Papers by shumaila arshad

European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 2021
Objectives Geriatric patients can be non-adherent to ophthalmic glaucoma medications because of c... more Objectives Geriatric patients can be non-adherent to ophthalmic glaucoma medications because of complex eye drops instillation techniques and forgetfulness, so pharmacists can play their part in improving the clinical outcomes of patients by acting as care providers. The purpose of the current study was to implement various pharmacist-led interventions to improve adherence to glaucoma medications and to evaluate the outcomes of interventions in the geriatric population. Methods The Morisky Green Levine (MGL) adherence scale was used for analysis because it measures the extent of non-adherence and analyses the reasons for it. The interview-based sessions were conducted with control and interventional groups followed by educational interventions, including techniques for eye drop instillation, graphical images, precautionary measures, and individual patient counselling for the interventional group. Patients were asked to complete the adherence scale after the conclusion of every follo...

A disease is a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or function that affects ... more A disease is a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or function that affects part or all of an organism.Disease is a condition of disturbance of physical or mental status which reduces functional abilities of body. Diseases include disabilities, syndromes, disorders, injuries or infections. These diseases can cause pain, distress or social problems and can even lead to death of the patient. A disease can occur due to genetic or environmental changes. Environmental diseases are caused by biotic or abiotic factors. Abiotic factors include soil, polluted air, poor sanitary and traffic pollution. All these factors have great impact on health and are unpredictable. Genetic diseases are inherited from parents to offspring. A genetic disease occurs due to mutation in respective gene or due to chromosomal anomalies. Genetic diseases are passed on by different inheritance pattern e.g., recessive, dominant, X-linked, autosomal or by mitochondrial inheritance. A single mutation has many consequences. Mutation can be harmful, beneficial or neutral. Harmful mutations cause many disorders e.g. duchene muscular dystrophy (DMD), cancer, down syndrome and different types of bone abnormalities. Genetic diseases cannot be cured with medicine and surgery they can be treated only by gene therapy. Bones are composed of bone matrix. Bone matrix is essentially comprised of fibers, organic and inorganic components, specialized proteins, mineral, hydroxyapatite and collagen (Cumming et al., 2002). Bone strength is main

Journal of Pharmacy and Alternative Medicine, 2016
The World Health Organization made an essential drug list for pharmacies which help in promoting ... more The World Health Organization made an essential drug list for pharmacies which help in promoting the patient health by satisfying the needs of majority of population, and these medicines are available at affordable prices for patients. For the assessment of essential dug list in different areas of Lahore retail pharmacies. To check that these pharmacies follow essential drug list or not and other factors regarding essential drug list. The study was done by taking 60 pharmacies and it is survey based simple sampling in nature using both qualitative and quantitative data from retail pharmacies. After collecting data, data entry is done by using SPSS software. Data is analyzed, report is prepared based on data results from SPSS .Then discussion which include suggestions, improvements, recommendations, limitations and conclusion includes comparison. The study was based on the assessment of essential drugs prescribing indicators, patient affordability, and availability of essential drug ...

Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 2019
In pharmaceuticals sciences, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a very useful tech... more In pharmaceuticals sciences, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a very useful technique to measure the compatibility and interaction between ingredients, therefore in the current study, compatibility of bergapten with different excipients was analyzed via FTIR. Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) are the second generation of lipid nanocarriers and very useful for the drug delivery systems. Nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared by a nanotemplate engineering technique and scanning of pure drug, individual ingredients and, physical mixtures of different ingredients was carried out. The characteristic peak of the carboxylic groups of bergapten is shifted from 3088.1 cm-1 to 3399.3 cm-1 due to formulation development and it confirmed that it was properly incorporated into the formulation. Other peaks of the drug were also present in formulation with minor shortening/broadening of peaks. The resulted peaks of IR spectra depicted that the ingredients used in the formulation had...

