International Journal of Early Years Education, 2020
ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to present an action research project focusing on refugee child... more ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to present an action research project focusing on refugee children’s integration to the formal Greek education system as it relates to their mothers’ Greek language learning. Drawing on the interrelation between formal and non-formal education, this project took place at the Open Reception facility of Eleonas in Athens and addressed graduate and postgraduate students, coming from two different Departments of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Department of Early Childhood Education and the Department of Linguistics) with two different specialisations, on children and on adults, respectively. In this paper, we will present this particular framework of training future teachers at Eleonas and will discuss the way the particular project was developed, implemented and evaluated. Through an analysis of student’s diaries and questionnaires, we assess the ‘synergy’ between two different groups of students and the way in which their own involvement in refugee education and their reflections thereon are integrated within the context of an emancipatory action research paradigm.
Research in instructed language learning environments has shown the importance of classroom obser... more Research in instructed language learning environments has shown the importance of classroom observation and reflection practices for teacher education and professional development. Despite the vast amount of research in other contexts, education research on teaching Greek as a Second/Foreign Language (L2/FL) is limited. The aim of the current paper is, firstly, to present the LETEGR2 program as a pilot teacher education model for the skills development of future L2 Greek teachers in Greece and abroad. Secondly, to explore future teachers' attitudes and perceptions. The LETEGR2 model was designed based on the principles of action research, classroom observation and reflective practice. Participants in this pilot education program were: (a) students of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program in Teaching Greek as a L2 of the University of Athens, Greece and (b) student-teachers who were doing their teaching placement at a language school in Barcelona, Spain. Participants carried out a series of classroom observations and engaged in reflective practices. Their perceptions were collected at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the program through questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. Data were analyzed within the theoretical framework of the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Results demonstrated that the LETEGR2 teacher education model was very positively evaluated, with participants highlighting the key role of classroom observation and reflective practices in their teacher education and professional development.
International Journal of Early Years Education, 2020
The aim of this paper is to present an action research project focusing on refugee children’s int... more The aim of this paper is to present an action research project focusing on refugee children’s integration to the formal Greek education system as it relates to their mothers’ Greek language learning. Drawing on the interrelation between formal and non-formal education, this project took place at the Open Reception facility of Eleonas in Athens and addressed graduate and postgraduate students, coming from two different Departments of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Department of Early Childhood Education and the Department of Linguistics) with two different specialisations, on children and on adults, respectively. In this paper, we will present this particular framework of training future teachers at Eleonas and will discuss the way the particular project was developed, implemented and evaluated. Through an analysis of student’s diaries and questionnaires, we assess the ‘synergy’ between two different groups of students and the way in which their own involvement in refugee education and their reflections thereon are integrated within the context of an emancipatory action research paradigm.
SEPAME2 is the first attempt to design and implement a longitudinal corpus of different L1 learne... more SEPAME2 is the first attempt to design and implement a longitudinal corpus of different L1 learners of Greek as an L2. It supports the idea that the best way to learn a language is by being "pushed" to use it in different circumstances/registers and by taking advantage of personalized feedback modes, so that the language becomes not only the result of the learning process, but also the source of further metalinguistic reflection. In this preliminary presentation, main design principles as well as future implications of the SEPAME2 project are discussed.
1. Educational reform programs for minorities residing in Greece In this talk I will present in f... more 1. Educational reform programs for minorities residing in Greece In this talk I will present in fairly broad lines a language research project for the assessment of proficiency in Greek of the children belonging to the Muslim minority of Western Thrace. This research was conducted within a large-scale educational reform program financed by the Ministry of Education and the EU, and ran by the University of Athens. The reform program was initiated in 1995 and its purpose was to improve teaching and learning in the Greek-Turkish bilingual minority schools of Western Thrace. Politically, the 80s and 90s were marked by the mobilization of different religious and ethnic minority groups in Europe and the subsequent call into question of the existing national borders, especially in the Balkans. In this political climate, Greece also started to revise its policy vis-à-vis minority groups. Thus, a series of initiatives were put into place in order to promote the integration of minority groups...
CLIL. Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education
Iakovou, M. (2020). Classroom Observation in Second Language Classrooms: Bridging the gap between... more Iakovou, M. (2020). Classroom Observation in Second Language Classrooms: Bridging the gap between theory and practice for pre-service and in-service teachers of Greek as an L2.
