Maiada Zuhair
Asst. Prof. Mayada Zuhair Alkhafaji. Holding MA in English literature from the English Department- College of Education for Women- University of Baghdad, 2006. I got my BA in the English Language from the English Department- College of Education for Women- University of Baghdad, 2000. Earlier , I had BA in Tourism Management from the College of Administration and Economy - Almustansyria University, 1982. From 1982-1990, I worked as a lecturer in Tourism Department -the College of Administration and Economy - Almustansyria University. From 1996-1998, I worked as a lecturer in the Department of Educational and arts Activities at Baghdad University. From 2007-now, I'm working as ESP and EFL teacher for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Physical Education
Papers by Maiada Zuhair
loss, Tiang’s play seeks to tell the stories of its residents and to be able to bring this location back to life for the audience before sending them out into Limehouse streets, where they could feel its loss all the more strongly as they made their way home. This essay tackles the dynamic complexity of multicultural identity as Stuart Hall calls it ‘the second side’ in order to clarify how these multiple identities affect the characters' personalities
and psyche in Jeremy Tiang’s play The Last Days of Limehouse. Skin color, language, discourse, class, education, career, skills, community, family, activities, area, friends, food, attire, customs, and political opinions are all examples of cultural identities. Hence the researchers conclude that acculturation, as well as cultural shock, are the main reasons behind
the inner conflict of Jeremy Tiang’s characters in The Last Days of Limehouse. This inner conflict reflects their sense of belonging to Limehouse in London as a replacement image of the real home and culture in their Nation's land.
Keywords: Acculturation, home and belonging, multicultural identity, Not-home and
As globalization increased the frequency of cross-national encounters
during the 1950s, researchers became more concerned with the question of cultural identity. Globalization had a significant influence on third-world
culture in the late 1990s, therefore most researchers paid increasing
attention to the question of national culture and national identity. The topic
of cultural identity first arose in Britain in the nineteenth century. As a
colonist, Britain improved its native culture, while weakening its foreign
culture. The emphasis on British national pride in education for all
countries distinguishes between internal and exterior cultures. According
to Liu (2021), the issue of accepting mainstream culture while rejecting
alien culture has entered the ambit of British cultural identity inquiry due
to the increase of Chinese immigration to Britain. The history of the
Chinese in Britain, the waves of immigration, their identity transitions
over time, and numerous related subjects, including the economic and
social position of the Chinese in Britain, have affected the new Chinese
identity as being exposed in the British East Asian Theatre (BEAs). The
aim of this study is to link the development of the British East Asian
Theatre with the impact of the changes that happened to the cultural
identity of the Chinese migrants in Britain throughout history since the
1880s. The researchers conclude that the various generations of Chinese
migration to Britain from the early nineteenth century to the present have
gone through many cultural changes. These changes affected their Chinese identity and resulted in a cultural conflict in terms of acculturation and loss of heritage. This is what the British East Asian playwrights try to
expose in their theater.
© 2023 LARK, College of Art, Wasit University
الهجرة الصينية
Keywords: Cinematography impressionistic, Color-line problem, Impressionist techniques, Passing
picture books as a serious genre of children's literature in raising children's
understanding of English literature and life concepts; especially for non-English speakers. Unfortunately, most Iraqi people have developed a social
phobia of learning English since childhood. This phobia results from the
heavy traditional reading and writing assignments as well as hard exams.
Therefore, this study suggests incorporating more interesting literary material like picture books that would bring pleasure and help in raising children's love and cognition of the English Language. More significantly, it calls to replace the old curriculum with a more vital one where children can interact with all their senses; visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (VAK). To make this possible, two of Eric Carle's books The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Tiny Seed have been carefully selected according to the American and English elementary school teachers' standards for children aged 3-6 years old. Each story element was submitted to a literary analysis, including pictures, life concepts, and language that enhance children's understanding of literature. Based on Piaget's view about the importance of involving sensorimotor actions in learning to help in children's cognition development, some VAK lesson plans and activities were designed using the concept development model and Synectics strategy. The study has concluded that incorporating picture books into the school curriculum and sensorimotor activities like coloring, cutting paper, games, sounds, and music would help in raising children's understanding of English literature and life science more interactively.
Hypotheses, accordingly, suggest the presence of statistically significant differences among the three groups representing the selected sample community. Handling procedures, the descriptive method is implied through survey style by distributing specifically designed questionnaires to verify the authenticity of the research. The related data have been collected, analyzed, and discussed after being statistically treated by the researchers. The final results have confirmed the hypothesis of the research while the recommendations come to emphasize three important points, the ESP of sports and sciences to be developed, principles of translation from Arabic to English to be noted, and some characteristics of the Arabic language to be considered .
loss, Tiang’s play seeks to tell the stories of its residents and to be able to bring this location back to life for the audience before sending them out into Limehouse streets, where they could feel its loss all the more strongly as they made their way home. This essay tackles the dynamic complexity of multicultural identity as Stuart Hall calls it ‘the second side’ in order to clarify how these multiple identities affect the characters' personalities
and psyche in Jeremy Tiang’s play The Last Days of Limehouse. Skin color, language, discourse, class, education, career, skills, community, family, activities, area, friends, food, attire, customs, and political opinions are all examples of cultural identities. Hence the researchers conclude that acculturation, as well as cultural shock, are the main reasons behind
the inner conflict of Jeremy Tiang’s characters in The Last Days of Limehouse. This inner conflict reflects their sense of belonging to Limehouse in London as a replacement image of the real home and culture in their Nation's land.
