Papers by Georgios S . Gorozidis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2009

European Journal of Education Studies
The present article reports on two studies (pilot and main) aiming to examine the psychometric pr... more The present article reports on two studies (pilot and main) aiming to examine the psychometric properties of two scales assessing (a) teachers’ work motivation and (b) their involvement in non-teaching work tasks, and to explore the associations between the two constructs under the theoretical framework of self-determination theory (SDT). A Greek version of Blais’ Work Motivation Inventory (BWMI-TGr) was adapted for teachers, and a new instrument measuring teacher behaviour relevant to non-teaching work tasks was developed. Rigorous analyses supported the construct validity and internal consistency of the scales used. The findings suggested that teachers’ intrinsic motivation presents the most optimal patterns of relationships with non-teaching work behaviours, such as preparation for teaching, professional training, education-related reading, collaboration with parents, and participation in the school’s cultural activities. Identified and introjected regulations exhibited positive ...

Σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας ήταν να μελετηθούν οι προσανατολισμοί στόχων, η εσωτερική-εξωτερική π... more Σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας ήταν να μελετηθούν οι προσανατολισμοί στόχων, η εσωτερική-εξωτερική παρακίνηση, η αυτό-αποτελεσματικότητα, η επαγγελματική ικανοποίηση των Καθηγητών Φυσικής Αγωγής (ΚΦΑ) και οι σχέσεις τους, με τις στάσεις, τις προθέσεις και την προηγούμενη συμπεριφορά που επέδειξαν, σχετικά με την εφαρμογή των προτεινόμενων πλάνων διδασκαλίας των νέων Αναλυτικών Προγραμμάτων Φυσικής Αγωγής (ΑΠΦΑ). Στην έρευνα συμμετείχαν 290 εν-ενεργεία ΚΦΑ που υπηρετούσαν σε Γ/σια της ελληνικής επικράτειας. Για τις ανάγκες της μελέτης χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ερωτηματολόγια (τα οποία έδειξαν καλά ψυχομετρικά χαρακτηριστικά), που συμπληρώθηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια του 1ου εξαμήνου του σχολικού έτους 2008-2009, δυο χρόνια μετά την πρώτη έκδοση των νέων ΑΠΦΑ. Από την στατιστική ανάλυση των δεδομένων φάνηκε ότι ΚΦΑ έντονα προσανατολισμένοι στη προσωπική τους βελτίωση ήταν εσωτερικά παρακινημένοι και δήλωναν υψηλή αυτο-αποτελεσματικότητα και ικανοποίηση από την δουλειά τους, είχαν θετικές στάσεις ως προ...
Early childhood education journal, Mar 28, 2024
The aim of this paper was to examine the influence of picturebooks on children's physical... more The aim of this paper was to examine the influence of picturebooks on children's physical literacy (PL). Fostering PL in early childhood can promote a physically active lifestyle in children and later adults. Picturebook use is a great opportunity for movement exploration in physical education classes, and recent research findings suggest that the joint use of read-aloud picturebooks and movement activities can enhance children's motor, cognitive, and affective development. Thus, following the research evidence and the emerging importance of PL, in this paper we provide suggestions and support for the effective use of picturebooks as a tool to cultivate PL in early childhood. (You can read the paper here:
Early Childhood Education Journal, 2024
The aim of this paper was to examine the influence of picturebooks on children’s physical literac... more The aim of this paper was to examine the influence of picturebooks on children’s physical literacy (PL). Fostering PL in early childhood can promote a physically active lifestyle in children and later adults. Picturebook use is a great opportunity for movement exploration in physical education classes, and recent research findings suggest that the joint use of read-aloud picturebooks and movement activities can enhance children’s motor, cognitive, and affective development. Thus, following the research evidence and the emerging importance of PL, in this paper we provide suggestions and support for the effective use of picturebooks as a tool to cultivate PL in early childhood. (You can read the article here: )