Zητήματα Γλώσσας, Ετερότητας και Εκπαίδευσης, Αθήνα: εκδόσεις Gutenberg., 2019
Ιακώβου, Μ., Παναγιωτίδου, Β. & Ρουσουλιώτη, Θ. (2019). Η διαβάθμιση του λεξιλογίου στα αναλυτικά... more Ιακώβου, Μ., Παναγιωτίδου, Β. & Ρουσουλιώτη, Θ. (2019). Η διαβάθμιση του λεξιλογίου στα αναλυτικά προγράμματα για τη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής ως δεύτερης γλώσσας. Στο Θ. Αραβοσιτάς, Β. Κούρτη-Καζούλλη, Ε. Σκούρτου, Π. Τρίφωνας Zητήματα Γλώσσας, Ετερότητας και Εκπαίδευσης (σς. 484-496). Αθήνα: εκδόσεις Gutenberg.
The aim of this paper is to present a pilot project carried out by the Centre for the Greek Language in collaboration with external researchers as part of the Greek language teaching scheme, mainly abroad. The main goal of the project is to propose new syllabus and language course models in teaching Greek as a second language. The new syllabus models will be topic-based with emphasis on grading by degree of difficulty in all their components starting from A1 and reaching up to the C2 level. The first part of the paper describes new syllabus models for teaching Greek. The second part proposes their application to the real data set introducing basic principles for vocabulary grading according to the language level and the selected thematic field.
SEPAME2 is the first attempt to design and implement a longitudinal corpus of different L1 learne... more SEPAME2 is the first attempt to design and implement a longitudinal corpus of different L1 learners of Greek as an L2. It supports the idea that the best way to learn a language is by being " pushed " to use it in different circumstances/registers and by taking advantage of personalized feedback modes, so that the language becomes not only the result of the learning process, but also the source of further metalinguistic reflection. In this preliminary presentation, main design principles as well as future implications of the SEPAME2 project are discussed.
Το ειμαι στο σεπαμε2: προκαταρκτικές παρατηρήσεις από ένα καινούργιο σώμα μαθητικών κειμένων Abst... more Το ειμαι στο σεπαμε2: προκαταρκτικές παρατηρήσεις από ένα καινούργιο σώμα μαθητικών κειμένων Abstract SEPAME2 is the first attempt to design and implement a longitudinal corpus of different L1 learners of Greek as an L2. It supports the idea that the best way to learn a language is by being 'pushed' to use it in different tasks and by taking advantage of personalized feedback modes, so that the language becomes not only the result of the learning process, but also the source of further metalinguistic reflection. In this presentation, different occurrences of the verb EIMAI ('to be'), as it is used in the written texts of learners participating in SEPAME2, are discussed and related to different levels of language proficiency.
Cet article introduit la notion du 'fardeau d'apprentissage' (learning burden) concernant les mot... more Cet article introduit la notion du 'fardeau d'apprentissage' (learning burden) concernant les mots à apprendre en Grec comme langue seconde et met à l'épreuve un modèle alternatif d' acquisition et d'enseignement du vocabulaire, fondé sur les trois niveaux de la connaissance lexicale (forme, sense et usage), autant que sur les niveaux de maitrise d'une langue etrangère reconnus par le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues.
εκμάθηση της γλώσσας της χώρας υποδοχής από τους μεταναστευτικούς πληθυσμούς έχει διπλό αποδέκτη:... more εκμάθηση της γλώσσας της χώρας υποδοχής από τους μεταναστευτικούς πληθυσμούς έχει διπλό αποδέκτη: τόσο τους μετανάστες όσο και την κοινωνία υποδοχής. Ενδυναμώνει τους μετανάστες ενισχύοντας την κοινωνική συμμετοχή, τις δυνατότητες αναζήτησης εργασίας και στέγης, την πρόσβαση στις κοινωνικές υπηρεσίες, τη δημιουργία ενός νέου ανήκειν, την απόκτηση φωνής. Ταυτόχρονα κερδισμένη βγαίνει και η κοινωνία υποδοχής, διότι διευκολύνεται η ένταξη των ξένων/άλλων ενισχύοντας έτσι την κοινωνική συνοχή. Εξάλλου, η ένταξη είναι αμφίδρομη διαδικασία συνεχών μετατοπίσεων. Στην περίπτωση του Curing the Limbo, εκτός από την ελληνική γλώσσα, επιλέχθηκε και η διδασκαλία της αγγλικής προσφέροντας την ευκαιρία για έναν επιπλέον γλωσσικό πόρο που είναι η γλώσσα του διαδικτύου, των κοινωνικών μέσων δικτύωσης, των ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών και η γλώσσα επικοινωνίας των αλλόγλωσσων πολιτών μεταξύ τους. Η μεγάλη καινοτομία ήταν η δημιουργία ενός Ενιαίου Προγράμματος Σπουδών για τη διδασκαλία της Eλληνικής και της Aγγλικής σε ενήλικες. Είναι πολλαπλώς τεκμηριωμένο ότι η μέθοδος με την οποία θα διδαχθεί η γλώσσα μπορεί να εμποδίσει ή να επιταχύνει τη συμμετοχή ή αντίθετα, να συμβάλει στην αποστασιοποίηση από την ενταξιακή διαδικασία. Η γλώσσα είναι πάντα κάτι περισσότερο από τις λέξεις ή το κείμενο. Δεν αντικατοπτρίζει την πραγματικότητα. Την κατασκευάζει. Σε αυτήν την κατασκευή, κεντρικό ρόλο παίζει η διαπραγμάτευση των ταυτοτήτων: η προσωπική μου ιστορία, αυτό που ήμουν στη χώρα καταγωγής, αυτό που θα κρατήσω, αυτό που θα αλλάξω, το σημείο που θα συναντήσω τον άλλον. Και μέσα από τη γλώσσα είναι η κοινή δράση που φτιάχνει τον κόσμο και τα κοινωνικοπολιτισμικά νοήματα που του αποδίδονται.
