Papers by Zainudin Othman

Clean water resources play an important role in meeting the daily needs of human life. Lack of wa... more Clean water resources play an important role in meeting the daily needs of human life. Lack of water resources and supply is highly associated with natural factors as well as the increased water pollution due to rapid development. Dependence on the system of water supply from the river solely affects the increasingly diverse needs of the community in Malaysia. As Malaysia receives a high rainfall throughout the year, relying on rainwater harvesting as an alternative water source should be given due attention. Thus, a study regarding the potential of rainwater as an alternative source of water for domestic use has been conducted in Tanjong Malim, Perak. Assessment is made on the annual rainfall trend for the last 40 years to see the long-term resource capacity and water quality tests were conducted to identify the level of cleanliness of water for domestic use. Based on this study, Tanjong Malim generally receives a high annual rainfall of over 2400mm per year since 1960 and it is mo...
Global Journal of Environmental Research, 2010
Corresponding Author: Mohamad Suhaily Yusri Che Ngah, Geography Department, Faculty of Social Sci... more Corresponding Author: Mohamad Suhaily Yusri Che Ngah, Geography Department, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sultan Idris Education University, 35900 Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia Tel: +605-4505131 34 ... Mohamad Suhaily Yusri Che Ngah and ...
Analysing the local geography of the relationship between residential property prices and its det... more Analysing the local geography of the relationship between residential property prices and its determinants
The steady population growth in Malaysia has been responsible for the usage of relatively large v... more The steady population growth in Malaysia has been responsible for the usage of relatively large volumes of water. Even though water quality has begun to attain some prominence, its relation to water quantity and to water system operation has been largely overlooked. Human activities frequently challenge the quantity and quality of water in Malaysian water resources. These include activities that use river water directly-such as irrigation and land-based activities that generate nutrients and pollutants, while also changing the runoff patterns of their catchments. A growing population with growing expectations places increasing pressure on our water resources, stretching their ability in maintaining the standards of water quantity and quality.

The Malaysian government is strongly promoting entrepreneurship as a career choice among students... more The Malaysian government is strongly promoting entrepreneurship as a career choice among students. However, many students do not turn out to be entrepreneurs after their graduation, especially Malays, despite the government call. It is proposed in this paper that students’ behavior and decision to become entrepreneurs can be explained by their intention, which is influenced by three factors i.e. attitude towards entrepreneurship, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Therefore, theory of planned behavior (TPB), developed by Ajzen (1985), was applied as a basis for this study. A sample of 141 final year Malay accounting students selected randomly in two public universities in Malaysia were asked to complete questionnaires with 18 items that measured all variables under study. Descriptive and inferential analyses were run to test the hypotheses formulated. Multiple regression analyses were specifically conducted to test the model derived from TPB. Findings show that the ...

Study on physico-chemical characteristics of different agricultural land uses in subcatchment of ... more Study on physico-chemical characteristics of different agricultural land uses in subcatchment of Bernam River was carried out. Five soil sampling stations (S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5) were selected to collect the soil to be tested. Physico-chemical characteristics determined were organic matter content, size particle distribution and total organic carbon. Particle size distribution was determined by pipette method and dry sieving. Organic matter and total organic carbon were measured through loss of ignition and Walkley-Black method respectively. Correlation test on physico-chemical characteristics showed that clay and organic matter content have a positive relation and significance (r=0.809, p<0.01) between the sampling stations. Most of the soil can be classified as sandy clay loam compared to other texture. This study found that different agricultural land uses gives a different physico-chemical characteristics of soil.

