ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education
WhatsApp has been extensively used by many English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in Indone... more WhatsApp has been extensively used by many English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in Indonesia as a near synchronous online learning platform. This program enables users to make announcements, exchange ideas and learning materials, and participate in online debates. Some recent publications inform its utilization in learning language, yet little discusses how students engage in the learning activities. Therefore, to fill this void, the present study aims to investigate the students' behavioral engagement during online learning using WhatsApp. To collect the data, this study employed observation and semi-structured interviews. An observation was completed in one class at a state university in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia to perceive how the students responded to the teacher's instructions during the learning process. Meanwhile, the interviews were conducted with nine students in a similar class. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings revealed ...
This recent study analyzes the feasibility of the best practices concerning how flipped classroom... more This recent study analyzes the feasibility of the best practices concerning how flipped classroom is implemented in listening class, either online or offline. Recently, one of the digital literacy models is Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) based teaching technique is well known as flipped learning classroom. It believes as a branch of blended-learning. The emergence of this new model is the vice versa from the conventional teaching process. In Flipped Classroom, the course is divided into two parts, inside and outside classroom. This model has been widely adopted in many levels of education field all over the world. Therefore, this study tries to implement flipped classroom model in university level. The course subject of this study is listening comprehension. English listening comprehension in university has its own issue. Listening has become one of the most significant concerns in teaching English as a foreign language. It was figured out that there were some problems occ...
The article was written to show how the task based language teaching as a language teaching metho... more The article was written to show how the task based language teaching as a language teaching method can improve students’ speaking skill at Mandalika University Of Education. The research was conducted by involving the first semester students of english department Mandalika University of education. The type of the research was classroom action research in which task based language teaching was a method adopted to improves the students’ speaking skill. Collecting the research data, the researcher used two kinds of research instruments. Speaking tests were used to measure the improvement on students’ speaking skill, meanwhile observation was conducted to define how the task based language teaching improves the students’’ speaking skill. The research was concluded to has some significant improvements on students’ speaking skill proved by deviation scores gained between first cycle and second cycles of the research in which the task cycles, interesting topics of discussion, and activitie...
Abstract: As the development of globalization era, teaching English for young learner regarded as... more Abstract: As the development of globalization era, teaching English for young learner regarded as a preparation for a future generation to face it. The children regarded as the future generation are already enrolled in an English class in their early ages. Within their unique characters, the way of teaching and learning process is different from what the adults got. Task-Based Instruction, as one of the new method of communicative approach, has been used as an effective way in teaching a foreign language, especially for adult learners. The issue comes by its implementation into young learners. It is said to be a doubtful thing to apply Task-Based Instruction into young learners in learning foreign language. The characteristics of Task-Based Instruction which includes three stages; (1) Pre-Task, (2) Task-Cycle, (3) Language focus is regarded to be too much for young learners. Bedsides, it is said that implementing Task-Based in English young learner classroom can be a burden for them...
Menjaga kestabilan ketahanan pangan selama Pandemi covid 19 perlu di upayakan oleh masyarakat. Ke... more Menjaga kestabilan ketahanan pangan selama Pandemi covid 19 perlu di upayakan oleh masyarakat. Keterbatasan lahan bukan menjadi kendala bagi masyarakat untuk tetap bisa produktif dalam menghasilkan pangan untuk kebutuhan pangan keluarga. Tim PKK sebagai garda terdepan dalam menjaga ketahanan keluarga perlu dibekali keterampilan dan pengetahuan untuk itu. Begitupun peserta PKH (Program Keluarga Harapan) perlu dibekali keterampilan untuk bisa mandiri dalam menyediakan kebutuhan pangan keluarga. Salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut melalui pelatihan berkebun hidroponik. Selain bertujuan untuk menghasilkan berbagai jenis pangan seperti aneka sayuran juga sebagai alternatif dalam mengoptimalkan lahan yang sempit. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi/ monitoring. Proses monitoring berjalan selama enam minggu dan panen dilakukan kurang lebih setelah 4 minggu pindah tanam .
