I feel like a bit of a dud for taking this award as I'm really conscious of having been absent from blogging and commenting for a few weeks now, and I know the next few weeks will be similar. There has been an awful lot of life interrupting my sewing plans lately :-). Mostly the better sort of life interruptions like travel, parties and birthdays - though if you know me IRL you'll realise I'm trying to forget the weekends of minding up to 6 young kids on top of my own 2... and the scary evening where I lost 3 while looking after another 3!
I'm not sure of the exact rules or provenance of this award (I did look but couldn't find them), but basically it's a heartfelt thank you to the lovely people who support blogs with their comments. So it's with great pleasure that I pass this award on to the last commenters (yes, I know it's more than 9, but I really want to thank them all) on this blog:
Audrey of SewTawdry
kbenco of kbenco's projects
DeniseAngela of Sew Coco
Selective Fine Fabrics
Fabric Epiphanies
Karin (herself!) of Sew Here We Go Again!
Catherine Daze of cyberdaze
Robyn of Sew Love Red
Carolyn of Handmade by Carolyn
Kat of All the whimsical things
Thank you all, I appreciate your comments and support so much!
And for the unwearable swimmers of the post title let me show you my most recent fail (screams in frustration). I was in love with the idea of this one - lovely wide aqua and while stripes on a simple swimming costume. I read up on loads of swimming construction reviews and posts, took careful measurements, etc etc etc. Sometimes winging it works better (it sure doesn't take as long).
Front view (in progress) |
Back view (in progress) |
Bust darts (did I need those???) are way too low on me |
The pattern I used was KwikSew 3064, which I modified in a few ways. I changed the main view from a two-piece to a one-piece sans belt, and I fully lined it with extra lining at the bust - with all the effort I was going to I thought a thorough lining would make it last longer (ha!).
View of full lining PLUS bust lining, no cups as yet |
- I'll remove the bust darts (it's lycra innit!).
- I'll measure my body length in sections and add the length in the areas where it's needed rather than in the standard "lengthen here" place.
- I'll do lots of practise in sewing in elastic first.
- I'll try to work out the KwikSew formula of elastic length vs opening length for those areas where I need to use multiple sizes or where I've adjusted the shape of the opening. If I crack it I'll share.
- I'll narrow the crotch to match my RTW swimmers (that's def. a measurement to check in private...).
- I'll watch out for sneaky stripe tricks. Although this rear view looks OK in the flat it looks highly attention seeking when worn - NOT good!
That's a wide crotch! |
Inappropriate |
The good news is that I have heaps more of this fabric, so I'll be able to have another crack at it. Not for a few weeks though as there's a busy few weeks coming up...