Keywords: Acculturation, home and belonging, multicultural identity, Not-home and
As globalization increased the frequency of cross-national encounters
during the 1950s, researchers became more concerned with the question of cultural identity. Globalization had a significant influence on third-world
culture in the late 1990s, therefore most researchers paid increasing
attention to the question of national culture and national identity. The topic
of cultural identity first arose in Britain in the nineteenth century. As a
colonist, Britain improved its native culture, while weakening its foreign
culture. The emphasis on British national pride in education for all
countries distinguishes between internal and exterior cultures. According
to Liu (2021), the issue of accepting mainstream culture while rejecting
alien culture has entered the ambit of British cultural identity inquiry due
to the increase of Chinese immigration to Britain. The history of the
Chinese in Britain, the waves of immigration, their identity transitions
over time, and numerous related subjects, including the economic and
social position of the Chinese in Britain, have affected the new Chinese
identity as being exposed in the British East Asian Theatre (BEAs). The
aim of this study is to link the development of the British East Asian
Theatre with the impact of the changes that happened to the cultural
identity of the Chinese migrants in Britain throughout history since the
1880s. The researchers conclude that the various generations of Chinese
migration to Britain from the early nineteenth century to the present have
gone through many cultural changes. These changes affected their Chinese identity and resulted in a cultural conflict in terms of acculturation and loss of heritage. This is what the British East Asian playwrights try to
expose in their theater.
© 2023 LARK, College of Art, Wasit University
الهجرة الصينية
Keywords: Cinematography impressionistic, Color-line problem, Impressionist techniques, Passing
picture books as a serious genre of children's literature in raising children's
understanding of English literature and life concepts; especially for non-English speakers. Unfortunately, most Iraqi people have developed a social
phobia of learning English since childhood. This phobia results from the
heavy traditional reading and writing assignments as well as hard exams.
Therefore, this study suggests incorporating more interesting literary material like picture books that would bring pleasure and help in raising children's love and cognition of the English Language. More significantly, it calls to replace the old curriculum with a more vital one where children can interact with all their senses; visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (VAK). To make this possible, two of Eric Carle's books The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Tiny Seed have been carefully selected according to the American and English elementary school teachers' standards for children aged 3-6 years old. Each story element was submitted to a literary analysis, including pictures, life concepts, and language that enhance children's understanding of literature. Based on Piaget's view about the importance of involving sensorimotor actions in learning to help in children's cognition development, some VAK lesson plans and activities were designed using the concept development model and Synectics strategy. The study has concluded that incorporating picture books into the school curriculum and sensorimotor activities like coloring, cutting paper, games, sounds, and music would help in raising children's understanding of English literature and life science more interactively.
Hypotheses, accordingly, suggest the presence of statistically significant differences among the three groups representing the selected sample community. Handling procedures, the descriptive method is implied through survey style by distributing specifically designed questionnaires to verify the authenticity of the research. The related data have been collected, analyzed, and discussed after being statistically treated by the researchers. The final results have confirmed the hypothesis of the research while the recommendations come to emphasize three important points, the ESP of sports and sciences to be developed, principles of translation from Arabic to English to be noted, and some characteristics of the Arabic language to be considered .
حيث سعى المُعدان باعتبارهما مختصين بمادة التدريب الرياضي في رياضة المبارزة واساتذة فاعلين في كلية التربية الرياضية – جامعة بغداد-الجادرية منذ اكثر من خمسة وعشرين عاما ومشرفين على العديد من رسائل الماجستير والدكتورا وروؤساء للجان المناقشة او اعضاء فيها الى جمع رسائل الماجستير المختصة برياضة المبارزة المتوفرة في جامعات العراق كافة . أما الرسائل غير المتوفرة بسبب ظروف الحرب وتعرض المحافظات وجامعاتها للحصار والتخريب فقد تم متابعة باحثيها والاتصال بهم شخصيا للحصول على الرسائل او ملخصاتها وذلك كمحاولة للحفاظ على هذا النتاج الأكاديمي من الاهمال و الضياع . وقدعمل المُعدان كل بدوره على تقديم قراءة جديدة لهذه الرسائل واعادة صياغة لملخصاتها وتنقيحها ومراجعتها لتكون اكثر وضوحا وفائدة للمهتمين والباحثين في مجال رياضة المبارزة (تدريب- تدريس – تحليل- وغيرها).
يحتوي الكتاب على ثلاثة وستين (63) عنوانا ترجمت جميعها ترجمة متخصصة الى اللغة الانكليزية ليتسنى للباحثين الولوج من خلالها الى الانترنيت والبحث في المجلات والكتب والبحوث الانكليزية باستخدام المفاتيح الرئيسية التي توفرها لهم هذ الترجمة. بذلك يستطيع الباحث وبكل سهولة تجنب مايسمى بالانتحال والسرقة العلمية او البحث عن دراسات مشابهة باللغة الانكليزية مما يحميه من الوقوع في التكرار والمسائلة القانونية.
ويأتي هذا الكتاب ضمن سلسسلة اكاديمية من جزئين تعد الأولى من نوعها في العراق. يقدم الكتاب الأول دليلا شاملا لرسائل الماجستير في رياضة المبارزة لعموم جامعات العراق من 1983-2015 اما الكتاب الثاني فسيقدم مسحا شاملا لجميع اطروحات الدكتوراه في المجال ذاته آملين ان يحقق هذا الجهد الفائدة المرجوة منه والله ولي التوفيق.