Books by Zilka Spahic Siljak
Gender Equality Barometer of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2024
The research results presented in this report are the results of the analysis of data collected t... more The research results presented in this report are the results of the analysis of data collected through a survey conducted on a representative sample of 1800 women and men citizens of BiH, and through focus group discussions with women leaders (3 groups) and with women members of
vulnerable groups (7 focus groups) in several different locations across Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the analysis and interpretation of the results, we referred to the first Gender Equality Barometer (2002) as well as to other domestic and international research of gender equality.

Rodna ravnopravnost: pravo i politike, 2023
Kao jedna od ključnih prepreka za postizanje rodne ravnopravnosti u raznim međunarodnim i naciona... more Kao jedna od ključnih prepreka za postizanje rodne ravnopravnosti u raznim međunarodnim i nacionalnim izvješćima i dokumentima navode se rodni stereotipi. Da bi se ubrzalo postizanje rodne ravnopravnosti, potrebna je dakle dekonstrukcija rodnih stereotipa i kreiranje egalitarnih rodnih modela. Održavanju rodnih stereotipa pogoduje i sekularno-religijska dihotomija koja je u konačnici i sama orođena jer se religiju poistovjećuje s iracionalnošću, emocijama, privatnošću (stereotipne ženske osobine i područja djelovanja) a sekularno s racionalnošću, objektivnošću i javnošću (stereotipne muške osobine i područja djelovanja). U ovom se članku analizira kako se u formiranju i održavanju rodnih stereotipa isprepliću sekularni i religijski narativi te se predstavljaju mogućnosti koje za razvoj egalitarnih rodnih modela nude suvremena prirodno-znanstvena i teološka istraživanja iz kršćanske (prvenstveno katoličke) i islamske religije. U članku se obrađuje i pojam stereotipa, intersekcija rodnih i drugih stereotipa te posljedice stereotipa za konkretni život žena i muškaraca.
Ključne riječi: rodni stereotipi, dekonstrukcija, egalitarni rodni model, kršćanstvo, islam

Voices of Youth: Gender Equality and Social Cohesion in the Western Balkans, 2023
The participatory study adopted a mixed research method, combining desk research, quantitative, a... more The participatory study adopted a mixed research method, combining desk research, quantitative, and qualitative data collection. It gathered more than 1200 young people from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia, aged 18-30, who participated in two regional online consultations, one in-person regional consultation, one online survey, five local consultations and 15 individual in-depth interviews. The following key research findings emerged from the regional analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data collected. Social cohesion and gender equality are associated with core values of broader discourse regarding human rights, democracy, social justice, and solidarity. Youth participants do not perceive very high levels of social cohesion or gender equality in their communities. Negative legacies of the past are identified by youth participants as by far one of the main factors impeding gender equality specifically, and social cohesion more broadly. In particular, such negative legacies take the forms of isolation, fear, intergenerational distrust, as well as hegemonic militarised masculinities connected to the remnants of ‘us vs them’ mentalities. Furthermore, they are reflected in cultural and patriarchal norms that contribute to societal resistance to improvement and emancipation. The consequence is limited opportunities and stifled progress towards gender equality