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention : APJCP, 2020
Background: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Numerous phytochemicals fr... more Background: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Numerous phytochemicals from plants have shown antineoplastic effects via programmed cell death (apoptosis). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of anti-proliferative and apoptosis-inducing activity of Acacia modesta and Opuntia monocantha against HeLa cells. Methods: To estimate anti-proliferative activity of the plants against HeLa cells, ethanol solvent was used for the extraction. For the evaluation of anti-proliferative effects, MTT assay was performed with 100, 200, and 400 µg/mL dose. The antioxidant assays including glutathione reductase (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase were performed. Moreover, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed. Furthermore, immunocytometry P53 and flow cytometry were also carried out to assess the apoptosis in HeLa cell. Results: MTT assay showed that the groups treated with Opuntia monocantha and Acacia modest have less level of toxicity...
![Research paper thumbnail of In-silico computational analysis of [6-(2, 3-Dichlorophenyl)-1, 2, 4-Triazine-3, 5-Diamine] metal complexes on voltage gated sodium channel and dihydrofolate reductase enzyme](
Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 2020
Epilepsy is the disease associated with seizures and convulsions. Various antiepileptic drugs hav... more Epilepsy is the disease associated with seizures and convulsions. Various antiepileptic drugs have been used widely to treat these disorders. Lamotrigine [6-(2,3-Dichlorophenyl)-1,2,4-triazine-3,5-diamine] shows certain adverse effects at small doses, to evaluate its efficacy lamotrigine schiff based metal complexes were screened in-silico at voltage gated sodium channel for antiepileptic effect and dihydrofolate reductase enzyme for anticancer activity. Post docking analysis revealed that lamotrigine shows greater antiepileptic effect with its Schiff base complex of tin, with greater binding affinities on voltage gated sodium channel. However, anticancer effect of lamotrigine with its Schiff base silver complex shows highest binding affinity on dihydrofolate reductase enzyme. Study concluded that Schiff base derivative and its metal complexes express significant binding interactions with voltage gated sodium channel and dihydrofolate reductase enzyme.
In the past poisons were considered harmful biological chemicals secreted by plants and animals. ... more In the past poisons were considered harmful biological chemicals secreted by plants and animals. These poisons produced a number of medicinal remedies that later evolved to become drugs we know today. These drugs were usually considered harmless substances, but in reality, even a drug can become a poison. Initially, scientist thought that only dose greater than therapeutic range can convert it into a poison, but recent researches changed this former concept and highlighted various other contributing factors. In order to counter all these factors, we need to assess keenly these poisonous agents biologically and clinically to be used effectively.
The development of chemotherapy using conventional anticancer drugs has been hindered due to some... more The development of chemotherapy using conventional anticancer drugs has been hindered due to some drawbacks related to their poor water solubility and poor pharmacokinetics, leading to severe adverse side effects and multidrug resistance in patients. Nanocarriers were developed to palliate these problems by improving drug delivery, opening the era of nanomedicine in oncology. However, despite attractive results being obtained in preclinical studies, many well-designed nanodrugs fell short of expectations when tested in patients, evidencing the gap between nanoparticle design and their clinical translation. The aim of this review is to evaluate the extent of nanotherapeutics used in oncology. The reasons that prevent nanodrugs from expanding to clinic are discussed, and the efforts that must be taken to take full advantage of the great potential of nanomedicine are highlighted.
1 Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mohi Ud Din Islamic Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, AJ&K. ... more 1 Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mohi Ud Din Islamic Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, AJ&K. 2 Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sargodha. 3 Asst. Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Punjab University. 4 Lecturer Faculty of pharmacy University of Sargodha, Sargodha. 5 Production officer CCL Pharmacuticals pvt. Ltd. 6 Director Faculty of Pharmacy, Mohi ud din Islamic institute of pharmaceutical sciences, AJ&K. 7 Asst. Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mohi Ud Din Islamic Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, AJ&K.

European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
Objectives Geriatric patients can be non-adherent to ophthalmic glaucoma medications because of c... more Objectives Geriatric patients can be non-adherent to ophthalmic glaucoma medications because of complex eye drops instillation techniques and forgetfulness, so pharmacists can play their part in improving the clinical outcomes of patients by acting as care providers. The purpose of the current study was to implement various pharmacist-led interventions to improve adherence to glaucoma medications and to evaluate the outcomes of interventions in the geriatric population. Methods The Morisky Green Levine (MGL) adherence scale was used for analysis because it measures the extent of non-adherence and analyses the reasons for it. The interview-based sessions were conducted with control and interventional groups followed by educational interventions, including techniques for eye drop instillation, graphical images, precautionary measures, and individual patient counselling for the interventional group. Patients were asked to complete the adherence scale after the conclusion of every follow-up session for a duration of 6 months. Results After 6 months of pharmacist-led interventions, a significant shift was found in the interventional group from low to high adherence according to MGL scale evaluation. Moreover, the number of patients in the interventional group whose intraocular pressure was in the safe range significantly increased and follow-up sessions significantly improved the patient’s knowledge about glaucoma. Conclusion The results of this pharmacist-led educational interventional study showed it was effective in improving adherence to glaucoma medications in the geriatric patients, who showed better adherence scores and improved intraocular pressure.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences
Cancer has been a fatal disease since many decades. Over the time, it is presented in multiple wa... more Cancer has been a fatal disease since many decades. Over the time, it is presented in multiple ways and is a matter of consideration as accounts for the high rate of mortality. The aim of the current review was to focus on the genetics, epigenetics factors and role of medicinal plants for the cure of this inimical disease. Related articles available in English language (2002-2018) were reviewed with help of different database, including PubMed, Springer Link, Medline, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect. In order to ensure credibility and accuracy of data only those articles were considered which are published in indexed journals i.e. Web of Science and Scopus. This project was conducted at the Department of Pharmacy, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan from 02-01-2019 to 28-02-2019. The genetic machinery is vibrantly involved in the interpretation of the signals and is observed to be affected by various dietary factors. A sequence of modified activities is observed wit...
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the a... more This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit:
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology

Cancer is a major health concern and one of the leading causes of death around the globe. Medicin... more Cancer is a major health concern and one of the leading causes of death around the globe. Medicinal plants contain numerous phytochemicals and their usefulness for the treatment of cancer has been proven scientifically. The current review is aimed to provide a comprehensive knowledge about the herbal plants with established anti-cancer activity. For this study, different databases were used, including: PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus and MEDLINE and literature search were done without any year limit. Studies have reported that numerous classes of phytochemicals have tumor inhibitory effect and these could be used for the cure of cancer. In this era, where the drug development process and its subsequent marketing and surveillance often take decades, the emerging evidence of the beneficial anti-cancer properties of plants have proved to be a mercy. There is need to explore more about the mechanism of action of phytochemicals having anti-cancer properties and further to ensure the medicinal plants safety and efficacy to justify their rational use for the treatment and management of the cancer.