European Journal of Education Studies, 2022
The present article reports on two studies (pilot and main) aiming to examine the psychometric pr... more The present article reports on two studies (pilot and main) aiming to examine the psychometric properties of two scales assessing (a) teachers' work motivation and (b) their involvement in non-teaching work tasks, and to explore the associations between the two constructs under the theoretical framework of self-determination theory (SDT). A Greek version of Blais' Work Motivation Inventory (BWMI-TGr) was adapted for teachers, and a new instrument measuring teacher behaviour relevant to non-teaching work tasks was developed. Rigorous analyses supported the construct validity and internal consistency of the scales used. The findings suggested that teachers' intrinsic motivation presents the most optimal patterns of relationships with non-teaching work behaviours, such as preparation for teaching, professional training, education-related reading, collaboration with parents, and participation in the school's cultural activities. Identified and introjected regulations exhibited positive relationships only with teacher involvement in cultural activities, whereas external regulation had no positive relationship with non-teaching work tasks. The findings are discussed through the lens of SDT and strategies are proposed for school climate improvements, which target the cultivation of teachers' intrinsic motivation at work.
Teaching and Teacher Education, 2020
h i g h l i g h t s PE teacher in-service training can be delivered effectively as a CoP through ... more h i g h l i g h t s PE teacher in-service training can be delivered effectively as a CoP through Facebook groups. Facebook appears a promising tool to tackle the attrition issue in on-line training. PETCoN participation leads/contributes to increased autonomy need satisfaction. PETCoN increases relatedness need satisfaction and decreases relatedness frustration. Self-determination theory is well suited when designing teacher in-service training.

International Journal of Educational Research, 2021
Abstract Stemming from Achievement goals theory (AGT), research relevant to teacher perceptions o... more Abstract Stemming from Achievement goals theory (AGT), research relevant to teacher perceptions of their task-initiated goals is lacking. Study purpose was to provide initial validation of a new instrument measuring teacher perceptions of the achievement goals originated by their work task itself. The sample comprised 430 in-service teachers. Structural equation modeling analyses produced multi-faced (convergent, discriminant, criterion) evidence of instruments’ validity. Confirmatory factor analyses suggested that teacher perceptions of their task generated goals are distinct from their personal achievement goals. Measurement invariance across gender and school level was supported. Teacher mastery perceptions predicted intrinsic motivation, amotivation (negatively) and job satisfaction whereas performance avoidance perception predicted amotivation. Implications for school motivational climate and teacher work improvement are discussed in light of AGT.

Learning and Individual Differences, 2016
The purpose of this research was to investigate the patterns of relationships between teachers' a... more The purpose of this research was to investigate the patterns of relationships between teachers' achievement goals, self-determined motivation and intentions to get involved with work-tasks promoting educational innovations. Participants were (a) 276 teachers who were involved in training to implement innovation, divided according to the condition of their recruitment (i.e., optional, n = 191 vs. mandatory, n = 85; Study 1); and (b) 140 teachers who implemented innovation (Study 2). Structural equation modeling revealed that: (a) in Study 1 only mastery goal predicted autonomous motivation, while performance avoidance goal predicted teachers' controlled motivation to participate in training and these patterns were invariant across conditions, (b) in Study 2 only mastery goal had an indirect effect on intentions to implement innovation, and this relationship was fully mediated by autonomous motivation, while only performance approach goal predicted controlled motivation. It is suggested that teachers' mastery goals and autonomous motivation should be targeted to foster teachers' optimal engagement with educational innovations.

Teachers’ motivation regarding the many different tasks they have to carry out is essential for t... more Teachers’ motivation regarding the many different tasks they have to carry out is essential for the quality of teaching and their working behavior. In Greek context there is a lack of valid and reliable instruments measuring teachers’ self-determined situational motivation. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the factorial validity and internal consistency for the Greek version of the Work Tasks Motivation Scale for Teachers (WTMST; Fernet, Senecal, Guay, Marsh, & Dowson, 2008). The translation (back to back translation) and adaptation of the instrument for the Greek population were made by two experts in the field of teachers’ motivation. This 7-point Likert type scale reflects the self-determination theory continuum of behavioural regulations, and is a short measurement of situational self-determined motivation for a teachers’ task in their work. The original 15-item instrument is comprised of five subscales with 3 items per behavioural regulation (intrinsic, identifie...

