martin. Dwanlite instrumental 3
Obra audiovisual dibujada a mano por Virginia De Jorge Huertas
«Primer Congreso Internacional Feminista de Arquitectura y Cuidados»
@congreso.cuidados +
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Octubre 2021
Virginia De Jorge Huertas
Doctora Arquitecta 2 views
Papers by Virginia De Jorge Huertas
Interiority, Jan 29, 2024
This work aims to research the connection between cohousing architecture and interiority. For thi... more This work aims to research the connection between cohousing architecture and interiority. For this purpose, the analyses are structured in two phases. The first consists of the characterisation and identification of underlying typologies of European cohousing projects in the last three decades, 1981-2022. The second phase consists of the connection between the interiority concepts (in terms of planimetry, typology, spatial syntax, and interior spaces) and the cohousing architecture in the case studies selected from the first phase, which made it possible to compare cohousing projects and propose future strategies. The research identifies a typology with two clusters of cohousing projects of greater/lesser age and scale. The comparative analysis of the two selected projects, Malta Cohousing (Helsinki) and Schönholzer Strasse (Berlin), provides architectural proposals for compacting the shared and distributed interior spaces on the second floor of the projects, thus making them more usable and finding the points of greatest visibility at the perimeters or in the centre of the interior floor layouts. These proposals could reveal various possibilities for the design of spaces in terms of dynamic forms of the body-space relationships that characterise them and contribute to their improvement and the understanding of the functioning of the occupation and use of the different spaces, whether individual, collective, public, or private. These results fill the existing gap in the literature in terms of a better understanding and analysis of the connection between cohousing architecture and the concept of interiority while also contributing to stakeholders and policymakers in future decision-making.
Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura
The process of map production to discover and project on the territory is a mechanism like that l... more The process of map production to discover and project on the territory is a mechanism like that linked to the design process of a project. This mechanism is shared by architecture and cartography, constituting the former as a valuable approach to propose teaching-learning strategies in architecture schools. The objectives of this research are related to the possibility of the development of training as a landscape architect in Spain. The methodology focuses on creating the theoretical framework from the study of the state of the art in national and international universities and analysing the points in common between landscape architecture and architecture in university education in general and around graphic expression in particular. The results intend to provide a theoretical guide for a common subject of Graphic Representation Systems between the Degree of Architecture and the Degree of Landscape Architecture. El proceso de producción del mapa como medio para descubrir y proyecta...
Constelaciones. Revista de Arquitectura de la Universidad CEU San Pablo
Los tres instrumentos clave en el proceso y la construcción de la “Mostra dell’Urbanistica” de la... more Los tres instrumentos clave en el proceso y la construcción de la “Mostra dell’Urbanistica” de la Décima Trienal de Milán celebrada en 1954 fueron el jardín, el cortometraje y el laberinto. Se crearon para realizar una crítica urbana a la vida cotidiana a través de tres películas de corta duración. La exposición se organizó como un laberinto al interno del Palazzo dell’Arte creando además un micro jardín vivo. Una herramienta múltiple para promover la participación de sus protagonistas e integrar en el proceso a su público. Un guion gráfico tridimensional activo con capacidad de mostrar una estructura proyectual en secuencia con el tiempo y además servir de herramienta de proceso y de puesta en escena participativa. Esta exposición se analiza por su capacidad dialéctica y pedagógica. Creando instrumentos con capacidad de atraer la atención y la participación del público y generando una crítica a la ciudad deshumanizada.
This article has aimed to analyze the intellectual structure associated with the contributions ma... more This article has aimed to analyze the intellectual structure associated with the contributions made by academics and practitioners of architecture in the association between housing and COVID-19 in the years 2019–2021. The main results reveal the possibility of establishing a classification, by topics that suggest the necessary interdisciplinary collaboration for housing, to meet the needs and desires of its users in the wake of this pandemic. The network analysis has allowed the identification of overlapping communities through interconnection concepts to other groups or clusters. Thus, it has been possible to explore the multidimensionality of the housing–COVID connection and the interrelationships for future research and its possible extension. In this sense, the importance of the specific concepts associated with very detailed elements, sensations and spaces in buildings has been identified, including concepts such as the air quality and the need for green spaces, the presence o...
