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      Game studiesGame DesignVideo Games
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This article discusses the educational experiences of a group of French-speaking Black African-born students who entered Canada as refugees. They were attending a French school and were placed in a separate programme that was designed to... more
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      EducationRefugee StudiesCritical Race TheoryFrench in a minority setting
This paper presents data from a study examining the use of Theatre of the Oppressed as a critical pedagogy and research method for exploring notions of identity, belonging, and culture with francophone secondary students (Schroeter,... more
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      Refugee StudiesCritical PedagogyCritical Race TheoryTheatre of the Oppressed
This paper asks what pedagogies are needed as Canadians are invited to reconcile colonial pasts with contemporary forms of racism and enduring colonial structures. Sharing discourses of race from youth who participated in a year-long... more
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      Drama In EducationCritical Race TheoryRace and EthnicitySocial Studies
Lors de l’émission no. 23, le professeur Nicholas Ng-A-Fook interroge Sara Schroeter qui est professeure adjointe en didactique de l’art dramatique à la Faculté d’éducation à l’Université de Régina. Au cours de leur conversation, Sara... more
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      Language EducationLanguages and LinguisticsTeacher EducationEthnography
This paper asks what pedagogies are needed as Canadians are invited to reconcile colonial pasts with contemporary forms of racism and enduring colonial structures. Sharing discourses of race from youth who participated in a year-long... more
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      Drama In EducationCritical Race TheoryRace and EthnicitySocial Studies
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      SociologyRefugee StudiesCritical PedagogyCritical Race Theory
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      Drama In EducationProcess DramaMultiliteraciesCritical Literacy
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      SociologyGender Studies
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