Βασικές αρχές για τη Διδασκαλία της Ελληνικής ως Δεύτερης Γλώσσας: επίπεδα Α1-Β2
Δεξιότητες - Λεξ... more Βασικές αρχές για τη Διδασκαλία της Ελληνικής ως Δεύτερης Γλώσσας: επίπεδα Α1-Β2 Δεξιότητες - Λεξιλόγιο - Γραμματική - Γλωσσικά εργαλεία
International Journal of Early Years Education, 2020
ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to present an action research project focusing on refugee child... more ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to present an action research project focusing on refugee children’s integration to the formal Greek education system as it relates to their mothers’ Greek language learning. Drawing on the interrelation between formal and non-formal education, this project took place at the Open Reception facility of Eleonas in Athens and addressed graduate and postgraduate students, coming from two different Departments of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Department of Early Childhood Education and the Department of Linguistics) with two different specialisations, on children and on adults, respectively. In this paper, we will present this particular framework of training future teachers at Eleonas and will discuss the way the particular project was developed, implemented and evaluated. Through an analysis of student’s diaries and questionnaires, we assess the ‘synergy’ between two different groups of students and the way in which their own involvement in refugee education and their reflections thereon are integrated within the context of an emancipatory action research paradigm.
Research in instructed language learning environments has shown the importance of classroom obser... more Research in instructed language learning environments has shown the importance of classroom observation and reflection practices for teacher education and professional development. Despite the vast amount of research in other contexts, education research on teaching Greek as a Second/Foreign Language (L2/FL) is limited. The aim of the current paper is, firstly, to present the LETEGR2 program as a pilot teacher education model for the skills development of future L2 Greek teachers in Greece and abroad. Secondly, to explore future teachers' attitudes and perceptions. The LETEGR2 model was designed based on the principles of action research, classroom observation and reflective practice. Participants in this pilot education program were: (a) students of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program in Teaching Greek as a L2 of the University of Athens, Greece and (b) student-teachers who were doing their teaching placement at a language school in Barcelona, Spain. Participants carried out a series of classroom observations and engaged in reflective practices. Their perceptions were collected at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the program through questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. Data were analyzed within the theoretical framework of the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Results demonstrated that the LETEGR2 teacher education model was very positively evaluated, with participants highlighting the key role of classroom observation and reflective practices in their teacher education and professional development.
International Journal of Early Years Education, 2020
The aim of this paper is to present an action research project focusing on refugee children’s int... more The aim of this paper is to present an action research project focusing on refugee children’s integration to the formal Greek education system as it relates to their mothers’ Greek language learning. Drawing on the interrelation between formal and non-formal education, this project took place at the Open Reception facility of Eleonas in Athens and addressed graduate and postgraduate students, coming from two different Departments of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Department of Early Childhood Education and the Department of Linguistics) with two different specialisations, on children and on adults, respectively. In this paper, we will present this particular framework of training future teachers at Eleonas and will discuss the way the particular project was developed, implemented and evaluated. Through an analysis of student’s diaries and questionnaires, we assess the ‘synergy’ between two different groups of students and the way in which their own involvement in refugee education and their reflections thereon are integrated within the context of an emancipatory action research paradigm.
