Books by Zinovia (jenny) Lialiouti
Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης , 2019
Papers by Zinovia (jenny) Lialiouti
George E. Phillies, a prominent Greek American and chairman of the Justice for Greece Committee, ... more George E. Phillies, a prominent Greek American and chairman of the Justice for Greece Committee, was an ardent anticommunist who took an interest in themes of growing importance in American public debates of the late 1940s: the Greek Civil War (1946–1949) and US intervention in Greece as inaugurated by the Truman Doctrine (1947). Phillies's social status, hybrid identity, and networking with American and Greek elites were decisive for his emergence as an influential cold warrior at a crucial period for both US-Greek relations and US strategy in the Cold War. His public role was important in the legitimization of the Truman administration policy toward Greece. He used his ties to Greece to construct a supposedly factual account of the Greek Civil War that undermined alternative narratives and criticism of US actions. Phillies represents a case of ethnic anticommunism. His discourse highlights the hybrid, transatlantic dimension of Greek American identity in the mid-twentieth century and the interaction between ideological and ethnic conceptions of identity. His case is revealing for the role of anticommunism in the identity formation process and integration practices among migrants in post-World War II American society.
Νεοελληνικά Ιστορικά, 6, 2021
Εισαγωγ ...τ γραµµατ σηµ ν ως εκ της κ λ σσια ας αναπτ εως της αλληλ γραας µετα πασ ν των ωρ ν τ ... more Εισαγωγ ...τ γραµµατ σηµ ν ως εκ της κ λ σσια ας αναπτ εως της αλληλ γραας µετα πασ ν των ωρ ν τ υ κ σµ υ ανεγνωρ σθη γενικ ς τι απτελε εν απ τα ισ υρ τερα και πλ ν τελεσ ρα µ σα υσικ ς και αυτµ τ υ τρ π ν τιν εθνικ ς πρ παγ νδας... Επ των µικρ ν αυτ ν τεµαων ρτ υ τα π α α ι στως διεισδ υσι µ ρι των πλ ν απ µεµακρυσµ νων σηµε ων της υ ηλ υ κατ πτρ νται η ιστ ρ α και αι παραδ σεις εκ στης ρας, δι' αυτ ν ε ωτερικε νται τα ιδε δη της και αι επικρατσαι εν αυτ κλ σεις, δι' αυτ ν διασαλπ νται και απαθανατ νται, δ ναται τις ειπε ν, ι µεγ λ ι σταθµ της συγ ρ ν υ ε ελ ε ς της. 2 ι θ σεις τ υ παραπ νω απ σπ σµατ ς συν ψ υν την επι ειρηµατλ γ α της Ελληνικ ς Φιλ τελικ ς Εταιρε ας πρ ς τα υπ υργε α Συγκ ινω-* Eπ κ υρη καθηγ τρια, τµ µα Π λιτικ ς Eπιστ µης και ∆ηµ σιας ∆ι κησης, EKΠA. 1. Ευ αριστ θερµ τ ν κ. Αντ νη Βιρ λη, την Ελληνικ Φιλ τελικ Εταιρε α, τ ν κ. Εµµαν ηλ Γεωργ υδ κη, τ Φιλ τελικ και Τα υδρ µικ Μ υσε , καθ ς και τ ν κ. Κωνσταντ ν Τσιτσελ κη για την π λ τιµη θεια τ υς κατ την πρ ετ ιµασ α και συγγρα τ υ κειµ ν υ. 2. Ελληνικ Φιλ τελικ Εταιρ α, Υπ µνηµα υπ ληθ ν εις τα υπ υργε α της Συγκ ινων ας, ικ ν µικ ν και Παιδε ας,Αθ να 1926. NEOEΛΛHNIKA IΣTOPIKA 6 (2021) EIKONE™ TH™ EYPø ¶H™ ™THN E § §HNIKH ¢HMO™IA I™TOPIA | 349 νι ν, ικ ν µικ ν και Παιδε ας, σε υπ µνηµ της τ 1926, στ π αναδεικν εται ρ λ ς των γραµµατ σ µων ως µ σων π λιτιστικ ς διπλωµατ ας και δηµ σιας ιστ ρ ας. Η Ελληνικ Φιλ τελικ Εταιρε α (ΕΦΕ) ιδρ εται τ 1925, 3 εν ε ε πρ ηγηθε να ρ ν νωρ τερα η δηµι υργ α τ υ περι δικ Φιλ τ λεια, τ π απ τελ σε τ µα των Ελλ νων ιλ τελιστ ν. Σ εδ ν σαρ ντα ρ νια µετ τ υπ µνηµα της ΕΦΕ, ανλ γες θ σεις ε ρα ε η ε ηµερ δα Καθηµεριν , σ µ ωνα µε τις π ες: «Καµµ α 'ρεκλ µα' τε στις ε ηµερ δες, τε στην τηλε ρασι, τε στ ν κινηµατ γρ δεν τ νει εκε π υ εισδ ει η επιστ λ µε τ γραµµατ σηµ , δηλαδ µε την µικρ εικ να π υ παρ υσι ει ,τι θ λει να επιδε η η εκ στ τε Κυ ρνησις». 