Peace Pedagogies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2023
Teaching is a complex contextualized process that has to be responsive to the needs of each indiv... more Teaching is a complex contextualized process that has to be responsive to the needs of each individual and the community. It therefore should transcend mere dogmatic and prescriptive theoretical and pedagogical approaches. This paper discusses the development of peace pedagogy in Bosnian schools through strengthening intercultural competences, critical thinking and practicing caring relations. Primary and high school teachers who teach confessional religious education and other social science and humanity courses are trained for intercultural and multireligious competences to reach intercultural maturity which helps them transition from a monocultural to an ethnorelative model of thinking and behavior. In overcoming the secular-religious divide, balancing a dialectic relationship between teachers, students and the wider community is crucial. Only through collaborative efforts is it possible to cultivate an ethos of openness, tolerance, and solidarity towards different cultures and religions.
The Balkans Labyrinth. Culture, Gender and Leadership, 2021
Given that Both culture and gender are social constructs and that are subjects to change in all s... more Given that Both culture and gender are social constructs and that are subjects to change in all social processes, they play as significant role and are important variables in the intersection with leadership. This research has shown that gender and culture function in symbiosis and have parallel dynamics in relation to leadership
Koliko se poznajemo - How well do we know each other, 2020
U ovom radu analiziramo koliko studentice i studenti koji se deklariraju kao muslimanke
i muslima... more U ovom radu analiziramo koliko studentice i studenti koji se deklariraju kao muslimanke
i muslimani poznaju sebe i svoju religijsku tradiciju, koliko prakticiraju islam, ali i koliko
poznaju druge religijske tradicije u svom okruženju te kakve stavove imaju o svojim komšijama
katolicima, pravoslavnim, jevrejima i onima koji se izjašnjavaju kao ateisti i agnostici.
Svenka Savić: Između baletske i jezičke igre, 2020
Ovaj rad je kombinacija intervjua, ličnih refleksija i analize objavljenih
knjiga i tekstova prof... more Ovaj rad je kombinacija intervjua, ličnih refleksija i analize objavljenih
knjiga i tekstova profesorice emerite Svenke Savić na teme feminističke
teologije, ekumenskog i međureligijskog dijaloga. Cilj je prikazati
njen doprinos feminističkoj teologiji koju je inicirala i razvijala u
interdisciplinarnom pristupu sa drugim znanstvenim disciplinama i
njen doprinos razvoju ekumenizma i međureligijskog dijaloga iz rodne
"The question we have to ask today as believing Muslims is this: how is it that, in the 21st cent... more "The question we have to ask today as believing Muslims is this: how is it that, in the 21st century, Muslims would rather use a hadith that prefers boys over girls than the actual practice of the Prophet Muhammad? If the Prophet treated his children equally, and showed public affection for his daughter Fatima with the specific gesture of standing up to welcome her every time she came to visit, and if he constantly warned believers to take care of their daughters, how have Muslims ended up cultivating this naming tradition that sends a clear message to daughters that they are not as equally valued as sons?"

Healing and Peacebuilding After War. Transforming Trauma in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2020
Through reading Bosnia and Herzegovina women's narratives, I explore how the ethno-national victi... more Through reading Bosnia and Herzegovina women's narratives, I explore how the ethno-national victimhood discourse silenced many women and alienated them from survivors of other ethnic groups. Coupled with a neoliberal understanding and the expectations of victim/survivor identities, ethno-national victimhood discourse further alienates women from the sam e ethnic group, because many of them refuse the politicisation o1'their experience and the inscription of ethnic narratives on their bodies. One of 'the solutions for the imposed positioning and labeling might be to claim the right to self'-identification, as Rebecca Stringer (2014) and Alyson Cole (2006) suggest in their work, or to enable a "liberatory epistemology" with a woman's body as the locus of meaning and experience, as Tamy Spry (1995,27) proposes in her oral history work.
Obrazovanje je stub svakog društva, a kako je danas većina društava multietnička i medusobno su s... more Obrazovanje je stub svakog društva, a kako je danas većina društava multietnička i medusobno su snažnije povezana tehnološkim i ekonomskim napretkom, onda je interkulturalno obrazovanje najbolji način da se kultivira etos medusobnog razumljevanja i uvažavanja. Na koncu sloboda podrazumijeva izbor, uključujući i izbor vjerovanja ili nevjerovania 1vjerskog obrazovanja. Važan dio interkulturalnog obrazovanja je i religijsko obrazovanje, pa je stoga na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu i pokrenut prvi Magistarski prigram religijskih studija (MARS) 2006-2012 godine u saradnji sa Državnim univerzitetom Arizona i Oslo Univerzitetom. koje, ako se postavi na temelje univerzalizma,moLe doprinijeti pribliZavanju razliditih svj etonazora.
Reconciliation on Global Context, 2018
The paper explores the role of Muslim believers in peacebuilding and reconciliation and their str... more The paper explores the role of Muslim believers in peacebuilding and reconciliation and their struggle and their struggle to challenge the imposed ethnic and religious divisions in the postwar, secular Bosnian and Herzegovinian society.
Neizliječena trauma, 2016
Towards A Pedagogy of Religious Diversity, 2015
Gender Stereotypes: Sounds familiar, 2015
Kad se sretnu feminizam i religija, 2017
Rodni stereotipi: Zvuči poznato, 2015