SEPAME2 is the first attempt to design and implement a longitudinal corpus of different L1 learne... more SEPAME2 is the first attempt to design and implement a longitudinal corpus of different L1 learners of Greek as an L2. It supports the idea that the best way to learn a language is by being "pushed" to use it in different circumstances/registers and by taking advantage of personalized feedback modes, so that the language becomes not only the result of the learning process, but also the source of further metalinguistic reflection. In this preliminary presentation, main design principles as well as future implications of the SEPAME2 project are discussed.
1. Educational reform programs for minorities residing in Greece In this talk I will present in f... more 1. Educational reform programs for minorities residing in Greece In this talk I will present in fairly broad lines a language research project for the assessment of proficiency in Greek of the children belonging to the Muslim minority of Western Thrace. This research was conducted within a large-scale educational reform program financed by the Ministry of Education and the EU, and ran by the University of Athens. The reform program was initiated in 1995 and its purpose was to improve teaching and learning in the Greek-Turkish bilingual minority schools of Western Thrace. Politically, the 80s and 90s were marked by the mobilization of different religious and ethnic minority groups in Europe and the subsequent call into question of the existing national borders, especially in the Balkans. In this political climate, Greece also started to revise its policy vis-à-vis minority groups. Thus, a series of initiatives were put into place in order to promote the integration of minority groups...
CLIL. Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education
Iakovou, M. (2020). Classroom Observation in Second Language Classrooms: Bridging the gap between... more Iakovou, M. (2020). Classroom Observation in Second Language Classrooms: Bridging the gap between theory and practice for pre-service and in-service teachers of Greek as an L2.
Zητήματα Γλώσσας, Ετερότητας και Εκπαίδευσης, Αθήνα: εκδόσεις Gutenberg., 2019
Ιακώβου, Μ., Παναγιωτίδου, Β. & Ρουσουλιώτη, Θ. (2019). Η διαβάθμιση του λεξιλογίου στα αναλυτικά... more Ιακώβου, Μ., Παναγιωτίδου, Β. & Ρουσουλιώτη, Θ. (2019). Η διαβάθμιση του λεξιλογίου στα αναλυτικά προγράμματα για τη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής ως δεύτερης γλώσσας. Στο Θ. Αραβοσιτάς, Β. Κούρτη-Καζούλλη, Ε. Σκούρτου, Π. Τρίφωνας Zητήματα Γλώσσας, Ετερότητας και Εκπαίδευσης (σς. 484-496). Αθήνα: εκδόσεις Gutenberg.
The aim of this paper is to present a pilot project carried out by the Centre for the Greek Language in collaboration with external researchers as part of the Greek language teaching scheme, mainly abroad. The main goal of the project is to propose new syllabus and language course models in teaching Greek as a second language. The new syllabus models will be topic-based with emphasis on grading by degree of difficulty in all their components starting from A1 and reaching up to the C2 level. The first part of the paper describes new syllabus models for teaching Greek. The second part proposes their application to the real data set introducing basic principles for vocabulary grading according to the language level and the selected thematic field.
SEPAME2 is the first attempt to design and implement a longitudinal corpus of different L1 learne... more SEPAME2 is the first attempt to design and implement a longitudinal corpus of different L1 learners of Greek as an L2. It supports the idea that the best way to learn a language is by being " pushed " to use it in different circumstances/registers and by taking advantage of personalized feedback modes, so that the language becomes not only the result of the learning process, but also the source of further metalinguistic reflection. In this preliminary presentation, main design principles as well as future implications of the SEPAME2 project are discussed.
Το ειμαι στο σεπαμε2: προκαταρκτικές παρατηρήσεις από ένα καινούργιο σώμα μαθητικών κειμένων Abst... more Το ειμαι στο σεπαμε2: προκαταρκτικές παρατηρήσεις από ένα καινούργιο σώμα μαθητικών κειμένων Abstract SEPAME2 is the first attempt to design and implement a longitudinal corpus of different L1 learners of Greek as an L2. It supports the idea that the best way to learn a language is by being 'pushed' to use it in different tasks and by taking advantage of personalized feedback modes, so that the language becomes not only the result of the learning process, but also the source of further metalinguistic reflection. In this presentation, different occurrences of the verb EIMAI ('to be'), as it is used in the written texts of learners participating in SEPAME2, are discussed and related to different levels of language proficiency.
Cet article introduit la notion du 'fardeau d'apprentissage' (learning burden) concernant les mot... more Cet article introduit la notion du 'fardeau d'apprentissage' (learning burden) concernant les mots à apprendre en Grec comme langue seconde et met à l'épreuve un modèle alternatif d' acquisition et d'enseignement du vocabulaire, fondé sur les trois niveaux de la connaissance lexicale (forme, sense et usage), autant que sur les niveaux de maitrise d'une langue etrangère reconnus par le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues.