4 ι απ ψεις αυτ ς τ υ τ π υ για τη σηµασ α των γραµµατ σ µων δεν απ υν απ τις διαπιστ σεις της σ γ ρ νης ερευνητικ ς παραγωγ ς για τις λειτ υργ ες π υ αυτ επιτελ ν-λειτ υργ ες στ συµ λικ επ πεδ αν λ γες µε εκε νες τ υ εθνικ ν µ σµατ ς-στ πλα σι των νεωτερικ ν εθνικ ν κρατ ν. Στ ι ε π υ δια ρ π ιε τ ν µισµα απ τ γραµµατσηµ , ως πρ ς τις συµ λικ ς τ υς λειτ υργ ες, απ τελε τ γεγ ν ς τι τ πρ τ απευθ νεται σε απ δ κτες στ εσωτερικ της ρας, εν τ δε τερ ε ναι πρ σανατ λισµ ν σε δ δια ρετικ ς µ δες απ δεκτ ν, µ α στ εσωτερικ και µ α στ ε ωτερικ. 5 πως παρατηρε ρικ µπσµυµ, σ λι ντας την εµ νιση των αναµνηστικ ν σειρ ν γραµµατ σµων στα ευρωπαϊκ κρ τη, ι π ες απ τ πωναν επιλεγµ να ιστ ρικ γεγ ν τα, στην περ δ π υ πρ ηγε ται τ υ Α Παγκ σµ υ Π λ µ υ, τα γραµµατ σηµα απ τελ ν «την πι καθ λικ µ ρ , εκτ ς τ υ ρ µατ ς, δηµ σιας εικ νας». 6 λλ ι µελετητ ς πρ σεγγ υν τ γραµµατ σηµ ως κατε ν ηµα τ υ «κ ιν τ π υ εθνικισµ » (banal nationalism), κατ την ενν ι λ γηση τ υ Michael Billig. 7 λλωστε, τα γραµµατ σηµα ε ναι
Ζηνοβία (Τζένη) Λιαλιούτη, Γεώργιος Γιαννακόπουλος, "Εθνικός Διχασμός και Προπαγάνδα: Εικόνες του γερμανού εχθρού (1917–1918)", στο: Αλέξανδρος-Ανδρέας Κύρτσης και Μίλτος Πεχλιβάνος (επιμ.), Επιτομή των ελληνογερμανικών διασταυρώσεων, 2021
Το παρόν άρθρο παρουσιάζει πτυχές των ελληνογερμανικών και ελληνοαγγλικών διασταυρώσεων σε μια κο... more Το παρόν άρθρο παρουσιάζει πτυχές των ελληνογερμανικών και ελληνοαγγλικών διασταυρώσεων σε μια κομβική περίοδο της ελληνικής πολιτικής ιστορίας επιχειρώντας να αποτυπώσει την αλληλεπίδραση γεωπολιτικών, εθνικών και περιφερειακών παραγόντων στο πεδίο της προπαγάνδας κατά τον Α΄ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Ειδικότερα, επισκοπεί τις βασικές διαστάσεις της βρετανικής αντιγερμανικής προπαγάνδας στην ελληνική επικράτεια την περίοδο 1917-1918 εστιάζοντας σε μια σειρά έγγραφων αναφορών των βρετανικών προξενικών αρχών της Πάτρας, καθώς και σε αναλύσεις της Βρετανικής πρεσβείας. Παράλληλα, αναλύει τις στάσεις μερίδας του τοπικού τύπου προκειμένου να ανασυνθέσει το πλαίσιο εντός του οποίου διεξάγεται η μάχη της προπαγάνδας στην ελληνική δημόσια σφαίρα. Η έμφαση στο μικρο-επίπεδο μιας σημαντικής πόλης της λεγόμενης Παλαιάς Ελλάδας μας επιτρέπει να αντιληφθούμε την αποτύπωση διαφορετικών ρεπερτορίων προπαγανδιστικής δράσης, καθώς και τη διαδικασία κατασκευής συλλογικών ταυτοτήτων (εθνικών και παραταξιακών).
Twentieth Century Communism: a journal of international history, 2019