As the revolutionary approach in education, the use of mobile devices for learning undoubtedly ha... more As the revolutionary approach in education, the use of mobile devices for learning undoubtedly has a great influence on the students’ academic success. Many studies have found that these tools are satisfying in terms of authenticity, simplicity, and portability allowing learners to promote their learning autonomy in which they can study anywhere and anytime. Using the lens of narrative inquiry, this study explored the student's experience in using mobile devices for autonomous listening activities and investigated the benefits of these activities for her language competences. Interview and narrative frame proposed by Barkhuizen (2014) are used to answer the research questions. The findings show that the learner mostly does extensive listening activities in which she listens to a large amount of understandable and pleasurable spoken expressions through her devices. Having sophisticated software and great immersion, these tools allow the learner to have massive listening input wh...
Puisi adalah salah satu karya sastra. Dalam konteks EFL, puisi diyakini dapat meningkatkan kreati... more Puisi adalah salah satu karya sastra. Dalam konteks EFL, puisi diyakini dapat meningkatkan kreativitas siswa, berfikir kritis dan keterampilan bahasa, terutama membaca dan menulis. Kelas menulis kreatif disediakan sebagai tempat siswa belajar tentang puisi. Salah satu kegiatannya adalah proyek menulis puisi. Berdasarkan hasil, ada prestasi yang baik yang diperoleh siswa. Mereka menulis puisi secara kreatif dalam berbagai tema. Selain itu, umpan balik positif juga diberikan oleh siswa tentang bagaimana mereka akhirnya suka membaca. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki kreativitas siswa dalam menulis puisi dan tantangan yang dihadapi selama proses penulisan. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini berupa studi kasus. Lima dari tiga puluh siswa yang memperoleh nilai terbaik menjadi partisipan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi dan juga interview yang dilakukan dua kali. Adapun teknik analisi yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi dan analysis tematik. h...
... dan jatuh temponya. Mudharabah berasal dari kata adhdharbu fil ardhi, yaitu bepergian untuk u... more ... dan jatuh temponya. Mudharabah berasal dari kata adhdharbu fil ardhi, yaitu bepergian untuk urusan dagang. Firman Allah dalam surat 73 ayat 20,“mereka bepergian di muka bumi mencari karunia Allah”. disebut juga qiradh ...
Haiku, the 5-7-5 syllables of Japanese poetry, has been known widely as a tool to express voice a... more Haiku, the 5-7-5 syllables of Japanese poetry, has been known widely as a tool to express voice and reflect on what happens to personal life experiences. Therefore, this study aimed to uses Haiku as a learning reflection on the Children's Literature Class. Two questions were addressed to examine (1) Students' perception of writing Haiku as a learning reflection and (2) challenges in writing Haiku as a learning reflection. Descriptive case A descriptive case study was used as the research methodology, while 49 students taking children's literature class participated. In data collection, this study used open-ended questionnaires given to all participants, while semi-structured interviews were delivered to 11 representative students. Students' Haiku also were used as additional data. In addition, the data were analyzed thematically, using the framework of Braun and Clark (2006) and students' Haiku were analyzed through document analysis. The findings show that students find that writing haiku as a learning reflection is fun and interesting. It also promotes their creativity in writing. However, since Haiku is fixed verse poetry, it does not cover students' ideas of expressing their experience of learning freely and effectively. Eventually, Haiku still supports creativity, not effectiveness.
Learning autonomy offers a lot contribution to students’ successful learning since it is the abil... more Learning autonomy offers a lot contribution to students’ successful learning since it is the ability of learners to take control of their learning goal and management. One of this characteristics influences how students set their learning management based on what they are interested in. This situation builds creative atmosphere since students set their goal, management, style, and preferences. In writing a story, students need creativity to make an interesting story. Therefore, this study distinguishes a student gaining the best story in children’s literature class. It is specifically aimed at investigating how autonomous the student is so that it came to her creativity in creating the story. The data are collected from documentation, student’s reflective journals, and also some interviews. The method of this study is narrative inquiry while thematic analysis is used for analyzing the data. The result shows that the student becomes autonomy by having these characteristics; (1) havi...
