Selene Petrone
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Books by Selene Petrone
adjustment of different age estimation methodologies based on
the length of long bones in the age range considered in this work,
since their results are fundamental in the interpretation of the
dynamics of ancient populations and in the resolution of forensic
from the site Tres Cruces I (Salta, 400-900DC; n=11, with an agricultural-pastoral economy) and another one from the inferior valley of the Chubut river (Chubut, late Holocene, n=10, with a hunting-gathering economy) (M4). The lesions were classified as 0 (absent), 1 (minimum), 2 (moderate) and 3 (florid). Associations between this pathology and sex/age of the individuals, as well as tooth wear and antemortem tooth loss were sought. No significant differences in samples M1 (5%) and M2 (8%) were found, and absent of eburnation and ankyloses was highlighted. In sample M1 two of the individuals with OA were edentulous while in sample M2, this proportion was higher. No individuals with OA were found in M3, meanwhile in the M4 sample the individuals with OA presented significant dental wear. The individuals that did not suffer OA presented a varied pattern of tooth wear. The
low prevalence found might be explained by the late osseous affection due to the presence of a meniscus placed between both joint surfaces.
Papers by Selene Petrone
This work presents information on the life history and death of a child recovered in a burial context in Quebrada del Toro (Salta), chronologically assignable to the Late Formative Period. Cultural variables such as the type of burial structure, spatial arrangement and burial goods are analyzed. Bioanthropological analysis of skeletal and dental remains is carried out in order to reconstruct the individual biological profile, assess growth and general state of health, and record and interpret pathological conditions. Modifications of the body during life and post-mortem treatment are also analyzed. Individual B died around 13 postnatal months and defects in the mineralization of the enamel, porous lesions and new bone formation observed in the skull and postcranium. These injuries are interpreted as a product of metabolic diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies, particularly scurvy. These results are discussed considering information available for the site and temporal period of the burial.
Este artículo tiene como propósito describirlas líneas de investigación desarrolladas en la Colección Lambre desde su conformación y los principales resultados alcanzados.Para esto, se describen las tareas realizadas en relación conla caracterización biológica de individuos subadultos a partir de su esqueleto, se detallan los análisis histológicos en hueso y diente,principalmente enfocados en los métodos deestimación de edad de muerte, se comentan los estudios realizados enantropología dental, y finalmente, sedescribe el análisis osteopatológico. Se destacan tres aportes específicoshacia la bioantropología. En primer lugar, el aporte académico en la generación de conocimiento acerca dela variación histomorfológica del esqueleto durante la ontogenia. En segundo lugar, la formación de recursos humanos; el trabajo en la colección permitió la consolidación de un equipo interdisciplinario que se constituyó como formador de formadores en la investigación científica, docencia y extensión. Por último, y principalmente durante los últimos años, el incremento de transferencia de los resultados haciaorganismos gubernamentales y no gubernamentales.
adjustment of different age estimation methodologies based on
the length of long bones in the age range considered in this work,
since their results are fundamental in the interpretation of the
dynamics of ancient populations and in the resolution of forensic
from the site Tres Cruces I (Salta, 400-900DC; n=11, with an agricultural-pastoral economy) and another one from the inferior valley of the Chubut river (Chubut, late Holocene, n=10, with a hunting-gathering economy) (M4). The lesions were classified as 0 (absent), 1 (minimum), 2 (moderate) and 3 (florid). Associations between this pathology and sex/age of the individuals, as well as tooth wear and antemortem tooth loss were sought. No significant differences in samples M1 (5%) and M2 (8%) were found, and absent of eburnation and ankyloses was highlighted. In sample M1 two of the individuals with OA were edentulous while in sample M2, this proportion was higher. No individuals with OA were found in M3, meanwhile in the M4 sample the individuals with OA presented significant dental wear. The individuals that did not suffer OA presented a varied pattern of tooth wear. The
low prevalence found might be explained by the late osseous affection due to the presence of a meniscus placed between both joint surfaces.
This work presents information on the life history and death of a child recovered in a burial context in Quebrada del Toro (Salta), chronologically assignable to the Late Formative Period. Cultural variables such as the type of burial structure, spatial arrangement and burial goods are analyzed. Bioanthropological analysis of skeletal and dental remains is carried out in order to reconstruct the individual biological profile, assess growth and general state of health, and record and interpret pathological conditions. Modifications of the body during life and post-mortem treatment are also analyzed. Individual B died around 13 postnatal months and defects in the mineralization of the enamel, porous lesions and new bone formation observed in the skull and postcranium. These injuries are interpreted as a product of metabolic diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies, particularly scurvy. These results are discussed considering information available for the site and temporal period of the burial.
Este artículo tiene como propósito describirlas líneas de investigación desarrolladas en la Colección Lambre desde su conformación y los principales resultados alcanzados.Para esto, se describen las tareas realizadas en relación conla caracterización biológica de individuos subadultos a partir de su esqueleto, se detallan los análisis histológicos en hueso y diente,principalmente enfocados en los métodos deestimación de edad de muerte, se comentan los estudios realizados enantropología dental, y finalmente, sedescribe el análisis osteopatológico. Se destacan tres aportes específicoshacia la bioantropología. En primer lugar, el aporte académico en la generación de conocimiento acerca dela variación histomorfológica del esqueleto durante la ontogenia. En segundo lugar, la formación de recursos humanos; el trabajo en la colección permitió la consolidación de un equipo interdisciplinario que se constituyó como formador de formadores en la investigación científica, docencia y extensión. Por último, y principalmente durante los últimos años, el incremento de transferencia de los resultados haciaorganismos gubernamentales y no gubernamentales.