Papers by Carlos Germano Ferreira Costa
Las sequías se encuentran entre los tipos más común de desastres, generando enormes impactos soci... more Las sequías se encuentran entre los tipos más común de desastres, generando enormes impactos socioeconómicos, especialmente cuando se considera el carácter silencioso que tienen. Son cada vez más frecuentes, intensos y de mayor duración, lo cúal nos da una idea de lo que puede suceder con la acentuación del cambio climático. Este artículo tiene por objetivo proporcionar una visión general de las medidas y políticas que abordan la prevención y la preparación para sequías, frente a los impactos del cambio climático, en el Estado de Ceará, Brasil. Este estudo busca permitir la comprensión de las políticas y programas, experiencias y perspectivas en el proceso de elaboración del Plan de Gestión Integral de Riesgo de Desastres del Estado de Ceará, Brasil (PIGRD-CE); así como en el desarrollo del Sistema de Alerta Temprana (SAT), frente a la coordinación política, lo que dio lugar a la creación de la Comisión de las Sequías. Como resultado, entendemos esta estrategia de preparación para sequías, como una herramienta capaz de aumentar la capacidad de adaptación y resistencia de los procesos políticos en Brasil. En este sentido, se presentan las experiencias acumuladas por el Estado de Ceará en los procesos de gestión de sequías que muestran un potencial prometedor para la replicabilidad en otros países de América Latina, también objeto de amenazas que el cambio climático puede imponer, en combinación con el análisis de los riesgos asociados - políticos/institucionales/culturales -, en el desarrollo de políticas públicas para, así, presentarmos conclusiones, lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones.
Resumo Políticas públicas fundamentadas em evidência têm se tornado uma parte fundamental da form... more Resumo Políticas públicas fundamentadas em evidência têm se tornado uma parte fundamental da forma de agir de muitos governos ao redor do mundo como resposta à necessidade de prestar contas de suas decisões e ações. No contexto de políticas públicas compreender os fatores que venham a desencadear respostas e impactos não são tão fáceis de se conceber, como poderíamos pensar à primeira vista. Não obstante, a existência de modelos conceituais normativos poderiam oferecer suporte para a evidência na tomada de decisões. Sem a menor dúvida a esse respeito, existem inúmeras ideias e conceitos relevantes para a temática de políticas baseadas em evidência, a partir dos quais podemos aprender muito. Porém, o discutido aqui busca contribuir para o debate sobre o processo de tomada decisão, abordando conceitos caros à responsabilização, e o papel que esta desempenha. Concluímos que há uma forte necessidade de mais, e aprofundados, estudos no intuito de melhor de identificar condições particulares sob as quais conceitos de implementação e entrega tomem lugar, juntamente à prestação de contas. Abstract Public policies based on evidence have become a key part of the course of action of many governments around the world in response to the need to be accountable for their decisions and actions. In the context of public policies to understand the factors that may trigger responses and impacts are not as easy to conceive, as we might think at first glance. Nevertheless, the existence of normative conceptual models could provide support for evidence in decision-making. With no doubt about it, there are numerous ideas and concepts relevant to the theme of policies based on evidence, from which we can learn a lot. However, what we discuss here seeks to contribute to the debate on the decision-making process, addressing concepts concerning accountability, and the role it plays. We conclude that there is a strong need for more, and in-depth studies in order to better identify the specific conditions under which implementation and delivery concepts take place, along with accountability.
Climate change is a threat to human societies and natural ecosystems and it has become a security... more Climate change is a threat to human societies and natural ecosystems and it has become a security issue in the recent political discussions. However, awareness and public participation, and political interests vary greatly among the UNFCCC Parties. Faced with imminent risks the international community needs to rethink geopolitical issues and environmental governance carefully. This article seeks to advance the debates on environmental governance and climate security by analyzing the process that led, in Brazil, to the creation of the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) in the context of an international agreement with legal force under the Climate Convention. Based on that,dissecting actions related to mitigation and adaptation strategies to climate change based on political and spatial questions; and exploring key-factors associated with public perceptions, awareness, ethics, justice, and risk. We conclude that the normative implications of the Brazilian environmental regulation related to the climate, the international relations and the geopolitics interconnect as a starting point for understanding what is at stake, the Brazilian attempt to forge global leadership on environmental issues and to rethink traditional geopolitical assumptions.