Owing to the limitations associated with traditional methods of measuring rates of soil erosion, ... more Owing to the limitations associated with traditional methods of measuring rates of soil erosion, the fallout radionuclide Caesium-137 (137 Cs) technique has been increasingly used in recent years as an alternative approach to estimate rates of soil erosion and soil redistribution in both cultivated and non-cultivated areas. A preliminary study has been conducted using the environmental isotope 137 Cs to assess the feasibility of applying this method on Malaysian soils in order to provide a retrospective estimate of medium-term soil erosion rates within the catchment area over the past years. The study plot is situated in Kalumpang Agriculture Station, 90 km northeast of Kuala Lumpur. The site is being used for light agricultural activities and the study area is covered by local fruit trees, shrubs and light bushes. Soil samples for 137 Cs analysis were collected at the study and reference sites using a steel core and sampling frame. A local reference inventory for 137 Cs is 551 ± 27.6 Bq m-2. The average soil erosion rate estimated using an empirical Proportional Model is 1.69 t ha-1 year-1. The proportional model of He and Walling is considered more suitable for the study site than the empirical model of Ritchie and McHenry. The minimum rate of erosion from the proportional model was estimated at 17.6 t ha-1 year-1 , while the maximum rate of deposition on the plot was estimated at 4.6 t ha-1 year-1. The mean for soil redistribution was 5.7 ± 4.24 t ha-1 year-1. The nett erosion of the slope found by integrating all data was estimated to be 5.42 t ha-1 year-1. This study provides a significant contribution to the growing literature on this technique especially from this part of the world.
The aim of this study is to investigate the perception of taxpayers towards the implementation of... more The aim of this study is to investigate the perception of taxpayers towards the implementation of good and services tax (GST) in Malaysia. Theory of reasoned action proposed by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) was used as the underlying theory for the study. One hundred and three respondents in Kedah and Perlis participated in the study. Multiple regressions were employed to examine the relationship between attitude and subjective norms on behavioural intention to comply with GST. Results showedthat attitude and subjective norms variables were significantly and positively related to behavioural intention. All these independent variables were able to explain 28% of the variance in behavioural intention to comply with GST. Implications and recommendations for policy makers are discussed.

Estimated groundwater recharge for selected locations in northeast Peninsular Malaysia (North Kel... more Estimated groundwater recharge for selected locations in northeast Peninsular Malaysia (North Kelantan River catchment) was determined using the water table fluctuation (WTF) and chloride mass balance (CMB) methods. The WTF method recharge estimates were compared to the CMB method estimates to see if results are similar and the methods can be applied in a humid, tropical region, such as Malaysia. Effective specific yields of 0.18 and 0.16 were obtained for sites which are much lower than values in the literature for use with the WTF method. The WTF gives mean recharge values of 447 and 319 mm/year at PC61 and Wakaf Bharu (WB), respectively. The difference between sites may be attributed to the difference in lithology, whereby less water table fluctuation is observed for finer-grained lower permeability soil or sediment and higher water table fluctuation observed for more granular larger grain soil or sediment. For the site with lower permeability, the time lag between the storm events and water level rise in a well is longer and water does not reach the water table for small storms. Recharge from chloride profile study was estimated through measurement of enrichment of chloride concentration in soil. Rain-fed groundwater direct recharge ranged from 263.3 to 627.7 mm/year in WB and averaged 691.8 mm/year for Pengkalan Chepa. Recharge estimates from unsaturated zone chloride strongly correlate with soil texture, generally and is greater in the coastal area due to a higher percentage of sand content. Parts of the study area located toward the interior of the peninsula showed lower recharge due to the presence of fine-grained sediment. Comparison of methods from different sites indicates that lithologic setting has a significant role in controlling natural recharge rate. The inconsistency observed between recharge value estimated by the WTF and CMB method may in part be due to adsorption/desorption process and ion exchange in the unsaturated soil, which affects the initial assumption that chloride is a conservative tracer.
The possible occurrence of stratification was assessed in Sembrong reservoir located in Kluang, J... more The possible occurrence of stratification was assessed in Sembrong reservoir located in Kluang, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia. It is a man-made reservoir. Profile samplings were conducted at eight points. Water samples at each point were collected at discrete depth intervals of 1m. In situ measurement of Temperature , pH, Conductivity and Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) were carried out using Hydrolab DSX5. Water samples were analysed in lab for Fe, Al and Mn using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES).The results show that pH, temperature and ORP tend to decrease after 3m depth. On the other hand, concentrations of Fe, Mn and Al slightly increased with depth as a result of reduction process. This phenomenon confirms the occurrence of reservoir stratification

