Papers by suparman suparman
EJ Econjournals, 2024
This study examined how the agricultural sector impacted unemployment, income inequality, and rur... more This study examined how the agricultural sector impacted unemployment, income inequality, and rural poverty across Indonesia's provinces from 2015 to 2021. Using data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and a panel regression model, the research analyzed the relationships between these factors. It also explored the structural changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2021. The findings showed that the agricultural sector's Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), farmer exchange rates, and informal labor significantly influenced unemployment and income inequality in rural areas. However, the pandemic did not have a major effect on income inequality or poverty levels in these areas. The GRDP and value-added in agriculture played a crucial role in reducing rural poverty. The findings also showed that the COVID-19 pandemic did not directly increase or decrease the number of poor people, but it affected informal agricultural workers due to physical distancing measures. The research highlighted the agricultural sector's importance in addressing unemployment and inequality during the pandemic in Indonesia.
Enpress, 2024
This study addresses the impact of the tourism sector on poverty, poverty depth, and poverty seve... more This study addresses the impact of the tourism sector on poverty, poverty depth, and poverty severity in Indonesia, focusing on the micro-level dynamics in the province. Despite numerous tourism destinations, their strategic contribution to regional progress remains underexplored. The motivation stems from the need to comprehend the nuanced relationship between tourism and poverty at both the national and local levels, with specific attention to the untapped potential at the province level in Indonesia. We hypothesize that a higher tourism sector GRDP will be inversely correlated with poverty levels, and the inclusion of a Covid-19 variable will reveal a structural impact on poverty dynamics. Employing a Panel Regression Model, secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) spanning 2011-2020 is utilized. A panel data regression equation model, including CEM, FEM, and REM, is employed to analyze the intricate relationship between tourism and poverty. The findings demonstrate a negative correlation between higher tourism sector GRDP and the number of poor people. The Covid-19 variable, considered a structural break, reveals a significant association between increased cases and elevated poverty and severity across Indonesian provinces. This study contributes a micro-level analysis of tourism's role, emphasizing its impact at the provincial level. The findings underscore the need for strategic initiatives to harness the untapped potential of tourism in alleviating poverty and promoting regional progress.
The purpose of this study is to estimate the relationship and influence between regional inequali... more The purpose of this study is to estimate the relationship and influence between regional inequality variables, human capital, the open unemployment rate, and economic growth in Indonesia using panel data. The panel data consists of a combination of time series data from the 2010-2020 period, based on information from 32 provinces in Indonesia. The estimation model employed in this study is a panel regression model utilizing three methods: the common effect model (CEM), fixed effect model (FEM), and random effect model (REM). The findings of the study reveal a positive and significant effect of the ETI factor on the LOG (GRDP) factor. Additionally, the HDI variable exhibits a positive and significant impact on the LOG (GRDP) variable, while the UNR variable also shows a positive and significant effect on the LOG (GRDP) variable. Furthermore, the ETI variable is found to have a positive and significant influence on the UNR variable, while the HDI variable has a negative and significant impact on the UNR variable. Finally, the LOG (GRDP) variable demonstrates a positive and significant effect on the UNR variable.
Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 2020
This study aimed to analyze the regional financial management and regional financial systems of t... more This study aimed to analyze the regional financial management and regional financial systems of the Central Sulawesi regional government. The type of research is a descriptive quantitative study which was carried out in the Regional Organization of Regency/City in Central Sulawesi (OPD). The sample regencies/cities are: 1) Palu City, 2) Buol Regency, 3) Tojo Una-Una Regency, 4) Morowali Regency, 5) Banggai Regency. For each OPD in each regency/city, 3 respondents were chosen, namely the head of OPD, PPTK (Financial Officer) and Treasurer. Research variables are regional financial management and implementation of regional financial information systems. The results of research show that regional financial management in the Central Sulawesi Regional Government has been good, but it still needs improvement in terms of the use of expenditure in shortest time possible and control by the DPRD. The implementation of the regional government financial system in Central Sulawesi was good for all principles, namely efficiency, effective, transparent, accountable, auditable.
Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2020
This study aimed to analyze the regional financial management and regional financial systems of t... more This study aimed to analyze the regional financial management and regional financial systems of the Central Sulawesi regional government. The type of research is a descriptive quantitative study which was carried out in the Regional Organization of Regency/City in Central Sulawesi (OPD). The sample regencies/cities are: 1) Palu City, 2) Buol Regency, 3) Tojo Una-Una Regency, 4) Morowali Regency, 5) Banggai Regency. For each OPD in each regency/city, 3 respondents were chosen, namely the head of OPD, PPTK (Financial Officer) and Treasurer. Research variables are regional financial management and implementation of regional financial information systems. The results of research show that regional financial management in the Central Sulawesi Regional Government has been good, but it still needs improvement in terms of the use of expenditure in shortest time possible and control by the DPRD. The implementation of the regional government financial system in Central Sulawesi was good for all principles, namely efficiency, effective, transparent, accountable, auditable.
Belum optimalnya koordinasi dan integrasi programprogram Pemulihan Pasca Bencana khususnya Pemuli... more Belum optimalnya koordinasi dan integrasi programprogram Pemulihan Pasca Bencana khususnya Pemulihan Ekonomi pada tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan monitoring/evaluasi ..
Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin, Segala puji dan rasa syukur kami panjatkan kepada Allah SWT, karena ... more Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin, Segala puji dan rasa syukur kami panjatkan kepada Allah SWT, karena atas segala curahan taufiq, rahmat, dan hidayah-Nya, kami dapat menyelesaikan buku referensi ini. Penulisan buku referensi ini merupakan karya dari hasil pemikiran dan studi yang dilaksanakan para penulis yang diberi judul: EKONOMI PARIWISATA: Teori, Model, Konsep, dan Strategi Pembangunan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan. Perkembangan pesat dan signifikan ekonomi pariwisata dalam beberapa dekade terakhir mungkin merupakan hasil dari kombinasi beberapa faktor yang terjadi secara global. Namun, secara umum diketahui bahwa pendorong utamanya adalah meningkatnya pariwisata sebagai aktivitas ekonomi penting di seluruh dunia. Pariwisata adalah komoditas gabungan yang melibatkan banyak industri. Jika dihitung secara lengkap, pariwisata merupakan industri terbesar di dunia dari segi lapangan kerja dan produksi secara global. Dalam ekonomi pariwisata, maka paradigma pembangunan pariwisata berkelanjutan berfokus pada 3 (tiga) hal penting yakni: 1). Kualitas-pengalaman berharga bagi pengunjung dan peningkatan kualitas hidup bagi masyarakat setempat melalui identitas budaya, pengurangan kemiskinan, dan kualitas lingkungan; 2). Kontinuitaspemanfaatan dilakukan pada tingkat optimal yang memungkinkan terjadinya pelestarian dan regenerasi sumber daya alam; 3). Keseimbangan antara kebutuhan industri pariwisata, perlindungan lingkungan, dan masyarakat lokal melalui distribusi manfaat yang adil di antara pemangku kepentingan yang berada di daerah setempat. Buku ini menyajikan berbagai teori, model, konsep dan strategi pembangunan pariwisata berkelanjutan, termasuk berbagai tantangan dalam permasalahan pembangunan pariwisata berkelanjutan yang dihadapi saat ini dan masa mendatang. Oleh karena itu, untuk menyelesaikan masalah dan tantangan pembangunan pariwisata vi tersebut membutuhkan berbagai teori, model, konsep, dan strategi pembangunan pariwisata pariwisata berkelanjutan. Akhir kata, kami mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua pihak yang berkontribusi dalam penyusunan dan terbitnya buku ini.
The geographical condition makes Indonesia very vulnerable to natural disasters. Various natural ... more The geographical condition makes Indonesia very vulnerable to natural disasters. Various natural disasters that have befallen Indonesia have claimed many lives and property losses. Some of them are the earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction in Central Sulawesi, especially Palu City, on September 28 2018, which claimed thousands of lives and caused huge property losses. The socioeconomic impacts caused by the disaster need to be repaired through rehabilitation and reconstruction in education, health, and the economy. To measure the level of recovery in the form of rehabilitation and reconstruction, a general measure in the form of an index number is needed, called the Indonesia Post-Disaster Recovery Index (Ina-PDRI), which consists of three aspects: the education aspect, the health aspect, and the economic aspect. All basic indicators use primary and secondary data. The basic data used is data for 2017 (100 percent) and it is compared with post-earthquake data, namely data for 2019. The higher the recovery index percentage obtained, the greater the socioeconomic condition of recovery in Palu City. It is found that after one year of natural disasters in the form of earthquakes, tsunamis, and liquefaction, the results for the recovery of the new education sector were 54.67 percent, the health sector had only reached 77.78 percent, and the economic sector had only reached 19.84 percent. Total recovery only reached 44.20 percent. Therefore, the disaster recovery acceleration program in Palu City still needs to be improved so that the socioeconomic conditions are recovered as before.