This paper focuses on four US officials serving in Greece at a critical period in both Greek and ... more This paper focuses on four US officials serving in Greece at a critical period in both Greek and American political history. The Greek Civil War (1946-9) was decisive in the development of the Cold War confrontation. The Truman Doctrine (1947) represents an ideological milestone in this respect. In particular, the paper explores the views of Lincoln MacVeagh (ambassador 1944-7), Paul A. Porter (chief of the American Economic Mission to Greece, 1947), Dwight Griswold (chief of the American Mission for Aid to Greece 1947-8) and Henry Grady (ambassador 1948-50), namely their perceptions of the Greek post-war crisis in relation to the strategic goal of anticommunism. The emphasis of the analysis is on their understanding of the Greek social and political conditions - and especially of the nature of the communist threat – and of the goals involved in the American aid to the country. These four case studies highlight the interaction between the prevailing ideology in foreign policy objectives and the personal belief systems. Cultural preconditions and stereotypes constitute the framework in the context of which US officials sought to contain the communist challenge in Greece both though military as well as through economic and ideological means.
Science and Society - Επιστήμη και Κοινωνία, 2018
The main research interest of this article focuses on the issue of xenophobic violence in Greece.... more The main research interest of this article focuses on the issue of xenophobic violence in Greece. The study of this phenomenon highlights its direct connection to extreme right-wing actors that are particularly associated with Golden Dawn. With the creation of a new database of violent incidents against immigrants during the period 1991-2017 constructed upon material from the press, we argue that violent activism is not merely a consequence of the electoral success of extreme right parties but it presupposes a cell of organized actors that belong to or move around this specific political environment. Moreover, our data suggest that the quantitative evolution of anti-immigrant attacks does not coincide with the size of immigration. This means that anti-immigrant attacks are not necessarily traced in areas with high migrant population but may be more frequent in areas where the entry of immigrants increases instantly. This trend is reinforced by the presence of organized cells of extreme right orientation –and especially Golden Dawn– that coordinate anti-immigrant violent action.
Intelligence and National Security, 2018
The present paper seeks to reconstruct the Greek adventures of the Congress for Cultural Freedom ... more The present paper seeks to reconstruct the Greek adventures of the Congress for Cultural Freedom from the early 1950s to the mid-1960s. It argues that the presence of CCF in Greece was weak as can be inferred by the inability to form an official committee, but also by the absence of an original intellectual production in Greek. Its weakness can be attributed to the inability of combining both commitment to the anti-communist cause, in the liberal terms of the CCF, with an intellectual or artistic work of some merit for CCF representatives in Greece. These contradictions are personified by Manolis Korakas, a socialist and passionate anti-communist, who remained in the shadows due to the Congress’ elitist bias.