Vision: Journal for Language and Foreign Language Learning
The use of a blog as a platform for extensive reading becomes valuable since it provides the poss... more The use of a blog as a platform for extensive reading becomes valuable since it provides the possibility of readership and opportunity for interaction and collaboration. As the online journal facilitating users to display information in chronological order and connected to the Internet, the blog also can help students to get a wide variety of reading materials, which should be conducted in extensive reading activities. However, the use of a blog in this study is integrated with the process of learning in the classroom so that the students can use it for reporting their reading activities and share what they read beyond the classroom. This study is conducted during one semester in one of the universities in Indonesia using six students of the first grade joining an extensive reading course as the participants. In this research, a case study is used as a research method. It aims at analyzing the students' perception of the use of blogs in extensive reading. Findings show that the ...
Vision: Journal for Language and Foreign Language Learning, 2020
The use of a blog as a platform for extensive reading becomes valuable since it provides the poss... more The use of a blog as a platform for extensive reading becomes valuable since it provides the possibility of readership and opportunity for interaction and collaboration. As the online journal facilitating users to display information in chronological order and connected to the Internet, the blog also can help students to get a wide variety of reading materials, which should be conducted in extensive reading activities. However, the use of a blog in this study is integrated with the process of learning in the classroom so that the students can use it for reporting their reading activities and share what they read beyond the classroom. This study is conducted during one semester in one of the universities in Indonesia using six students of the first grade joining an extensive reading course as the participants. In this research, a case study is used as a research method. It aims at analyzing the students' perception of the use of blogs in extensive reading. Findings show that the blog is beneficial for promoting the students' reading interest, building autonomy and creativity, and providing a reflective platform. The blog consists of several features allowing students to get the numerous reading sources that are appropriate with their language level and interest. Therefore, it becomes useful since it can facilitate students to build their responsibility to select their reading material and to reflect the progress of their learning activities.
ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education
WhatsApp has been extensively used by many English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in Indone... more WhatsApp has been extensively used by many English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in Indonesia as a near synchronous online learning platform. This program enables users to make announcements, exchange ideas and learning materials, and participate in online debates. Some recent publications inform its utilization in learning language, yet little discusses how students engage in the learning activities. Therefore, to fill this void, the present study aims to investigate the students' behavioral engagement during online learning using WhatsApp. To collect the data, this study employed observation and semi-structured interviews. An observation was completed in one class at a state university in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia to perceive how the students responded to the teacher's instructions during the learning process. Meanwhile, the interviews were conducted with nine students in a similar class. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings revealed ...
This recent study analyzes the feasibility of the best practices concerning how flipped classroom... more This recent study analyzes the feasibility of the best practices concerning how flipped classroom is implemented in listening class, either online or offline. Recently, one of the digital literacy models is Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) based teaching technique is well known as flipped learning classroom. It believes as a branch of blended-learning. The emergence of this new model is the vice versa from the conventional teaching process. In Flipped Classroom, the course is divided into two parts, inside and outside classroom. This model has been widely adopted in many levels of education field all over the world. Therefore, this study tries to implement flipped classroom model in university level. The course subject of this study is listening comprehension. English listening comprehension in university has its own issue. Listening has become one of the most significant concerns in teaching English as a foreign language. It was figured out that there were some problems occ...
The article was written to show how the task based language teaching as a language teaching metho... more The article was written to show how the task based language teaching as a language teaching method can improve students’ speaking skill at Mandalika University Of Education. The research was conducted by involving the first semester students of english department Mandalika University of education. The type of the research was classroom action research in which task based language teaching was a method adopted to improves the students’ speaking skill. Collecting the research data, the researcher used two kinds of research instruments. Speaking tests were used to measure the improvement on students’ speaking skill, meanwhile observation was conducted to define how the task based language teaching improves the students’’ speaking skill. The research was concluded to has some significant improvements on students’ speaking skill proved by deviation scores gained between first cycle and second cycles of the research in which the task cycles, interesting topics of discussion, and activitie...