Poverty in women is more complex when faced with other problems, such as low education, low asset... more Poverty in women is more complex when faced with other problems, such as low education, low asset ownership and control, and a larger female population than male population. Women of West Taopa use Butija sarong weaving to produce goods and services. This study aims to determine production costs, income, and the role of gender in Taopa Barat District, Parigi Moutong Regency's butija woven fabric industry. The population and sample consisted of 28 groups of Butija Weaving Industry craftsmen. Data collection techniques used primary data through interview guidelines in the form of a questionnaire (list of questions) to respondents. Data analysis was carried out descriptively, with an explanatory research type. The research location was Taopa Barat Village, Taopa Barat District Parigi Moutong. Based on the income analysis of the Butija woven sarong craft business with a total operational cost of Rp. 37,926,500 consisting of fixed and variable costs, and net income is gross revenue of Rp114.300.000, which is reduced by the total production cost of Rp37,926,500. Net income per month is Rp8,864,500 or Rp106,373,500. The wife's contribution to family income in the Butija weaving craft industry plays a significant role in meeting the family's economic needs, especially the role of women who own a Butija weaving craft group business in West Taopa,
homepage:, 2023
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of accessibility, tourism
gove... more The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of accessibility, tourism
governance, and information technology on competitive advantage mediated by supply chain
management at tourist destinations in Central Sulawesi Province. The research was conducted
using a quantitative approach. A total of 205 respondents were used as a simple sampling technique.
The data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least
Square with the help of SmartPLS software. The results of this study indicate that accessibility,
tourism governance, and information technology had positive effects on supply chain management
and competitive advantage. Furthermore, supply chain management was able to mediate the effect
of accessibility, tourism governance, and information technology on competitive advantage. This
would practically imply that tourist attraction with easy access is more likely to increase the
capability of supply chain management and competitive advantage.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Tourism is one of the most affected business sectors due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This resulted ... more Tourism is one of the most affected business sectors due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This resulted in a decrease in the number of tourists visiting destinations. The current study aims to describe the impact of Covid-19 on tourism sector and formulate marketing strategies for developing tourism, specifically post-Covid-19 pandemic. A qualitative research approach was used in this study by employing SWOT analysis to formulate marketing strategies for tourism service providers. The proposed marketing strategies are: (1) Implementing CHSE principle (Cleanliness, Healthy, Safety, Environment Friendly), (2) Targeting market on local, regional, and domestic tourists, (3) Segmenting market on individual tourist, (4) Green marketing, (5) Packaging of tourist destinations, (6) Digital marketing, and (7) Re-positioning. Theoretical and managerial implications of this study are offered., 2022
Tourism is one of the most affected business sectors due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This resulted ... more Tourism is one of the most affected business sectors due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This resulted in a decrease in the number of tourists visiting destinations. The current study aims to describe the impact of Covid-19 on tourism sector and formulate marketing strategies for developing tourism, specifically post-Covid-19 pandemic. A qualitative research approach was used in this study by employing SWOT analysis to formulate marketing strategies for tourism service providers. The proposed marketing strategies are: (1) Implementing CHSE principle (Cleanliness, Healthy, Safety, Environment Friendly), (2) Targeting market on local, regional, and domestic tourists, (3) Segmenting market on individual tourist, (4) Green marketing, (5) Packaging of tourist destinations, (6) Digital marketing, and (7) Re-positioning. Theoretical and managerial implications of this study are offered.