The aim of this paper was to analyze and connect the existing literature on urban design. The use... more The aim of this paper was to analyze and connect the existing literature on urban design. The use of mapping methodologies from a network-based approach made it possible to chronologically identify the most relevant authors from a literature review on urban design and their contributions, establishing points of theoretical connection. The main result of this analysis was the construction of three proposed approaches: i) an environmental and ecological approach, including for example research about the third landscape, the healthy city or ecosystemic urbanism; ii) a technological approach with Industry 4.0 and iii) a participatory and gender perspective approach.
This research approaches an interpretation of Ca' Romanino. Understood as a dialectic and a p... more This research approaches an interpretation of Ca' Romanino. Understood as a dialectic and a priori "spur-of-the-moment" opera, Ca' Romanino is developed among landscape, architecture and philosophy. It was built in 1968 in Urbino by Giancarlo De Carlo for his friend, the philosopher Livio Sichirollo. It is an architecture that allows communication through the articulation and form of physical space. It is a "round table" based on dialectics where architecture is projected. This timeless project is a dialogue among those who dwell in it, encouraging reflection and reciprocity, and those who visit it, understanding it and interiorizing it only if one lives it.
Conference: DCH 2017. Interdisciplinary conference on Digital Cultural Heritage
Techne. Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 2019
In the 1990s in Berlin the Baugruppen movement developed an innovative housing project as a “typo... more In the 1990s in Berlin the Baugruppen movement developed an innovative housing project as a “typological” experimentation. Several case studies will be analysed based on the users’ needs, the self-made construction, affordable options, collaborative housing, and creative participation. Once this model has been known a potential alternative can be applied to the shortage of housing options in Europe. This paper analyses several case-studies realized in Berlin which could be defined as a compact “vertical village” or “vertical mat-building” by land consumption reduction. Adopting the theoretical approach of the Baugruppen, the case studies will be evaluated through five key points: common infrastructure, personalized spheres, variable volume, hanging gardens, and shared common spaces, to validate their “typological” experimental quality.
Este articulo de debate trata de la exposicion titulada como el “Grande Numero”. Esta exposicion ... more Este articulo de debate trata de la exposicion titulada como el “Grande Numero”. Esta exposicion fue el escenario fantasma de la Trienal XIV de Milan de 1968. Un escenario que podria ser percibido como un “amarcord” invertido en la actualidad. La exposicion fue organizada con el arquitecto italiano Giancarlo De Carlo con un papel protagonista. En el “Grande Numero” se definieron los detalles constructivos, se invito a conferenciantes de prestigio, se atrajeron participantes a nivel internacional, se diseno el espacio fisico, se llamo a los medios de comunicacion. Sin embargo, no se celebro. Fue ausente y ocupada, a priori, por un movimiento ciudadano, por un descontento generalizado y cristalino a escala internacional. Frente a la tangible crisis de mayo de 1968 nos encontramos en la actualidad la “intangible” de mayo 2020. Surge entonces, de nuevo, el debate en torno a “el Grande Numero” y la “participacion” en la ciudad 50 anos mas tarde.
Final Thesis MsC.Architecture. With Distinctions. 10/10 - Honour Mention. Open access here: https... more Final Thesis MsC.Architecture. With Distinctions. 10/10 - Honour Mention. Open access here: El Poblado Dirigido de Fuencarral, situado al norte de Madrid, fue construido por José Luis Romany en 1960. El proyecto se propone a diferentes escalas; Conexión con la ciudad-Fuencarral Urbano, hibridación de viviendas-Fuencarral doméstico, escala topográfica y ergonómica-accesible-Fuencarral topográficamente accesible. La creación de dos bandas conectan el equipamiento urbano levantado originalmente en 1960. Ambas están diseñados al nivel 0 y se basan en la propia topografía de Fuencarral, que llega a variar alrededor de 10 m de un punto a otro del barrio. Se proyectan ambas bandas o estructuras topográfica urbanas para que tengan continuidad con el equipamiento, ahora abandonado, reactivando y creando actividad en el barrio. Estas bandas urbanas varían su elevación topográfica junto al crecimiento del nivel de altura en ciertos puntos, en forma de prótesis para crear cinco tipos de viviendas flexibles híbridas dónde se encuentre el mayor índice de desempleo y las peores condiciones para revivir el barrio. The “Poblado Dirigido de Fuencarral”, located north of Madrid, was built by Jose Luis Romany in 1960. The project is proposed at various scales; City Connection-Fuencarral Urban, hybridization of housings, topographic and ergonomic-accessible scale. The creation of two bands that connect the urban equipment originally raised in 1960. Both are designed to level 0 and based on the very topography of Fuencarral, which reaches vary around 10 m from one point to another of the neighborhood. Both bands are projected to have continuity with the equipment, now abandoned, reactivating it and creating activity in the neighborhood. These urban bands to carry with topographic elevation level height growth at certain points, in the form of prosthesis to create five types hybrid flexible housing with the highest unemployment and worst condition to revive the neighborhood and give it its life!