Abstract: As the development of globalization era, teaching English for young learner regarded as... more Abstract: As the development of globalization era, teaching English for young learner regarded as a preparation for a future generation to face it. The children regarded as the future generation are already enrolled in an English class in their early ages. Within their unique characters, the way of teaching and learning process is different from what the adults got. Task-Based Instruction, as one of the new method of communicative approach, has been used as an effective way in teaching a foreign language, especially for adult learners. The issue comes by its implementation into young learners. It is said to be a doubtful thing to apply Task-Based Instruction into young learners in learning foreign language. The characteristics of Task-Based Instruction which includes three stages; (1) Pre-Task, (2) Task-Cycle, (3) Language focus is regarded to be too much for young learners. Bedsides, it is said that implementing Task-Based in English young learner classroom can be a burden for them...
Menjaga kestabilan ketahanan pangan selama Pandemi covid 19 perlu di upayakan oleh masyarakat. Ke... more Menjaga kestabilan ketahanan pangan selama Pandemi covid 19 perlu di upayakan oleh masyarakat. Keterbatasan lahan bukan menjadi kendala bagi masyarakat untuk tetap bisa produktif dalam menghasilkan pangan untuk kebutuhan pangan keluarga. Tim PKK sebagai garda terdepan dalam menjaga ketahanan keluarga perlu dibekali keterampilan dan pengetahuan untuk itu. Begitupun peserta PKH (Program Keluarga Harapan) perlu dibekali keterampilan untuk bisa mandiri dalam menyediakan kebutuhan pangan keluarga. Salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut melalui pelatihan berkebun hidroponik. Selain bertujuan untuk menghasilkan berbagai jenis pangan seperti aneka sayuran juga sebagai alternatif dalam mengoptimalkan lahan yang sempit. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi/ monitoring. Proses monitoring berjalan selama enam minggu dan panen dilakukan kurang lebih setelah 4 minggu pindah tanam .
As the revolutionary approach in education, the use of mobile devices for learning undoubtedly ha... more As the revolutionary approach in education, the use of mobile devices for learning undoubtedly has a great influence on the students’ academic success. Many studies have found that these tools are satisfying in terms of authenticity, simplicity, and portability allowing learners to promote their learning autonomy in which they can study anywhere and anytime. Using the lens of narrative inquiry, this study explored the student's experience in using mobile devices for autonomous listening activities and investigated the benefits of these activities for her language competences. Interview and narrative frame proposed by Barkhuizen (2014) are used to answer the research questions. The findings show that the learner mostly does extensive listening activities in which she listens to a large amount of understandable and pleasurable spoken expressions through her devices. Having sophisticated software and great immersion, these tools allow the learner to have massive listening input wh...
Puisi adalah salah satu karya sastra. Dalam konteks EFL, puisi diyakini dapat meningkatkan kreati... more Puisi adalah salah satu karya sastra. Dalam konteks EFL, puisi diyakini dapat meningkatkan kreativitas siswa, berfikir kritis dan keterampilan bahasa, terutama membaca dan menulis. Kelas menulis kreatif disediakan sebagai tempat siswa belajar tentang puisi. Salah satu kegiatannya adalah proyek menulis puisi. Berdasarkan hasil, ada prestasi yang baik yang diperoleh siswa. Mereka menulis puisi secara kreatif dalam berbagai tema. Selain itu, umpan balik positif juga diberikan oleh siswa tentang bagaimana mereka akhirnya suka membaca. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki kreativitas siswa dalam menulis puisi dan tantangan yang dihadapi selama proses penulisan. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini berupa studi kasus. Lima dari tiga puluh siswa yang memperoleh nilai terbaik menjadi partisipan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi dan juga interview yang dilakukan dua kali. Adapun teknik analisi yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi dan analysis tematik. h...