Jumlah penduduk Banggai Laut adalah 68.124 jiwa dengan luas wilayah
725,67 Km2 (BPS Banggai Laut... more Jumlah penduduk Banggai Laut adalah 68.124 jiwa dengan luas wilayah
725,67 Km2 (BPS Banggai Laut, 2018). Jumlah penduduk yang besar dengan
kondisi geografis di wilayah kepulauan menyebabkan kerawanan pangan (beras)
masyarakat. Selama ini, masyarakat mendapatkan beras di luar daerah. Beras
berasal dari wilayah penghasil beras di Sulawesi Tengah dan Sulawesi Selatan.
Kondisi ini menyebabkan tingginya ketergantungan pangan masyarakat pada
daerah lain.
Model Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Berbasis Rumah Tangga
Petani (RTP) di Sulawesi Tengah
Model Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Berbasis Rumah Tangga
Nelayan (RTN) di Sulawesi Tengah
Dalam rangka pelindungan ciptaan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni dan sastra berdasarkan Undang-U... more Dalam rangka pelindungan ciptaan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni dan sastra berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta, dengan ini menerangkan:
Abstract. The objectives of this research are: (1) to describe SME’s businessman characteristics ... more Abstract. The objectives of this research are: (1) to describe SME’s businessman characteristics in Central Sulawesi, (2) to analyze the effectiveness ofmanagement of People's Business Credit program (capital, manpower absorption, total credit, length of business) to increase added value (profit) for SME’s that have obtained credit through the People's Business Credit (KUR) program. Dummy variable of this study including education, business type, and business location.Population of this research covers all community in targeted location who have received business credit from financial institution in Poso Regency, Donggala Regency, Parigi Moutong Regency, and Palu City. The number of sample in this research 270 SMEs that have been counted using Slovin method. Analysis methods used in this study consisting of descriptive analysisand multiple linear regression. The results show that characteristics of SME’s businessman were found to be homogeneous in terms of age, gender, level...
Papers by suparman suparman
governance, and information technology on competitive advantage mediated by supply chain
management at tourist destinations in Central Sulawesi Province. The research was conducted
using a quantitative approach. A total of 205 respondents were used as a simple sampling technique.
The data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least
Square with the help of SmartPLS software. The results of this study indicate that accessibility,
tourism governance, and information technology had positive effects on supply chain management
and competitive advantage. Furthermore, supply chain management was able to mediate the effect
of accessibility, tourism governance, and information technology on competitive advantage. This
would practically imply that tourist attraction with easy access is more likely to increase the
capability of supply chain management and competitive advantage.
725,67 Km2 (BPS Banggai Laut, 2018). Jumlah penduduk yang besar dengan
kondisi geografis di wilayah kepulauan menyebabkan kerawanan pangan (beras)
masyarakat. Selama ini, masyarakat mendapatkan beras di luar daerah. Beras
berasal dari wilayah penghasil beras di Sulawesi Tengah dan Sulawesi Selatan.
Kondisi ini menyebabkan tingginya ketergantungan pangan masyarakat pada
daerah lain.
governance, and information technology on competitive advantage mediated by supply chain
management at tourist destinations in Central Sulawesi Province. The research was conducted
using a quantitative approach. A total of 205 respondents were used as a simple sampling technique.
The data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least
Square with the help of SmartPLS software. The results of this study indicate that accessibility,
tourism governance, and information technology had positive effects on supply chain management
and competitive advantage. Furthermore, supply chain management was able to mediate the effect
of accessibility, tourism governance, and information technology on competitive advantage. This
would practically imply that tourist attraction with easy access is more likely to increase the
capability of supply chain management and competitive advantage.
725,67 Km2 (BPS Banggai Laut, 2018). Jumlah penduduk yang besar dengan
kondisi geografis di wilayah kepulauan menyebabkan kerawanan pangan (beras)
masyarakat. Selama ini, masyarakat mendapatkan beras di luar daerah. Beras
berasal dari wilayah penghasil beras di Sulawesi Tengah dan Sulawesi Selatan.
