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Tulisan ini memberikan deskripsi sederhana terhadap operasi morfologis yang digunakan dalam pembentukan kata Bahasa Bima. Data yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini diperoleh dari khasanah kebahasaan penulis sendiri yang lahir dan besar di... more
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    • Linguistics
Tulisan ini memberikan deskripsi sederhana terhadap operasi morfologis yang digunakan dalam pembentukan kata Bahasa Bima. Data yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini diperoleh dari khasanah kebahasaan penulis sendiri yang lahir dan besar di... more
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    • Linguistics
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    • Social and Cultural Anthropology
The potential of television has always seemed enormous, particularly when combined with the choice and control offered by vide recordings. No teacher or clasroom can offer the range of situation and setting the knowledge of and insights... more
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    • Teaching English as a Second Language
The Newest International system is an alternative method for English Teaching. It consists of some stages which are composed for the purpose of communication based on the stages of language acquisation form the easiest to the most... more
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    • Teaching of Foreign Languages
Makalah ini memerikan beberapa data yang menunjukkan ketidakbiasaan penggunaan ba dalam Bahasa Bima, yang selama ini dianggap sebagai pemarkah agen pada konstruksi kalimat pasif. Berdasarkan kajian awal yang dilakukan terhadap tiga wacana... more
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    • Linguitics
The Bimanese particle kai occurs both as an instrumental preposition preceding a noun phrase and within the verb complex, where it performs a variety of syntactic functions that fall into two main groups: valency-increasing and... more
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      Language TypologyLanguage Forensic Linguistics
Learning English to EFL learners must always be challenging since it requires not only the willingness for learning, but also students' awareness of the phonological differences between the students' mother tongue on one hand and English... more
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    • Teaching English as a Second Language
This article aims at describing the syntactic properties and distributions of Personal Pronouns in the Bima Language, a language spoken by approximately 9000 people who inhabit the eastern part of Sumbawa Island. This number of speakers... more
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    • Morphology and Syntax
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Taman Narmada merupakan salah satu obyek wisata sejarah dan budaya di Kabupaten Lombok Barat yang sering dikunjungi oleh wisatawan mancanegara. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sumber daya yang mendukung, seperti para pengelola yang terampil,... more
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Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendampigan pengucapan Bahasa Inggris dengan memperhatikan kendala bunyi Bahasa Daerah sebagai dasar dalam merencanakan pola pendampingan dan sintagmatik materi. Kegiatan diawali dengan... more
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This article aim s at describing the syntactic properties and distributions of Personal Pronouns in Sambori Language, a language spoken by the people who occup y Sambori Village and other s nearby villages in Lambitu, a montainous... more
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      PsychologyLanguages and Linguistics
This article aims at describing two important aspects of the Sambaori Language, namely Syntax and Morphology. It tries to identify the basic sentence of the language and describes the marking system pertaining to it. The data of this... more
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This article aims at describing the syntactic properties and distributions of Personal Pronouns in the Bima Language, a language spoken by approximately 9000 people who inhabit the eastern part of Sumbawa Island. This number of speakers... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsMorphology and Syntax
Learning English to EFL learners must always be challenging since it requires not only the willingness for learning, but also students' awareness of the phonological differences between the students' mother tongue on one hand and English... more
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      HistoryTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionAtlantis
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This article aims at describing the syntactic properties and distributions of Personal Pronouns in Sambori Language, a language spoken by the people who occupy Sambori Village and others nearby villages in Lambitu, a montainous district... more
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      PsychologyLanguages and LinguisticsLinguisticsPersonal pronoun use
This present study aims to identify, describe, and analyze the students’ gender and scores in answering inference-type questions of the TOEFL-like listening comprehension tests. It sought to find answers to two research questions: (1)... more
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      PsychologyInferenceComprehensionActive Listening