... dan jatuh temponya. Mudharabah berasal dari kata adhdharbu fil ardhi, yaitu bepergian untuk u... more ... dan jatuh temponya. Mudharabah berasal dari kata adhdharbu fil ardhi, yaitu bepergian untuk urusan dagang. Firman Allah dalam surat 73 ayat 20,“mereka bepergian di muka bumi mencari karunia Allah”. disebut juga qiradh ...
Haiku, the 5-7-5 syllables of Japanese poetry, has been known widely as a tool to express voice a... more Haiku, the 5-7-5 syllables of Japanese poetry, has been known widely as a tool to express voice and reflect on what happens to personal life experiences. Therefore, this study aimed to uses Haiku as a learning reflection on the Children's Literature Class. Two questions were addressed to examine (1) Students' perception of writing Haiku as a learning reflection and (2) challenges in writing Haiku as a learning reflection. Descriptive case A descriptive case study was used as the research methodology, while 49 students taking children's literature class participated. In data collection, this study used open-ended questionnaires given to all participants, while semi-structured interviews were delivered to 11 representative students. Students' Haiku also were used as additional data. In addition, the data were analyzed thematically, using the framework of Braun and Clark (2006) and students' Haiku were analyzed through document analysis. The findings show that students find that writing haiku as a learning reflection is fun and interesting. It also promotes their creativity in writing. However, since Haiku is fixed verse poetry, it does not cover students' ideas of expressing their experience of learning freely and effectively. Eventually, Haiku still supports creativity, not effectiveness.
Learning autonomy offers a lot contribution to students’ successful learning since it is the abil... more Learning autonomy offers a lot contribution to students’ successful learning since it is the ability of learners to take control of their learning goal and management. One of this characteristics influences how students set their learning management based on what they are interested in. This situation builds creative atmosphere since students set their goal, management, style, and preferences. In writing a story, students need creativity to make an interesting story. Therefore, this study distinguishes a student gaining the best story in children’s literature class. It is specifically aimed at investigating how autonomous the student is so that it came to her creativity in creating the story. The data are collected from documentation, student’s reflective journals, and also some interviews. The method of this study is narrative inquiry while thematic analysis is used for analyzing the data. The result shows that the student becomes autonomy by having these characteristics; (1) havi...
Vision: Journal for Language and Foreign Language Learning
The use of a blog as a platform for extensive reading becomes valuable since it provides the poss... more The use of a blog as a platform for extensive reading becomes valuable since it provides the possibility of readership and opportunity for interaction and collaboration. As the online journal facilitating users to display information in chronological order and connected to the Internet, the blog also can help students to get a wide variety of reading materials, which should be conducted in extensive reading activities. However, the use of a blog in this study is integrated with the process of learning in the classroom so that the students can use it for reporting their reading activities and share what they read beyond the classroom. This study is conducted during one semester in one of the universities in Indonesia using six students of the first grade joining an extensive reading course as the participants. In this research, a case study is used as a research method. It aims at analyzing the students' perception of the use of blogs in extensive reading. Findings show that the ...
Vision: Journal for Language and Foreign Language Learning, 2020
The use of a blog as a platform for extensive reading becomes valuable since it provides the poss... more The use of a blog as a platform for extensive reading becomes valuable since it provides the possibility of readership and opportunity for interaction and collaboration. As the online journal facilitating users to display information in chronological order and connected to the Internet, the blog also can help students to get a wide variety of reading materials, which should be conducted in extensive reading activities. However, the use of a blog in this study is integrated with the process of learning in the classroom so that the students can use it for reporting their reading activities and share what they read beyond the classroom. This study is conducted during one semester in one of the universities in Indonesia using six students of the first grade joining an extensive reading course as the participants. In this research, a case study is used as a research method. It aims at analyzing the students' perception of the use of blogs in extensive reading. Findings show that the blog is beneficial for promoting the students' reading interest, building autonomy and creativity, and providing a reflective platform. The blog consists of several features allowing students to get the numerous reading sources that are appropriate with their language level and interest. Therefore, it becomes useful since it can facilitate students to build their responsibility to select their reading material and to reflect the progress of their learning activities.
Papers by Fera Sulastri