Kondisi ini menyebabkan tingginya ketergantungan pangan masyarakat pada
daerah lain.
dalam pembangunan nasional maupun daerah, karena tenaga kerja
sebagai subyek dan sekaligus objek pembangunan. Di satu sisi,
tenaga kerja sebagai penduduk yang menjadi sasaran peningkatan
kesejahteraan ekonomi dan sosial dari pembangunan. Di sisi lain,
pembangunan ketenagakerjaan merupakan masalah (problems)
dan tantangan (challenge) dalam pembangunan. Pembangunan
ketenagakerjaan sebagai obyek pembangunan yang harus
diselesaikan secara optimal dan berkelanjutan. Pembangunan
ketenagakerjaan juga berada pada posisi untuk menciptakan dan
menyediakan tenaga kerja yang berkualitas dan berdaya saing,
maka perlunya dukungan skenario perencanaan pembangunan
ketenagakerjaan yang komprehensif dan holistik.
of population oriented) adalah model dan strategi pembangunan
yang menempatkan isu perkembangan kependudukan dan
pembangunan keluarga, sebagai fokus utama dalam pembangunan
berkelanjutan (sustainable development). Pembangunan berkelanjutan, sebagai pembangunan terencana dan terintegrasi di
berbagai bidang untuk menciptakan perbandingan ideal antara
perkembangan kependudukan, dengan daya dukung dan daya
tampung lingkungan, serta memenuhi kebutuhan generasi
sekarang tanpa harus mengurangi kemampuan dan kebutuhan
generasi mendatang.
Kesadaran pembangunan berwawasan kependudukan
dilandasi oleh permasalahan kependudukan (problems of
demography) yang terjadi di berbagai daerah atau wilayah setempat.
Dimana, permasalahan utama kependudukan adalah jumlah
penduduk yang masih besar dan laju pertumbuhan penduduk
yang cenderung masih tinggi. Masalah-masalah kependudukan
tersebut, tentu saja berdampak kepada berbagai bidang sosial,
budaya, ekonomi, hukum, politik dan pertahanan serta keamanan.
menjadi sangat krusial karena akan dapat menghasilkan sumber daya
manusia yang berdaya saing. Membangun manusia tidak semudah
melakukan pembangunan fisik karena tidak dapat dilihat secara kasat
mata (intagible) dan begitu kompleks. Olehnya itu dibutuhkan strategi
dan kebijakan yang tepat. Jika bidang pendidikan maju, maka akan
mempercepat kemajuan daerah, khususnya di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah,
yang pada akhirnya akan berkontribusi bagi pembangunan nasional.
Strategi dan kebijakan yang dirumuskan dalam buku ini mengacu
pada kondisi eksisiting, lingkungan eksternal dan internal pembangunan
pendidikan di Sulawesi Tengah. Selain itu juga didasarkan pada
peraturan-peraturan dan kebijakan pembangunan pendidikan yang
ditetapkan dari Pemerintah Pusat sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan
dalam perencanaan pembangunan nasional. Rumusan strategi dan
alternatif kebijakan tersebut dapat dijadikan acuan bagi pemerintah
daerah di tingkat kabupaten/kota yang ada di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
dan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh provinsi-provinsi lain yang ada di
faktor utama, yakni faktor ekonomi dan faktor non ekonomi—meskipun faktor ekonomi kadangkala mengikuti atau menjadi penyulut dari krisis yang berasal dari faktor non-ekonomi. Krisis dapat bersumber dari domestik maupun dari luar negeri—melalui efek penularan (contagion effect). Salah satu contoh dari efek penularan adalah krisis keuangan tahun 2008 yang berimbas ke Asia, dimana AS adalah sumber dari krisis tersebut. Namun karena AS adalah pemain terbesar di pasar keuangan dunia, maka seluruh negara terkena imbasnya. Likuiditas di pasar
keuangan menjadi berkurang dan transaksi perdagangan internasional merosot tajam.
Krisis keuangan mengakibatkan kontraksi PDB dan meningkatnya
pengangguran. Secara umum, tingkat keparahan akibat krisis keuangan yang dialami negara-negara berkembang lebih buruk dibandingkan dengan negara-negara maju dalam bentuk penurunan pertumbuhan PDB, pengangguran, inflasi, dan bailout yang dibutuhkan. Krisis subprime mortgage di Amerika Serikat pada 2008 ini adalah krisis keuangan paling buruk di AS sejak terjadinya great depression.