Brazil’s Consideration of Ethics and Justice Issues in Formulating Climate Change Policies
Carlos... more Brazil’s Consideration of Ethics and Justice Issues in Formulating Climate Change Policies
Carlos Germano Ferreira Costa, BSc, MSc, PhD
Countries of affiliation: Brazil, Costa Rica and Spain
Postdoctoral Researcher – Innovation and Technology for Development Centre – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM - Madrid) – Spain; Disaster Risk Management Specialist at the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Brazil/Costa Rica.
[email protected]
This paper responds to the research questions of the Project on Deepening National Responses to Climate Change On The Basis of Ethics and Justice, a joint project of the University of Auckland, School of Architecture and Planning and Widener University, School of Law, Environmental Law Center.
Carlos Germano F. Costa, a UNDP Consultant, discusses the real and present threats of climate cha... more Carlos Germano F. Costa, a UNDP Consultant, discusses the real and present threats of climate change to SIDS, and the impacts and costs of adaptation
This study aims to contribute to the understanding between development and governance that takes ... more This study aims to contribute to the understanding between development and governance that takes place in civil societies emerging from conflict featuring non-consolidated democracies through an inter- transdisciplinary approach based on participatory governance theories and political philosophy, focusing on the horizontal integration of environmental policy processes. The object of study is East Timor between 1999 and 2012 where we analyze socioeconomic and environmental issues as well as questions of legitimacy, accountability and sustainability embedded in a broader historical context marked by conflict and strong influence of oil on the economy. We conclude that socioeconomic peculiarities and governance cannot be treated as institutional and procedural factors replicable from stabilized societies, we highlight the need to relativize the implementation of these criteria, necessary for good governance, with the establishment of hierarchy over time, depending on the priorities of the national development project.
Plano Integrado de Gestão de Riscos de Desastres do Estado do Ceará (PIGRD-CE) referente ao Termo... more Plano Integrado de Gestão de Riscos de Desastres do Estado do Ceará (PIGRD-CE) referente ao Termo de Referência nº04/2014/Banco Mundial/IICA através do Projeto de Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável - PDRS/Projeto São José III com enfoque no Mapeamento e Desenvolvimento de Ações para a Redução de Riscos de Deslizamentos e Inundações, de Incêndios Florestais e de Estiagens e Secas.
Legume plants are generally capable of forming nodules with a broad rhizobia range, acting in ord... more Legume plants are generally capable of forming nodules with a broad rhizobia range, acting in order to realize biological nitrogen fixation activity. This work had the objective of studying the diversity of rhizobia population associated with cowpea in a region in the Private Reserve of Natural - Serra das Almas, Crateús (CE). Two hundred and seventy-eight bacteria isolates were characterized, one hundred and twenty-two were collected in the dry season and the others, one hundred fifty-six collected, in the raining season of the year. isolates were cultivated in YMA media to evaluate colonie characteristics as acidity or alkalinity production, growing velocity, color, shape, elevation and mucus production. The cultural characteristics of isolates obtained from samples of soil, most ofthem showed a predominance of isolates with growth habit and quick reaction of neutral pH in the midst of growing
Modelos Normativos na Construção e Avaliação de Políticas Públicas
Normative Models Beyond Cost B... more Modelos Normativos na Construção e Avaliação de Políticas Públicas
Normative Models Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis
Modelos Normativos en la Construcción y Evaluación de Políticas Públicas
Obra: Evaluating Public Policies: normative models beyond cost benefit analysis
Autor: Giulia Lucertini
Cidade: Pádua.
