Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
A logic program 1 is said to be equivalent to a logic program 2 in the sense of the answer set semantics if 1 and 2 have the same answer sets. We are interested in the following stronger condition: for every logic program , 1 ∪ has the... more
This paper relates inference in extended logic programming with nonclassical, nonmonotonic logics. We define a nonmonotonic logic, called equilibrium logic, based on the least constructive extension, N2, of the intermediate logic of... more
This volume contains the papers presented at the third international workshop on Applications of Logic Programming to the (Semantic) Web and Web Services (ALPSWS2008) held on the 12h of December 2008 in Udine, Italy, as part of the... more
- by David Pearce
Abstract. We introduce and study a modal logic wK4F which is closely related to the logic S4F that is important in the context of epistemic logics for representing and reasoning about an agent's knowledge. It is obtained by adding the... more
- by David Pearce
In the early stages of quantum mechanics, a widely accepted heuristic principle played a very important role. It says that a future theory has to be a generalisation of a classical theory in the sense of yielding it as a special, or... more
- by David Pearce
Abstract. Many answer set solvers deal with programs with variables by requiring a safety condition on rules: any variable in a rule must appear in its positive body. This idea of safety has recently been extended to cover more general... more
- by David Pearce
Abstract We propose a solution to a long-standing problem in the foundations of well-founded semantics (WFS) for logic programs. The problem addressed is this: which (non-modal) logic can be considered adequate for well-founded semantics... more
- by David Pearce
Though formal metascience has made rapid advances over the past few decades, it has seldom been seen to contribute much to the rational reconstruction of scientific development; for the most part, logical concepts have found application... more
- by David Pearce
Interpretability and Equivalence in Quantified Equilibrium Logic David Pearce1* and Agustın Valverde2** 1 Computing Science and Artificial Intelligence, Univ. Rey Juan Carlos,(Móstoles, Madrid), Spain. davidandrew. pearce@ urjc. es 2... more
- by David Pearce
Abstract. For a given semantics, two nonmonotonic theories Π1 and Π2 can be said to be equivalent if they have the same intended models and strongly (resp., uniformly) equivalent if for any Σ, Π1∪ Σ and Π2∪ Σ are equivalent, where Σ is a... more
- by David Pearce
The nonmonotonic formalism of partial equilibrium logic (PEL) has recently been proposed as a logical foundation for the partial stable and well-founded semantics of logic programs [1, 2]. We study certain logical properties of PEL and... more
- by David Pearce
/Motivation Though possible worlds semantics has long been established as the dominant research tradition in philosophical logic and its applications, its various theories, background assumptions, and norms have seldom been systematically... more
- by David Pearce
Abstract In the ongoing discussion about rule extensions for Ontology languages on the Semantic Web a recurring issue is how to combine first-order classical logic with nonmonotonic rule languages. Whereas several modular approaches to... more
- by David Pearce
Summary This project deals with the study of mathematical foundations, as well as deduction and programming, for several types of non-classical logics, especially multiple-valued logics and intermediate logics, with the aim of providing... more
- by David Pearce
Abstract The project develops logical and programming tools for knowledge representation and reasoning tasks oriented towards practical application domains such as program verification, Semantic Web services and the modelling of virtual... more
- by David Pearce
Abstract. A formalism called partial equilibrium logic (PEL) has recently been proposed as a logical foundation for the well-founded semantics (WFS) of logic programs. In PEL one defines a class of minimal models, called partial... more
- by David Pearce
Abstract We de ne a logical semantics called back-and-forth, applicable to normal and disjunctive datalog programs as well as to programs possessing a second, explicit orstrong'negation operator. We show that on normal programs it is... more
- by David Pearce
Abstract. The study of strong equivalence between logic programs or nonmonotonic theories under answer set semantics, begun in [18], is extended to the case where the programs or theories concerned are formulated in different languages.... more
- by David Pearce
When the new research area of logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning emerged at the end of the 1980s, it focused notably on the study of mathematical relations between different non-monotonic formalisms, especially between the... more
- by David Pearce
Abstract. The nonmonotonic formalism of partial equilibrium logic (PEL) was introduced and studied in [1, 2] and proposed as a logical foundation for the partial stable and well-founded semantics of logic programs. Here we study further... more
- by David Pearce