Research in education consistently shows that teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs are instrumental fo... more Research in education consistently shows that teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs are instrumental for their teaching behavior and students’ achievement. Teachers’ self-efficacy towards the successful implementation of curriculum goals and standards may determine the acceptance or rejection of curriculum various parts. Thus, self-efficacy assessment seems very important for the design of teacher training and the adoption of any reform effort. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the factorial validity and reliability of a newly developed self-efficacy instrument, measuring Physical Education (PE) teachers’ personal efficacy in teaching the six basic standards of the new national Greek PE curriculum (i.e., reform effort “New School- the school of the 21st century”, 2011-2012 school year). The instrument was developed by a panel of experts experienced with self-efficacy measures. Following Bandura’s guidelines (2006) a 22-item instrument was constructed, divided in six subscal...
Teaching and Teacher Education, 2014
h i g h l i g h t s Self-determination theory is beneficial in understanding teachers' work motiv... more h i g h l i g h t s Self-determination theory is beneficial in understanding teachers' work motivation. Autonomous motivation predicts teachers' intentions to participate in training. Autonomous motivation predicts teachers' intentions to teach an innovative subject. Controlled motivation does not predict teachers' intentions.

The purpose of this study was to investigate youth football coaches’ motivation to participate in... more The purpose of this study was to investigate youth football coaches’ motivation to participate in an innovative training program. Fifteen coaches, participants of the PAPA project in Greece, were individually interviewed in order to give insights about the reasons why they decided to engage in this program. Guided from a prominent theory of human motivation, self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985; 2002), analyses of the qualitative data revealed that coaches were highly autonomously motivated regarding their participation in training, while controlling behavioural regulations existed in a much smaller extent in their sayings. It seems that the application of the theoretical foundation employed in this study can provide the appropriate lenses to explain coaches’ motivation to participate in professional training. Enhancing the quality of coaches’ learning motivation seems a wise tactic to foster the quality of coaching provision in youth football and SDT may provide useful...

European Physical Education Review, 2011
The network of relations between Physical Education (PE) teachers’ self-efficacy, goal orientatio... more The network of relations between Physical Education (PE) teachers’ self-efficacy, goal orientations, attitudes, intentions and behaviours concerning the implementation of a new PE curriculum was examined. Participants were 290 Greek junior high school PE teachers. Two years after the introduction of the new curriculum, participants responded to de-identified questionnaires with acceptable psychometric properties. Mastery-oriented and high self-efficacious teachers had positive attitudes towards the new curriculum, implemented the biggest number of teaching plans and they intended to do the same in the future. Performance approach goal orientation had low positive relationship with the implementation of teaching plans and no relationship with intention to do the same in the future, while performance avoidance goal was not related to any determinant of curriculum implementation and intention. The effects of mastery goal orientation on intention and behaviour were mediated by self-effi...

European Journal of Education Studies, 2020
According to self-determination theory, teachers’ basic needs satisfaction is essential for the q... more According to self-determination theory, teachers’ basic needs satisfaction is essential for the quality of their motivation, teaching, and work behavior. Considering the lack of valid and reliable instruments measuring teachers’ basic needs satisfaction (for autonomy, competence and relatedness) within the Greek context, we evaluated the factorial validity and internal consistency for the Greek version of the Basic Needs Satisfaction Scale for Teachers (BNSST; Longo et al., 2016). Standard back-translation procedures were followed. Focusing on Physical Education (PE) teachers, the validity of the measure was evaluated via two cross-sectional studies with samples of pre-service (n=109; study 1) and in-service (n=91; study 2) teachers. The psychometric properties of the instrument were established through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach’s alphas, and latent variables’ associations with external criteria. In both studies, factor analyses results supported the con...

Σκοπός της παρούσας έρeυνας ήταν να μeλeτηθeί η αντιλαμβανόμeνη αυτό-αποτeλeσματικότητα των Eκπαι... more Σκοπός της παρούσας έρeυνας ήταν να μeλeτηθeί η αντιλαμβανόμeνη αυτό-αποτeλeσματικότητα των Eκπαιδeυτικών Φυσικής Αγωγής (EΦΑ), σe σχέση μe τους έξι κeντρικούς σκοπούς (Σκ.) του νέου προγράμματος σπουδών (ΠΣ) δημοτικού και γυμνασίου, που eισήχθη πιλοτικά κατά το σχολικό έτος 2011-2012 σe 167 σχολeιά πανeλλαδικά. Στην έρeυνα συμμeτeίχαν 92 EΦΑ (48 άνδρeς, 44 γυναίκeς/ 53 δημοτικό, 39 γυμνάσιο) από τα πιλοτικά σχολeία. Οι EΦΑ συμπλήρωσαν eθeλοντικά, ανώνυμα eρωτηματολόγια που μeτρούσαν την πeποίθησή τους για την αποτeλeσματική eφαρμογή των έξι βασικών σκοπών του νέου ΠΣ. Οι έξι κλίμακeς (μια ανά σκοπό), έδeιξαν ικανοποιητική αξιοπιστία μe υψηλούς δeίκτeς α του Cronbach (α > .70). Από τις αναλύσeις φαίνeται ότι οι EΦΑ έχουν σχeτικά υψηλή αυτό-αποτeλeσματικότητα στο να eφαρμόσουν τους πeρισσότeρους σκοπούς του νέου ΠΣ. Ωστόσο, η ανάλυση διακύμανσης eπαναλαμβανόμeνων μeτρήσeων μονής κατeύθυνσης (one-way RM-ANOVA) έδeιξe ότι υπήρχαν διαφορές ως προς την αυτό-αποτeλeσματικότητα στην eφα...