This article explores aspects of American cultural diplomacy in Greece from the early 1950s to th... more This article explores aspects of American cultural diplomacy in Greece from the early 1950s to the late 1960s focusing on the general features of Educational Exchanges and propaganda aspects in their interaction with Greek political developments as well as on the promotion of English learning. Despite the explicit recognition of the need to promote a modernising policy agenda in Greece, in praxis American cultural diplomacy was characterised by an unattainable balance between modernisation and anti-communism. Its inherent contradictions led to inconsistencies in terms of policy implementation and to an obvious tension between progressive and reactionary goals.
Xenophobic Manifestations, Otherness and Violence in Greece 1996-2016: Evidence from an Event Analysis of Media Collections
Research on xenophobia in Europe has recently received much attention in various academic discipl... more Research on xenophobia in Europe has recently received much attention in various academic disciplines. The existing scholarly debate focuses more on older patterns of xenophobia emerging as forms of ‘non-violent discrimination and segregation’ but pays less attention to xenophobia as a violent practice per se. This study attempts to examine xenophobia in Greece by employing an event extraction technique: we track violent attacks by Greek citizens on any kind of ‘foreigners’ by analysing a vast amount of text data available from newspapers and news websites over a twenty-year period: 1996-2015. We explore specific manifestations of xenophobic attitudes – physical and verbal attacks – to identify the actors involved and the targets of these violent xenophobic acts. Our results conform with previous studies in the field, first by highlighting the violent anti-immigrant behaviour of two actors, the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party (GD) and the police, and second by identifying the targets of xenophobic violence. Our contribution to the literature is twofold: a) an application of an innovative methodological tool – event extraction analysis – to the study of a significant social phenomenon; and b) a mapping of the actors and targets of xenophobia in Greek society over the last twenty years.
Τζένη Λιαλιούτη τχ. 136 «Είμαστε έθνος Χριστιανών και Μουσουλμάνων, Εβραίων και Ινδουιστών και άθ... more Τζένη Λιαλιούτη τχ. 136 «Είμαστε έθνος Χριστιανών και Μουσουλμάνων, Εβραίων και Ινδουιστών και άθεων. Είμαστε φτιαγμένοι από κάθε γλώσσα και κουλτούρα, που προέρχεται από κάθε γωνιά της γης», διακήρυσσε ο Μπαράκ Ομπάμα το 2009, κατά την ομιλία της ορκωμοσίας του, καταφάσκοντας τον πολυπολιτισμικό χαρακτήρα του αμερικανικού έθνους, ενώ, συγχρόνως, προέτασσε μια ιδιαίτερη ευθύνη των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών και του αναπτυγμένου κόσμου, με οικουμενικό χαρακτήρα: «Και σε εκείνες τις χώρες, όπως η δική μας, που απολαμβάνουν σχετική αφθονία, λέμε ότι δεν έχουμε πλέον την πολυτέλεια της αδιαφορίας για τα δεινά πέραν των συνόρων μας ούτε μπορούμε να καταναλώνουμε τους πόρους του πλανήτη, χωρίς να λαμβάνουμε υπόψη τις συνέπειες. Γιατί ο κόσμος έχει αλλάξει και πρέπει να αλλάξουμε κι εμείς μαζί με αυτόν».
The present article involves a methodological and interpretative approach to the phenomenon of xe... more The present article involves a methodological and interpretative approach to the phenomenon of xenophobia in Greece. Starting from an overview of the definitions of xenophobia and their methodological implications, we have drafted a research project, which aims at presenting a comprehensive understanding of the interaction between the synchronic and the historical aspects of the phenomenon. In particular, we argue on the need to contextualize and periodize xenophobia in relation to the development of Greek national identity from 1990 to the present, with emphasis on the transformations of national self-image and enemy stereotypes in order to explore the legacy of xenophobia in Greece and its current manifestations. To this end, we distinguish our period of study into the following: the period of defensive nationalism, the period of national optimism and the crisis nationalism. Our goal, as far as the study xenophobia is concerned, is to escape from a restrictive approach which focuses exclusively on the effects of the economic crisis.