This paper maps the closely intertwined trajectories of Islamic feminism and peacebuilding in Bos... more This paper maps the closely intertwined trajectories of Islamic feminism and peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It examines how the socio-political context of the region influenced the emergence of peacebuilding and Islamic feminism, and how secular human rights and feminist organizations provided a fertile ground for female Bosnian activists to practice feminist theology even before they were exposed to the theoretical underpinnings of Islamic feminism. Through examples of notable feminists and human rights activists in the region, as well as projects committed to raising awareness about topics such as gender-equality, peace, and reconciliation, the paper explores the enduring relationship between Islamic feminism and peacebuilding. The language of religion and feminism has proven to be a useful tool for promoting peacebuilding and dialogue within the community, while at the same time secular human rights organizations continue to provide the only space for engagement with Islamic feminism in a patriarchal society.
Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been working to build peace for the last two decades. The mo... more Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been working to build peace for the last two decades. The most active base for women's activism has been secular women's and human rights NGOs. Some NGOs like TPO Foundation have launched specific projects to help women and men to understand and reconcile the secular and religious differing perspectives on human rights.
Books by Zilka Spahic Siljak
vulnerable groups (7 focus groups) in several different locations across Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the analysis and interpretation of the results, we referred to the first Gender Equality Barometer (2002) as well as to other domestic and international research of gender equality.
Ključne riječi: rodni stereotipi, dekonstrukcija, egalitarni rodni model, kršćanstvo, islam
i muslimani poznaju sebe i svoju religijsku tradiciju, koliko prakticiraju islam, ali i koliko
poznaju druge religijske tradicije u svom okruženju te kakve stavove imaju o svojim komšijama
katolicima, pravoslavnim, jevrejima i onima koji se izjašnjavaju kao ateisti i agnostici.
knjiga i tekstova profesorice emerite Svenke Savić na teme feminističke
teologije, ekumenskog i međureligijskog dijaloga. Cilj je prikazati
njen doprinos feminističkoj teologiji koju je inicirala i razvijala u
interdisciplinarnom pristupu sa drugim znanstvenim disciplinama i
njen doprinos razvoju ekumenizma i međureligijskog dijaloga iz rodne
vulnerable groups (7 focus groups) in several different locations across Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the analysis and interpretation of the results, we referred to the first Gender Equality Barometer (2002) as well as to other domestic and international research of gender equality.
Ključne riječi: rodni stereotipi, dekonstrukcija, egalitarni rodni model, kršćanstvo, islam
i muslimani poznaju sebe i svoju religijsku tradiciju, koliko prakticiraju islam, ali i koliko
poznaju druge religijske tradicije u svom okruženju te kakve stavove imaju o svojim komšijama
katolicima, pravoslavnim, jevrejima i onima koji se izjašnjavaju kao ateisti i agnostici.
knjiga i tekstova profesorice emerite Svenke Savić na teme feminističke
teologije, ekumenskog i međureligijskog dijaloga. Cilj je prikazati
njen doprinos feminističkoj teologiji koju je inicirala i razvijala u
interdisciplinarnom pristupu sa drugim znanstvenim disciplinama i
njen doprinos razvoju ekumenizma i međureligijskog dijaloga iz rodne
ovog rada je da desničarski populistički diskursi koriste orodnjenje strategije preko kojih
homogeniziraju svoje građane u odnosu na Druge i na taj način vješto potkopovaju
rodnu ravnopravnost i slobodu žena da raspolažu svojim tijelima, reproduktivnim i
drugih resursima. Desničarski populisti koriste sekularne a ne religijske argumente u
svojim orodnjenim strategijama pažljivo kodirajući ksenofobne i mizogine poruke koje
upućuju svojim glasačima. U ovom radu analiziram dvije orodnjene strategije desničarkih
populista koje u medijima i javnom prostoru izazivaju najviše pažnje: otkrivanje tijela
muslimanke sa hidžabom u Evropi i abortus u Američkom kontekstu.