The aim of the current review is to demonstrate and indicate the lack of resources and strategies... more The aim of the current review is to demonstrate and indicate the lack of resources and strategies for the diagnostic and palliative care of the patients suffering from breast cancer. As, cancer is a major disease worldwide, it is presiding the errand of medics. In all cancers, breast cancer is a pronounced issue in females all over the world, including Pakistan. It is at the topmost of the list of both genders. There are some institutes working as the registry of cancers in Punjab and Karachi, but are insufficient and its working should be expanded to all provinces of Pakistan to meet the required cancer statistics inclusion nationwide. There are major concerns in collection of the data like; government negligence, lack of awareness, ignorant attitude towards disease management and much more. For the prevention and reduction in the prevalence of disease, the health official must ponder over current state seriously by developing the proper institutes, organized system and implementation of awareness programs to educate people to undergo regular examination for early detection of disease throughout Pakistan.

The extent of genetic variations found in drug metabolism genes and its contribution to inter-ind... more The extent of genetic variations found in drug metabolism genes and its contribution to inter-individual variation in response to medication remains incompletely understood. Pharmacogenetics is study of the role of inheritance in inter-individual variation in drug
response. Different factors can influence the drug metabolism which in turn changes the response of drugs. The topic provides the overview the role of genetic variations that can affects the drug response. Cytochrome P450 enzyme system is super family of metabolizing enzymes, responsible for metabolism of many clinically used drugs, biosynthesis and
degradation of many endogenous substances. Metabolism is generally occurs in two phases,
phase I and phase II reactions. CYP450 is mostly involved in phase I reactions. The enzyme system is involved in approximately 80% of oxidative metabolism of drugs and 50% of overall elimination of drugs.

Although benzodiazepines and antidepressants are valuable in the treatment of anxiety and depress... more Although benzodiazepines and antidepressants are valuable in the treatment of anxiety and depression disorders, they have some potential for abuse and may cause dependence or addiction. It is important to distinguish between addiction to and normal physical dependence on benzodiazepines and antidepressants. Intentional abusers of benzodiazepines usually have other substance abuse problems. Benzodiazepines are usually a secondary drug of abuse used mainly to augment the high received from another drug or to offset the adverse effects of other drugs. Few cases of addiction arise from legitimate use of benzodiazepines and antidepressant. Pharmacologic dependence, a predictable and natural adaptation of a body system long accustomed to the presence of a drug, may occur in patients taking therapeutic doses of benzodiazepines and antidepressant. However, this dependence, which generally manifests itself in withdrawal symptoms upon the abrupt discontinuation of the medication, may be controlled and ended through dose tapering, medication switching, and/or medication augmentation.
Pharmacognosy is a long established pharmaceutical science, which played a diverse role in the di... more Pharmacognosy is a long established pharmaceutical science, which played a diverse role in the discovery, characterization, production and standardization of drugs. Molecular pharmacognosy using molecular biological tools has extended the scope of pharmacognostical science and plays an important role in the safe and efficient usage of crude drugs. So, these crude drugs are required to be authenticated. DNA Molecular profiling is an additional tool for quality control of herbal drugs as DNA is more basic component of living organisms, whereas chemical and phenotypic expression is controlled by arrangement and expression of genes in the DNA ". This novel approach has several significant advantages over morphological and chemical methods. It is possible to use DNA based identification methods to identify species and different constituents of an herbal medicines and transcriptomics,
Papers by shumaila arshad
response. Different factors can influence the drug metabolism which in turn changes the response of drugs. The topic provides the overview the role of genetic variations that can affects the drug response. Cytochrome P450 enzyme system is super family of metabolizing enzymes, responsible for metabolism of many clinically used drugs, biosynthesis and
degradation of many endogenous substances. Metabolism is generally occurs in two phases,
phase I and phase II reactions. CYP450 is mostly involved in phase I reactions. The enzyme system is involved in approximately 80% of oxidative metabolism of drugs and 50% of overall elimination of drugs.
response. Different factors can influence the drug metabolism which in turn changes the response of drugs. The topic provides the overview the role of genetic variations that can affects the drug response. Cytochrome P450 enzyme system is super family of metabolizing enzymes, responsible for metabolism of many clinically used drugs, biosynthesis and
degradation of many endogenous substances. Metabolism is generally occurs in two phases,
phase I and phase II reactions. CYP450 is mostly involved in phase I reactions. The enzyme system is involved in approximately 80% of oxidative metabolism of drugs and 50% of overall elimination of drugs.