Editora: Università degli Studi di Padova
Ano: Tese, 2012
This study evaluated the perception of undergraduate students from the Universidade Federal do Ce... more This study evaluated the perception of undergraduate students from the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) at the Pici Campus with respect to urban afforestation in the city of Fortaleza in comparison with afforestation on the university campus (UFC) in terms of benefits and disadvantages that urban trees provide. We applied a questionnaire to 274 students. The analyses are based on the variables of gender, age, college course and neighborhood of residence. The results show that the perception of the level of afforestation in the city of Fortaleza as a whole and in the neighborhood of reside
nce is considered regular; however, the level of afforestation at the Pici campus is considered good to very good. We applied statistical tests (chi-square) to the data and observed some significant findings linking the college course and students’ perception of afforestation
O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a percepção dos alunos de graduação da Universidade Federal d... more O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a percepção dos alunos de graduação da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), que frequentam o campus do Pici, com relação à Arborização Urbana existente na cidade de Fortaleza em comparação com a área da UFC, bem como os benefícios e prejuízos que esta arborização traz. Para tanto foi
aplicado um questionário a 274 estudantes. Os resultados obtidos mostram o perfil da percepção da Arborização
Urbana desses alunos, sendo a análise feita a partir das variáveis gênero, idade, curso e bairro de moradia. Os
resultados apontam que, na percepção da maioria o nível da arborização de Fortaleza e do local de residência é considerado regular, em contrapartida o nível da arborização do campus do Pici é considerado de bom a muito bom. Foram aplicados testes estatísticos (qui-quadrado) aos dados sendo observado alguns resultados significantes entre o curso e o nível percebido da arborização.
The coastal plain is vulnerable environmentaly. However, it has great potential for development o... more The coastal plain is vulnerable environmentaly. However, it has great potential for development of tourist activities because its own characteristics of high scenic beauty of landscape formation. In the present study was sought to understand the geoenvironmental dynamics in the Jaguaribe´s river mouth between the municipalities of Aracati and Fortim in Ceará. We identified and assessed the environmental impacts in the Jaguaribe´s river mouth and coastal plain by inflected the transformations of the landscape according to the action of natural and anthropogenic actions, using the sistemic analysis as a method to evaluate the landscape ecology.
This qualitative study examines the views of 274 students of the “Universidade Federal do Ceará” ... more This qualitative study examines the views of 274 students of the “Universidade Federal do Ceará” on popular participation in the process of implementation and maintenance of Urban Trees in Fortaleza-Ceará. The study was conducted based on the evaluation of the respondent, a survey conducted by May 2007 inquiring about participating in voluntary actions for tree planting and maintenance of urban trees in the city of Fortaleza, it seeks to assess the reasons that lead to engage in actions of this nature and seeks to identify the viewpoint of the population about the challenges facing public participation in decision-making in Fortaleza-Ce. The analyzed results show
the influence of gender and the failure of government agencies to take advantage of the will of participation of the population in taking parts in these actions. The gender issue is highlighted in this work.
This paper aims to explore the role that non-government organizations (NGOs) play in the policy m... more This paper aims to explore the role that non-government organizations (NGOs) play in the policy making process on evaluate their impact and political participation, in East Timor, reviewing its development processes, between 1999 and 2012. In particular it goes on to explore the legacy from the emergency period and the relationship with the UN system and the Timorense Government, as this is important to understanding the current situation, and finishes with a discussion of some of the challenges NGOs face as the nation develops after the withdrawal of the UN Missions in 2012, once specific literature on the NGOs roles in processes of self-determination or decolonization is almost non-existent, East Timor is a rare example of a decolonization process conducted in the last decade. This study indicates that NGOs in East Timor, even with UN system support, may have not yet been able to establish themselves as strong independent actors in the policy process. NGOs have been maintaining political neutrality.
Key-words: East Timor, NGOs, Interdisciplinary.