La vivienda colectiva esta desvinculada de sus habitantes tanto en su diseno como en la integrida... more La vivienda colectiva esta desvinculada de sus habitantes tanto en su diseno como en la integridad en las fases de implementacion, particularmente en Espana. Siendo sus futuras personas inquilinas parte de un imaginario en el cual no son comprendidas, ni preguntadas. Esto ha conllevado y conlleva problemas de toda indole, desde aquellos asociados a la asequibilidad, a la desconexion con sus necesidades y suenos como al sentido de cuidado, comunidad, identidad y pertenencia. En consecuencia, Espana tiene 3,4 millones de stock de viviendas vacias (INE-2011). Ademas, el 37% de la ciudadania espanola dedica mas del 40% de sus ingresos al alquiler, estos datos situan desafortunadamente a Espana a la cabeza de la UE segun la OCDE- 2016. Asimismo, Espana ha seguido historicamente politicas dirigidas principalmente al regimen de propiedad obviando la provision de alternativas y de alquiler publico o privado, independientemente de la capacidad adquisitiva de quien necesitaba y precisa una vi...
In the 1950s, the Madrid's targeted towns were projected as urban growth on the outskirts... more In the 1950s, the Madrid's targeted towns were projected as urban growth on the outskirts of the city of Madrid, characterized by the participation of the future user in the construction of housing. The Poblados Dirigidos were built to absorb the shanty towns of the 1950s in the capital. Three of the Poblados Dirigidos, Caño Roto, Entrevías and Fuencarral are analyzed, with the objective of focusing and deepening one of them. The Poblado Dirigido of Fuencarral, located north of Madrid. It was built in 1960 by José Luis Romany and Luis Miquel Suárez-Inclán. Today, 50 years later, a set of reactivation strategies is proposed, consisting of reducing urban overflow in the residential suburbs, increasing the density of housing, always preserving existing buildings. The analysis and action is based on three reactivation strategies related to its current situation. These actions consist in providing an accessible public space to reactivate the equipment generating urban continuity. Finally, the third strategy is based on updating the existing housing typology to the new families, adapting to the current needs and the aging of their tenants, allowing future changes and the non-degradation of their domestic spaces .. Different accessibility problems are solved In public and domestic spaces, relating architecture, society, programmatic diversity and spatial sustainability at various scales, from the urban to the domestic scale. Small strategies are proposed through urban continuity systems, such as accessible programmable paths with elevators, intermediate spaces that connect both sides of the building, and propose spaces with capacity for change and change over time.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021
This work uses parametric and semiparametric panel data analysis methodologies to test the hypoth... more This work uses parametric and semiparametric panel data analysis methodologies to test the hypothesis of the environmental Kuznets curve, in 186 countries in the period 1960–2019. The main results reveal the acceptance of this hypothesis in the relationships of CO2 emissions (kt) and economic growth (GDP) and urbanization (% population) in the parametric models. Using semiparametric methods, the polynomial relations of fourth degree between CO2 emissions and GDP and of third degree between it and urbanization are verified. The economic policy implications derived from these results seem to indicate the need to continue making efforts in the reduction of CO2 emissions, through greater efforts in innovation and research and development, in search of clean and less polluting energies. The relationship between CO2 and economic growth is a major challenge, in terms of achieving a flattening of this relationship.