The site suitability for fruit crops is one of initiatives to improve the fruits production. Six ... more The site suitability for fruit crops is one of initiatives to improve the fruits production. Six variables were involved in this study there was maximum temperature, annual rainfall, relative humidity, soil series, topography and land use. Spatial analysis was done on suitability variables by using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). An Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) technique was applied to determine of sample values for the all areas in Perlis. The raster calculation and reclassification was showed the suitable and unsuitable area for grapes cultivation has represented by scale 1 and 0. Results showed that an almost area was suitable for grapes cultivation in Perlis. An Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to support the results of weight value for the each variable. Results showed that grapes cultivation has an inclination with the highest weighted value for topography which is 0.28 (28%). Analysis based on AHP showed that most of territorial division is suitable for grapes cultivation. The area were represented by scale 1 has a potential for grapes cultivation. This study was showed that GIS and AHP techniques in grapes cultivation has a new phase in evaluation and determination process by decision makers. The risk of cultivation damage has been decreasing by involved all site suitability variables.

Geografia: Malaysian journal of society and space, 2017
Environmental impact induced by rapid urbanization and development may be traced from changes in ... more Environmental impact induced by rapid urbanization and development may be traced from changes in local rainfall trends and variations. This study examined the trends and variations of rainfall in the Kinta River basin, Perak, a region in Malaysia that is rapidly urbanizing and developing. Long-term rainfall data from the year 1960 to 2006 were obtained from the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) involving 15 rainfall stations in the Kinta River basin were employed to analyse long-term variations and precipitation trends. Results of the Mann-Kendall tests show that the Kinta River basin received high rainfall during the Northeast monsoon (950 mm) as compared to that received during the Southwest monsoon (309 mm). The tests also showed that the annual rainfall in the Kinta River basin had an increasing trend from the year 1960-2006 with the value of S=217 as did the monthly rainfall (except in the months of June and July 8) and seasonal rainfall during Northeast monsoon (S = ...

1 Abstract: Water catchment areas sustain life on this planet by providing food and water for our... more 1 Abstract: Water catchment areas sustain life on this planet by providing food and water for our communities, contribute substantially to our economy and provide the foundation for our rich and diverse natural environment. Evidence has emerged that our catchment systems are facing enormous and ongoing threats from human activities and thus reducing the quality of our life over the coming decades. The effect on the hydrological environment will significantly increase if no steps are taken to minimise the possible impact. Past efforts to minimise the effects have not been paralleled to the development plan, which has left the water issues to remain unresolved and sometimes causing conflicts between the public and the development plans by the government. Sustainable management of water catchment is one of the options that need to be considered to ensure all development activities will have an acceptable impact on both water yield and water quality. Amongst challenges in water catchmen...
The possible occurrence of stratification was assessed in Sembrong reservoir located in Kluang, J... more The possible occurrence of stratification was assessed in Sembrong reservoir located in Kluang, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia. It is a man-made reservoir. Profile samplings were conducted at eight points. Water samples at each point were collected at discrete depth intervals of 1m. In situ measurement of Temperature , pH, Conductivity and Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) were carried out using Hydrolab DSX5. Water samples were analysed in lab for Fe, Al and Mn using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES).The results show that pH, temperature and ORP tend to decrease after 3m depth. On the other hand, concentrations of Fe, Mn and Al slightly increased with depth as a result of reduction process. This phenomenon confirms the occurrence of reservoir stratification

Kesan globalisasi, liberalisasi dan perkembangan teknologi maklumat memerlukan penyesuaian dan pe... more Kesan globalisasi, liberalisasi dan perkembangan teknologi maklumat memerlukan penyesuaian dan penambahbaikan terhadap sistem pendidikan di peringkat pengajian tinggi demi menghasilkan modal insan yang mempunyai keupayaan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan ciri-ciri peribadi seorang pelajar yang unggul lagi holistik dari segi keilmuan itu sendiri, sahsiah peribadi atau kerohanian diri . Kajian ini bertujuan menilai keberkesanan kurikulum sains sosial di Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan (FSK), Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) dalam melahirkan pendidik yang seiring dengan matlamat Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dan institusi pendidikan lain di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif, iaitu kaedah temu bual mendalam ke atas lima orang guru siswazah FSK UPSI dan lima orang majikan (pengetua). Data temu bual di analisis secara induktif dan deduktif dengan menggunakan perisian ATLAS.ti. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa keberkesanan kurikulum di FSK, UPSI dari perspektif siswazah berada...