Socioambiental; Desenvolvimento; Timor-Leste
This study analyzes through official documents, between July and December 2012, the policy
and in... more This study analyzes through official documents, between July and December 2012, the policy
and institutional changes that occurred in East Timor by the action of Peacekeeping Missions
of the United Nations through a bias that seeks to go beyond account of successes and
failures, but emphasizes that learning process occurred in the course of pacification and
stabilization of East Timor between 1999 and 2012. It aims to contribute to the understanding
of the development of societies emerging from conflict or other situations of profound social
disruption, featuring unconsolidated democracies. Thus, this paper presents the partial results
of research on the critical assessment of the role and responsibilities of the United Nations'
development and stability in Timor-Leste. The concluding remarks of this study point to the
need to relativize the implementation of criteria necessary for good governance, establish a hierarchy between time and priorities where replication of policies, programs and
development projects should be guided by the particularities of specific contexts which
determine the success or failure of these policies, programs and projects.
World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2014), 2014
Anthropogenic emissions of GHG need to fall to zeroby 2100 and be stabilized at 550 ppm by 2030 t... more Anthropogenic emissions of GHG need to fall to zeroby 2100 and be stabilized at 550 ppm by 2030 to prevent theglobal mean temperature rising from current levels to over 3 oC by the end of this century. This will require collaborative actionamong developed, developing and emerging markets to reduce annual global emissions from 60 GtCO2e to less than 30 GtCO2e in the coming decades. In the light of these events, the most accepted way to deal with the threat of climate change posed by increased CO2 and other greenhouse gasses emissions in the atmosphere is to move over time to a Low-Carbon Economy; This essay aims to shed some light on what is really a very complicated subject. The use of different instruments and capabilities for adaptation and mitigation and how best to adapt and remain resilient to changes. Approaches that promote the use of market instruments may offer valuable ways to induce feasible climate change management at the same time that such mechanisms may avoid stifling economic activities and ensure sustainability over time.
Conference Presentations by Carlos Germano Ferreira Costa
PhD Anthropogenic emissions of GHG need to fall to zeroby 2100 and be stabilized at 550 ppm by 20... more PhD Anthropogenic emissions of GHG need to fall to zeroby 2100 and be stabilized at 550 ppm by 2030 to prevent theglobal mean temperature rising from current levels to over 3 oC by the end of this century. This will require collaborative actionamong developed, developing and emerging markets to reduce annual global emissions from 60 GtCO2e to less than 30 GtCO2e in the coming decades. In the light of these events, the most accepted way to deal with the threat of climate change posed by increased CO2 and other greenhouse gasses emissions in the atmosphere is to move over time to a Low-Carbon Economy; This essay aims to shed some light on what is really a very complicated subject. The use of different instruments and capabilities for adaptation and mitigation and how best to adapt and remain resilient to changes. Approaches that promote the use of market instruments may offer valuable ways to induce feasible climate change management at the same time that such mechanisms may avoid stifling economic activities and ensure sustainability over time.
Papers by Carlos Germano Ferreira Costa
Carlos Germano Ferreira Costa, BSc, MSc, PhD
Countries of affiliation: Brazil, Costa Rica and Spain
Postdoctoral Researcher – Innovation and Technology for Development Centre – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM - Madrid) – Spain; Disaster Risk Management Specialist at the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Brazil/Costa Rica.
[email protected]
This paper responds to the research questions of the Project on Deepening National Responses to Climate Change On The Basis of Ethics and Justice, a joint project of the University of Auckland, School of Architecture and Planning and Widener University, School of Law, Environmental Law Center.
Normative Models Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis
Modelos Normativos en la Construcción y Evaluación de Políticas Públicas
Obra: Evaluating Public Policies: normative models beyond cost benefit analysis
Autor: Giulia Lucertini
Cidade: Pádua.