Videos by Virginia De Jorge Huertas
Un manifiesto arquitectónico y urbano ecofeminista
Dibujo, concepto y voz narrativa: Virginia De Jorge Huertas
Inclusión de voz y música: Rebeca De Jorge Huertas
Música: Cody Martin. Dwanlite instrumental 3
Obra audiovisual dibujada a mano por Virginia De Jorge Huertas
«Primer Congreso Internacional Feminista de Arquitectura y Cuidados»
@congreso.cuidados +
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Octubre 2021
Virginia De Jorge Huertas
Doctora Arquitecta
Papers by Virginia De Jorge Huertas
Un manifiesto arquitectónico y urbano ecofeminista
Dibujo, concepto y voz narrativa: Virginia De Jorge Huertas
Inclusión de voz y música: Rebeca De Jorge Huertas
Música: Cody Martin. Dwanlite instrumental 3
Obra audiovisual dibujada a mano por Virginia De Jorge Huertas
«Primer Congreso Internacional Feminista de Arquitectura y Cuidados»
@congreso.cuidados +
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Octubre 2021
Virginia De Jorge Huertas
Doctora Arquitecta
En este contexto, esta tesis doctoral se ha planteado el objetivo de investigar modelos alternativos experimentales de habitar, junto a la búsqueda de modelos de gestión, de metodologías de trabajo y de diseño atemporal, intentando dar algunas respuestas a ciertos problemas de la vivienda colectiva. Para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos esta tesis doctoral está dividida en seis escenarios o casos de estudio con tres capítulos.
El primero abarca, tras la puesta en escena de sus antecedentes, un ejemplo del modelo Baugruppen denominado ¿Ökohaus¿ en Berlín, en el contexto experimental del IBA 87¿ y, por otro lado, un condominio en el barrio de Arturo Soria en Madrid, en la calle Ángel Muñoz 22. Se pone especial énfasis en dos puntos: En qué es y cómo se crea un Baugruppen y en el contexto proyectual conectado al sistema constructivo, para comprender los motivos y decisiones proyectuales que permitieron proveer a las viviendas de subsistemas en los cuales poder configurar el espacio vivienda a la carta.
El segundo muestra, después de una estructura previa proyectual, dos casos de estudio coetáneos. El primero es la traslación teórico-práctica de la arquitectura de la participación de Giancarlo De Carlo, el Villaggio Matteotti en Terni y el segundo, un movimiento ciudadano en Odhams Walk, Londres. En esta secuencia los proyectos intentaron trasladar una serie de experimentos espaciales como la inclusión de jardines y calles en el cielo conectados a diversas cotas y la experimentación en torno al concepto de ¿sistema urbano¿ en el primero y mat-building en el segundo.
El tercero se centra, tras realizar un recorrido por utopías realistas, en dos escenarios contemporáneos, un prototipo de cooperativa sin ánimo de lucro en Zúrich, denominado Kalkbreite genossenschaft y un cohousing multigeneracional en Helsinki, Casa Malta. Ambos cuentan con motivos que han inducido a compactar y centralizar los servicios y las labores domésticas, en diferentes gradientes en uno y otro caso siempre proporcionando a cambio, espacios intermedios. Finalmente, las conclusiones recogen los principales resultados de la investigación proveyendo algunas actuaciones de futuro.
ecology from a three-fold perspective, together with ‘Biotopia’,
focus mainly on a techno biological perception. From the myths
on Babylon Gardens to Oxman’s Krebs Cycle of Creativity,
farming has been historically the primary survival activity
relating to the cultivation of the land. However, again, ‘land’ is
a three-dimensional matter, from ground zero to aeroponics.
For that reason, one tentative is to combine the architecture
with agriculture in a vertical compact approach. Nevertheless,
today’s ecological crisis is provoking a rethinking of the modes
of producing, designing, and distributing goods, food, and
tools. Considering this new flows of the digital era, new global
seed farms are starting to flourish from the Svalbard Global
Seed Vault, which is the largest collection of agricultural
biodiversity in the world, to the world’s oldest agricultural
traditions, the community seed banks in China. From a design
point of view, 'material ecology’, ‘farmtecture’ or the ‘third
landscape' approaches could help to anticipate alternative
scenarios of the current crisis. How can we design future spaces
considering vertical farming?