εκμάθηση της γλώσσας της χώρας υποδοχής από τους μεταναστευτικούς πληθυσμούς έχει διπλό αποδέκτη:... more εκμάθηση της γλώσσας της χώρας υποδοχής από τους μεταναστευτικούς πληθυσμούς έχει διπλό αποδέκτη: τόσο τους μετανάστες όσο και την κοινωνία υποδοχής. Ενδυναμώνει τους μετανάστες ενισχύοντας την κοινωνική συμμετοχή, τις δυνατότητες αναζήτησης εργασίας και στέγης, την πρόσβαση στις κοινωνικές υπηρεσίες, τη δημιουργία ενός νέου ανήκειν, την απόκτηση φωνής. Ταυτόχρονα κερδισμένη βγαίνει και η κοινωνία υποδοχής, διότι διευκολύνεται η ένταξη των ξένων/άλλων ενισχύοντας έτσι την κοινωνική συνοχή. Εξάλλου, η ένταξη είναι αμφίδρομη διαδικασία συνεχών μετατοπίσεων. Στην περίπτωση του Curing the Limbo, εκτός από την ελληνική γλώσσα, επιλέχθηκε και η διδασκαλία της αγγλικής προσφέροντας την ευκαιρία για έναν επιπλέον γλωσσικό πόρο που είναι η γλώσσα του διαδικτύου, των κοινωνικών μέσων δικτύωσης, των ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών και η γλώσσα επικοινωνίας των αλλόγλωσσων πολιτών μεταξύ τους. Η μεγάλη καινοτομία ήταν η δημιουργία ενός Ενιαίου Προγράμματος Σπουδών για τη διδασκαλία της Eλληνικής και της Aγγλικής σε ενήλικες. Είναι πολλαπλώς τεκμηριωμένο ότι η μέθοδος με την οποία θα διδαχθεί η γλώσσα μπορεί να εμποδίσει ή να επιταχύνει τη συμμετοχή ή αντίθετα, να συμβάλει στην αποστασιοποίηση από την ενταξιακή διαδικασία. Η γλώσσα είναι πάντα κάτι περισσότερο από τις λέξεις ή το κείμενο. Δεν αντικατοπτρίζει την πραγματικότητα. Την κατασκευάζει. Σε αυτήν την κατασκευή, κεντρικό ρόλο παίζει η διαπραγμάτευση των ταυτοτήτων: η προσωπική μου ιστορία, αυτό που ήμουν στη χώρα καταγωγής, αυτό που θα κρατήσω, αυτό που θα αλλάξω, το σημείο που θα συναντήσω τον άλλον. Και μέσα από τη γλώσσα είναι η κοινή δράση που φτιάχνει τον κόσμο και τα κοινωνικοπολιτισμικά νοήματα που του αποδίδονται.
Βασικές αρχές για τη Διδασκαλία της Ελληνικής ως Δεύτερης Γλώσσας: επίπεδα Α1-Β2
Δεξιότητες - Λεξ... more Βασικές αρχές για τη Διδασκαλία της Ελληνικής ως Δεύτερης Γλώσσας: επίπεδα Α1-Β2 Δεξιότητες - Λεξιλόγιο - Γραμματική - Γλωσσικά εργαλεία
Papers by Maria Iakovou
The aim of this paper is to present a pilot project carried out by the Centre for the Greek Language in collaboration with external researchers as part of the Greek language teaching scheme, mainly abroad. The main goal of the project is to propose new syllabus and language course models in teaching Greek as a second language. The new syllabus models will be topic-based with emphasis on grading by degree of difficulty in all their components starting from A1 and reaching up to the C2 level. The first part of the paper describes new syllabus models for teaching Greek. The second part proposes their application to the real data set introducing basic principles for vocabulary grading according to the language level and the selected thematic field.
Books by Maria Iakovou
Δεξιότητες - Λεξιλόγιο - Γραμματική - Γλωσσικά εργαλεία
The aim of this paper is to present a pilot project carried out by the Centre for the Greek Language in collaboration with external researchers as part of the Greek language teaching scheme, mainly abroad. The main goal of the project is to propose new syllabus and language course models in teaching Greek as a second language. The new syllabus models will be topic-based with emphasis on grading by degree of difficulty in all their components starting from A1 and reaching up to the C2 level. The first part of the paper describes new syllabus models for teaching Greek. The second part proposes their application to the real data set introducing basic principles for vocabulary grading according to the language level and the selected thematic field.
Δεξιότητες - Λεξιλόγιο - Γραμματική - Γλωσσικά εργαλεία