Inquiries in sport and physical education, 2012
Ο σκοπός αυτής της έρeυνας ήταν να αξιολογήσeι (ποσοτικά και ποιοτικά) την αποτeλeσματικότητα δύο... more Ο σκοπός αυτής της έρeυνας ήταν να αξιολογήσeι (ποσοτικά και ποιοτικά) την αποτeλeσματικότητα δύο διαφορeτικών μeθόδων παροχής eπαυξημένης ανατροφοδότησης σχeτικά μe τη διδασκαλία του σέρβις από πάνω στην πeτοσφαίριση. Συμμeτeίχαν 162 μαθητές της πρώτης γυμνασίου που κατανeμήθηκαν σe δύο τυχαίeς ομάδeς διδασκαλίας. Στην πρώτη ομάδα, οι μαθητές λάμβαναν ανατροφοδότηση μέσω αυτοπαρατήρησης μe τη χρήση βίντeο παράλληλα μe προφορική (πeιραματική ομάδα) eνώ στη δeύτeρη ομάδα μόνο προφορική (ομάδα eλέγχου). Και στις δύο πeριπτώσeις η ανατροφοδότηση δινόταν μeτά την eκτέλeση της δeξιότητας. Πραγματοποιήθηκαν 8 μαθήματα διάρκeιας σαράντα λeπτών αφιeρωμένα στην eκμάθηση της τeχνικής του σέρβις. Έγιναν τρeίς μeτρήσeις αξιολόγησης, μία πριν την έναρξη, μία μe το τέλος της παρέμβασης, και μία τρeίς μήνeς μeτά. Eπιπλέον, αξιολογήθηκe ποιοτικά από δυο παρατηρητές, η βeλτίωση της τeχνικής eκτέλeσης του σέρβις από τους μαθητές των δυο ομάδων. Τα αποτeλέσματα έδeιξαν στατιστικά σημαντική βeλτίωση κα...

The purpose of the present chapter is to demonstrate how health and physical education teachers e... more The purpose of the present chapter is to demonstrate how health and physical education teachers embed self-regulatory practices into their teaching designed to enhance students’ self-regulation of learning. Two teachers were asked to create lesson plans in health and physical education with the goal to engage students in self-regulatory processes; such as goal-setting, self-monitoring, and self-evaluation. Using Zimmerman’s model of self-regulated learning, these lesson plans were described and analyzed. Findings showed that both teachers, through specific practices built into their lesson plans, were able to teach students how to become self-regulated learners. In particular, teachers facilitated self-regulation of their students’ learning by setting appropriate goals, planning how to achieve these goals, and motivating them to attain these goals. In lesson one, students set goals for personal health behaviors, recorded their physical reactions to a health-related activity, and eva...
The Journal of Classroom Interaction, 2019

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 2020
Children and adolescents’ regular participation in sports can help them to increase their physica... more Children and adolescents’ regular participation in sports can help them to increase their physical activity (PA) levels and fitness and to adopt healthy behaviors in adulthood. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of self-reported PA and enjoyment of youth basketball players with their well-being variables (self-rated health, self-esteem and subjective vitality). Participants were 208 male athletes (Mage: 13.88 ± 1.38 years), members of seven Greek basketball clubs, who voluntarily participated in this research. Data were collected prior to training with several valid and reliable questionnaires measuring PA, self-rated health, subjective vitality and self-esteem (Cronbach’s α = .66 to .82). The findings suggested that 71.5% of youth basketball players spend 6 to 7 days per week in moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) and 73.1% of them reported spend 5 to 6 hours per week in MVPA. There was no significant effect of age on players’ MVPA. Correlation analysis revealed t...
Papers by Georgios S . Gorozidis