Pemerintah AS mengeluarkan bailout sebesar US$700 miliar yang setara
dengan 5 persen dari PDB AS pada 2008.Bailout digunakan untuk pembelian surat utang subprime mort¬gage yang macet dari investor. Ketika krisis tersebut berimbas ke Indonesia, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) pada akhir 2008 turun hingga 46,85 persen jika dibandingkan dengan posisi awal 2008. Selain itu,
rupiah terdepresiasi menembus angka Rp12.151 per dollar AS pada November 2008. Arus keluar kepemilikan asing di Surat Utang Negara (SUN) maupun SBI terjadi. Hingga akhir Desember 2008, posisi asing di SUN tercatat hanya Rp87,4 triliun, padahal pada September 2008 sempat mencapai Rp104,3 triliun. Hal yang sama terjadi di pasar SBI, dari Rp68,4 triliun (Agustus 2008) menjadi hanya Rp8,4 triliun.
Dalam kondisi seperti ini, adalah optimal bagi pemer intah untuk
menurunkan jumlah bailout ketika keadaan sektor keuangan memburuk, karena moral hazard di sektor swasta akan membebani APBN dan pembayar pajak di kemudian hari. Sebaliknya, bila sektor swasta (perbankan) menanggung biaya bailout maka institusi semacam ini akan menutup (setidaknya sebagian) peluang terjadinya moral hazard. Dalam kondisi ini, adalah optimal bagi pemerintah untuk meningkatkan jumlah bailout ketika keadaan sektor keuangan memburuk. Melalui buku ini, akan dianalisis optimal atau tidaknya respons kebijakan yang dilakukan
pemerintah Indonesia terhadap probabilitas terjadinya krisis 2008.
pembangunan. Urbanisasi merupakan proses sosial penciptaan sistem dinamis yang dikenal sebagai kota. Urbanisasi meliputi pertambahan penduduk, proses produksi, dan lingkungan sosial politik ekonomi perdesaan yang bersifat padat karya ke ekonomi kota yang terkonsentrasi dengan spesialisasi produksi, teknologi relatif tinggi dan penuh kewiraswastaan. Unsur konsentrasi spasial dalam tata ruang tertentu adalah kepadatan penduduk dan kedekatan (density dan proximity) para pelaku ekonomi. Secara keseluruhan, hubungan urbanisasi dan
konsentrasi perkotaan ditunjukkan dengan banyaknya negara-negara berkembang (NSB) yang memiliki derajat tinggi pada urban primacy dengan jumlah penduduk kota yang berkonsentrasi pada satu kota besar. Dengan demikian, terjadi ketimpangan distribusi penduduk kota yang direflesikan dengan tidak efisiennya dalam struktur ekonomi secara spasial.
Kondisi Indonesia menghadapi masalah urbanisasi dan penyebaran
penduduk yang hampir sama dengan negara-negara sedang berkembang (NSB) di Asia pada umumnya, yakni masih terlampau memusatnya penduduk perkotaan pada kota-kota tertentu saja khususnya di wilayah-wilayah metropolitan. Proporsi penduduk perkotaan di Indonesia pada tahun 1980 hanya mencapai sekitar 22,3%, namun berdasarkan data Sensus Penduduk 1990 angka ini telah mencapai 30,9%, sedangkan data yang diperoleh berdasarkan SUSENAS 1994 (BPS,1995) menunjukan bahwa proporsi proporsi ini telah mencapai 34,4%, sementara laju
kenaikan penduduk perkotaan selama periode 1970-1980 adalah 4,60% per tahun, sedangkan dalam periode 1980-1990 meningkat menjadi 5,36% per tahun, namun selama periode 1990-1994 menurun lagi menjadi 4,05% per tahun. Secara sederhana dapat dikatakan laju kenaikan ini kira-kira dua setengah kali kenaikan penduduk total. Adalah suatu yang sangat kontras bila laju kenaikan penduduk perkotaan meningkat dengan pesat, sementara laju kenaikan penduduk secara total turun dari 2,34% per tahun periode 1970-1980 menjadi 1,97% per tahun dalam periode 1980-1990, bahkan menjadi 1,37% pertahun dalam kurun waktu 1990-1994.
Maka, melalui buku ini penulis akan menganalisis serta mengetahui arah
hubungan sebab akibat (kausalitas) antara urbanisasi dan konsentrasi perkotaan, konsentrasi perkotaan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan urbanisasi.