Editora: Università degli Studi di Padova
Ano: Tese, 2012
nce is considered regular; however, the level of afforestation at the Pici campus is considered good to very good. We applied statistical tests (chi-square) to the data and observed some significant findings linking the college course and students’ perception of afforestation
aplicado um questionário a 274 estudantes. Os resultados obtidos mostram o perfil da percepção da Arborização
Urbana desses alunos, sendo a análise feita a partir das variáveis gênero, idade, curso e bairro de moradia. Os
resultados apontam que, na percepção da maioria o nível da arborização de Fortaleza e do local de residência é considerado regular, em contrapartida o nível da arborização do campus do Pici é considerado de bom a muito bom. Foram aplicados testes estatísticos (qui-quadrado) aos dados sendo observado alguns resultados significantes entre o curso e o nível percebido da arborização.
the influence of gender and the failure of government agencies to take advantage of the will of participation of the population in taking parts in these actions. The gender issue is highlighted in this work.
Key-words: East Timor, NGOs, Interdisciplinary.
and institutional changes that occurred in East Timor by the action of Peacekeeping Missions
of the United Nations through a bias that seeks to go beyond account of successes and
failures, but emphasizes that learning process occurred in the course of pacification and
stabilization of East Timor between 1999 and 2012. It aims to contribute to the understanding
of the development of societies emerging from conflict or other situations of profound social
disruption, featuring unconsolidated democracies. Thus, this paper presents the partial results
of research on the critical assessment of the role and responsibilities of the United Nations'
development and stability in Timor-Leste. The concluding remarks of this study point to the
need to relativize the implementation of criteria necessary for good governance, establish a hierarchy between time and priorities where replication of policies, programs and
development projects should be guided by the particularities of specific contexts which
determine the success or failure of these policies, programs and projects.
Conference Presentations by Carlos Germano Ferreira Costa
Carlos Germano Ferreira Costa, BSc, MSc, PhD
Countries of affiliation: Brazil, Costa Rica and Spain
Postdoctoral Researcher – Innovation and Technology for Development Centre – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM - Madrid) – Spain; Disaster Risk Management Specialist at the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Brazil/Costa Rica.
[email protected]
This paper responds to the research questions of the Project on Deepening National Responses to Climate Change On The Basis of Ethics and Justice, a joint project of the University of Auckland, School of Architecture and Planning and Widener University, School of Law, Environmental Law Center.
Normative Models Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis
Modelos Normativos en la Construcción y Evaluación de Políticas Públicas
Obra: Evaluating Public Policies: normative models beyond cost benefit analysis
Autor: Giulia Lucertini
Cidade: Pádua.
Editora: Università degli Studi di Padova
Ano: Tese, 2012
nce is considered regular; however, the level of afforestation at the Pici campus is considered good to very good. We applied statistical tests (chi-square) to the data and observed some significant findings linking the college course and students’ perception of afforestation
aplicado um questionário a 274 estudantes. Os resultados obtidos mostram o perfil da percepção da Arborização
Urbana desses alunos, sendo a análise feita a partir das variáveis gênero, idade, curso e bairro de moradia. Os
resultados apontam que, na percepção da maioria o nível da arborização de Fortaleza e do local de residência é considerado regular, em contrapartida o nível da arborização do campus do Pici é considerado de bom a muito bom. Foram aplicados testes estatísticos (qui-quadrado) aos dados sendo observado alguns resultados significantes entre o curso e o nível percebido da arborização.
the influence of gender and the failure of government agencies to take advantage of the will of participation of the population in taking parts in these actions. The gender issue is highlighted in this work.
Key-words: East Timor, NGOs, Interdisciplinary.
and institutional changes that occurred in East Timor by the action of Peacekeeping Missions
of the United Nations through a bias that seeks to go beyond account of successes and
failures, but emphasizes that learning process occurred in the course of pacification and
stabilization of East Timor between 1999 and 2012. It aims to contribute to the understanding
of the development of societies emerging from conflict or other situations of profound social
disruption, featuring unconsolidated democracies. Thus, this paper presents the partial results
of research on the critical assessment of the role and responsibilities of the United Nations'
development and stability in Timor-Leste. The concluding remarks of this study point to the
need to relativize the implementation of criteria necessary for good governance, establish a hierarchy between time and priorities where replication of policies, programs and
development projects should be guided by the particularities of specific contexts which
determine the success or failure of these policies, programs and projects.
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).