The economic crisis signifies a turning point for Greek national self-image. The present paper ex... more The economic crisis signifies a turning point for Greek national self-image. The present paper explores the ideological function of interpretative repertoires in relation to the reproduction and contestation of national identity. We focus on two basic repertoires: a victimizing and a self-blaming one. Even though connotations of victimhood are not homogenous, its association with an external enemy is very popular. This paper demonstrates that discourses of victimization are not unambiguous and solidified; they interact with self-blaming discursive patterns, thus leading to hybrid perceptions of the national self-image that are adjusted to particular political actors’ strategies.
Greek anti-Americanism can be examined as normality rather than exception in the context of the C... more Greek anti-Americanism can be examined as normality rather than exception in the context of the Cold War political culture and of the European Cold War anti-Americanism. This hypothesis can be broken down to the following: a) Greek anti-Americanism can be examined as a historical entity for the period 1947-1989, b) it comprises two distinct components that interact, a political component and a cultural one, c) it evolved into a field of convergence for the political parties. Based on the analysis of the archival material the following periodization of Greek anti-Americanism is suggested: 1) Genetic phase, 1947-1954 2) Development, 1954-1965. 3) Radicalization and Transformation, 1965 1974. 4) Generalized anti-Americanism (1974-1985). 5) Latent anti-Americanism (1985-early 1990’s).
This article outlines aspects of the ideological debate in post-war Greece, with reference to the... more This article outlines aspects of the ideological debate in post-war Greece, with reference to the contestation of the anti-communist consensus. In the post-civil war public sphere, there was a gap between elite and public opinion concerning the perception of World War II and the concept of the enemy. In the counter narrative raised by the Center-Left discourse, the concept of the German enemy was employed in order to denounce post-war American hegemony over Greece. This interpretation entails the restoration of the concept of anti-fascism as an interpretative framework for World War II and the challenging of anti-totalitarianism.
Scholarly research in recent years has emphasized the elements of ideology and propaganda in the ... more Scholarly research in recent years has emphasized the elements of ideology and propaganda in the understanding of the nature and the features of the Cold War. As far as the US was concerned, the importance of cultural diplomacy and propaganda mechanisms grew as the Cold War began to consolidate. The Eisenhower administration elevated government propaganda mechanisms into an indispensable branch of US foreign policy. It is in this context that the present article examines a US government research project on the decline of US “prestige” abroad designed and implemented in 1953. Our aim is to explore the conceptual structure of the research project and its implications based on archival material of the Eisenhower administration. Our assumption is that the development of propaganda techniques was a gradual and evolutionary process associated with the acknowledgement that perceptions of policies may be as important as the policies themselves. Though in an embryonic form, the reports that are examined in the present article try to address complex issues relating to US image in the world and the appeal of Americanism incorporating working assumptions and methodological principles from the rapidly developing at the time social sciences.
Το άρθρο εστιάζει στην πολιτισμική συνιστώσα του αντιαμερικανισμού, με σημείο αναφοράς τη μεταπολ... more Το άρθρο εστιάζει στην πολιτισμική συνιστώσα του αντιαμερικανισμού, με σημείο αναφοράς τη μεταπολεμική Ευρώπη. Επιχειρούμε να αναδείξουμε τις ιστορικές καταβολές του αντιαμερικανισμού, χρησιμοποιώντας ως παραδείγματα τη γαλλική και τη γερμανική περίπτωση. Εξετάζεται και η ελληνική περίπτωση με έμφαση στην περίοδο από την εξαγγελία του Δόγματος Τρούμαν μέχρι τα μέσα της δεκαετίας του 1960. Το ευρύτερο πλαίσιο της μελέτης είναι η σχέση εξαμερικανισμού-αντιαμερικανισμού στη διάρκεια του Ψυχρού Πολέμου
Books by Zinovia (jenny) Lialiouti
Papers by Zinovia (jenny) Lialiouti