The relationship between heavy metal and trophic properties in polymictic lake at Sembrong Lake, ... more The relationship between heavy metal and trophic properties in polymictic lake at Sembrong Lake, Peninsular Malaysia was assessed. Sixteen parameters, including heavy metals and trophic parameters were monitored. pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen and heavy metals level changes significantly influenced by the dynamic of polymictic mixing pattern. The mean concentrations of heavy metals in the reservoir decreased in the following order: Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu > As > Pb. The result showed that this polymictic lake is being threatened by cultural eutrophication with TSI value range from 72.40 to 80.41 and classified as a hypereutrophic lake. The levels of heavy metal pollution in the reservoir range from slightly polluted to polluted. Factor analysis was performed to determine the relationship between heavy metals and trophic parameters. Five factors were responsible for data structure and explained the 83% of total variance. These factors differentiate each group of parameter...

In recent decades interest in suspended sediment dynamics has increased. There are many issues re... more In recent decades interest in suspended sediment dynamics has increased. There are many issues related to high suspended sediment concentrations, such as reservoir sedimentation, channel and harbour silting, as well as the ecological and recreational impacts of sediment management. This paper describes a study of the input and output of sediment in the small Bukit Merah Reservoir (BMR) in Perak, Malaysia. The reservoir received inputs from four rivers totalling about 37 600 t year -1 . More than 90% of the sediment input (approx. 35 000 t) came from the Sg. Kurau River. The average lake sedimentation rates were 0.36 mm year -1 (1995―2000) and 0.48 mm year (2000―2005). The average suspended sediment concentration in the lake was between 8.6 and 13.5 mg L -1 , while turbidity ranged between 5.8 and 64.1 NTU. The reservoir is slightly eutrophic, caused by the impact of sediment and nutrients on the receiving water body.

Kesan globalisasi, liberalisasi dan perkembangan teknologi maklumat memerlukan penyesuaian dan pe... more Kesan globalisasi, liberalisasi dan perkembangan teknologi maklumat memerlukan penyesuaian dan penambahbaikan terhadap sistem pendidikan di peringkat pengajian tinggi demi menghasilkan modal insan yang mempunyai keupayaan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan ciri-ciri peribadi seorang pelajar yang unggul lagi holistik dari segi keilmuan itu sendiri, sahsiah peribadi atau kerohanian diri . Kajian ini bertujuan menilai keberkesanan kurikulum sains sosial di Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan (FSK), Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) dalam melahirkan pendidik yang seiring dengan matlamat Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dan institusi pendidikan lain di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif, iaitu kaedah temu bual mendalam ke atas lima orang guru siswazah FSK UPSI dan lima orang majikan (pengetua). Data temu bual di analisis secara induktif dan deduktif dengan menggunakan perisian ATLAS.ti. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa keberkesanan kurikulum di FSK, UPSI dari perspektif siswazah berada...
The steady population growth in Malaysia has been responsible for the usage of relatively large v... more The steady population growth in Malaysia has been responsible for the usage of relatively large volumes of water. Even though water quality has begun to attain some prominence, its relation to water quantity and to water system operation has been largely overlooked. Human activities frequently challenge the quantity and quality of water in Malaysian water resources. These include activities that use river water directly - such as irrigation and land-based activities that generate nutrients and pollutants, while also changing the runoff patterns of their catchments. A growing population with growing expectations places increasing pressure on our water resources, stretching their ability in maintaining the standards of water quantity and quality.
Papers by Zainudin Othman